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Septemb r .3 , 1969 Mr. Cobb T . Ed ards. Pr ident Georgi Art Supply Comp y, Inc. -280 G rn tt Street, S. W •. Atlanta .. G orgi 30303 Dear r ~ Edward : Tha you very much for your letter of September z. cone mi · the fire at Georgi Art Supi,ly Company. rry for the d ge cau ed your company, how ver. 1 m ple ed that our City Fire Department e helpful in prev nting further damage. I am certainly ery I am sendir,.g your letter to Chi l P. 0. Willi ms, so th_ th may kno of p cial cooperation by the tbr e fireme you m .ritlo d. Sine rely your•, Iv.an All n. Jr .. Mayor IAJr:lr CC: . f P. 0. illlam �