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L ,, September 26, 1969 Mr. William H. Hame r Brothe1·s Combined Social Club 425 Chapple Road, NW Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Hamer: I have received and reviewed your l etter of September 25, concerning matters which will be considered at the meeting of the Boa1·d of Fire Master s on Monda y, September 2.9. Because of a previous commitment of long standing, I will be unable to per sonal!}' attend this meeting~ 1 am, however, sending as my representative. George Berry, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer. I have a lso nsked Mr-. Nat Welch, Executive Director of the Community R lations Commission, to be in attendance at this meeting. Sincerely yours, Ivan .Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:sm cc: M embers Bd. Fire Masters P. O. Williams v-Ge orge B err y Nat W elch �