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RUL E S F I R E P R O MO T I O N B O A R D CITY Revised l1arch 1967 OF ATLANTA �11. An examination for Fire Captain will be held annually and the register established will be valid for one year. 12. Examinations for all other classes of positions will be held when the Board deems a list necessary~ and the registers established will be valid for one year. The life of such registers may be extended for an additional year if the Board deems it practical and expedient to do so. 13. Satisfactory completion of a performance test of driving skill under the supervision of the Fire Training Chief is a prerequisite to applying for promotion to Fire Rescue Lieutenant. 14. When a man on an eligible registe r for a higher position thau his present class declines an assignment which would allow him to act as an alternate for the higher position ~ his name will be moved down on the eligible list below the name of the man who accepts the assignment. 15. If a qualified eligible is serving in a permanent vacancy in a temporary capacity at the time of a new examination, he will not be required to take any further examination. 16. The Fire Alarm Superintendent will qualify men for the position of Fire Dispatcher and will furnish the Fire Promotion Board a list of qualifie d applicants and their grades. 17. Non-fi refi ghtin g pe rsonnel desiring to return to fir e fi ght i n g must serve one year as full-pay Firemen before being eli gible to comp e t e in promotiona l e xami nations. Membe rs of the Training Division are conside r e d to be firefighting personne l. 18. Upon re turn to the Fire Dep a rtment, r ee~ployed Firemen , including thos e who were forme rly on the eli gible r e gister for Fire Lieut enant or oth e r pr omotiona l r e gisters , must serve one year as full - pay fire men before be ing eligible to compe t e in promotional e xar:1inations. 19. Seniority will be r e co gnized by the addition to the final at t aine d pass ing grade of one-h a lf ( ½) po in t fo r c~ch year of s e rvice in the Fi r e Department beyond the fi r st five (5) years to a maximum of five (5) points in a~y cas e. For promotion to th e r ank of Cap tai n and h i gher.., s enior i t y will b z r e co gniz e d by giving one-h a lf (!2) point fo r each year of s e rvice on next lower r ank only , to a max i mum of f i ve (5) point s. 20. I n t he event of a t i e in fi nn l grades a f ter ad0ition o f s eni ority po ints , the man with t he hi ghe s t s en i ority wi l l be placed highes t on the eligib le regis te r . I f s enio rity po int s are the s ame, t he man with the hi ghes t written grade will be placed highe s t on the eligible regis ter. 21. Fire Department personnel s erving in the armed forces will accru2 seniority as though serving in the Fire Department. 22. Fire Department personnel on military leeve may be given the promotional examination for which they are eligible and will be notified of the opening and closing dates of application for all examinations for classes to which they may apply. �23. Linemen , machinists , fire equipment mechan1.cs, and fire carpenters may be qualifiGd by th~ Pe rsonnel Department from open comp etitive registers, Fire Department personnGl who qualify may be ce rtified ahe ad of others on the list if desired . Fire Department personne l may be qualified by the Personne l Department from promotional examina tions from within the Fire Department. 24. A schedule of eligibility for promotion and who may apply for the various classes is shown in Table I. 25. Examinations will be conducted according to the schedule of weights and phas es liste d in Table II. �T A BL E I SCHEDULE OF ELIGIBILITY FOR PROMOTION FOR PROMOTION TO ; WHO MAY APPLY: Fire AppBratus Operator Firemen who have completed two years of service. Fire Rescue Lieutenant All fire fighting personnel who have completed five years of service in the Fire Department. Fire Dispa tcher All fire fighting personnel who have completed five years of service in the Department and have had one yenr of service in the Signal Division of the Fire Department. Fire Lieutenant All fire fighting personnel who have co1;1pleted five years of service in the Department. Fire Captain Fire Lieutenants with a t least 3 years' service as Lieutenant. Fire Drill Instructor, Chief All Fire Captains Fire Battalion Chief Fire Captains with at least 3 years ' service as Captain. First Deputy & Deputy Fire Chief All Fire Battalion Chiefs Fire Investigator I All fire fighting personnel and fire dispatchers who h ave completed five years of service in the Fire Department. Fire Investigator II Fire Investigators with one year of service as an Investigator. Assistant Fire Marshal Fire Investigators with 3 years' service as Investigator. Fire Marshal Assistant Fire Marshals aud Fire Investigators with 3 years' service. �