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March 6 1 1969 Mr . Edwin L . Stel"ne, Chairnian Atlanta Housing Authority (:>39 Trust Company of Geo:rg,ia Building Atlanta, Geot'gia 30303 Dear Eddie : Thirty-one years ago the Atlanta H ousing Author.tty was established to provide fol' dece:-nt shelt r for the less fortunat . citizens of Atlanta. Under the Authority leader hip, the very first low-rent public housing project in America was built ,.. Techwood Homes . Since that tjrne , AHA has built nd op rated som l0j 550 wiits Gf public houslng and has almost 1, 587 unit u:nd ~ construction for occupancy v ry soon. At the me tune, AHA has boen the dministrative arm for the City of Atlanta lU*b - n l'edevelopment progr :m. Lik the public housing program, th u-:ban :r;'enewal program has long been recognized as one of the most outstanding in th Unit d S t . tes . No one can d ny thi factl The Atlanta Housing Autho rity has b · en a moving force behind th growth and dev lopm.ent of this city. Ov r the years inc the lnc ption of AHA, w have en taggering changes in th~ economic , sod 1 and political f o of Atlant . . AHA .. lik many other succe sful fore s in the city. h be n an agent £or much of this ch ng . It ha , in fac:tp und rgon much ch · ng in itself. Any oi-g nizatlon which xi ts !or ny 1 ngth of ti.m build up poli.cies and proc dure whlc:h mu t und rgo con t nt r view nd l" vision th nvironment in which it op r t undergo " revision and volution. �I Mr . Sterne Page Two March 6 , 1969 The demands of the Tenants United for Fairness (TUFF) is a manifestation of one of the most profound changes in our society of the last decade . The rising expectations of the poor nd forgotten for a bigger voice in the things which affed theht lives have united many individuals in hopes that the many voices joined togeth<u· will be heard . The voices of these peopl heard . might not always be right, but they must be lt is my thought that the best inter sts of all the city could be served by a gen ral public rE)view of AHA policies and procedures and ,:evision of uch policies and procedur s where this might be necessary to prot ct and satisfy the city as a whol .

right or wrong in any way ~o far as

charg s of TUFF a.l'e concerned. But I do feel that AHA. through its own initiation, might do v ryon a great good by calling for a g n ral review I do not intend to imply that AHA i of its op rations. This might be don · by setting up a blu ribbon committ e of AHA commi ion , rs,. tenant r pre entativ s and le dete fr,om the Charnbeiof Com.rn :re , Chri tian Council, League of Women Vot rs , tc. Prof slonal consult nth lp might lso be b:rought in to as let such a comrnitt e. I r aliz uch a t p could b · painful exp rience. At th it might be the le painfal route in th long :vun. I will appr ciate you:r comm .nt nd thought • Siner f ly youre. 'l v n All n. Jr. M yot lAJ,::fy me time, �