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I M rch 6, 1969 Mr . Edwin L . Sterne, Chairman Atlanta Housing Authority 639 Trwit Company of Georgia Building Atlanta., Oeozgla 30303 D r Eddi ; Thirty-on y ar ago th Atlanta Hou in.g Authority was e t bli bed to provide for d c nt shelt r for tru 1 s tortunat citizens oi Atl ta .. Under th Autho»ity le dership_, th v ry iir t low• :re-.nt public ouaing project in A ic built - Techwood Horne • Sinc e that tun , AHA ha built and Ot> ra d ome 10, SSO wtit of public hou ing and ha _lrnost 1. S87 l:mits undet' ·construction for occupancy very soon. At the • me tirn , AHA has b n th dmini-str tiv a.rm for th City of Atlanta u.rh n edev lopment program. Like the public ho ing progr , the u.rban l'en al progtam ha lOI1g been r cogniz d a one of th moat outs dtng in the Unit d S te•. No one can de.ny tbi .fact I Th Atl nt Hou ing Authority ha b growth and dev lopm.ent of this city. n moving force behind th lnc th inc ption of AHA1 h conom.ic:, oci 1 nd politic: f ,c like m ny oth r aucc ful force - in th city, ha n n much of this chang . It h • ln f ct, und rgon mu.ch ch n ehang Any org nl Uon hich slats .f or y l ngtb of time build up polic d proc du,r hlch mu t und rgo con t ii. vle nd r vision the nvironm t in ch it operat und rg I' vi ion d volution. \

�Mr . Sterne Pag Two March 6, 1969 The d mands oi the T nants United !or Fairness (TUFF) is a manif station of on of the J?Ost p:rofound change in our od ty of the la t decad • The rising xpeetations ot the poor and forgott n for a bigger voic;e in the things which affect th liv shave united ma.n y individuals in hopes that th many voices join d to.gethe~ will be heard . The voices of these p ople might not always be right, but they must be beard. lt is my theught that the best intere ts of all the city could be rv d by a general public review of AHA policie and procedures and revlelon Qf uc:h policies and procedure wh re thi might be necessary to proted and s tisfy the oity as a whole. I do not intend to imply that AHA is ;right or wrong ui any way eo far a eharg s of TUFF al' concerned. Bu.t 1 do f l that AHA,, th.J'ough its own initl tion, might do evei-yone a gr at good by calling tor a. g n ral r vie of its operation • This might b don by ettlng up a blue Ylbbon co1nmitte of AHA commission r _~ t 'llant r pr entativ s and le der from the Ch mber of Comm re , Cht'istian Council, League of Women Voter .., tc ,. Profe ional con wtant h lp might 1 ob brought in to iat uch committee. uch a 5tep could b p _inful x ri nc • it might b th l painful ro\lte in ton run. I realiz I will ppr ciat - your comment and thought • Slne~t-ely y.o ur , lvan Allen. Jr. M yor lAJr:fy t the s e time , �