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m muu 11111m m u m 22 , 1111 I Hampton Resigu Fro11 UNCF, Voorhees Beco11es New Me11ber NEW YORK - One o/. the memben cl. the Un11J:d 1',;ogro College Find &Ill I member of the Fund for 25 yurs, Hampc:on lnltl.- cb&ner nae, 11 resigning Its mem• ber11h1p, It .. , 1nnounced jointly today by Or. Jerome H. Hollaa:I, Preatdent d. Hampain and OJ-. St.ephen J, Wright, Pren:lent of the United Negro College Flllld. At the 11me time, Or. Wright announced the electdo n ol. Voorhees College, Denmark, South Carollna,to the Finl. In submitting HamptOl'l's rettgnadon, Dr, Holland Ilk! that Hampton bu enjoyed ltl long time membership In the Fund." '"Wldle - regret: Hamplelvlnl," Dr. Wriglc Nld, "we rNllZe thl.tHamptoo ll a strong lntdtudonand bu 'come d ap' In !ta fund• ralalq. We are allop-OU;.1 to wekgme Voorhees Into roembersbfp, tor1'1 Diz Comes To La Carousel For One- Week Engagement Pa1chal'1 LA CUouael prou:llyannounces theopen• Ing of "Dtzzy"GWesple on Friday, Felruary 21 for a one week enppment. ~CF announced Justth1s week thet It recelYed the record tum of $6,W,nJ durlDI tbt 1968 campaign, reponed by c:unpalgnchalrman 111d trMaurer George Ctw.m• pion 1t"tbellrgest11111J1l 1DcrN1e In the Func:1'1 25- year attheageofflfteen Olzr,·wu 1wtnled1.-:bolarshJp totheLaurlnburJlutl· ture In r-;onhcarollnundt.-gan I sndy of harmony and theory there. The sol.hi of I trumpet b11 echoed1cr011tbeva11tocean, 1nd1lertedmllllclow,nlbe world over that Dizzy Gil• le!lpte, the 'Ktng:of Jazz'1J1s tourlng:tbeworidono.1pln. ••Thllt1meon11J)tnnmg platterofwax. _.....,.,_ YH C11't 11\ -~~.!!LE!~ T1,1y's 1,,s Wit~ Y11t11,1y'J Skills. TCB Soars To Top TC&- Tbe crlgtnal sourdcnct from Moto1m's h11color relevlalon JrOducdon IWTtng Diani Roa aad Tbe SUpnmes ll'ilh Thi Tempcattou ts TIO'W the 111tton'1 oumber'"Olle leWng album. Tba W,U.. loua pop mule lllun IOlred 10 the topofthecndeclartswtddn1lxweetalft.ertt1nlea•. Stg:nlfkantly, the TCB (faking Care of BulineH) album knocked tbe Beatles out of lbe number-one l1ot. MotoWn now domlnltel the LP charts with 14 top selling albums ol wblcb Diana Roas and The ~-~TbeTempu.tlon1143.215.248.55e~--

Dr. Bond 11 Leclare Series Rep. Dean Challenges South Carolina NAACP Mun Bond. noted Neg:roeduCltor and DlreclOl"of EdUCI tlonll and Social Re11e1rchat the t:nlvenlty 1h11 week Ofl Notable among recem speeches by 761h Dlltrtct Stice Reprelelltl,d Ye Jame, E, ONn of Atlsnta .,.1 bis addre• to the Stwellt NMCP Chapter ol CJafUn Col1ege In On.oiteburL oa Adlnt1Un1-,enttyopened1 lecture llel'les by Dr. Honce "'Black FAueatt011." The first lecture w11 on '"The Elememary and Secon• dary EducadonofBlackFolkl to the EndofWorldWarD" an:IW11bekllnDeanSapAudltorlum. H 7:30p.m. Tue~ day. Dr. Bcnd'1 leCODi lec111re tn tl9 ter1es "'11lbeon Msrcb 14 on "Hlgblr EdUCldoa of Black Foll: IP tbe Untlltd St1.te1.' to be foll.ofld cm. 0 Agroupofowr300penons prely I political one. "Pol• ltlcl lacartng ...I ..~ Politics 11 actloa lnlliMd of Idle callt, P0Utlc1 1' dia aaly meentna.ful type of 8laclt Power" , be aid. Mr. Oeu 1118d die current experieDCel oldie 'blackcoalldoa' lntberre-0eor- crndlld the college&1,1:lltorlum to • r die~ 10cW. worter tunled poUddan fomtfully urp yoma black Amer1clnl to ..cballenp: tbe 1Y9m and bemd lt lOdlllff'Y brNtSDg point" CD mate It produce ' 'IWllmanfor• dlla ll: ... fcrwldaL" TIii jal>Gfdllqlncdll_,... gillqlllature11ana:ampll ol bowpolidcecuilZ'(ldlace for black ~ - ..w, are moving (bin In Adela) IIO ~ tile pa,Udca1 dlltl1ctl of our l!lilCl'OpCIIII INI IO u to plKe ....... cue clly u:I COlally . . . , . . -~llldll.,fll blld: paaple," Ill dldlnd. s.c.. Felrulry 10. . , ...... . . -:=:==== ~======:: :~==;;;; .,prtt23wldl '-r1ne Coun: Oeclelolll: Pleayw.F~ ~ fflO'IIII wderny to Cl"eltll dlatrk:1 People, Clubs

~a!~"'::a~r:~JM:\~1:~11~-~- H. L. R~mOC1,

UI : 1 . ~.Loclcett Is ~n:lent and Mrs. M.A . Ltnaey Girls Club staff leaders and volimteers repre.entlng clubl In Atlsnta, Columbul, Galnesvllle an:I Rome, Ga., and Pllenlx Clly, Ala., will i-,rtlclplte tn a state-wide workshl.p to be held Febn.ary 26 In Atlanta I t tbt Atlanta Glrll' Cub's Welt End Branch. Mias Lillian "Stormy'" Heael. Solabern Region field llnke director of Girls Clubs of America, II In charge of ti. workshop. ;I.lore ttan 40 staff membera an:[ vohllwrs are expected to attend. Mn. J, Robert Eubenkl of A.tlantll. nadonal pren:lent ol CCII., and Mrs, Carol J. Bogp. executhe director ot the Atlanta Girls' Club will welcome the delepte1. At.a jW'eNnt wtlJ be Mra. F, L, P~ott.e of Atlalltl, ct.Iman of lhe 111tloml annual conference ol Gtrll Clubl of Amert~ ca to be held here April 13-16, The workshop will begin wltb a coffee hour 11 9:30 Ind wUI conc:IWe It I p.m. ,.m. APPLY 111n mm 11111111 111.-SAT. 1:11 -C:II --· Wldla pla)'Ulcards and other pme1of tn1area,ths IDlll1Djoo/ed1dellcloulbuffet menu of ber+-que chicken and rlbl, chtttetlqs, pig ears, coll slaw, icebaKlemon pie, 1uorted beverage, 1ndhor1d'oeuvre1. Preeeatfortheocca1loaln addition to tboae prevtouty mentioned were Ed"'rd F. Bowman. Marlon A. Black, Arthur L. Drayne, Cbarle1 Ft•••• •••, l11t1i SenlorSecretery - Sode.I PlaMlng Ap,ncy. EXJ)erlsnc- ed, aborthlnd , dOlnllOWI\, Salary $453.00 per month. Equal Clpponun1ty Employer 171-2211 lOpolnledtotbaewntl.ad• Ing to the formation ot bis OlfflllngleleS111lltlV1dilcr1c:t 11 aneumpleolhowsroup, olblacl:clrlzeucsnbe"gerrymandered together for mulmum political eftecthe- neu." E. Harri.on. WWleJ.Jonian, HlntonMardn,Jr.,ErneetM. Plarr. TUrner S, Sthley. Clarle1 E. Tltum, Marshall W, Turner, RtchudT. V.ldte, L'\n°IJ.• 11-- DE~T AL PLATES REPAI RED & DUPL1CU"ED o.,·£ HOV«f£1f.flCI Hip O,,ali13 at Low Prt(ln ..... .,,,_.'"-'.,"'-. ,...," ""' 11,-. ·.1.\1.,.,P.M. Nl,..,,,,9.\.t.t,. I P.M. . Both teams Zed 18 games. CWllnColleplddre••al- , . Cldl--Ullllefeac.:!wldla Pnalcllll'111ria-.mklpt DuriD( h1a Aflllr returning to Adantll oa F ebnary 11, Mr. Dean IDtr<Xlu::ed what could become the flr1tp!.ece ofctvllrtghu legillationenactedlDCeorgia IP recent years. ThebWiro-vtdes tlw.t no &1ate, eotmly, or ffl1B1lc1pllllwenforcement of'fklr si.U be prob1blted from arre1dng anyone due to tbe race.color, orudoDIJ orlglnofeltbertbeof'floeror tbepersOC1tobearrelted. comtaued from pege 4 Harolcl E, Pruklla. aml ,.......,,. .,.....,.. Wltll and DeKalb ComtypY- J,S,Staffordiothehosteu. Members Ind rue•• enjoying the everuni tnchded Mrs. R. E. Henley, Mrs. T. G. Glffn,Mra. :,,;, E, Wilborn, Mn. M. J. Jackaon, Rev. and Mr1. L. B. Brown, Mrs. U. L. O.ve1"41(1rt. Rev. and !I.In, H. M. Smith. Mn. c. L. Dlua;htery. Rev. and Mrs. W, F. YOlKlg, Rev. IDd Mrs. C. A. Wattm. Mr s. A. G, Davt1, Mrs. T. R, Pollock, Rev. and Mr,. F, o. Taylor, Rev. and Mrs. L.M. Terrtll. Rev. and Mn. \'. Glover, Mn. R, B, Nalls, Mr1. s.w. Rocker. and Rev. and Mn. M.A. Linsey. AIIO Mn. B. Gregory. Mrs. AMle M. JacUOl'I. Mrs. J. M, Terrell, Mrs. J. H. Lockett, Rev. and Mr,. w•• w. Weatberspool, Mrs. G. P, McKinney, Mrs. L .R. Srewart, Mrs. J. J. Norwood, Rev. and Mr1. WW1am P. King, Mra. L P. Ward, Rev. 1r,j Mn. W, R. McCAii, Rn. and Mra. J. C. Strictland, Rev. and Mr1. A, w. Wlll1am•, Rev, and Mn. E. J. Humphrey, ;l.1ra. J, S. Stafford, Rev. am Mn. V. McKinney, Mra. W, H, CoverlOll, Mrs. R, Marloo. Mr 1. J. Merritt. Mn. Clay. Mla1 Joy Arnold, Mn. Corine Ecboll. Mn. Ruth Cromus, MIii Olett1c:h Rocker Mrs. LINEMEN AND CABLE HELPER - jamlloa'• boy9 bubd:all 1111!D wmt dnup 18 pme1 TOdn& fcrcenalPAt- tlon po,ttiou. -- -- Stag Party ernment andbolrdotallacl- CclndnuldframPt.p4 OUTHERN BELL Tba plan's prtmaryci.np-1 providt tbltno lttdent lttendtcbooloutsldeblsat- ~ + Hadley and Herbert Laborers Needed MANPOWER INC. i:12:55, 29 December 2017 (EST)-~~·.::.=: 1411111-St.,U. llOOD rurs fOI I.Alli;/$, AND IEAU11CIANS, PREGNANCY 1ES1S, PH-MAllrAl rurs Medical Laboratory Associates 251 HIIH HE ., I.I. SIITl 414 , Ht FELlllS lltl. II. 1-4311 Inn : 11 :11 I .I .• 1:11 , .• . Cl111I ld11d1J 523-8691 WAOK 1380 ONLY FORD DEALER IN GEORGIA THAT SELLS MORE FORDS FOR LESS l:lt'Tt!IB !f(Q)MD 3310 PEACHTR£E RO NE PHONE 261 8100 �