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HOUSING CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM INTERIM PROPOSAL, 1969 COMPILED BY STAFFS OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT �In assessing the status of the Housing Code Comp I iance Program, the Planning Department and the Building Department have explored various proposals for revision of the nearly completed program. In consultation with the Building Department, the Planning Department has prepared a new program using the Community Improvement Program data as a basis. Both departments, however, believe the new program . can and shou Id be improved through a new field update of housing conditions. In order to achieve maximum effectiveness from _the new program, which will probably cover a period of five years, this new information must be gathered. It is recommended that an interim systematic plan be put into effect while the necessary new information is being gathered. The following is a proposal for activities of the Housing Code Compliance Program personne I for the year I969: Under the original Housing Code Compliance Program, the Housing Code Division has inspected a majority of the substandard dwel I ing units with in the highest priority areas of the city as determined by the original program. However, because of conditions beyond control of the Housing Code Inspectors (i.e., insufficient financial obi Iities, shortage of contractors, legal tieups), there remain a large number of units where full comp Iiance has been impossible to gain or slow in coming. Since the program for original inspections is running ahead of schedule, it is suggested that extensive time and manpow e r be devoted to these remaining cases in order to gain more last ing compliances prior to initiating the new program. To accomplish th is end, it is suggested that during the first quarter of 1969 the ten Concentrate d Area Inspe ctors be assigned a portion of the Se ctor Inspe ctors' work �-2- load, thereby sending the entire Housing Code Divison work team into areas that have already been originally inspected. This concentration of personnel on the existing code compliance cases will provide additional time for much closer personal contact with the owners and residents of the remaining uncomplied dwelling units. During the second quarter of 1969, it is expected that the reduction in uncompl ied cases will enable eight of the Concentrated Area Inspectors to begin original inspections in areas corresponding with the Community Improvement Program priorities, as established by the 1965 Community Improvement Program survey. These areas are- delineated on the attached map. The third quarter of 1969 will mark the beginning of original inspections and resinspections at a rate determined to gain the greatest efficiency from the inspectors. These concentrated area inspections will take place in areas designated on the attached map, unless the c ity·'s housing data is updated prior to that time. Among the top priority items of the Data Processing Division of the city is an update of the Community Improvement Program information. If this update is completed, it will include housing condition data and a priority listing for housing improvements. This new priority listing will determine the areas for original inspections by the Housing Code Co~pliance Division and will enable establishment of the new, long-range, city-wide program. During the first quarter of 1969., information will be compiled to show those areas of the city that must be surve yed in order to realistically de termine the top priority areas for housing code inspections. Also during the first three months of the year, the city can make policy de cisions on survey techniques and personnel needs to conduct the field survey. If th e decision is to use Housing Code Inspectors to conduct the housing conditions survey, the inspectors will be available to begin surveying anytime during the year. �- 3Since the new Housing Code Compliance Program is a requirement of the city•s Workable Program, which must be submitted prior to September, 1969, and if a survey is to be taken, it is imperative that it begin in time to al low an assimilation of the new data into the program before September I, ,1969. �1st QUARTER 2nd QUARTER 3rd QUARTER 4th QUARTER 1 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 (1) 2 (2) 2 ( 1) 2 (2) 2 1' 4 (El) 1 (Wl) 1 (El) 1 (Wl) 1 TEAM AREA I I I 5 or \ 6 I \ ~7 SECTOR AREA W-1 &.W-2 3 Balance of initial inspection '69-A, plus compliance actions in Sectors, 68-B, 68-Cl, complaints; approximately 750 cases. W-3 1 Compliance actions Sector, 69-A (partial) complaints, obvious new cases; approximately 300 cases. 2 Compliance actions Sector, 69-A, 69-B, complaints; approximately 575 cases. E-1 3 Compliance action; Lighting, Uptown Area; approximately 675 cases. E-2 1 Compliance actions; obvious new cases; Johnsontown; complaints; approximately 200 cases . E-3 1 Compliance actions Sector, CB-67, CA-68, complaints; approximately 375 cases . E-4 1 Compliance actions Sector, CA-67, complaints; approximately 425 cases . E-5 1 Compliance actions Sector, C3-68, CB-69, complaints; approximately 250 cases . Utility 1 Urban Renewal Projects and Special Assignments; approximately 150 cases. W-4 & W-5 Inspectors Supervisors Chief Total 22 2 1 25 Approximately Approximately Total 3700 200 3900 Owner Notices (cases) Tenant Notices (cases) Total Work Load (Physical Count of Active Cases - 12- 31- 68 - 3888) �'I · i.;aary 24, 1969 J Mr. Collier G din Plamdna Dil' ctor Mr·. William R. · offor~ Building In pectoir City H 11 .Atlanta. Q Ol" ia 301 G atl m n: R f i-enc i mad to you joint l tt r of J'an ry 10, l 69 d<h to yor Ivan All , Jr •• r rdla:aa th 4 v lopnumt ot an w Houaing Cod Cotn lianc Progh. • • d veral occaaion , d•Vi o ment 0£ I r Jett r. latcer ly your • • r•· Admini•tr ti A•atsta.nt L :lp arl L n �CITY OF A.TLANTA CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING COLLIER B. GLADIN, Director January 10, 1969 ? Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: ~ · In developing a new Housing Code Compliance Program th~epartment and Building Department are convinced that a city-wide field survey of housi~·~f · conditions must be conducted in the second quarter of 1969. A new survey is the only way to obtain the information necessary to es tab I ish the Ieve I of accomplishment of the original Housing Code Compliance Program and to develop realistic priorities for housing code inspections for the next several years. No accurate or complete information has been maintained on housing condition changes with in the city since the 1965 Community Improvement Program Survey, and an efficient, new program cannot be developed from obsolete management information. Both the Building Department and Planning Department believe the proposed survey will facilitate the development of a more effective Housing Code Compliance Program. In short, there is no other way to quantitatively and qualitatively measure the level of accomplishment of the first five year Housing Code Compliance Program, to wit: which areas have been stabilized; which areas have regressed; which areas are continuing to decline and for what reasons; which areas require more constant survei I lance than that provided to th is point; how can we more effectively apply our personnel and what additional personnel will be required to halt slum and blight development and spread, etc. Who should undertake the proposed survey? For several reasons, the two Departments feel that Housing Code Inspectors are ideally suited to conduct the necessary field survey: �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. -2- January 10, 1969 I. The original five year inspection program has been accomplished ahead of schedule. Al I of the original inspections have been completed. What remains are uncomplied cases which can be assigned to the Sector Inspectors, plus handling city-wide inspections on a complaint basis. Thus, the Concentrated Area Inspectors would be in a logical position wherein they could begin immediate preparations for the proposed field survey. 2. The proposed field survey must be initiated in the next few months. HUD · requirements on the Workable Program provide for a Housing Code Compliance Program. The Workable Program must be recertified in September, 1969 and current information is essential to its preparation. Since the survey will take at least three months to complete, actual field work must begin by the first of March at the very latest to be of greatest use. Consequently, time being a major factor we must use those personnel most familiar with the type of information being sought. 3. The inspectors are better qualified than anyone else in the city to conduct a Housing Conditions Survey. They have inspected the city's houses for five years; they know what to look for and can be quickly trained in survey techniques because of thei_r background in housing terminology, conditions and experience in meeting the public. 4. The inspectors will be required to furnish continuous informat_ion to keep the survey data updated. In other words, their observations during the course of later inspections wi 11 be fed back into the central record keeping system to keep the housing conditions statistics current. The experience they wi 11 gain while conducting the survey will be invaluable training for this future role, and 5. The inspectors will gain valuable familiarity with all areas of the city during the survey which will be of use to them at a later date when they are making inspections and attempting to obtain comp Iiances. Since the present program is running ahead of schedule relative to original inspections, it is recommended that extensive time and manpower be devoted to uncompl ied cases in order to gain more lasting compliances prior to initiating any new program . As soon as the field survey techniques an d policies are developed, ten of the inspectors would be assigned to the su rvey . Thi s would leave the other ten inspectors to concentrate on obtaining compliances and to cover city - wide inspections on a complaint basis. The ten �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. -3- January 10, 1969 inspectors on the survey team can completely cover the city in three to four months, enabling the Planning Department to use this information in developing a new Housing Code Compliance Program. In turn, the new Housing Code Compliance Program can be incorporated into· the 1969 Workable Program. A more complete and detailed explanation of the contents of this letter is contained in 1rHousing Code· Compliance Program: Interim Proposal, 1969. 11 Background material is contained in 11 The Housing Code Comp Iiance Program: Background and Present Situation (Problems and Recommendations for Action)." Both of these · are products of departmental staff and attached hereto. We seek your endorsement of this proposal. If further explanation or additional information is required we wil I be pleased to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely, ~~t~~ Collier B. Gladin Planning Director ~~ -7c"'70~ William R. Wofford Building Official CBG/WRW/jp Attachments �_BLIND COPY CITY OF .ATLANTA CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA, 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING t <"201Dif 98 e ctor Mr . W. R. Wofford, Building Ins ct Building Im ctor's O ffice City Holl .. · Atlanto, G or lo . 30303 Dear Billi As you know, th stoff of th Plannln Departm nt has $f>Cnt Cl consfd rabl amount of ti since last umm r in on ffott to d vise a m ons of up tin th Housin Code CcmpUane Program . Ourin this tim , th r has n c;a full and ~cimpl re chan of infi atlon ond id as tw n our stoff and the staff of th Housing Cod tHvlsl n of th Udlng D by the 1965 unity I pr '¥ . m nt Pro ram surv y . The prl riti h n · fol low d 1n Hng code compli nee Im cticn ff ts. nNl'il'll'\'I.. , Jorlty w re atcblllh ctions ctlons �r . W• R. W ford D c mber 20, 1968 will be ploc d In an or d rmmed by priority llstin for a thr -month period . During th s three months, a grou of thr m n ccn accomplish 1260 original in ctlons (3 >ii. 420) nd o roup of four m n con accomplish I 80 original Ins ctions (4 x 20). Aft r original ins ctlont hav n compl t d in ch roup• or o, om of its insp ctors are mov d from that or to form oth r roups to do mor ori lnal 1ns ctiom during 'th s c nd thr • mooth riod. malning inspectors in ach o a carry out th r insp c:tions In those or o • ~ pr res i mad in ach ar a, inspector or continuolly rotat d to form new · roups ond cotatlnu orl inot inspection ln new ar a,. Thr prQe s is shown In d tail on th attached mop and workload disttlbut on sh t, vsln n (10) ina ctors . Sine _ the Housing Cod Complianc Division hm tw nty (20) men capabl of making Ins ctlons In ~one ntrot d ins ctions ar as, and nly t n or pr s ntly i v d f r this purpo , reor ni&ation of th Division to fr more m n to mak inspect ons should considered . 3y vstn only four m n as s ctor Inspectors ond dividin th city into four part , sixte n (16) cone ntrot d area tnsp ctors could be util lzed. Anoth r approach is util izJng four ctor Im ctors and two fi Id su rvisors, akin fourt n (14) concentra or o ins ctor avollobl • Still anoth r approach, us n six se¢tor Ins c;tors and twc fi Id su rvl50f$, tw lv (12) cone ntrot d or a Inspector could vied . In och ease, th number of ins ctor used, th mor in psctlon con be mod in th top-priority a, as of th city . Utili.zln th se four ty , o personnel depl ym nt, programs n devised usln t n (10), tweh~ (12), fourt; n (14), and sl, teen (16) hove concentr te reo Inspectors. A d toil d explanati n of ins ctton ar as or lnclud d with th ott ched , p ond workload dblributlon SM f for ach diff r nt program. Af r you hav r vi d d <:onsld r d th diff r nt pro rams, w will be pleo d to meet with you and your staff to discu th ltetnatlv 1. We are 0110 avoilo I to help expl In any parts of th propo d pro ram1 that • not sufficiently self explanatory. Sine r ly, Collfer • Gladin Pl nln Director C G/bls At y hment1 r �THE HOUSING CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM BACKGROUND AND PRESENT SITUATION (PROBLEMS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION) Prepared by: Sta ff Pl ann i ng De partment Decembe r 2 0 , 1968 �Following is a brief outline of what has happened thus far rn the development process of the Housing Code Comp Iiance Program: I. The Housing Code Compliance Program, as a requirement of the Workable Program, was first developed in Atlanta in 1963 and approved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen before submission to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2. The Housing Code Compliance· Program of 1963 was based on the conditions The initial program, which was designed to cover the period from 1963 through 1968, has been amended at least twice by the Housing Code Division of the Building Inspector's Office to accommodate changing conditions. of housing as setforth in the United States Census of Housing, 1960. 3. The 1963 Housing Code Compliance Program, designed to cover a fiv~-year p~riod, has been completed. 4. In retrospect, the initial Housing Code Comp I iance Program contained deficiencies, primarily because it represented a first attempt at developing and implementing such a program; secondly, it was based on unreliable secondary information (U. S. Census data); and thirdly, the absence of management information and control systems has inhibited the program's effectiveness. 5. In submitting the Workable Program for 1968, the city realized a new Housing Code Comp Iiance Program wou Id have to be developed. The Workable Program text conceded this necessity. 6. In October, 1968, the Department of Housing c:ind Urban Development recertified the city's Workable Program. However, th is recertification expires October I, 1969, and, in its letter of review comments, HUD said it wou Id expect the city to submit a new Housing Code Compliance Program with the submission of the 1969 Workable Program. HUD also made comments relative to the administration and enforcement of the Housing Code Compliance Program. 7. Since the summer of 1968, the Planning Department, the Housing Code Division of the Building Inspector's Office and the Mayor's Office have worked toward developing a new Housing Code Comp Iiance Program. The new program is based on the 1965 city-wide housing conditions survey undertaken as part of the Community Improve me nt Program. The priority areas for conce ntrated inspe ctions in the new program coincide with the priority areas e stablished in the Community Improvement Program. 8. The approach of the new program has cre ated problems. The Housing Code Division points out that th e Community Improveme nt Program priorities, if adopte d will se nd inspection teams bac k into are a s in which inspec tions have just bee n made . The Planning De partme nt points out th e absence of any yardstic k with which to me a sure qualitative levels of accompli shme nt in va rious are as inspec ted . �-2- 9. The present dilemma is that an acceptable new Housing Code Compliance Program must be developed and adopted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen prerequisite to recertification of the city•s 1969 Workable Program. At question is the desirability of developing a new Housing Code Compliance Program and, thereby, continuing the city•s Workable Program. Although this question may appear facetious, it is not intended to be. Should the city•s Workable Program be continued? Should a new Housing Code Compliance Program be developed? If the decision is to continue the Workable Program and to create a new Housing Code Comp Iiance Program, · certain problems must be dealt with: I. Classification of substandard dwelling units must be standardized and accepted by all agencies invloved with the program, including local, state, and federal governmental agencies. Examples of terms that must have standardized and acceptable definitions are: structure, housing unit, standard, and substandard, and these classifications of substandard: minor deterioration, major deterioration, and dilapidated. Standardizing these terms will eliminate conflict and misunderstanding among the Housing Code Division, the Building Inspector's Office, the Planning Department, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Atlanta Housing Authority, and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. 2. Up-to-date, comprehensive data on the conditions of structures througho.ut. the . __ _ _ city must be obtained. This information must adequately define current housing conditions. 3. A qualitative means of measuring the effectiveness of the Housing Code Compliance Program must be devised. Currently, after the Housing Code Inspectors have allegedly completed work in a neighborhood, there is no way to judge improved housing conditions compared to the original condition of housing. A 11 before-and-af ter 11 comparison needs to be made in each neighborhood. 4. Priority determinations concerning areas to be inspected must be made, and must complement and support other pub Iic programs in the area. Possible approaches to the above problems are setforth below. Decisions in each area must be made in order to develop the new H_o using Code Comp I iance Program: Standardization of terms and definitions. This can be achieved through close I. cooperation among the indivirluals and groups involved. A series of meetings involving the Housing Code Division, the Building Inspector's Office, the Plannirg Department, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Atlanta Housing Authority should be established in which terminology is standardized, defined, and agreed upon. A means of expediting the meetings is for one group, probably the Planning Department, to work up a series of definitions a nd presenf· them to the collected departments and agencies . Additions , corrections, and deletions to these definitions can be discussed at the me eting, after which, the Planning Depa rtm e nt can revise the de fini t ions according to the suggestions offere d . A two to three week fime limit should be se t fo r acc omplish ing this work task . �-3The Planning Department 1s willing to prepare the initial draft to present to the assemblage. 2. Up-to-date, comprehensive data on the conditions of structures throughout the city. This data is absolutely essential and can best be obtained by conducting a city-wide survey of housing conditions along the line of the 1965 survey conducted by the 1965 Community Improvement Program. This survey must be undertaken because (I) U. S. Census of Housing -data on building conditions wi II no longer be available, and (2) the 1965 CIP field survey information has not been kept current. Procedures for undertaking a new survey are readily available, but a problem exists in selecting personnel to carry out the survey. There are three separate possibilities for selecting personnel: a. Use college students as was done in the 1965 Cl P survey. b. Use the Housirg Code Compliance Program inspectors themselves. c. Use a combination of the first two. The Planning Department feels that the second alternative, using inspectors to make the survey, is best because of the lack of avai Iable college students at th is time of year, and further because the inspectors are most familiar with the city and with building conditions. Once the data is gathered, keeping it up-to-date and usable is a related problem. The Data Processing Division of the . city can be of value in solving this problem, if this ite m is given a higher priority than in the past. The information can be kept on file in the computer and updated periodically. Until this is accomplished, it will be necessary for the city to undertake periodic city-wide surveys of building conditions. 3. Establishing This may be the Systems Division area. A system a qualita t ive me ans of measuring the effective ness of the program. most difficult of th e probl e ms to overcome . Th e Manage me nt and of the Finance Department can possibly be of assistance in this should be devised to determine: a. the effectivene ss of the inspe ctions and b. the ove ral I achi e ve me nts of th e program. To devise such a system, th e successes mu st be quantified so that they can be measure d in some meaningful manne r . At prese nt, th e only pe opl e who profess to und e rsta nd th e syste m in use are Housing Code Divisi on pe rsonne l . An e ffi c ien t system w i 11 de term ine program effec tivene ss, personne I performance , a nd mana ge men t needs. �-44. Determining priorities. several ways: Areas to receive priority can be determined in a. The areas with the most substandard dwelling units, or with the highest percentage of substandard units, can be inspected first. 6. The areas without appreciable blight or deterioration, but which are located on the edge of slum areas can be inspected first, hoping to contain the blight. c. A combination of the first two: inspecting, at the same time, the city's worst slums and the fringe areas around them, which are presently standard. d. Follow the guidelines as used in the Community Improvement Program, taking into account the fol lowing factors: (I) Social Implications - areas in which programs for improvement are presently needed to supplement social action agency programs. (2) Resource Areas - where better utilization of land might relieve present pressure for land resou rces. (3) Relationship to Public Programs - where the potential extended public benefits from these programs may be · lost if not early housing rehabilitation action is taken. (4) Planning Objectives - where the existing pattern of development is such that, without early action, implementation of housing recommendations at a later date would be difficu It or impossible. (5) Areas Characte r ized by Change - where early action is needed to stabilize sound housing which may suffer rapid deterioration without such action. There are, perhaps, other alternatives for devising priorities which have additional merit, but of the alternatives listed, the Planning Department feels that the fourth (following CIP guidelines) is preferable . �C TYOE1 1 ~ ~ CITY H ALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel . 522-4453 Area Code 404 DEPART ~IE:--;T OF PL..\NNl l'\ G CO L LI ER B. GLAD IN, Di rec; cor January IO, 1969 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: In developing a new Housing Code Compliance Program the Planning Department and Building Department are convinced that a city-wide field survey of housing conditions must be conducted in the second quarter of 1969. A new survey is the only way to obtain the information necessary to es tab I ish the Ieve I of accomplishment of the original Housing Code Compliance Program and to develop realis t ic pr iorities for housing code inspections for the next several years. No accurate or complete information has been maintained on housing condition changes within thP. ~ity since the 1965 Community Improvement Program Survey, and an ·efficient, new program cannot be developed from obsolete management information. Both the Building Department and Planning Department believe the proposed survey will facilitate the development of a more effective Housing Code Compliance Program. In short, there is no other way to quantitatively and qualitatively measure the level of accomplishment of the first five year Housing Code Compli a nce Program, to wit: which areas have been stabilized; which areas have regressed; which areas are continuing to decline and for what reasons; which areas require more constant surveillance than that provided to this point; how can we more effectively apply our personnel and what additional personnel will be required to halt slum and blight development and spread, etc. Who should undertake the proposed survey? For several reaso ns , the two Departments feel that Housing Code Inspectors are ideally suited to conduct the necessary field survey: �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. -2- January 10, 1969 L The original five year inspection program has been accomplished ahead of schedule. All of the original inspections have been · completed. What remains are uncompl ied cases which can be · assigned to the Sector Inspectors, plus hand Iing city-wide inspections on a . complaint basis. Thus, the Concentrated Area Inspectors would be in a logical position wherein they co~ld begin immediate preparations for the proposed field survey. 2. The proposed field survey must be initiated in the next few months. HUD requirements on the Workable Program provide for a Housing Code Compliance Program. The Workable Program must be recertified in September, 1969 and current information is essential to its preparation. Since. the survey will take at least three months to complete, actual fie Id work must begin by the first of March at the very latest to be of greatest use. Consequently, time being a major factor we must use those personnel most familiar with the type of information being sought. 3. The inspectors are better qualified than anyone else in the city to conduct a Housing Conditions Survey. They have inspected the city's houses for five years; they know what to look for and can be quickly trained in survey techniques because of thei.r background in housing terminology, conditions and experience in meeting the public. 4. The inspectors will be required to furnish continuous information to keep the survey data updated. In other words, their observations during the course of later inspections wi 11 be fed back into the central record keeping system to keep the housing conditions statistics current. The experience they will gain while conducting the survey will be invaluable training for this future role, and 5. The inspectors will gain valuable familiarity with all areas of the city during the survey which will be of use to them at a l.ater date when they are making inspections and attempting to obtain comp I iances. Since the present program is running ahead of schedule relative to original inspections, it is recommended that extensive time and manpower be devoted to uncomplied cases in order to gain more lasting compliances prior to initiating any new program. As soon as the field survey techniques and policies are developed~ ten of the inspectors would be assigned to the .survey . This. would leave the other ten inspectors to concentrate on obtaining compliances and to cover city-wide inspections on a complaint basis. The ten ., �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. -3- January IO, 1969 inspectors on the survey team .can complete ly cover the city in three to four months, enabling the Planning Department to use this information in developing a new Housing Code Compliance Program. In turn, the new Housing Code Compliance Program can be incorporated into the 1969 Workable Program. A more complete and detailed explanation of the contents of this letter is contained in trHousing Code Compliance Program: Interim Proposal, 1969. 11 Background material is contained in 11 The Housing Code Compliance Program: Background and Present Situation (Problems and Recommendations for Action)." Both of these are produc; \s of departmental staff and attached he reto. We seek your endorsement of this proposal . If .further explanation or additional information is required we will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience .. · Sincerely, ~&~_,JR~W,.~;__, Collier B. Gladin Planning Director ~ William R. Wofford Building Official CBG/WRW/jp Attachments �CITY OF A TLA NT OFFI C E O F INSPECT OR OF BUILDINGS 8 00 C ITY HALL T E L. JA. 2-446 3 E XT. 32 1 ATLANT A , G E ORGIA January 28, 1969 Mr. Carl G. J'ohneon, County Manager Room 401 1 6.S Cen t r a l Av enue, S. W. Atl ant a, GeoTgia 30303 Re: Whit e Alma Building Dear Mr. Johnson! A copy of your l ette~ dated .J onuary 10, 1969, addressed to ~r. R. Earl Landers has been referred to the Building Department for study and reply. The content of your letter indicates that you are awar of the hazardous building condition which concern the White Alms Building, as well as subsequent litigation -which MG transpired 6ince en in pection revealed the building condition early in July of 1968. The request of tim extension for occupation of condemned structure to June 30, 1969, is beyond the prerogative of the Building I nspector since without extensive repair safety to th inh bitant~ is questionable. As the Building Official for the City of Atl _nta l cu under tand the plight of the Municipal Theatr~ G~o~ps which occupy th building; how r. s tly fir t obligaUon i toward th pr ervation of life and property through Code enforcement~ I must decline an xt n ion of time d ask that the tructure be repaired or d oli h d. Very truly yours. WitW :gs bcc . . Mr . R. Earl Landers Mr. Jack Delius ~~ ~uilding Offiei 1 �l February 17 , 1069 r. . A. f ewes Ch'ef Building Insp ctor 800 City Hall Atl nto, Georgia 50303 Donr fr. Hewe: R l ative 1:0 your certifi d. lotter of F9bruary 14 the following stat ents: l. I did t lk ith your 1 ttor bout . N wbank on or about t h date t tod in hat w c 11 Annex A Phich building hous the boil r roora, but not bout t h brick 2. 1969 , I wish to v e1 or huUding . The com-pli nco <>f tt o latt r building t at we have been discussing w s nd is cone :ming ti'tle X X and not re rdin any uilding cod. 3. . om year a o, this agency put inn prinkl r System, Fire roof Doors, Exit Light~ Fir Proof Stair Cas S; etc. ta. very larg u of money . 4. nymor • s. interest ind ol shina Annex A. D nd n. hav d lish d D nd E. Ann x A, I h v id, bous th boi l r room which ha tall stack onto th buildin. Mr . N wbnnk•· w lany of th thin Bo

2, 1875

corr ct d and t thi ti kc �Pa e Two-- -1r . W. A. Hewe s 7. Feb ary 17, 1~€9 The enclosed copi s of l ett r s wi ll giv you an i de. of what. we a re trying t o do t•ith t h uf oremention d buildings. an t hat we s till om fo r t he aged in t h Cit l and of Atlan ta and Fulton Count y . 8. However, in r egar ds to Buildi n 2, if you can hel p us f ind some pl ace to hous t he ro sont t hirty-on (l l) p r son~ in t he above ment io1 e build ng;J County At t orney .. eats , Or . Bac1m y , Mr . D laney , F'ul ton County Comm ·.s oners nd I I ou l d be very r . tful to you . a o nre s til 1 trying wl h no ,succ ss . loraovcr) I am sur many oth r gencies who re int 1-ested · n our cau incl udi ng the G o:rg i Nur i ng :,,n.e . sso · iat i on woul d b . or t han l"r eat f ul . 0 • 1 om sur you know t hat this i s a non -prof it ag ncy having op r at ed in this city and county f ort ent y-thr ee (23) year s givin(r assistance · nd car e to peopl o t hat had no other place to go, but t heabove n amed institution . hav e no e1do <mt funds ) stock • or bon s t o f 11 b ck on ; e operat dth what t 1e Stat end County 1 i v s - nd t hat i s all . ~r"'on s e ilo over ~ i f t h t hirty-one (31) ou l d a.pprec io.t e us i ng tho brick v n er use our equipment f r om t he other ouil · g , until With h .st i1

sh r. un.d ki nde t reg rds, I

our s t 1-uiy , (t rs . ) B. E. ys P r e s i d e n t il l i m Erl I on Lxecutiv Director BEM EI co Enc l • �• 1.··, - ..-i-- . 1'\,--,.-- t ·· .A r '. r- . ,,: r \ ." . L..J-'\ .c ' , OFFICE 'OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 303ll3 February 14, 1969 WILLIAM R . WOFFORD, P.E., R. A. . INS PECTOR OF BUILDINGS 0 ,r ELMER H. MOON, E.E., P,E. ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Mr~ W.E. Inmon Happy Haven Hospital 1821 West Anderson Avenue, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia t .,··, RE: Masonry Structure at 1821 West Anderson Av~nue,_ ~.W. Dear Mr. Inmon: . . ... . It has. come to my attention that ·you have not vacat~d ·or complied the above building. I had understood from the inspector who has talked with you that it was your intention to vacate this structure .and to bring it into full compliance wtth the code before it was reoccupied. An inspection on June 12, 1968, at the above mentioned address revealed that there were seven major structures on the property." One of . these is new and is in full compliance. Two of these which were extremely dilapidated have since then been demolished. Three other frame s tructures which are dilapidated are standing vacant. This masonry building was the only old

facility in use. In its present condition it constitutes ·a bazar4 to

health and safety. (1) As the housekeeping, particularly in the storage areas, provides a constant fire hazard and a breeding' place for rats and · other vermin. (2) The floors under the kitchen and in the bathrooms are decayed, have sunk and are in danger of collapse'~·,.· (3) There is puddling · of water in the bathrooms which cause a mos~ • unsanitary . condition. (4) The I steps at the side exit are unusable and must be repl aced. . , '... Unless this building is .made safe ~t would be my duty under Section 106.1 (a) of the City of Atlanta Building Code t·o dir~ct · that it be taken d~-n and removed immediately~ The purpo_se of this letter ~s to give you: ... 1. · A written notice that the ·building is deemed .unsafe with a statement of the particuiars in which the bu~lding is unsafe. 2. An order requiring the sam~ to be made s afe or ~removed as required under Section 106.2(a) of the City of Atlanta · JN,j.lding Code. �,_ Mr . W. E. Inmon ·Page 2 February 14, 1969 Two of the vacant wood frame structures should be kept closed until they are complied. The three story wooden structure on the right of this masonry building is extremely dilapidated and dangerous, even as a vacant structure. It should be removed immediately. Please advise me at your earliest convenience of the steps yoq propose to take to either make these buildings safe or remove them. Very truly yours, 4/.#.~~ Hewes Chief. Building I nspector · W.A. WAB : r sl �February 24, 1969 Mr. Jack W. Crissey Fulton Plumbing Company 44 3 Stonewall Street, S. W . Atlanta, Georgia 30313 Dear Mr. Crissey: With further reference to your letter of February 14, Mr. Wofford reports that there i some misinterpretation of the ordinance. He reports that the ordinance doe not requhre that existing appli nee be disconnected in order to t st heretofore installed gas line in buildings, but the ordinance do-e require that any new ga line installed be tested a:nd approved before it is, used. Pres_ ure test on existing g line ill hot be required . I hope that thi clarify the ordinance, and hould you need any additional informatioa, I am sure Mr. Wofford will be ppy to b ai a istan.ce. Sincerely, Iv Allen, :Ir. �CITY OF AT.LANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 WILLIAM R. WOFFORD, P.E., R.A. February 19, 1969 IN SP ECTOR OF BUILDINGS ELMER H, MOON, E.E., P . E. ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS MEMORANDUM TO FROM The Honor:~:;_I1'n Allen, Jr. W.R. W o f ~ RE Letter from Fulton Plumbing Company • With reference to Mr. Crissey's letter of February 14, 1969, concerning a recently adopted ordinance regulating gas piping and related appliances I believe that Mr. Crissey and probably some of our inspectors have misinterpreted the ordinance. The ordinance does not require that existing appliances be disconnected in order to test heretofore installed gas lines in buildings, but the ordinance does require that any new gas line installed be tested and approved before it is used. Our Plumbing and Heating Division Chiefs are aware of this problem and have instructed all inspectors in the proper interpretation of the ordinance so that pressure tests on existing gas lines will not be required. �TO: FROM: D D D FORM 25-4 Ivan Allen, Jr. For your information �February 17, 1969 Mr. Jae W . Cris ey Fulton Plumbing Col'Ilpany 443 Stonewall Street. S . W . Atlanta, Georgia 30313 Dear Mr. Crissey: May I acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 14 regarding a recent ordinance affecting plumbers to connect appliances. Your indicated enclosure was not with your letter, however. I am. asking Mr . B ill Wofford, Building In pector. to furnish me with a report. I will in turn furni h you with a detailed report of the ordinance upon hearing from M r . Wofford. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. lAJr:hdt �f l . TELEPHONE 688-1456 I February 14, 1969 ! I Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia I i Dear Sir: It is with deepest concern that this complaint is forwarded to youo A person can suffer just so much bureaucratic oppression before something has to be done. I am attaching a copy of a letter recieved by us around the first of the year. This is based on an ordinance adopted by the aldermanic board and approved by you on December 16 and Dece mber 18 respectively. This particular amend ed section of the code is not practical to perform or to enforce, this seems to be entirely harass ment of the citizens of this city who use gas, and for any plumber or person involved in connecting of appliances. If this section of the code is retained it will be necessary for us and I am sure, many other contractors, to discontinue the practice of connecting heaters, gas dryers or gas ranges. The performance of work under the conditions :·of· the amendment would be orohibitive for us and for our customers. • When citizens want their work done we will have to tell the m that the City of Atl a nta Government has made it impos sible for ' us to per for m such wor k , we will send them a copy of y our ordin ance and advise them to tak e their case to the source of the oppressive legislation . We would a p precia te an opp ortun i ty to discuss this with y ou and t o e x plain the i mp ossible situation that this presents . W. ~ (~ / CrisseyJ JWC:DS Enco -· �TELEPHONE 688 -1 456

Jufton PfumLing Compang .:::::::::::~:--::::--=~ PLUM BI N G

443 & H EAT I N G STONEWALL ST. S . W ., ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30313 February 14 , 196 9 Mayor Ivan Alle ny J r. Ci ty Hall Atl anta , Georgia Dear Sir : I t is with deepest c on c ern that thi s complai nt i s f orwarde d t o youo A person c an s uffer just so muc h bureauc ratic oppres s ion before s ome thing has to be done . I am attac hing a copy of a letter r ecieved by u s around the first of the year. This i s based on an ordinanc e adopted by the aldermanic board and approved by you on December 16 and De c ember 18 respectively. This particular amended section of the code is not prac tical to perform or to enforce, this seems to be entirely harassment of the citizens of this city who use gas, and for any plumber or person involved in connecting of appliances. If this section of the code is retained it will be. necessary for us and I am sure, many other contractors, to discontinue the practice of connecting heaters, gas dryers or gas ranges. The performance of work under the conditions :·or the amendment would be prohibitive for us and for our customers. When citizens want their work done we will have to tell them that the City of Atlanta Government has made it impossible for ' us to perform such work, we will send them a copy of your ordinance and advise them to take. their case to the sour ce of the oppressive legislation. We would appreciate an opportunity to discuss this with you and to e x plain the impossible situation that this presents. JWC : DS Enco ,f 0.J �CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR Of BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL TEL. JA. 2-4463 EXT. 321 ATLANTA, GEORGIA t.'cb 17 , 1 969 MEMORANDill4 TO Y...arl A. Bevins J a ck C. Delius Ray A. Nixon Paul ieir FROM W.R. Woffo~ Gentlemen : In J uly, 1 966 , in accordance withe memor ndum f rom Mr . Landers we established a policy of holding plane i n the Building Department fo r a thr e-day period o that they could be reviewed by represent ative of your department who would come to t he Building Departu1ent each orning for that purpose. Mo.et of you are sending repr esentative to tho dep rtment ae previously arranged. However, the three day waiting period fr~quently seems top as without a repr s ntative from eom d partm nte revi vtng plans on file. When this happens, w arc re.quiring th contractor to contact your offic and secur approval. from you . So e of the contractors have objected to being sent to various other City dep rtmen , part~culnrly tho e located in the City Ball Annex, inc they claim this is n inconvenienc to th If you are not now ending a re r sent tive to the Buildin, D p rtment ea h mornin to cb.Gck plane on fi1, I wish you would do o ; oth rwi c. I hall b compelled to is u a building p rciit wh re the pl have remained on fil for p riod of mor than t hr d y contractor requ ats pproval. cc . . Mr • • Earl Land rs �··RECEfVED CITY OF ATLANTA HOUSING CODE DEPARTMENT MAR 21 1969 CITY HALL BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: UsuaUy Zette1?s are 1.Jritten to City HaU only in p:t•otest o:e conip"la-int. I am writing this letter as one of commendation to the City Housing ___ ___ C,ode _Department for their fine work in .our area of tow-a. I own property in the Riverside or Chattahoochee area of Northwest Atlanta. Recently your inspectors, especially a Mr. Latham, made inspections of the property in this area. P-Poperty owners were given lists of repairs or changes that should be made in order for their houses to meet the code standards . . I suppose it actually cost me more money than many of the other property owners because I own more property .. And I asked for and received no special considerations on my property . I just repaired my property along with the other property owners. I Now the a1~ea is beginning to show results from these efforts. While many other areas of our city are showing signs of deterioration, this area is now beginning to climb back up the ladder of communi ty attractiveness . I thought you might be interes-/;ed in knowing the feel1.'.ngs of one citizen who owns property in the City of Atlanta. I for one , appreciate the efforts of the City of Atlanta and its administration in the f1:eld of hour=;lng code enforcement. And especially the inspectors Zike Mr . LathOJ11, who do their jobs effectively. In an age when there is so much protest and dissent, I wanted to let you know there are still citi zens that appreciate what you are doing. Sincerely, �March Zl, 1969 M r . W. R . Wofford Building Official 800 City Hall Atlanta, GeoJ>gia 30303 Dear Bill: With reference to your letter of March 4, 1969 regarding the Markham, Haynes Street and the Lightening area , it is my understanding that a decision was reached on the ubj ct in your meeting with the Mayor on Friday, March 14th. I am returning the picCl.lre forw. rded with your letter of March 4th. Sine rely yours, R. E rl Lander Admini trative A RE~:lp Enclo ure i . tant �CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 WILLIAM R. WOFFORD, P . E., R.A. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS CHARLES M. SMITH, E.E. March 4, 1969 ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS • Mr. R. Earl Landers Administrative Assistant to the Mayor City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Earl: Since our conference with you, the City Attorney, Collier Gladin and others I have not heard anything from Andrew Stevens, the new owner of the Shaffer property located on Markham and Haynes Streets and in the Lightening Area. I am, therefore, confronted with doing something about the conditions of housing in that area, since the courts have dismissed our cases against Shaffer. The houses in question are located in an industrial zone and, in my opinion, are beyond repair and should be demolished. However, the City Attorney and the Courts have ruled that we cannot require demolition. Would you, therefore, advise me of what action I should take in this matter. I feel that most of the houses s.hould be cleared but my hands are tied. The new owner has stated that he would like to repair the houses but he has not made application for permits. Enclosed herewith are pictures of a couple of typical houses he wishes to repair. Very truly yours, WRW :at Enc •. 2 ~e!offord Building Off icia l �- / OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Atlanta, Georgia 30303 ) / March 21, 1969 j r. . i. /,L (,{_.1--· ,-• ,,· -· ~ JAM ES A. SMITH WILLIAM R. WOFFORD, P.E . , R.A. CHIEF HOUSING CODE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS E,LMER H. MOON, E.E., P.E. ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Memorandum for File From: • ~fll ·!',.;.~,c.··v·""' Mr. J. A. Smith, Chief Inspector Friday afternoon at 2 :00 P.M. Mr. Wofford asked me to attend a meeting with him. At the meeting were the Mayor, Mr. Sterns, -Mr. Gladin and Mr. Openshaw. The meeting was called because of the letter from Mr. Wofford to Mr. Landers requesting advice as to whether the Building Department should mail notices to owners to complete repairs to structures, residential structures located within the Markham-Haynes and Lightning Areas. It was pointed out that this would probably be and conflict with the zoning in the area. In the discussion that followed, it was decided that the proper method to follow would be for us to proceed with mailing the notices to the owners for full code compliance and then when owners came in to obtain permits, they would be informed of the need for obtaining a variance in zoning to allow repairs to be made. At this time, owners would be referred to Mr. Gladin who would set up a meeting before the Zoning Va riance Committee with no charge to be paid by the owners. Then, after the Vari ance Committee agreed for the repairs to be made, then the Building Official would be clear to issue permit for said repairs. We are planning to proceed with the mailing of notices to gen eral owners throughout these areas and in the case of Mr. Andrew Stephens, who is one of the major owners in the area , we plan to take a slightly different approach. Mr. Stephens last Thursday advised me that he was anticipating a loan from Mills B. Lane, C & S Bank, to proceed with the repair of probably every other structure which was owned by Mr. Steph ens. He indicated that a definite plan might be submitte d to Mr . Wofford fo r permits to be 'issue d on the se prope rties judged s uita ble for repairs by him during the week beginning March 17th. In view of this, both Mr . Wofford and my~elf fe lt that it might be well to hold Mr. Stephen's notices in the office at least until the latter part of the week of the 17th to see if plans are submitted for permits issuance. If this does not take place, I plan to contact Mr. Stephens and as k that h e come by the office or tha t I be allowed to meet with him at hi s conve nienc e to serve the notic es o f repairs to him in person and po s s ibly di scu s s an amica ble me thod of r each ing a successful conclusion to our problems in this area. AT LANTA T~ E DO G WOOD CITY �-2- / i I \ In rehabilitation areas other than those of the current action year, ~he City Building Department will part icipate i n response to compliants undertake invest igation based on any information that indicates a need for early in spection. New Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accordance with Department personnel capability and on a full code compliance basis. or Demolition Policy - Model Neighborhood Area The Atlanta Housing Authority i .s f-u liy -responsible for demolition act_i vi ties in NDP current year cl earance action are as . When emergency situations occur necessitating prompt action on particular structures in the clearance areas, the City Building Department will become involved by referral from the Atlanta Housing Authority. '· . <- • In demolition areas other - than - those - o ~ - current ye ar action areas, the Building Department will become involved only on a compl iant basis. Full code compl ianc e will be effected with the exception that generally no installation of additional equ i pmen t or facilities will be required. A possible exception will arise if it is determined that the failure to install add itional e qui pment may result in immediate jeopardy to the health , s afety on general welfare of inhabitants in a structure. -Assistance in the determination of· this exception may b e re·queste d from a "technical b o a rd II to b e f developed in conjunction with the Model Cities Hous ing Ce nt e r and NDP Project Office. / Staff ' It has b een furth er concluded that if a t all possible the Model Cities Program should provide some code enforcement staff t o supplement the limited personn el resourc es of the Building Department in the Model Neighbo rhood Area. I JLWJr:b ah / cc: Mr. Willi am Wilk es Mr. James Smith ·Mr. Eric Harkness -1-f. ,. J __ . , - ,., , _.t, I . .' , I _;1-f'•-v. .,---. .. _..-:./ . �' ~ _,., r :~ March 6, 1969 OFFICE OF MODEL CITIES PROGRAM 673 Cap ilol Avenue. S.W. Atlanta. Ga . 303 15 404 -524-8876 Ivan Allen Jr., Mayor J. C. Johnson, Director TO: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. William Wofford, City of Atlanta Lester Persells, Atlanta Housing Authority Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority Collier Gladin, City of Atlanta Johnny Johnson, Model Cities Program FROM: James L. Wright, Jr.~ ;J.Q;) ,~ · · Director of Physical Planning and Development SUBJECT: Policy Regarding Atlanta Housing Authority and Atlanta Housing Code Division Activity in the Model Neighborhood Area The policy outlined in this memorandum contains recommendations proposed by representatives of the Atlanta Housing Authority, Model Cities Agency and City Building Department. This policy recognizes the need for coordinated interagency housing programs in the Model Neighborhood Area. Please review and evaluate this recommended policy. You will be contacted shortly regarding a meeting during which any comments may be discussed and a concensus on policy agreed upon. i·I I Rehabilitation Policy - Model Neighborhood Area The Atlanta Housing Authority is responsible for all property improvement efforts in every current NDP rehabilitation action area within the Model Neighborhood Area. Current enforcement cases in action areas which are under review by the Housing Code Division will be referred to the Atlanta Housing Authority with copies of case histories. Consideration of possible three percent loans or grants will then be made by the Authority. If the AHA is unable to obtain satisfactory rehabilitation of properties so considered, then documented case histories will be referred to the City Building Departme nt for continuation and further enforcement procedures. �(2) complaints or undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for early inspection. New Housing Code cases will be und~rtaken in accordance with Department personnel capability and on a full code compliance basis. N.D.P. - All Areas Requests for Building Permits exceeding value of $500 for single unit structure, or $300 per unit for duplex or multi-unit structure must be accompanied by a recent war~ write-up or contract made by Atlanta Housing Authority, a recent Housing Division notice or a letter stating the facts regarding the structure. ( �HOUSING CODE ENFORCENENT POLICY N.D.P. Areas March, 1969 N.D.~. - Planning Areas ·No concentrated code enforcement will be undertaken. The Building Department will act upon complaints and undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for an early insp e ction. · New Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accordance with Department personnel capability. Full code compliance will be effected with the exception that generally no installation of additional equipment or facilities will be required. N.D.P. - Rehabilitation Areas ·-Tfie- Aflanta··Hous·ing· Authority is · responsible for property improvement efforts in current N.D.P. Action area s. When the N.D.P Area is activated, current cases which are being enfo r ced by the Building Department will be refe_rred to the Atl anta Housing Authority with copies of histories. Consideration of the use . of possible three percent loans or Federal Gr ants will then be made by the Authority in an effort to comply the property. When the Atlanta Hou s ing Authority is unabl~ to obtain satisfactory rehabilitation of properties,· documented case histories will be referred to the City Building Department for continuation and further enforcement · procedures . case . In rehabilitation ar e as other than those of the current action year, the City B~ilding Dep a rtme nt will act in response to complaints, or undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for e a rly inspection. New Housing Code cases will be unde r taken in accordance with Department personnel capability and on a full ~ode compliance ba sis. N.D.P. - Demolition Ar e as Th~ Atlanta Housing Authority . is responsible for demolition activities in NDP current year clearance action are a s. When emergency situations occur necessitating pro mpt action on pa rticular structures in the clearance areas, the City Building De pa rt ment will become involve d by refer ral from the Atlanta Housing Authority. In demolition are a s proposed for second year action areas, the Building Depart men t will become involved only on a compl a int ba sis . Full code c ompli a nc e will be ef fe ct ed with the exc e ption that ge ne rall y no ins talla tiori of addition a l equi pme nt or f a cilities will be requir e d. A poss i ble exceptio n will aris e if i t is de te r mined that the failur e to i n s t all additio na l equip men t may r e sult in i rnrnedi a ~e j e op ardy t o the heal th , s a f e ty o r genera l we l far e o f inh abi tants in a st r uctu re. I n de mo l i ti on areas proposed f or the t hi rd, fo urth and fif th a c ti on years, .the Ci ty Bu i ld i ng Departme nt , e t c. will part icip ate i n res po ns e t o \ �.·,I•,..,,.,, . . I ' •

-·u·- ·., / . ~-1 



~ ~ . "-,;· f: OFFICE OF ""SPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Atlanta, Georgia 30303 March 25, 1969 JAMES A. SMITH WILLIAM R. WOFFORD, P.E., R . A. CHIEF HOUSING CO D E INSPECTOR INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ELMER ·H. MOON, E.E., P.E. ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILD IN GS Memorandum To: Mr. Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority Mr. William Wofford, City of Atlanta Mr. Collier Gladin, City of Atlanta From: (l(l._%_,-,,:rt'- Mr. James Smith, City of Atlanta • Mr. Wallace Screws, Atlanta Haus in-;JAuthority -- ·Mayor Allen -recently request ed that the City further define and/or revise it's policie s for Hou s ing Code enforcement in Urb a~ Renewal and N.D.P. pr ogr am areas, including Vine Ci t y and Ea st Atlanta Planning ar eas . Following this request, Mr, W. A. Screws, Chief, Rehabilitation Section, and myself have had severa.l discussions regarding this subject. It is our opinion that the enclos ed policy) da t ed Ma rch, 19 69, would be instrume nta l in providing be t ter coord i na tion and unde r stand ing betwee n property owners, t e nant s , the Atl ant a Hou s ing Autho ri ty, all City De pa rtments and the public in gener a l. At the s ame time this policy should reduce the number of structures becoming deterior a ted and hazardous as N.D.P. plans are being formalized and activa~ed. This dra ft is submit ted for any changes you may f e e l are ne ces sary, a nd s ubseque n t act i on neede d f or forma l adoption s o th 2t the City's policy will be clear to everyone , both fr om a Public Re l a t i ons ' standpoint and for assist ance in preparing cases for legal action, should this become necess ary. JAS: lm Enclos ur e A TL A N TA TH E D O G \Y O O D CI TY �C ITY OF .J:-\.T'LP.u'J.TP~ April 2, 1969 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA: 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 \I DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING I I .. COLLIER B. GLADIN, D ire ctor \. MEMORANDUM TO: Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority James Wright, Jr., Model Cities · Wil!J<;rp Wofford, Building Official .~ (_\Q ~Q ,J . FROM: Coll1er"-G'tacfin, Planning Director SUBJECT: Policy regarding Atlanta Housing Authority and Atlanta Housing Code Division Activity in the Model Neighborhood Area ' The Housing Code Enforcement Policy for rehabilitation and demolition, as outlined in the March 25 memo from Messrs. James Smith and Wallace Screws, has been reviewed by the Planning Department. We generally concur with the pol icy and wi 11 work with all parties concerned to bring about its adoption and impl ementation. CG/jp ,. . . ,. , , , �EOWIN L. STERNE 0 • M. B. SATTERFIELD CHA.IFU,AAN EXECUTIVE OIRCCTOR ANO SECRET A RY LESTER H. PERSELLS GEORGE S. CRAFT ASSOCIATE VICE CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CARLTON GARRETT DIRECTOR OF J. 9. SLAYTON FINANCE GILBERT H . BOGGS DIRECTOR Of" MOUSING FRANK G. ETHERIDGE HOWARD OPENSHAW JACK F. GLENN DIRECTOR 824' HURT BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 OF' REDEVELOPMENT GEORGE R. SANDER TECHNICAL DIRECTOR JACKSON 3-6074 March 28 J 1969 Mr. William R. Wofford Inspector of Buildings City Hall AtlantaJ Georgia 30303 Re: Housing Code Enforcement Policy N.D.P. Areas - March, 1969 Dear Mr. Wofford: The Atlanta Housing Authority is in complete accord with the plan and working agreement pertaining to resid.e ntial properties in N.D.P. areas, as outlined in the draft of the above mentioned policy. Sincerely yours, ( ~tLY,je)~;,c,J'.Q_&'W Howard Openshaw · Director of Redevelopment BO/Mc �\ - .·.-·~'- __.::.-~__.;,-~-· ·/ \ April 2, 1969 Memora ndum ·r o: From: Re: Mr . Ivan Allen ,. Meyor Mr . W. R. Wofford,. Building Off icia l Proposed H0t..l~ing Enforcement roU.cy in all NOP Areas Recently , you requested that a revi sed t)Olicy on Housing Enforcement activities in the City's Urban Ren~~a l or NDP Pro• gr.sm Areas be present~d for your review. The po licy voul d apply to al l projects in t he planning pha se and in the active phase ,. and as denoted in the attached 1'Pclicy , March , 196911 • Upon your approval, we plan to bring the policy before the nuitd l ng Cormnittee , the Plann ing nnd Development Committe.... and then befo1.·a the Board of Aldermen f or :f ormal adopt ion . WRW: lm Enclosure '?: �Also, in the meeting was discussed the problem that is present in the Bedford-Pine Urban Renewal area. Extreme dilapidation of some of the vacant houses was discussed versus the probability of the Housing Authority acquiring these properties at once or else allowing the Building Department to move under it's In Rem procedures. It was discussed that Mr. Openshaw would at once prepare the list of houses considered unfit and "ripe" for demolition to be made and request be made to H.U.D. for permission to spend money on appraisal of these properties for early purchase by the Authority, possibly from the contingency funds set up in the financing of the Bedford-Pine Project. It was decided that the Building Department and the Housing Authority would work closely together in this endeavor to reach some conclusion officiaily before the early summer. Another very important point was brought out in this meeting regarding planning phases in Vine Cit y and in East Atlanta during 1969. Mayor Allen wa s not by any means agreeable to relaxing Housing Code en- OJ9-forcement in either of these areas. He even stated that in Vine City that we had done practically nothing in the last three years. This was discussed very thoroughly and it was decided that someone from the Housing Authority, possibly Mr. Wally Screws; and someone from the Building Department, possibly myself, should ge t together and formulate what would be an acceptable common sense method for handling Housing Code information when an area such as these two is in the planning phase. I suggested that possibly we could use a proposed policy and procedure suggestion which pertains to Model Cities operation, and this was well received although no special or particular comments were made on this line, other than this. JAS: lm �f/A · Mal"ch 24, 1969 Mr . Jack W. Crissey Fulton Plum.bing Company 443 Stoeewall Street, S . W . Atlanta, G e oi-gia 30313 Dear Mr . Cri ssey: l have your l etter of March 18 with re:ferenee to the testing of gas piping . The Building Depai'tments Chief Plumbing Inspector, Mr . M itchell and Mr . Spurl in of the Heating Division have reviewed your letter together with the pl"evious letter you wrote concerni.n g gas piping and a.dvi es that the ordinanc;e to which you refer doe not require testing on existing gas lines and that only new gas line installed is required to be tested and approved before it is u ed. Mr. Mitchell, Chia£ Plumbing In pector, advises that he has disc;:u. sed this matter with Mr . Han en of your firm, who is a m tnber of the P lumbing Examing Boa.rd and is familiar with the .lor mentioned provision . The matter ha al o been discussed and approved by the Plumbing Advisory Board. I want to a sure you of our cooperation in nyw y possible,, but I believe you have misinterp:t ted the ordinance . If you dl,sire any additional inform tion, the Bullding Department will be glad to provide it for you. Sine rely, Iv n Allen, Jr. IAJr:hdt �I CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 WILLIAM R . WOFFORD, P . E., R.A. March 21, 1969 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS CHARLES M. SMITH, E . E. ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS • MEM OR AN DU M TO: The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. FROM: W.R. RE: Suggested reply of letter to Mr. Jack W. Crissey Wo f ~ I have your letter of March 18, 1969, with re ference to the testing of gas piping. The Building Departments Chief Plumbing Inspector, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Spurlin of the Heating Division have reviewed your letter together with the previous letter you wrote concerning gas piping and advises that the ordinance to which you refer does not require testing on existing gas lines and that only new gas l ines instal led is required to be tested and approved before it is used. Mr. Mitchell, Chief Plumbing Inspector, advises that he has discussed this matter with Mr. Hansen of your firm,who is a member of the Plumbing Examining Board and is familiar with the aforementioned provisions. The matter has also been discussed and approved by the Plumbing Advisory Boarq. I want to assure you of our cooperation in anyway possible but I believe you have misinterpreted the ordinance. -If you desire any additional information, the Building Department will be glad to provide it for you. �FROM: Ivan Allen, Jr. D For your information D Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. D , FORM 25·4 Advise me the status of the attached. �TELEPHONE 688-1456


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& HEAT I NG 443 STONEWALL ST. S . W ., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30313 March 18 , 1969 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear May or Al len : In reference to our prev ious correspondence. It is not just the pressure tests on gas piping that we are c omplaining about. Take this hyp othet ical case : A customer c alls us to install a ga s range. We go to the job and find that he has just moved into the house and has a gas range and no outlet. We must then cut into the existing gas line , pipe an outlet to the k itchen, inst all a c ut off valve at the beginning of this line and leave an·air pressure test on the line. ( At this point, this precedure would require two trips by our mechanic. One to do the piping and one to pick up the air compressor.) We then take out the permit and wait for the inspection of the gas line. When the inspection has been completed we go bac k to the job and connect the range. This has caused us to make three trips instead of one, which would ordinarily suffice ~ The customer must also wait 24 - 36 to 48 hours before he is able to start cooking . The cost to the customer has s ky rocketed from the ordinary 30 or so dollars to around $80.00. I think you will agree that this would be co mpletely unreas·o nable. This is something that happens quite frequently, not just occasionally. As far as we can determine, this is not a safety measure , or a health measure , but purely a device to gouge more money out of the citizens of this city. If the plumbers of Atlant a comp lied with this farcical procedure, not only would they , but also your inspection department, would be hopelessly bogged down in a qua gmire of procedural tangles. I think that if some reasonable thought be given this matter rather than accepting Mr. Wofford Ys word as gospel, some changes will be made. OMPANY JwC: lm 7 �nee Offic t, s,. w. 303 • fford i �2 eh th a tst lf CC ! RACP Be ens Miln.e_/AC 3CR:GFCQffey: sed 1 d 24 for �March 26. 1969 MEMORANDUM TO Bill Woftord FROM Ivan Allen, Jr. RE 729 Azalia Street. S. W. Your answer doesn ' t tell me what action you are going to take to liminate thi problem. I have eked you to communic te with the Atlanta Housing Authority nd decide what you are going to do bout thi hous . �CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS/ 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 April 2, 1969 1~ • WILLIAM R. WOFFORD, P.E. , R.A. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS CHARLES M. SMITH, E.E . ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Memorandum To: From: Re: Mr. Ivan Allen, Mayor Mr. W.R. Wofford, Building O f f i c i a i / Proposed Housing Enforcement Policy in all NDP Areas Recently, you requested that a revised policy on Housing Enforcement activities in the City's Urban Renewal or NDP Program Areas be presented for your review. The policy would apply to all projects in the planning phase and in the active phase, and as denoted in the attached "Policy, March, 1969". Upon your approval, we plan to bring the policy before the Building Connnittee, the Planning and Development Committee and then before the Board of Aldermen for formal adoption. WRW: lm Enclosure �EDWIN L. STERNE M . B . SATTERFIELD CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ANO SECRETARY LESTER H . PERSELLS GEORGE S. CRAFT ASS OCIATE E XE CUT IVE DIRECTOR 0 VIC£ CHAIRMAN CARL TON GARRETT DIRECTOR J. B. BLAYTON OF FINANCE GILBERT H. BOGGS D IR EC TOR OF HOUS IN G FRANK G. ETHERIDGE HOWARD OPEN SHAW JACK F. GLENN DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT 824 HURT BUILDING ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 GEORGE R. SANDER TECHNICAL DIR ECTOR JACKSON 3 - 6074 March 28, 1969 Mr . William R. Wofford Inspector of Buildings City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Re: Housing Code Enforcement Policy N.D.P. Areas - March, 1969 Dear Mr. Wofford: The Atlanta Housing Authority is in complete accord with the plan and working agr eement pertaining to residential properties in N. D.P . area s, as outlined in t he draft of the above mentioned policy. Sincerely yours, ~~ Howard Openshaw Director of Redevelopment HO/Mc �CITY OF .ATLANTA Apri I 2, 1969 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel . 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTMEN T OF PLANNING CO LLI E R B. GLAD I N, Di r e c to r MEMORANDUM TO: Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority James Wright, Jr., Model Cities W ffo d, Building Official FROM: SUBJECT: Pol icy regarding Atlanta Housing Authority and Atlanta Housing Code Division Activity in the Model Neighborhood Area The Housing Code Enforcement Pol icy for rehab ii itation and demo I ition, as out I ined in the March 25 memo from Messrs. James Smith and Wallace Screws, has been reviewed by the Planning Department . We generally concur with the pol icy and wi 11 work with al I parties concerned to bring about its adoption and implementation . CG/jp �I Ji•' .J,, , ' • I • ,_ "'tf . (l OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Atlanta, Georgia 30303 March 25, 1969 JAMES A. SMITH WILLIAM R . WOFFORD, P.E., R.A. CHIEF HOUSING CODE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ELMER H. MOON, E. E., P.E. ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Memorandum To: Mr. Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority Mr. William Wofford, City of Atlanta Mr. Collier Gladin, City of Atlanta From: Mr. James Smith, City of Atlanta . Ci('t.k,..,,;rf'-Hr. Wallace Screws, Atlanta Housing)Authority Mayor Allen recently requested that the City further define and/or revise it's policies for Housing Code enforcement in Urban Renewal and N.D.P. program areas, including Vine City and East Atlanta Planning areas. Following this request, Mr. W. A. Screws, Chief, Rehabilitation Section, and myself have had several discussions regarding this subject. It is our opinion that the enclosed policy, dated March, 1969, would be instrumental in providing better coordination and underst anding between property owners, tena nts, the Atlanta Housing Authority , all City Departments and the public in general. At the same time this policy should reduce the number of structures becoming deteriorated and hazardous as N.D.P. plans are being formalized and activated. This draft is submitted for any change s you may feel are necessary, and subsequent action n eede d f or formal adoption so that the City's policy will be clear to everyone, both fr om a Public Relations' standpoint and f or assistance in preparing cas es f or l egal action, should this become necessary. JAS:lm Enclosure ATLANTA HI E DO GWOO D C ITY �II 0 HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT POLICY N.D.P. Areas March, 1969 N.D.P. - Planning Areas No concentrated code enforcement will be undertaken. However, new Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accordance with Department personnel capability. The Building Department will act upon complaints and undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for an early inspection. Full code compliance will be effected with the e~ception that generally no installation of additional equipment or facilities will be required. N.D.P. - Rehabilitation Areas The Atlanta Housing Authority is responsible for property improvement efforts in current N.D.P. Action areas. When the N.D.P. Area is activated, current cases which are being enforced by the Building Department will be referred to the Atlanta Housing Authority with copies of case histories. Consideration of the use of possible three percent loans or Federal Grants will then be made by the Authority in an effort to comply the property. When the Atlanta Housing Authority is unable to obtain satisfactory rehabilitation of properties, documented case histories will be referred to the City Building Department for continuation and further enforcement procedures . In rehabilitation areas other than those of the current action year, no concentrated code enforcement will be undertaken. However, new Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accordance with Department personnel capability. The Building Department will act upon complaints and undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for an early inspection. Full code compliance will be effected. N.D.P. - Demolition Areas The Atlanta Housing Authority is responsible for demolition activities in NDP current year clearance action areas. When emergency situations occur necessitating prompt action on particular structures in the clearance areas, the City Building Department will become involved by referral from the Atlanta Housing Authority. In demolition areas proposed for second year action areas, no concentrated code enforcement will be undertaken. However, new Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accor dance with Department personnel capability . The Building Department will act upon compaints and undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for an early inspection. Full code compliance will be effected with the exception that generally no installation of additional equipment or �(2) 0 facilities will be required. A possible exception will arise if it is determined that the failure to install additional equipment may result in immediate jeopardy to the health, safety or general welfare of inhabitants in a structure. In demolition areas proposed for the third, fourth and fifth action years, no concentrated code enforcement will be undertaken. However, new Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accordance with Department personnel capability. The Building Department will act upon complaints and undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for an early inspection. Full code compliance will be effected. N.D.P. - All Areas Requests for Building Permits exceeding value of $500 for single unit structure, or $300 per unit for duplex or multi-unit structure must be accompanied by a recent work write-up or contract made by Atlanta Housing Authority, a recent Housing Division notice or a letter stating the facts regarding the structure. �C OF ATLANTA MUNICIPAL COURT General Division 165 DECATUR STREET, 5. E . - .JAckson 4-7890 Atlanta 3, Georgia April 7, 1969 ROBERT E. JO NES Chi ef Judge Mrs. Ann Moses EXecutive Secretary to the Mayor Room 206, City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Re: James R. Fuller, owner 729 Azalia Streets. w. Dear Mrs. Moses: Approximately two weeks ago I was consulted by Mr. Baker of the Fire Prevention Department, regarding bringing the owner of this property into Court. At that time I suggested that Mr. Baker withhold any further action until I could investigate. I would appreciate your advising me the final result of this matter at City Hall, so that we may coordinate our efforts. S incerely, Mrs . Cole tte Dusthimer CD: c b cc: Mr. w. H. Baker Fire Investigator EDWAR D T. B ROC K Associ a te J u dg e T . C. LITTLE Associate J u d ge �April 7, 1969 Mr . w. • fora In p ctor of Building 800 City Hall Atl n~a, orgia 30303 R, Barry it 361 Magnoli st . N• • R- 361 gnoli t. l -361 gnoli . St. • -#2 - 3S9 gnoli t. #1 R-359 gnolia st • . 2 365 gnol t. N. W. r D Mr . o for , I in r ich r _f r c 2 , 1969 in. ro rti • di C i t ~ . to • D it t.h in • �• w. a .. wo ford ril 7 , 1969 - 2 - ry and v h Sitz tho ht th t th City th City thought a r J.oc t h ta I y prop but. k ly notic of th • 1n r vi thllt. ' I 2, l 968 , r:ecor · nth to brin xpir .. tbi rti pl , TCL1c CCI CCI , Jr./ , �l MEMORANDUM Hearing held on April 8 , 1969 in Chambers of T . c •. Little , Judge , .Municipal Court , relative to whether or not order of Court issued on February 6 , 1969 should be extended regarding 361 Magnolia Street , N. w., R- 361 Magnolia Street 1 , R- 361 Magnolia Street #2 , R- 359 Magnolia Street # 1 , R- 359 Magnolia Street 2 and 365 Magnoli Stre t N. - w. Persons attending Hear ing : w. a. A. Wofford , Buil ding Official L. Lowery , Staff Officer G. D. Hitchcock , Staff Officer Mrs . Colette Du thimer, Prosecuting Attorney Harry Seitz , owner of properties . Aft r discu aion and resum of facts the Court ask d for sugg stion and Mr . Wofford sugge ted that Mr . Sitz take out a d olition p rmit and th the be allowed ixty (60) days to d oli b th buildings. It s furth r t ted th t the City would r fer this matt r to the Atlanta Hou ing Authority nd requ st their a istanc in r locating th t n nt. co: Honor bl yor Iv. n l / n, Jr. �CITY OF ATLANTA B UILDI NGS O FFI C E April 11, 1969 WILLI AM R. WO FF O R D , P .E . , R.A . I NSPECT OR OF BUI L D I N G S CHA R LES M. S MITH, E.E. ASST . INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta FROM: W.R. Woffo~ I have been working with Mr. Andrew Stephens, the new owner of the Shaffer property located in the Markham - Haynes area and in the incinerator area and would like to advise as follows: Repair permits have been issued at the following addresses: 178 180 182 184 186 Louise Louise Louise Louise Louise Alley, Alley, Alley, Alley, Alley, N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W. Demolition ermits have been issued at the following addresses in the Markham - Haynes area: 72 Haynes Street, S.W. 422 Markham Street, _S.W. 414 Markham Street, S.W. Demolition permits have been issued in the incinerator area to Mr. Harry Seitz, current owner of the former Shaffer properties : 361 Magnolia Street, N.W. R-361 Magnolia Street,N.W. R-361 Magnolia Street,N.W. R-359 Magnolia Street,N.W. R-359 Magnolia Street,N.W. 365 Magnolia Street, N.W.

1 2 1 2

• �April 1~, 1969 M is s Wilma R . Surls 2918 Kimmeridge Drive East Point, Georgia 30344 Dear M iss Surls : M ay I acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 10 c alling my attenti on to the hazardous condition of a building on Highland Avenue and Glen. Iris Drive . M ay I as ure you that we are investigating the bullding at this site and the nece s ry step will be ta.ken to eliminate this condition. Sincerely, Ivan A llen, J r . IAJr:hdt ��-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u . J - - d o 12:42, 29 December 2017 (EST) ' /412:42, 29 December 2017 (EST),~ ~ ~ J - e _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ 12:42, 29 December 2017 (EST) - ~~ ~:Z:Vftl-L; ~ ~ ~ ~ µ ~~ ~ ~ �CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 April 16, 1969 WILLIAM R. WOFFORD, P.E., R.A. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS CHARLES M. SMITH, E.E. ASST . INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: With reference to the attached letter from Miss Wilma R. Surls, 2918 Kirnrneridge Drive, East Point, Georgia, I would like to advise as follows: We have issued permits for the demolition of approximately 100 houses in the Highland Avenue - Glen Iris Drive area. The house in questi on is one of the last houses to be demolished. It is a three story, masonry residence that sits back some 30 or 40 feet from the street. There could be danger to anyone on the premises, where the house is being demolished. I have contacted the demolition contractor, Blackwell-Stone, 4388 Roswell Road, N. E. , and asked them to speed demolition of the house in question. Bulldozers and other wrecking equipment are on the site and I am hopeful, weather permitting, that the contractor will have the house demolished in the next 2 days. He has worked continuously on these houses and is not delaying. The house next door to the corner house was demolished Monday. Very trul y yours, ~~ WRW:at W.R. Wofford Building Official • �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 501 CITY HALL ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 Aptil 16. 1969 CHARLES L. DAVIS DIRECTOR OF FINANCE EDGAR A . VAUGHN , JR . DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE GEORGE J . BERRY DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Hr• ·. Frectq:l.ck L. Sheph11~ · lepr~,-~ti• of tha·Architact 1 901 C:l.t 1 Hall -Atlanta,, aeoral• ·· Ile : . -Yoif1"tJon of ··Ao~ot •

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Dear .-l 'r 4: r.-.,.., . _ ·lt;. Id t~· .,..~ff.OD l i•tecl _lo, P.,lr let.tel', of April 10. we ·1-v · retutobecl Che '•t'tet, · tbe e.1~1' • "•S.~ion -. . aet forth by*• l*i , ·:ett 111 t~t th~ ftav 2~•to~ .houl!iaa cqter fl'OP · aed for lb• Hodel ·c ttiea COmplG l• t o be con11dencl by ihe city .. • ~...-tary ~•1-.tabl• •ttuctui•• . we ·u. ewa1:e ~at e, Citie.a tntencla to pu:tch••e thi1 buildiq f,lld beli.•e that the ,1Yiaetute ahoul d be eonei4eted u • • vhiOb ld be, ad wi,11 ht, relocated to otheT · f.te u,on c;cacellatton c,,f the 1.... at the ,peeently propo•~ to"tton. ..,. J JOG hav w tdll b . 1 -"itloaal · uaeti. re ~ing tht.• itncture 1 re tball h..,, to elldM90l' to p1'01'1•• ,-. vith an lt.ncuetr, d~ 74J_ ·o..-., CI\Ql L. Dt~-=.C.l." ·• f flMDCe CL"D1tu CO: Jlro lo lul ff8

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t �(\ April 18, 1969 Mr. Fred Shepherd City .Architect Building Department Atlanta, Georgia Dear Fred: Confirming our conver ation, this is to r gue t that you prepare plans and specification and secure bid on the proposed Model Citic building complex a quickly as possible. Sincerely your , R. Earl Land r Admini trative Assistant REL:lp CC: Mr . Johnny John on �April 18, 1969 Mr . M ilton 0. Stein President Stein Steel &: Supply Company Post Office Box 17907 Atlanta, Georgia 30316 Dear Mr. Stein: I received a copy of your letter addressed to Mr. Romer P ittman, Assistant Chief Plumbing Inspector. I am enclosing a copy of a report I received from Mr. Wofford, who supervises Mr. Pittman. I regret that you had any inconvenience over this mattei:, and sincerely hope that it has been satisfactorily rest>lved. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. IAJr:am Enclosure cc: r. W. R . Wofford ' �CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 April 16, 1969 WILLIAM R . WOFFORD , P.E., R.A. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS CHARLES M. SMITH, E.E. ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS MEMORANDUM TO FROM The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. W.R. W o ~ RE Letter from Mr. Milton Stein • With reference to the attached letter from Mr. Milton Stein to Romer Pittman, Assistant Chief Plumbing Inspector, I advise as follows: Mr. Andrew Stevens, owner of a duplex residence at 404-406 Holderness Street, S. W., is in the process of rehabilitating the structure to conform to City standards. Mr. Stevens apparently worked out a deal with a plumber to purchase certain supplies and to install new plumbing at the Holderness Street address. The plumber did not secure a permit to do the plumbing work. Mr. Haliburton, one of our Plumbing Inspectors, sought to find out who was responsible for the plumbing installation and see that the required permit was secured. He traced the materials used to the plumbing supply warehouse owned by Mr. Stein. Mr. Stein does not install plumbing and apparently his manager was reluctant to advise who the plumbing contractor at the Holderness Street address was, if he knew. Mr. Haliburton denies accusations in the letter that he threatened Mr. Clark or anyone else, but says he sought their cooperation in order to see that a plumbing permit was secured. The plumber responsible for the installation has filed an application for plumbing permit since the incident, . which Mr. Stein wrote about, occurred. The cost of the permit was $25.00 and I believe it is apparent that the plumbing contractor sought to avoid paying the permit fee by not securing a plumbing permit. The plumber who l ater took out a permit was in Mr . Stein's supply house at the time of the incident when the inspector tried to find out who installed the plumbing without first obtaining a permit, but would not admit, at that time, that he had done the work. We regret any inconvenienc e or embarrassment cause Mr. Milton Stein because of this incident. �ROUTE TO: SLIP ~4~/L~W~if'~L.......,___ FROM: Ivan Allen, Jr. 0 For your information · 0 Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. 0 FORM 25-4 Advi s e me the status of the attached. �AND SUPPLY COMPANY MANUFACTURERS I FABRICATOR ~ D I S T R I B U T O R S • S T E E L A N O A L U M I N i_j M. BUILDING PRODUCTS• WAREHOUSE STEEL ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO GENERAL OFFICES POST OFFICE BO X 17907 • 9 33 KIRKWOOD A V ENUE , S . E . ATLANTA, GEORGIA 3031 6 • TELEPHONE 523 - 2711 April 11 , 1969 Mr . Romer Pittman , Assistant Chief Plumbing Inspector Plumbing Department Atlanta City Hall 68 Mitchell Street , S . W . Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Dear Mr . Pittman: I want to thank you for the manner and promptness in which you handled the situation which occured today at our affiliate company , Southern Pipe & Supply Company at 159 Northside Drive , N. W . - --. -- Your promptness and diplomacy in handling the situation is commendable and we are most fortunate in having men of your callbar in our city government . I am , however , still concerned , Mr . Pittman , with the threats made by your inspector , Mr. C. L. Haliburton, by telephone to our manager , Bobb Clark and am still concerned with the fact that Mr. Haliburton has threatened our manager with writing a citation or the threat of standing in the door and following everybody out. This, you are aware, we cannot condone. We will not be intimidated in the matter and it is necessary that I put your office on notice that should we have any future problems of this nature we will have no choice but to seek legal remedies to protect our business. We ·have been in business since 1933 and have always cooperated to the fullest extent and have the highest respect for your department and we in tum expect the sam consideration by your personnel. In the future should there be any question relative to our bu iness that is of interest to your department I would appreci te your eelng that all inquirt s are directed to the writer personally. MEMBE R �'.) As a matter of record Southern Pipe & Supply plumbing license and performs absolutely no stallation work, however, we do reserve the please and to recommend qualified people to Company does not have a plumbing repair work or inright to sell to whom we do installation or repair work. Assuring you of our desire to continue to cooperate with you in every matter. Very truly yours, STEIN STEEL & SUPPLY CO. Milton O. Stein President MOS/na cc: Honorabl Ivan Allen, Jr. , Mayor Atlanta Ctty Hall 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 �OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ~ MEMO From the desk of - - W. R. Woffo,d, lospec<o, of ~ Apr il 23 , 1969 () TO : The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr . Mayor , City of Atlanta Permit to demolish 729 Azalia Street, issued April 22 , 1969. F OR M 4 -22 s.w., �CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL TEL. JA. 2-4463 EXT. 321 ATLANTA, GEORGIA April 23, 1969 () Mr . ~- A. Carlton Troutman , Sams, Schro~dQr · Lockerman Will iam· ·Oliver Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 D r Mr. Carlton , The r que t from the Georgi Pow r Company to install security lights on private property without conforming to the requirements of the City of Atlanta Electrical Code waa con id red by the Ruilding Committee of the 1\01:rrd of Aldermen on April 23 , 1969. The decision of the Corrmitt w 8 to d ny tho requ st that the G orgia rower Company be ex mpt from co with the City of Atlant lying Electrical Code. Very truly your , WRW : t cc •• E. F . Wise bee .. R. E. Landers George Cotsakis W. R. Wofford Build i n Official �CITY OF .ATLANT.A CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant 7 MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison MEMORANDUM TO: Dan Sweat FROM: J. H. Robinson SUBJECT: 1600 Dixie Avenue 9 DATE: May 6, 1969 f(. {?... Dan, you will find enclosed information concerning the apartment complex located at 1600 Dixie Avenue, S. E. JHR:bt Enclosure �. 1 Hay i, 1969 (.) Mr. J .1-1. Ffo.nis::1n 245 Thixd St. s.E. Atlontn 1 Georgia 30317 ~: 1600 D:t~(iE! . l-1.VC .. $.E. ..-·· . .· · ' .. ::· ·_ .,,.,,,. - De..'1r Hr. Flnn$.g~1.n: . I I Your recc:nt; inquiry concen1ing the Hurphy Apartments ll.'.i.S for:\1.:2rded to this office. Ort April 10, 1969. we. h~ci' su~11one:d Hl"'. Thoino.s Reaves; owner of these properties, into Hun:i.c:i.pnl Court fo"J.· viofotiort of just about nll of the sections of tha Housing Code. ~-..·.- lle appenred before Jud3c Robc1:t: Sp~irks and was given n $500.00 i.,uspendecl fine and 90 days to fully cornpJ.y with the Housing Code. You f!,j_y ~c.$t,: ftSsu-red, that ut the t!ncl of the 90 ,fay pc1.'ie:<l we will incpect again to determine tf. the p:rcporti~s h~ve been rcp:,frcd. Sincerely yours., G.D. Uitchcoc'k Staff Officer;. Codes Cofilpli.nncQ Off ice GD_H/js cc: W·. R. Wo:f~orcl.;. B.ui.10.:I.P..g Off 1cia l ~- ' • O· �CITY OF ATLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 WILLIAM R . WOFFORD, P.E., R.A . tJ INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS May 7, 1969 CHARLES M. SMITH, E.E . ASST . INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I will be out of the City May 8 and 9, 1969, attending the Fire Council of the Underwriters' Laboratories in Chicago, Illinois. During my absence Mr. C. M. Smith, Assistant Building Official, will be in charge of the office. Very truly your s, W. R. Wofford Buil~ing Official WRW:at • �LI Mr . John T.Edtnunds Assi s t ant Regtonal Adminietratoi for Renewal Asststan~e 645 Peachtree.seventh Bull ding At lanta I Georgia Dear Mr . Edmunds : RB : Georgia Demoliti on Grant Rec;;ent events have led 1,1s ,t o believe th4't a brief summary of our progress in the Demolition Grant frogr m would be in ordel' , This program• as fitSt envisioned . provided for -n esU.mate of 157 buUdings to be razed under the G.liant . No provision or allowence was made fot: owne:r demolitions . Under the amended and xpanded Gl'ent.; thitl ,otal wae increaeed to a1;1 estimated 282 structut"es . The Grant fund was not incr 11sed. Through April 30, 1969. a cumul ative total of 194 st ructure$ have been removed . The a~ttJal funde spent are still running far below the initial estiroat;e bee . use·, of the 194 demolitionr, 1 141 have been demoU .hed by th . owners., only 53 undet contract . Under existing 1 w, tha owner bas the p;ivi1ege to demolish hlm8e1f f.f he so chooses . In addition to the abQve , we have an .,ts.mated 50-case worklo d Qf aetive c see . 'We should add aom.e 30 more d~ring the remaining couree of th progr • It thu ppear that, the program :wiU be lOO'Z &\leeeeeful in he mia,ion, i.e. tor ov th undesirable buildings tn the. G~ant area . To set e completely ioun,ded i,tct\Jre of .th,e eituation, it i ho ,n ee SBary to take into account ·the propertie, which the~ rs hav choeen to i- pair, inadviaedly pc,tbapa. ~everthele,s , under J.ew, the own•r dQ hav th right to reb,billtat lf they to choos. We eati te that some 65 of our caae s•nmctui; • hav ·_ been rep.,ab·ed tn the srea during th ltf of tn- p~ogr m to date . Th• would have to b . deleted fro our total aa repofted~ Thet . wUl probably b• s 15 to 20 mor repaired by th · end of the Gi:-ant progt'am~ �Mr . John T. Edmunds May 9 ,, 1969 Page 2 To 8Ul!IIIl8~ize : Tota1 estimated to be demolished 282 194 Actually demolished ,. April 30 Act:l,ve cases 50 30 To be added Repaired (eet . ) 65 Total Overage 339 57 l'Jl view of the above fi.gu~Js, we feel that the Program will be succesafully concluded. It is alsc:, felt that as general policy in ·Our ove:rall City program,. including the Demolition Grant Progr~. it 18 alway$ desirable to gain the voluntary compliallce of the owners~ if po.seible . · 'l'his creates a b.euer public image, aids in Public Relations , •nd i: . duces the number of posslbl~ lawsuits b.oth sa to the demolitions and as to sny damilgee that might occ\lr to person or property. We hop the above will present a more helpf~l and clearer picture of what we have and expect to accomplish. We .are always mos.t happy to c8operate 1ri.th your office and greatly . pp):'e¢late your asehtanc~ . · Sincerely yours., W. R. Wofford Building Off iQiQ l WBW: jb �1Y I / CITY OF TLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY H ALL T E L. JA. 2-4463 E XT. 32 1 ATLANTA, G E ORGIA · y 16~ 1969 Mr .. a .. a. a · lton, Jr-. Jim«> co t.r:ucti.on com ny Bole 6527 ,. St tion~ Ht • tl nt, G rgiil , 30315 D r Mr . H ltont R. ,

,;ty Hall .

nnex Ill 1' ' inder th t your l20•dy contr · et with the City for th abov c ption d job h s onl.y ninet n ( 1·9 ) y r ining fo~ eompl tion. jut wo11ld · ppr· ci t ~ t - ry much if you could l t u · now wb n uilding will bi compl t d, so th · t c ·· arr · ·ng · n ct ·- t for t•Jd.ng ocau ay. you v y uch f Ci• cot arl Land yo '• 0 fioe • .• tter. �May 23, 1969 MEMORANDUM To : Mr . William R . Wofford From : R . Earl Landers Reference is made to your memorandum of April 2 , 1969 to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . regarding the proposed Housing Enforcement Policy in all N. D. P. areas . The proposed policy was r viewed by me and was revised wooding of same on April 18, 1969 . s to This is to advise you that the revised proposed policy meet with th Ma yor's ppr oval. REL :lp �_,_. . :..··

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. ::- April 22, 1969 ~ . ...

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~ ' ~.- ' :· . · .- ::· '. . .•: -::--· -.~...:..· ·-.·:_-, ,. : . Meniornn<lum To: From: Nr. H. R. Wofford, Building Official .. Mr. J. A. Smith, Chief Housing Inspector .· :.. I am enclosinz a copy of the N.D.P. Proposed Policy, which was revised April 18, 1969, upon the request of Mr. Earl Landers. Hr. Landers simply thanked me for retyping, and said he would handle further. The basic policy was not changed, only an improvement in wording. I did not send anyone else a copy of the revision. JAS:lm Enclosure . , .. · , .· . , . .... ' ·'

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'"'.:· ., ·..:..::... ···- ,·- ·· . �HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT POLICY N.D.P. Areas March, 1969 N.D.P. - Planning Areas No concentrated code enforcement will be undertaken ? However, ne~ Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accordance with Department personnel capability. The Building Department will act upon colilplaints and undertake investigation based on any infor~~tion that indicates a need for an early inspection. Full code c0mplfance will be effected with the exception that generally no installation of additional equipment or facilities will be required. N.D.P. - Rehabilitation Areas The Atlanta Housing Authority is responsible for property improvement efforts in current N.D.P. Action areas. When the N.D.P. Area is activated, current cases which are being enforced by the Building De pa;tment will be referred to the Atlanta Housing Authority with copies of case histories. Consideration of the use of possible three percent loans or Federal Grants will then be made by the Authority in an effort to comply the property. When the Atlanta Housi~g Authority is unable to obtain satisfactory rehabilitation of properties, documented case histories.will be referred to the City Building Department for continuation and further enforcement procedures. Ir. =ehabilitation areas other than those of the current action year, no concentrated code enforcement will be undertaken. However, new Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accordance with Department personnel capability. The Building Department will act upon complaints and undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for an early inspection. Full code compliance will be effected. N.D.P. - Demolition Areas The Atlanta Housing Authority is responsible for demolition activities in NDP current year clearance action areas. When emergency situations occur necessita ting prompt a ction on particular structures in the clearance areas, the City Building Department will be come involve d by r e ferral from the Atlanta Housing Authority. In demolition areas proposed for second year action areas, no concentrated code enforcement will be undertaken. However, new Housing Code cases will be undertake n in accordance with Department personnel capability. The Building De pa rtment will act upon comp~ ints and und er take inve stigat ion ba s ed on a ny inf orma t i on tha t indic ates a need f or an early ins pectioi. Full code compl iance wi ll be effec ted with the exception that generally no installation of additional equipment or - .,. - -~...-- ....

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• - - C - ll;i-'.-. �(2) facilities will b~ required, A possible exception will arise if it is determined that the failure to install additional equipment may result in immediate j e opardy to the health, safety or general welfare of inhabitants in a structure. In demolition areas proposed for the third, fourth and fifth action years, no concentrated code enforceme nt will be undertaken. However, new Housing Code cases will be undertaken in accordance with Department per?onnel capability. The Building Department will act upon complaints and undertake investigation based on any information that indicates a need for an early inspection. Full code compliance will be effected. -:i N.D.P. - All Areas '. Requests for Building Permits e~ceeding value of $500 for single unit struc'.:l':.-e, or $300 per unit for duplex or multi-unit structure must be accompanied by a recent work write-up or contract made by Atlanta Housir.g Authority, a recent Housing Division notice or a letter . stating th0 facts regarding the structure. I �STATEMENT BY MAYOR IVAN ALLEN, J R . MAY 23, 1969 ·"J INFORMATION HAS REACHED THE MA YO.R' S OFFICE CONCERNING POSSIBLE IRREGULARITIES IN THE HOUSING CODE INSPECTION DIVISION OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT. THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE SPECIAL ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNE Y HAVE AT MY REQUEST BEEN CONDUCTING A THOROUGH INVESTIGATION OF THESE ALLEGED IRREGULARITIES. I HA VE ALSO ASKED THE CITY BOARD OF ETHICS TO CONVENE ON MONDAY MORNING FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENDERING AN OPINION COl'CERNING WHETHER OR NOT THE NATURE OF THE ALLEGED lRREGUL.ARITlES WOULD BE SUCH .AS, IF PROVEN TO BE TRUE, BE IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY ' S CONFLICT OF INTEREST ORDINANCES. IF THE INVESTIG TlON NOW IN PROORESS REVEALS EVIDENCE OF ANY LAW VIOLAT10N, THE CITY AT'I'ORN!':Y JlAS BEEN REQUESTED TO MOVE PROMPTLY TOT.AKE ALL OF THE ACTION REQUIRED TO PROSECUTE THOSE RESPONSIBLE. �CITY OF A.TLANTA CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR '.) R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison May 26, 1969 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta 206 City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Pursuant to the request set forth in your letter of May 23, 1969, the Board of Ethics of the City of Atlanta met on the 26th of May, 1969 at City Hall at 9:30 a. m. and discussed the question set forth in your letter. A quorum was present,and it was the unanimous op1n1on of the Board of Ethics that the doing of the things outlined in your letter by any .employee or official, paid, unpaid, appointed or elected, of the City of Atlanta would be in violation of Section I of the Code of Ethics adopted by the Board of Aldermen on March 15, 1965 and approved on March 17, 1965, and that it would in all probability also amount to a violation of other sections. Very truly yours, cl~le~+.:.:f:01· Vice Chairman Board of Ethics TMASr:lp �:?J} r BURDINE .A.ND FREEMAN cf/-Ho>tm:.y~ at 1aw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ESSLEY B. BURD su1TE 726 HARTFORD BUILDING ROY H . FREEMAN 100 EDGEWOOD A VENUE, N.E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 PHON E !3 24-0097 CERTIFIED MAIL AR E A COD E 404 May 27, 1969 -.:, Mr. C. M. Smith Assistant Bldg. Official 800 City Hall Atlanta, Ga. 30303 Re: Robert D. Pattillo and Charles T. Latham Dear Mr. Smith: This office has been retained to represent Mr. Pattillo and Mr. Latham as a result of your letters of May 26, 1969 terminating their employment with the City of Atlanta. Your letter informs these two employees that "you are alleged to have violated the Code of Ethics - - -". Mr. Pattillo and Mr. Latham he rein requests that they be informed of the specific violations that were the bas is of their termina tion and discharge as employees of the City of Atlanta. Mr. Pattillo and Mr. Latham were not informed or furnished with copies of the Code of Ethics for officials and employees of the City of Atlanta. Will you please furnish this office with a copy of same. This letter is our formal notice of our intent to appeal ?-Ir . Pattillo and Mr. Latham 1 s discharge to the City Personnel Board. Will you please forward to me a copy of the City of Atlanta's personnel procedure, including the necessary information necessary to effect an appeal. Looking forward to your reply, I am @/ ~ t~ J l -\~ ,: l" EBB:db cc: He nry L . Bowden , Atty . Mr. R. D. Pattillo Mr. Charles T. Latham Sincerely, BURDINE & FREEMAN <2A-Al1 . ~ £ ~~ Es.;i;;y~ u.rdine �I I I Report from T . M . Alexander , SR . May 27; 1969 Haygood operates a screen business in his basement. he has a real estate license. Understand When he inspects a house that needs screens, he recommentds that the owner buy the screens fromthe person he makes them for. Mr . Edison has a firm he works for on the outside named Hudlow &: Green (We will have to acertain whether he has a real estate license or not) Also advised by this person, who would not give me (Alexand r) his name to check on Mr. Tipton and the whole inepection crew. as much Thi as That all of them are getting kick-backs of $1 , 000. report m de to Mayor Allen by Mr. Alexander, and Mayor Allen said he would have Mr. Jim Hender on contact Mr. Alexander personally to go into thi . Ann Mose �.•.

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q..__J 1-~; .., T < l" .. r-..-"'! ~., J.. ~.~\,.. ,:),,. -•Lt. ~ .J... · ·' """·~--~ · -~~-;.-J .. ~ r;. r , .. L. -~: ·:~ ~ r ••• CITY HALL ATLANTA. GA. 30~:!03 Tel. 522-4463 Are.a Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR ., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS. r,,:mini'! ltrative .~ssist ant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Li aison May 23, 1969 -. •• · -· - r" •• • ~ - --- .: Board of .St.hie s :_·:__ _;__ Mr. Charles L. Gowen, Chairman King and Spalding Trust Company of Georgia Building Atlanta, Georgia Gentlemen: Request is hereby made for an official opinion by the Board of Ethics as to whether or not the following set of circumstances would constitute a violation of any sections (and if so what sections) of the Cod e of Ethics as adopted on March 15, 1965 and approve d by the Mayor on March 17, 1965: A. The City of Atlanta operates a Housing Division for the purpose of enforcing provisions of the Housing Cod e of the City of Atlanta; which Hous i ng Code specifie s the condition in which hou ses must b e maintaine d in order for them to b e fi t for human habitation. B. Inspectors are employ e d by the City for the purpose of in s p ec ting hous es w ithin the City limits to d e t ermin e whethe r or not th e y ar e in conformity with th e Housing Cod e . C. D e ficiencies in housing accomodations are liste d and furnish e d to th e own ers of the prope rty with a r e quest that repairs b e mad e promptly so as to bring th e hou s ing invol ved into conformity with existin g or dinances . �(, i May 23, 1969 Board of Ethics Mr. Charles L. Gowen, Chairman Page Two u D. At the expiration of the time given for accomplishment of the repairs, a second inspection is made. If the property continues to be substandard, a further notice and demand is given to the property owner. E .. An Inspector or a member of his family, with his knowl e dge, acquires an interest in a piece of property inspected by such Inspector or any other employee of the City of Atlanta. Due to the urgency of the situation as related above and the necessity for a prompt ruling by the Board of Ethics, it is requested that the l?qa:rd convene at the earliest practicable date. Very truly yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �CITY OF .ATLANT.A May 19, 1969 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR cl R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison TO: Mayor Allen FROM: J. H. Robinson SUBJECT: Dates involved in this case (1153 Third Street) Mrs. Georgia Jackson called this office May 5, 1969. This matter was turned over to Mr. James B. Henderson May 8, 1969. I think this information is important to point up the fact that we have been investigating this situation since May 5. Mr. Henderson will be available with some information if you need him this morning . JHR/mc �CITY OF .ATLANT.A CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR u R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental liaison MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Allen FROM: J. H. Robinson . SUBJECT: DATE : May 19, 1969 1 1 53 Third Street Mrs . Georgia Jackson tenant at 1153 Third Street called the Mayor ' s Office and stated that she was a tenant at 1153 Third Street, and the property was owned by a Mrs. Aiken. She also stated, that an inspection was made on the property and the estimation for repairs came to a large sum of money. She further stated, that the repairs were never made, and the ownership on the said property, transferred the property to another owner. She stated further, that her rent increased from $50. 00 a month to $90. 00 a month. According to Mrs. Jackson, a City inspector representing some type of Company bought the property. Mr. E . Earl Landers took this matter up with our Chief Housing Code Inspector, aft e r consulting with Mr. James A. Smith, Chief Housing Cod e Insp e ctor, we felt that this case needed further investigation, and the case was turned over to Mr. James Henderson, now we are waiting for the results of his investigation. JHR :bt �. ) 1 ~ 4 - -£., May 1 , 1969 £ 12:42, 29 December 2017 (EST) 6 Georgia Jackson1153 Third St. N.W. ~:2_ (/J/ ?.3 ' ~ \ \ <!',Alf (L 1 )< u ~ 7 -· __ lllante·, G=..., ::30 318 Dear Gf:lo!'gia ; I have !!l!lde seve~el ~ttempts to see you but have been unsuccessful due to the fact that you are seldom at ho~e. ~ I purchased the property at 1153 ..__ t & Sto N.W . the 15th of April. Should you desire to continue living in sa id houoe, the rent 1s 90.0Cl per month and past due. A~er thr e dB.ye from reoeipt ot thl notioe, if rent not paid or you hRve not v~r.~ted the house then, d1sposRessory prooeddings will be taken. I . l If you desire to pay rent, wt11 to ...-- ..--- Homestead AR~oe1ates P.O. Box 41222 I .. Atlanta. Ge. 30331 Sincerely, ·, .J . ., �r.1vrr., COURT Ot FULTON COUNTY MAHSHA ' ,'S OF:FICI~ 106 CIV IL CRIMIN.,, i.., COURT BUILDING _\.'fLAN'l'A, (, EORGJA 30303 Case # v s. Plaintiff ~ ~,.:.......c: ·~ - - ~ ? ' . ' - - - - - - -- ~efendant • /} /J - You ar e h reby notified t hat I have a dispo.:;sessory wan~ ~ ajnst you in t he above case for the possession of the premises at: __ ,/,; f .J · ~ _!;!'c.___,,,:;,


~ -'-c.___ 0 _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Atlanta, .. t., ancl unless satisfactory arrangement- is made with t he above named plaintiff, I will be forced .. · to eject Y< •U from said premises aft r six <lays from this 'dcrte. This_/ .J day of ~ •• . , 19 L. G1 ~£---=-=~~-- ------- ---- nEPUfY MARSH AL, CIVIL COURT O F FULT ON COUNTY Section 61-302, Georgia Code, as amended in 1968, provides t hat your property •may be delivered to any warel. ouseman, t rucker or other agent selected by you, at your expense, at the time of the eviction. If you wi~h your property delivered t o such agent , complete the following and return to t his office and have such agent present at t he t imo of t he eviction; othorwis , your property will be placed on public sidewalk, st reet, or road as provided by law. MARSHAL, CIVIl., COURT OF FULTON COVNTY You are hereby authorized an<l directeci .to deliver, at site, all my pr~~Y being evicted from t he premises at - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - -, Atlanta, Ga., to upon his giving you a receipt for such property. This_ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ , 19_ _ , TENANT-DE~'ENDAN'J' 1 �l ' . " GEO~GIA, FULTON COUNTY : . Uy name i s MRS • .TB.AN AKINS · and I l ive at 2583 Ashford. Road,N.E., ' Atlanta, Georgia. I had been the owner of the house and property at 1153 Third ~treat , N. W. property. since 1962 when my mother gave me said For the l ast f ive years I had been renting this house to Mrs. Georgia Jackson • . I charged her rent 0~_$50.00 per month and she had a l ways paid her rent on time mor~ or less. In February . of 1969 Mr. Tolbert, a Hous:mg Code Inspector, found that certain conditions exi sting in. and around this house at ·1153 Third Street, N.W. wer e violations of the Housing Code of the City of Atlanta . Apparently notice of these violations was sent to me by certified mail at my old address on Euclid Avenue from which I had just recenty moved. Apparent ly this written notice was no t forwarded to my new address, i.e., the house in which I now live. -~ In March of 1969 a Mr. Latham contacted me and informed me that the house at 1153 Third Stree t was in violation of the Housing Code , tha t he was t? replace Mr . Tolbert as the Housin~ ·Code Inspec t or on the case. Mr . Latham advised me that he ' estimated the cos t of repairs to be from 81000.00 to $1500.00. ~ I tol d Mr. Latham tha t I would rather sell the house than put this much money on r epair s . Mr. Latham then told me he knew ·of two or thre e people that he thought might buy the house but ,.' tha t they probably would not give me much money for . it. Mr. La tham said 'that he ,would contact these people, tha t they ~uld _come out anq look a t the house and then ca±l me. -Several · days later a Mr. R.D. Pa ttillo called me on the telephone and offered me ·ssoo.oo for the property. I asked him if he would give me $ 1000. 00 but he said it wasn ' t worth it. () On April 15, 1969 Mr . Pattillo and Mr . Latham came to house to close the deal. my Mr. Pattillo offered me $800. 00 and told me that there would be no closing costs, no pro-rating of t aJtes, or any expenses on my part whatsoever. Mr. Lathatn s a id he would handle the closing because he was a notary publio. - -----......!-~- - ~ - - : -.::::----=' ~-·---------- -------r.:;::=-----=-=-:c �-2- Mr . Pa ttillo gave me a ch·eck f or $800. 00 and I gave him a deed to t he pr oper t y which I had s i gned but he had pr epared. see the name of .tbe grantee on the deed. I did not I deposited his oheck in my bank account shortly ther eaft er and to the best of my lmowledge i t was a. good check, i. e . , i t was proper ly credi ted to my account and s till is . As f ar as I was concerned I thought I was selling that house at 1153 Third St r eet, N. W. to Ur. Patt illo and no one el se. At that time I believed , a s I do now, t hat I s old that house to Mr. Pa ttillo for much less t han the house and property were worth. Sworn .to and aubscri bed befor e me t hi s IC day of Zf.7. , 1969. --- notarY. .. " blio . • I Not<irv Puh!lc, Ge'.lrP,1::i , ~t,i ,, ~·· .Jvly, l.,villlll.,:;S,O n ,I:;.xj)il i;;S IVl <IJ ,·~·"'-< ~, , · -.· . Not ilry Public, Georr,ia, St ate at t.arge . My Comi:nlssron Expires May 17, 1970 .; '(, .... n • I �FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS CHARLES T. LATHAM: Married Charlotte Ann Qualls on May 23, 1958, State File No. 14453. The State certificate lists Mrs. Latham's father as William C. Garner, and Mr. Latham's father as Alonzo Latham. ROBERT D. PATTILLO: Married Icelene Alexander in Henry County, Georgia on December 4, 1961, State File No. 51258. INSPECTION INFORMATION 2250 Sisk No case 2657 Rosemary Complied November 4, 1968 2661 Rosemary Complied November 4121 Grant Street No case 2 Ridgeway Complied September 20 I 1966 , 1968 �*W.D.-Warranty Deed L.D.-Deed to Secure Debt ADDRE.SS ~CORD_ B_0OK _ AND FOLIO DATE _OF TYPE DEED* GRANTEE GRANTOR RE MARK S TRANSACTION ----------------------------------------------------------------- Land-Grant Drive 120' X 11_7' _x _ 120' X 121" 4658/597 11/ 3/ 66 W.D. Contine ntal of Geo rgia , I n_c . Land-Grant Drive Same descr_i _p _tion as above 4660/ 426 11/3/ 66 L.D. Char les T. Lath am 4121 Grant Drive 4847/97 Charles T . $11 . 55 IR Stamp s La tham $1. 10 p e r $1, 00 0-_ _____________$1 0 ,5 00 00 ___________ _ _ W.D. Ful l er & Marria Fuller Contine nt a l of Ga., I nc . $10, 000 loa n. $_84 . 39 p er mo nth ti l l 11/ 5/ 8-1 Robert D. Patti l lo,S r . Sub jec t t o out s t a nding f irst mortgage loan i n principa l bal a nc e of $1 6 , 492 . 6 6 as o f 1 2/ 6/ 67 in fav o r of Collateral I nvest me nt Co., Birmi ngh a m, Ala., payable $12 3 p er mo. i nc luding p r i nc ipa l , i nt e re s t, taxes ,& insuran ce. 1/18/68 W.D. Bolton Road,N.W. 4904/188 La nd 325' X 450' X 160' X 600' W.Ave & 1st _St.,N.W. Land 100' X 100' 5/28/68 W.D. Mrs. Dal phna R. Groov er Charles $2. 00 Tax Stamps Travis Lat ham & Rob ert D. Pattil l o Bolton Road,N.W. 4 906/ 102 W.Ave.& 1st St.,N.W. Same description as above 5/ 28/ 68 L. D . Charles Travis Latham & Robe r t D. Patti llo Mrs. Dalphn a R. Gr oov e r $7, 000 l oan.Fina l p a yme nt 6 / 28 / 78 if not p r epa id 11/ 20/ 68 W. D. Char l es T. Lath am & Rob e r t D. Pattillo Bran don M. Qu all s & Icele ne Alexande r No prov i so fo r loan a gain st p r o p e rty 7/2 6/ 68 W.D. Flossie Dan iel Ru sse ll Charles T. Latham & Robert D. Pa tti llo Bolton Road,W.Ave. & 1st Street Same description as above 4986/ 595 2250 S isk Street,N.W .4933 / 26 �--2 DAT.E. OF TRANSACTION TYPE DEED GRANTOR GRANTEE 2250 Sisk Street,N.W.4935/412 7/26/68 L.D. Charles T. Latham & Robert D. Pattillo Flossie Daniel Russ.ell . $1900 loan.$58.67 per month. To be paid at home of Grant.e e 2250 Sisk Street,N.W.4986/596 11/20/68 W.D. Charles T. Latham & Robert D. Pattillo Brandon M. Qualls & Icelene Alexander No proviso for loan against property. • 2 Ridgew:ay_ _A v_Ve . N:. W. 49.5 7 I 2 06 9/17/68 W.D. Carl ;Burkhart & Agnes Burkhart Mrs. Alonzo L.Latham 2 Ridgeway Ave.N.W. 4965/199 9/17/68 L .D. Mrs. Alonzo L. Latham Carl Burkhart & Agnes Burkhart Rt.l,Monticello, Ga.31064 2 Ridgeway Ave.,N.W. 4986/591 11/22/68 W.D. Mrs.Alonzo L. Latham Brandon M. Qualls & I ,c ele.11e Alexander No proviso for loan against property Brook Ave. & Lotus Ave.Land 90' X 622' X 77' X 590' 10/4/68 W.D. A.R.Anderson Robert D. Pattillo & .Charle.s _T . Latham $10.50 tax stamps,$1 . 50 per $500 consideration or po r tion ther_e _o_f ... Charles T. Latham & Robert D. Pattillo Icelene Alexander was one witness. ADDRES.S __ R,E_CORP. ;B.O.OK AND FOLIO 4966/239 RE.M ARKS $4,500 loan at 6½% per annum ~~-~--~·~~-~-~ 2657 Rosemary Dr.NW. 4980/17 11/4/68 W.D. W.R.Dooley �--3 ADDRESS RECORD BOOK AND. FQLIO DATE OF TRANSACT ION . TYPE DEED GRANTO R GRANTEE 2657 Rosemary Drive,N.W. 4989/29 11/4/ 68 L.D. Charles T. Latham &

Robert D.

Pattillo W.R.Dooley $2,000 Loan . Final payment 11/ 25 / 70 2661 Rosemary Drive,N.W. 4980/16 11/4/ 68 W.D. W.R.Dooley Charles T. Latham & Robert D. Pattillo Icelene Alexander was one witness . 2661 Rosemary Drive,N.W. 4986/594 11/ 16/ 68 W.D. Cha r les T. Latham & Robe r t D. Pattillo W. R. Dooley Mr s. Jean Harris Akin Icelene Alexander & Cha r lqtte Garner 1153 Third St.,N . W. 505 2/158 4/15/ 69 W.D. REMARK S - -~-- -~~ -·Charles T . Latham was one :witne.ss . �_. .., .-. \ _______ ___ ._._,_ § 2-249 ATLANTA CODE § 2-252 Secs. 2-249, 2-250. Reserved. -- / Article XIII. Code of Ethics~ Sec. 2-251. Conflicts of interest. Neither the mayor, the p , eside11t of t he board of ulderm •11, any alderman or other officer or emp loyee, elecle<l or appointed, whether paid or unpaid, sha ll engage in any busiuess or transaction or shall have a financi a l or other private interest, direct or indirect, which is in conflict wit h a nd adverse to the proper discha r ge of his of ficia l duti s and the best inter ests of the city. ( Ord. of 3-15-65, § 1) Sec. 2-252. Representing private interes t before city agencies . Neither t he mayor, president of t he boa rd of aldermen, a ny alderman or other off icer or employee, elected or a ppointed, w hose salar y is paid in whole or in pa r t from t he city treasury sha ll appear in beha lf of pri vate interest s befo re a ny agency of t he city, includi ng- any committee of city government, the At la nta Housing .Aut hority, a ny joint board if the city is a participant, t he board of ed ucatio n, 01· any other agency in which t he city is involved. Alder me n, howev r , ma.: appear w it hout compensation or r em uneration of a ny ki nd in behalf of constit uents, or in t he performa nce of p ublic or civic obligations. T his sect ion shall _not pr ohibit appea rances upon mat ters only incidenta lly r equir ing off icia l action which du not develop into a subst ant~l pa rt of the employment, provided t ha t t he ret a iner is not fo r t he purpose of appearing before any committee, a ut hority, board or other agency of t he cit y, and pr ovided fu rther , t hat the com pensa t ion, in wholi: or in part, is not contingent or dependent upon t he action of s uch committee, a uthor ity, board or ot her a gency. No person serving t he city without compensat ion sha ll appear , eit her di r ectly or indir ect ly, on beha lf of pri va te interests in matter s involving any comm ittee, aut hority, bot.rd or other a gency on which he serves or before a ny other committee, a uthority, _,, I

Editor's not e- Ord. of March 15, 1965, f rom which Art. III is derived, did not expressly amend this Code, hence codificat ion of ~~ 1- 13

a s §§ 2-251- 2-263 r espectively, was at the discretion of the editors. I talicized cat ch phrases were added t o faciliate indexing a nd r eference. Cross references- Offices, of fi cers and empl,,yees, Ch. 21; fire depart ment, § 12-26 et seq.; police department , Ch. ~5. Su pp . No. i 88 • ...... �-'· .. ,_ ., ,; .; . • t.' ( .. ' . • • J. I'. · · C § 2-255 ATLANTA CODE § 2-259 other agency of the city, shall publicly disclose on the official record the natu r e and extent of such interest. (Ord. of 3-15-65, § 5) Sec. 2-256. Gifts and favors. o Neither the mayor, the president of the board of aldermen, any alderman or other officer or employee, elected or appointed, whether paid or unpaid, shall accept any valuable gift calculated to influence his vote or decision in any business dealing with the city, in any form or forms what soever, including, but not limited to service, loan, thing or promise, from any person. (Ord. of 3-15-65, § 6) Sec. 2-257. Disclosure of confidential information. Neither the mayor, the president of t he board of aldermen, any alderman or other officer or employee, elected or appointed, whether pa id or unpaid, shall disclose confi dential information concer ning the proper ty, governing operations, policies or affairs of the city ; nor shall he use such information or any acquir ed in his official capacity to advance the financial or other personal interest of hi mself or ot hers in any instance wherein t he same would conflict with, and be a dverse t o, the best interests of t he city . . (Ord. of 3-15-65, § 7) Sec. 2-258. Investments in conllict with official duties. Neit her the mayor, the president of the board of aldermen, any alderman or other officer or employee, elected or appointed, whether paid or unpaid, shall invest, or hold any investment dir~ctly or indirectly in any financial, business, commercial or other private t ransaction, which cr eates a conflict with and adversely affects his official duties to the detriment of t he city. (Ord. of 3-15-65, § 8) Sec. 2-259. Incompatible employment. Neither the mayor, t he president of the board of aldermen, any alderman or other officer or employee, elected or appointed, whether paid or unpaid, shall engage in or accept private employment or render services for private interests Supp, No, 1 90 • ..... �\ . ... ~ucr § 2-259 ADMINISTRATION 1 9 1865 ° § 2-262 when such employment or service is adverse to and incompatible with the proper discharge of his official duties. (Ord. of 3-15-6.5, § 9) Sec. 2-2(-iO. Private business conflicts. Owning stock in, or being employed by, or having any connection with or ownership in any business, company or concern which does business with the city only through sealed competitive bidding where said bids are opened and the awards are made at meetings open to the public, shall not be .considered as doing business with the city so as to cause any conflict of interest. (Ord. of 3-15-65, § 10) Sec. 2-261. Appearances before city agencies of former officers or employees~ No person who has served as officer or employee, elected or appointed, of the city shall within a period of six (6) months after termination of such service or employment appear before any committee, authority, board or other agency of the city or recei ve compensation for any services rendered on behalf of any person, firm, corporation or association in relation to any case, proceeding or application with respect to which such person was directl y concerned, or in which he personally participated during the period of . his service or employment, or which 'fas under h is active consideration or with respect to which k owledge or information was ma de availa ble to him du ring ~he period of said service or employment. (Or d. of 3-15-65, § ll) Sec. 2-2G2. lloard of et hi cs. (a) C1·eation, membership. There is hereby created and established a board of ethics to consist of five (5 ) members, all of whom shall be residents of, and domiciled in , the city and who shall be nominated and elected as follows : ( 1) One ( 1) member to be nominated by the president of the Atlanta l:ar Association and elected by the board of aldermen; ( 2) Four ( 4) to JJe nominated by the mayor and elected by the board of aldermen. Supp. No. 1 91 .__ . • �\."' . .-#),· . ·. , . ,· C, § 2-262 ATLANTA CODE § 2-262 The members shall each serve for a term of four ( 4) years without compensation, and the members shall elect a chairman and effect their own organization internally. (b) Advisory opinions. The board shall render an advisory opinion when requested by the mayor, the president of the board of aldermen, member of the board of aldermen, or officer or employee, whether elected or appointed, paid or unpaid, with respect to the provisions of this article in which said mayor, president of the board of aldermen, member of the board of aldermen, or other officer or employee is personally involved. Such a dvisory opinion shall be rendered pursuant only to written request by the mayor, president of the board of aldermen, member of the board of aldermen, or other officer or employee concerned. At the time of making request, and as a part of and contemporaneously therewith, t he person requesting an opinion from the board shall set forth fully in writing, sworn and subscribed to under oath, all facts and other matter within the knowledge of said person relating in any way to the issue about which he seeks an opinion, and shall supplement only in writing such information initially furn ished as may be necessary from time to time so as to present fully and completely all facts and other matter for review by the board. --- (c) Personnel, faciliti,es, meetings, records. The city shall assign from existing clerical personnel all necessary clerical assistance to the board of ethics, an d shall provide and designate a place for meetings of the board. The board shall hold private meetings at such times as it may des ire, and a majority of the members of the board shall constit ute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the board . A majority opinion of the members sitting at any hearing shall govern as to decisions of the board. The oard, in its judgment, shall be free to contract for the servic(!S of a competent court reporter to take down statements, t estimony and discussions at its meetings, or to use in lieu thereof a competent person or persons adept at shorthand re11orting, and/ or mechanical transcribing devices, whichever method or methods desired by the board, to be paid for by the city. All permanent records of the board shall be confidential and shall be 1-ept under lock S u1ip. No . 1 92 ...... �~ .. t • ' uv l § 2-262 ADMINISTRATION 19 §


l:jt) ~ 2-262 in the office of the administ rative assistant to t he mayor. The city shall pay all administrati e cost s, including those specifically stipulated herein, pert.t ining to the operation of the board of ethics. .. ,.. (d) R equests for opinions. The mayor, t he president of the board of aldermen, any alderm: n or other officer or employee, elect ed or appointed, paid or u 1paid, may where any question of conflict of inter est or possible ethical violation exists, request in writing an opinion fro n the board of ethics. (e) Increase of membership . The mayor and board of aldermen may incr ease the number of the members of the board of ethics if such becomes neces mry in order to make the work of t he board more effective. (f ) S ecrecy provisions. The hearings of the board of ethics shall be held in private, but th1 opinions of the board shall be made available to t he public t J examine and t o the press to publish with such deletions th refrom as may be necessary to prevent disclosure of t he ident ity of t he mayor, the president of the board of aldermen, an~ alderman or other officer or employee involved. Upon requ est of t he board of ethics, t he city attorney or a representath e of his office shall meet with t he board of ethics. , (g) Cornpliance il;ith opinion . The mayor, the president of the board of aldermen, any alderman or other officer or employee of t he city, whether appointed or elected, paid or unpaid, after a fu ll and complete disclosure of all the facts, matter and circumstances, shall be entitled to rely on the opinion of the board of ethics as herein established as a guide to the conduct of such person in his r elations to and with the city; and compliance with the opinion of the board of ethics shall serve in mitigation in any pr 1ceedings against such person for violation of this article. (h) Purpose of provisions. It is the express intention of this section, including all of i1; subsections, and in the creation and function of the board of ethics hen•in provided, that the same serve as an advisory board for th, i benefit of those people in government who ha, 3 a bona f ide question regards uvp. No. 1 • �.. ! ! ' ... § 2-262 ATLANTA com: § 2-263 ing a possible conflict between their governmental duties and their private, personal or financial interests. It is not the intention of this section, including all of its subsections, to establish a secret board for the purpose of holding meetings and/ or investigations, or rendering c,pinions on any matter or matters not specifically presented t o said board in writing as herein provided, but on the contra ry, it is the express intention of this section in the creation of the board of ethics to make government better so that the public may benefit therefrom, and at the same time to protect those people in government who have a bona fide question of conflict; and with this aim it is the express and avowed intention in requiring the board of ethics to hold J>rivate hearings and to publish its opinions with such deletion s as to names of parties and other matters involved, so that t hose matters ,if private interest and concern shall remain priYate and personal unless and until such time as it is made to appear that such personal and private interest is in conflict with government c'l uty to the detriment of the public. (Ord. of 3-15-65, § 12) ,. Sec. 2-263. Penalties. Any violation of this article, or the furni shing l f false or misleading information to the board of ethics when i;eeking an opinion from said board with 'the intent to mislead ..md thereby gain an opinion favoraple to the person r equ ~sting the same, shall subject the person comm 1tting such vi )lation, or furnishing such false or misleading i formation w th the intent to mislead the boar d of ethics, to punishment a 3 provided for in section 1-9, and to impeachment or removal from offi ce for. cause, as the case may be, and upon conviction ,hereof, to removal from office, whether elected or appointe,l, paid or unpaid. (Ord. of 3-15-65, § 13) 1 E ditor's note--The editor s inser t ed r eference t o § 1-9 in lieu of reference to "the 1953 Code", inasmuch as § 1-9 is derived therefrom . ,." [The next iage is 113] Supp. :No. l 94 .._ . • �' I \ . :t .• .fit: C § 15-6 ATLANTA CODE § 15-9 health authorities of Fulton and DeKalb Counties such assistance and cooperation as those authorities may be able to give in the areas of the city within their respective jurisdiction. ( Ord. No. 1967-74, § 1, 12-4-67) Sec. 15-7. Inspection, compliance with code prerequisite to utility services for substandard dwelling unit. .; Utility services shall not be provided to any vacant dwelling unit which is unfit for human habitation until such dwelling unit has been brought into compliance with this code. ( Ord. No. 1967-74, § 1, 12-4-67) Sec. 15-8. Availability of reports, orders, recommendations. After any order, report or recommendation has been made by an official or employee of the city and is on file in their respective department, such information shall upon request be made availa ble to the owner of the property or his authorized agent, a prospective purchaser, the manager of the property, the attorney for any of the foregoing, any attorney for the examination of titles, and any official or employee of the city for official purposes. (Ord. No. 1967-7~, § 1, 12-4-67) I Sec. 15-9. Inspection by disinterested employee; secrecy provisions, information. No official or employee of the city making inspection of properties for the purpose of determining the necessity for repairs or corrections shall have any financial interest directly or indirectly, in any repairs or corrections which may be required, nor shall any such official or employee give to any person, firm or corporation, other than those authorized persons listed in section 15-8 above, any information regarding such repairs or corrections or the location or the names of the owners of said properties. (Ord. No. 1967-74, § 1, 12-4-67) Supp. No. 10 650 , �I ' ·~ . ' -"! C, § 1-7 GENERAL PROVISIO NS § 1-9 "That section ________ of the Code of Ordinances, City of Atlanta, Georgia, is hereby amended to read as fo llows: _,______ ____ ." The new provisions may then be set out in full as desired. In the, event a new section not heretofore existing in the Code is to be added, the following language may be used : "That the Code of Ordinances, City of Atlanta, Georgia, i hereby amended by adding a section ( or article or chapter) to be numbered _----, which said section reads as follows: ... " . • The new section may then be set out in full as desired. · All sections, articles, chapters or provisions desired to be. repealed should be specifically repealed by section, article or chapter number, as the case may be. Sec. 1-8. Altering Code. It shall be unlawful for a ny person in the city to change or amend by additions or deletions, any part or portion of thi · Code, or to inser t or delete pages, or portions t hereof, or to alter or tamper with such Code in any manner whatsoever except by ordina nce or resolution or other official act of the mayor a nd council, which w ill cause the law of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, to be misrepresented thereby. Any person violating this section shall be punished as provided in section 1-9. · I Sec. 1-9. General penalty; continuing violations. Whenever in 1his Code or in any ordinance of the city any act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unl awfu l or an offense, or whenever in such Code or ordinance the doing of any act is required or the fai lu re to do any act is declared to be unlawful, where no specific penalty is provided therefor, the violation of such provision of this Code or any such ordinance shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) and costs or imprisonment in the city jail for not more than six (6 ) months, or work on th e public streets or on public works of the city for not more than six (6) months, or by any one or more of these punishments , sub7 - �.. " l I C § 1-9 ATLANTA CODE § 1-10 _.,, I ject to all limitations contained in the charter of the city. Each day any violation of this Code r of any ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to· the penalties hereinabove provided, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this Code or any or dinance shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be abated by the city as provided by law, and each day that such condition continues shall be regarded as a new and separate offense. (Code 1953, § 1.11) Charter references--Maximum punishment that may be prescribed, § 2.3.2; provisions as to the Municipal Court, operation thereof, § 5.1.1 et seq. Cross reference--Provisions allowing persons credit for time served in the city stockade where such persons, upon conviction for violation of a city ordinance, are unable or fail to p ay the fine, § 19-43. State law reference-Organization of p11blic works camps by cities, § 69-205, Ga. Code Ann. Sec. 1-10. Judgments and "lentences to run consecutively. All judgments and sentences imposed and ordered by the judge of the Municipal C urt shall run consecutively unless otherwise specifically provided by t he judge of such court in such judgments and sen tences. _,, / [The next page is 33] 8 • -·· �-· - - - - - - -------~ ...:r-,C1>PI=---- - -- --- --- - $- 7- 7-- TO: K. i ti t::./f--,eL L ./t)-(1).![)£ c r-1- , 1=- F ;4-j) /1 , IV l s re>, DFr c c 4 I Mr. Earl Landers advised on May 8, 1969 that he had received information indicating a Housing Code inspector had purchased r~uidential property from a Hrs. Akins under circumstances indicating a possible wrong doing on the part of the inspector. Mr . Landers atated that Mr. James A. Smith, Chief Housing Code Inspector and Mr. R. had details of the matter. o. Tipton of the same department . Further, Mr. J. H. Robinson, Comimunity Development Coordinator ~lso had received information in the same mstter. Mr. Landers stated he had reques ted Mr . Smith, Mr. Tipton and Mr. Robinson to contact me on the sarce date. Mr. John H. Robinson, Community Development Coordinator, Second Floor, City Hall advised on May 8, 1969 that about a week ago a Mrs. Geo~gia Jackson, tenant, 1153 Third Street, N. w., Atlanta, telephonically advi~ed that a Mrs. Akins is the owner of that property. According to Mrs. Jackson, an inspection was made of the property and the estimated cost of repairs came to a large sum. Further, the repairs were never made and Mrs. Akins sub- sequently sold the property to a City inspector representing some type of company. The new owner increased the rent from $50.00 to $90.00 per mont h. Mrs. Jackson advised she could be r eached through phones 284-4747 and 7920239. -( �Page 2 Mr. James a Smith, Chief Inspector, Housing Code DivisionJ~ Enforcement , _, Dt?partment 0£ Buildings, and Mr. R. o. / Tipton, Supervisor in the same division made avsil&ble records of their offices on May 8, 1969 which reveal the following information: F.mployees in the Housing Code Division who are allegedly involved in the purchase of the property from Mrs. Akins are inspectoro Charles T. Latham, and Robert D. Pattillo. Housing Inspection Notice No. CA69-l0023 dated February 18, 1969 reveals that residentia l property located at 1153 Third Street, N. w., At l a nta, Georgia is owned by a Mrs. Jean Harris Akins, 1009 Euclid Avenue , N. E., and occupied by one Georgia Jackson. The building on the pr operty is of frame construction, one story, and has a total of one unit. The inspection was conducted by Housing Code Inspector, M. L. Tolbert, and cost of rehabilitating the property was estimated at $1,500.00. An official notice of violation was mailed to Mrs. Akins at 1009 Euclid Avenue, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia on or about February 19, 1969 with in0 structions to correct on or before Hay 19, 1969. This notice was sent via certified mail, however the receipt was never returned. �Page 3 A second official notice of violation wss sailed to Mrs . Akins a t 2583 Ashford Road, , N. E., Atlanta, Georgi& on or &bout Ma rch 28, 1969 with same correction da te. by Jean A 1<1n1 ~(t / The certified mail receipt was retur ned as signed 'T? He~a.../ ln the event the original records in this ma tt e r are needed a request should be made to Mr. J~mes A. Smith. Mr. Tipton advised that he had talked personally with Mrs. Akins who advised him in sub$tance that she was the former owner of the proper t y located at 1153 Third Street, N. w., Atlanta. Georgis; that she had rented this property to Georgia Jackson for a number of years and tha t she formerly resided at 1009 Euclid Avenue, N. E., but had recently moved to 2583 Aahford Road, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia. tele phone 633-5343. She also advised that the first she knew of the inspection of her property on Third Street was when Mrs. Jackson told her of it. Mrs. A~ins subsequently conferred with a Mr. Charles Latham about the repair of the property and in view of the expense involved she decided to sell the place. Shortly thereafter Mr. Latham and a Mr. Pattillo came to Mrs. Akins home and she sold the property to Mr. Pattillo for $800.00. It was determined through reliable sources that Robert D. Pattillo was born ~ l l i - ~ 1927 and that his wife's name is lc6Q~ne A. Pattillo. �Page 4 It is reported that the Pattillo's have resided at 404 Puckett Street, Forest Park, Georgia and at 1272 Park Avenue, Geor gia. s. E., Apt. A, Atlanta, Further that Mr. Pattillo was former ly employed as an agent or salesman with Georgia Insurance Service and with United Insurance. Mrs. Pattillo is reportedly an employee or former employee of Colonial Stores. The same sources revealed that Charles T. Latham was reportedly born in January, 1936 &nd bis wife's name is Charlotte G. Lathem. The Lathsm's have resided at 1896 Ward Circle, East Point, Georgia and 4030 Grant Drive, s. w., Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Latham was fo rmerly employed as an agent for Florida State Life Insurance Company. was employed by E - Z Food Stores. Mrs. Latham reportedly is or Mr. Latham filed a petition -in bank- ruptcy in March, 1961 listing debts in the amount of $12,729.00 and asse ts of $110.00. He was discharged in June, 1961. �PBBSONNIL IBCOIDS• e1TY or 4TLAN1'4 ~••••1• the following lnfol'llitton: By way of back'9nu-.l, )It . educatiOll and 3 yeaw• ,u Latbaft\ wes hon J~ry 4• 1936. a radio-TV wife ' , name ia Charlotte Ann. i,• M h111 • l,tah •choo1 iJehool in Waahtngton,. They ha.a fe>ut cbild.-ea. I),. c. Hr'• Ut~' • Hts eocUl MC11rit7 nuaber ta 259• 50• 1436. &obert David Pattillo was employed • , • hou1lng cocle tn•pecto1r on J-.u,y 23. 1967 • . b r 8• 1928. year of colleg•• Mt . fat~lU,o btJI a hi.sh acbool educatl · hu wif• ' • name ts Icei-.. !bey tt.ve two cht,14.r . • aad on Mr. Pattillo ' • social security nmnber is 253-30• 1845. Uh u


p. ()d-~ . j- I Z s-f] µ_,u--e_h ~ / J j_<!L~R( ~~/ J/-lfl . m" ~ ~ tt- t I er ,. r , -, �*'· Je84 Aid.ms. 25 3 Aehfor4 load, N. 633..5343 funtalled tb• followi Mre. Aklos •41111 · N. w. , • 11 /ttlbt•• GeOtgla. 1'•1-,hoae - iafOilllJtion. that eh. wa · er of propeirty at fCH."Mt' Atlanta, Georaf.a. 'lhat thi pro,ert u.,, 'fbird- St~eet, as 1 -f t to her by htt CDO.tbet and that ahe baa NAted di. prop rty to · _· tat& Jack1oa and he~ 1tx cht14 . for • numb w of ,ear .• She t•ted th4t th b~ wee in excellent corads.tt.a frtor to th time that Mrs. Jackao and her family ~Cllpied it. HowavH',, they b,:v• been very d siruct lve t oanta. Mrs. Akins fo · . ly resided At 1009 lwilid Avettue. HOW-.r, • th re 10 her pi- oni •ddrea• on Januay 14, 1969. At that tiaeit lb left a forw•rilng adchr••• with the poat offi¢•• 4 Mrs . Aklna tmtU SOUIC! P aot nu that her lbf.rd Street property had ben t.•pected time iu lat Kat"ch, 1969 wtum Geol' la Jack.eon told htt' tha.t the houae inap cton bid been out tber . Therea, .t er, her that there Mr•• Akins call d City Hall ad talked to Mr. Lathaanlltio told w•• a •'wbol She advised Mr. 1'1t"- h pas fu11° c;f thlns• to had rec•lved oo · tice and told hi.Ill tti.t • - ·_. bad ree.ently _ y for plumbin - ftatur In coon tio with the res,air1 f.nvotce done to the boua • •ct. on and: oth-.r repair•. the bouee, Mr1. Aid.QI baa an of 3• 17•69 ft - · Staaco, Inc •• .-1c1enctns plumbing work f.~1udtll8 a new 30• gal1on w•ter heater at 1153 Third Street. If. $252. SO. She ha.• •noth r tnvolce dat $20. SS to aoa w. in the -• BUUIQ April 4. 1969, 1reveaUna th•t Bl ctl"tc Compafty fo~ electrlcal vork on her ptopet,t y. ,-. ,a n1ult of MN . Akins ' telepb . te conve-n atlon with they •greed to .AQd did meet • day 01: eo tat•r Stre t . Mr. 'Lathan,., alOQe •t tho tl• . •t Nr•.

'La._ Akins propetty • Be pointed ovt to a trd Mr•. Akl.u all that need d to be clone M4 told hel' tt would cnt •bOllt $1,SOO. Sh told bia if it would coat that ~ch •he might eell th frat.en:,. Durtl)g th• cour•e o-f th• dt•• Quaeton, Mr. IAtba8' told h•r that the bouN would have to , ... luptiet$.cm each year ---, �and would prolwably coat that much eaaly ar to conform. Mrs. Aklna is not sure whether .she act:uaUy initiated the propo itiou of selling the pr Latham or whether he initi ted the propoi,ltion. At any rate, Ml'. Lat-hp, told her he would try to help her sell the property as he knew some that type of property,. He said rty to Mr. who bought he would have one of these men call h r. 2 or 3 daya •ft r the meeting at the Third Str et property, a Mrs. Akins 411d identified himself as Mr. Pattillo. He told her th 11 d C ·t b had been r £erred by Mr. Lath&II\ and that he was calling concerning her property on Third Stree and made her an offer of $,,oo . for maintained that th property was worth r at which time Mr. Pattillo b came the propertr. Mra. Akins very ~urt and said h doubted if anyon elee would make any offer for the property. Mra . Akins told Mr. Pattillo she would think the matter call him as to her decision. rand tN According to Mrs . Akina, she reached the deci• aion that to keep the property would b a continuing cost and bother to her. She also realized that the property was worth more than $800.00 but stated that since she is a widow woman and 70 years of age it just wasn't worth it to maintain the property and keep ith tenant in it. Accordingly, 1he recontacted Mr. Fattillo and told him she would take $800. 90 for the pro, rty. A few lays later, Mr. Pattillo and Mr. Lath to her residence on Ashford Road . She is positive came She believe• some time before noon. •f was during ordinary buain ss hours because Mr. Latham at one point made the conaent that he hid to get back to the office. She is also positive that the date was April 15, 1969 which was on a Tu 1day. They advised her there would be no closing coat or for that matter any cost to her and that Mr. Lathem would close the deal as h wu a notary. They had a document with them, undoubtedly a warranty deed, which Mrs . Akins signed. Sh admits that ah did not read the document carefully and does not know for sure who the Grantee or Grantees were but ce~tanly was of the opinion that she was 1elling the property to Mr. Pattillo. She does wecall j he gave her a check in the amount of $800.00 and it wa1 a p1:iated check in his and his wife ' s name. However, she does not recall the name of u the wife. She deposited the check in her •ccount at the First National Bank on April 18, 1969. _7 - �Mra . Akin$ advl••d that •h• would t••tify ln Court conceratag thia utter t.f . eucb .bec..-e ab9ao1vtaly nec.eeaary. However. abe pJ:efened not to ,become lnvolv~ . Recoid Book No. ,5052, pag-, 158 1 &'ev•ala that a warranty de-4, dat.S 4-15-69 tranaf r~ecl die property at 1153 Third Street, N. w., Atlanta, Georgla 1 from the Crtntor; Mi's . Jean Hettie Akin(t), to th Gr _ t , le lane Alexander and Charlo~t - Gamer, ford\er that Ch&\"les T. Lathamwu • wttneee and nota.-y. The property at 1153 Third Street, N. w•. waa inapect don Nay 20 1 1969, by Janes A. Smlth, Chief Housing Code la• ector and myself at which tl e each item on Mi:. Tolb rt•a Housing lnepectlon Notice was checked to det mine if there had be• compU.*1Ce therewith .

tt waa determined that of s

_ 25 iteu that the only b u t ~ compliancef that hed been made wee pcinttag o the e•terior. lt 1, to be not d that Georgia Jacuon presently occupiee thi• property and has b en inltt'QOt 4 te • y. rent to Homestead Aaaoci_a tea, P. o. Atlanta, Georgl, 30331. This is in c~Ordl!lce with a lett r to Box 41222, • Jackson dated May 1, 1969 from lcelene Alounder. The ho~alng code i'ecords on this prop rty are in tact and ar av•Uable. ~ u �Housing Inspection Notice Number CB68•21SO reveal• that th houatn at 2285 and 2295 BliOOka A.venue, N. April 4, 1968, by c. t. Latham. w., Atlanta, Georgia wa• inspected on The notice with inatructiona to comply by July 9, 1968. was $1 , 050 . w•• mailed April 9, 1968, and The estimated co1t of r · ira Thi• property coneists of a church and two units in brick and frame type construction one atory with a total of three unit•, the owner being A. a. Anderson, Adminittrator for the eatate of G. H. Anderaon, 1135 H*rletta Boul evard, N. w., Atlanta, Georgia. Record Book Ho. 4966, page 239 reveals that there is a warruty deed, dated October 4, 1968. Ttanaferred pJ.'Operty •t 2285-95 Brooks Avenue, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia, from 6 T. Latham, Grantees. a. Anclereon, Grantor to Robert D. Pattillo and Charle• There i8 •lao a deed to secure debJ per record book 4967 page 271 to Atlanta Federal Saving• and Loan from Lathan and Pattillo in the amount of $7,500 1 on the sane property. Mr. A. Raymond Anderaon. 1335 •rletta Boulevard , N. w., Atlanta, Georgia, advised Kr. Barl Landers that as aclm1ohtrator for the estate of Mr. c. H. Anderson, he handled the ••le of the property a 2285-95 Brooks Avenu ~• N. w. According to Mr. Allderson, there are thne old houses or unit• at thi• address and after being inspected by Mr. Latham, Mr. Anderaon waa preaented with a long list of items to be repaired. Mt. Anderson had a contractor of hi~ choice check the houees and waa told by the contractor that it would coat approximately $2, 500 to comply with the inspection list. Soon thereafter, Mr. Anderson told Latham that he would aell the house ucl they eventually agreed u4 Mr. Anderson did sell the three units to Latham and Pattillo for $7,500. Mr. Andereon, Ml!'. Pattillo, and Mr. Latham went to11ther to Atlanta Federal Savings and t,oan to arrange for financing the house. Atl&Qta Federal took a deed to secure debt in the amount of $7,500 . However• Mr . Anderaon had to pledge a $2,000 account that he had with Atlanta Federal a security. On May 20, 1969, J•e• A. Smith, Chief Housing Code Inspector and myself inapectedtthe property at 22Y•9S Broo Avenue, N. V., Atlant•, GeoJr la. (It should be nited this property •lao la or has been designated as 2•4 Brooks �HGu iug Inep otto on April 2, 196 • iup ct d property at 1263 81c:l Hollywood lo • The not1 of thi• prop rty was May a. 1968 with the 11 to comply by 8- -6 • Th · etimated co•t of rel) . tr• b. lng .$ 2, 750. ¥'· of the property w. • ••· D lphnq,. Groov r, 2935 Arden ~ -ti;, N. truction i v.,. Th OW'ller Atl ta, Georgia,, 3Q30S. t tbi Houa two uni.ta. residential fr · ddre, · •• deacrib _ t _ •01ne 32 iteJr<.a e>f "epatr. There 1 28, Recoi-d Book 4904, page 188 r -ve 1 tut• warrenty de d, 4-ted · - CL (l, ~ , 1968. This pr,_p .rty , aa transferr d by Hrs. Dalphn• Groover to Cba.tl • Travi• Lath aild Rob it D. Pattillo. It should h, not•d that the warraaty de•d would appear not only to d scrS.be -Q.i io tncbacl . ,•• pieces of property] o _ of which two entlre 1a de•cd,bed •• b ilig on This piece 1 - as 1263 Old Hollywood Road, N. perty which ow Bolton Road, as b ilig 100• • 100' x • w. too• x 100• . x 450' x 160' 600' •. g w., and 1• that pi,o•


' 1!te111111P hereiu above. The iuspact~ by Mr. Wad4' 11 ()thei, i,lecet of p~pet-ty is on Welt ,.., .- Street, u....32S • • 111 • •nd Pirat Str et, N. • , d scribed Thl pt<,p rty is now known s 1250 Fir t ('rht . pt ·ce of prop rty so far• ne r could b . deta1.Ujl_;.... wpacted by the bou tQS code in1pect I' . ) Record Boo · 4906 pege 102 ro Dalpbn~ al th t Lath and PattUlo ~Groov ·~ a deed ·t o aecur debt on 5-28-68 for $7,000 1 Further, r~or book 4886, p gt1 59$ r · ala that 11... 20-68 conv 1 . th proporty fra.n

e ' warr ty ted ill and Icelene Aluandet. Jemea A. 8mit:h, Chief Houatng Cod · lnsp. ctor,flnd l ins ct d th at 1263 Old Hollywood load on 5•20-69 nd found that baa1c Uy n ·· ~•patr• as ttst don IU'. 14ddell's in e-operty of the ti The oc.cupmatSof 1263 and 1265 Old Roll:,vood, Botd pay their r t t J. T. IAtb~, Boa 41222 .&tl..._. Georgia, 30331. A cu-reory i•pectton of the ptopeny of 1265 Old lloUywood that it ia b•dly u A-•-4 of repair and th .- r <> rev.ale ti it would not be in co . U. e v:lth �-------- ------- Th housing coder complete. ( The follow u \ the last date t.he p 1 · "- u -(( - c;::=:===-------------======--==----=-==--------- - -- - -- �Inspection Notice No. 0168-4112 reveal that c . T. IA.them on May 29, 1968, inspected pi-c,pel'ty at 2657 Rosemary Str•et, N. w., Atlanta, Geor ia. Thls property ,. residential frmae com truction, one story, on• unit, and is owned by Mr. w. a . Dooley who , at that time, alleg•dly resided at RBute 1, Whitesburg, Georgia. There were four itema of repair that bad an estimated repair coet of $600 .00 Housing Inspection Notice C168-SS7 reveals that c. T. Latham on 8-8-68 inspected the property at 2661 llosemary Street, N. Georgia. w., Atluta, This le a fr - e house, one story, one unit 'and ls owned b7 Mr. Dooley of White,buwg.- Georgi a . w. R. There were some five items of repalr vtth an stiut·ed coat of r pair of $800. 00 . Record Book 4980 page 17 reveals that a warranty deed, dated 11•4--68, conveye·d property at 2651 ·aoaemary Str t, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia fro w. R. Dooley to Charle• ·T. Latham and Robert D. 1attillo. Record Book 4989 page 29 reveals that a deed to secure debt dated U ·- 4-68 on property 26S7 Roeemary Street, N. w. , from Latham and Pattillo to w. R. Dooley for $2 ,060 . Record Book SOS! page 150 reveal• that warranty deed dated 4•14-69 on property at 2657 aoaemary Street, N. w. , from latham and Patt611o to H rman H. and Mary Lou Maloy. Record Book 4980 page 16 reveals that warranty deed dated 11•4•68 con- veyed the property of 2661 Rosemary Str t, N. w., from w. R. Dooley to Charles T. Latham and Robert D. Pattillo. Record Book 4986 page 594 reveals warranty deed dated 11•16-65 conveyed property at 2661 Rosemary Street , N. Pattillo tow. a. w. , from Charles T. Latham ind Robert D. Dooley. On May 20 1 1969, 1 telephonically contacted Wayman Ralph Dooley, Box 114, Mansfield, Georgia, Telephone Covington Exchange, 706-6033. Mr. Dooley advised that he was in the coaatruction businea and that he foi-merlly owned tbe pro• perty at 2657 and 2661 Rosemary Street, N. w. 1 Atlanta, Georgia. HI at•ted that .-Cb of these propertl•• were inspected by Mr. Latham. &~ i He, Mr.. Dooley, had them repa~CHQpliance with the code. At that time, he decided to property and 4{ aeU the property to Mr. t!III Mr. Dooley h• "'7 11-.y stated Pattillo and Mr. Lath 11 the ,...S that he was s tiafied with the trana tion �and that no preaaur whatsoever waa plf.ced upon him in the course of the eell• i ns . He atated that the ~ actually went through on the property at 2657 Bawever. Mr . and Mra . 1'11111• a . Ray had alr ady applied for Rosemary Street. loo on the propetty at 2661 Rosemary Street and when the loan e · it was necesaar7 for him to cancel out on th sale of the through, operty to Latham and Pattillol Both of the prop rties on Rosemary Street were inspected by kUNJ4_ J_.• A. Smith , Chtef HoueiQg Code Inspect or and ayeelf,_Mll found that the houeea had ~ . been repair~end that they appeared to b . tn compliance with the houin code . . u a �Inspection Notice ber Wll•SOSS reveals that Kr. A. inapected property at 2 (1724) Ridgew•y Avenue, N. c. w., and determined th re were eome 11 iteiu of repair. Waddell on 3•9•66 ' (right) 6tlanta, Georgia Thia houa vaa owned by Mr. and Mrs . Burkhart, Route 1, Mabl ton, Georgia, and at the time w s occupied by J . P. Warr • The house was co R cord Book 4957 page 206 vey d propert; { Mrs. Alonzo j: t, _/2~ lied on 9•20-66. reveal th t ay A nue f~ 1,, dg 9•17•68 con• Carl Burkhart and Agne• Burkhart to Record book 496S page 199 cuiDrijH de • arranty deed da ~ L•. tathana. ,i,- Ridgeway Avenu , i w., to secure debt, dat 9•16•68 ~ 4 from Mrs. Alonzo L. Lathan· to Carl and Agnea Burkhart · \Y~r , · aoute 1, Monttcello for $4,soo loan. Record Book 4986 pag 591 reveal 11b Ridgeway Avenue, N. w. arraaty deed dated 11• 22•68 convey*" (" from Mra . Alom:a L. Latham to Bradon M. Qualls and lcelene Alexandr. Record book 5044 page 65 reveals arranty deed of 3-28-69 o-k-" w. "'1/' Ridgeway Av nu , N. and sarah I s. c;O,av 111t ~ from Brandon M. Qualls and Ic len Ale.-nder to Henry c. Weav r . view of th fact that thi hou e ~ purchas d by Mra . Latham and~ ub eq as compl ied prior to the tilll8 it vaa tly n sold, no curr nt as made. The Hou in Cod r cord on this l u " rilfi e of property are intact. w ction �1ca.cord Book 4937 page 26 r~veal• warranty deed, dated 7•26•68 conveying prope1ty at 2250 Siak Str , et, N. w. , Atl•nta, Ceorg1a from Flo••i Daniel Ru••ll to Charle, T. Latham and iobert D. Pattillo. Record Book 4935 page 412 reveal• deed to aecure debt elated 7•2 68 on p~op rty at 2250 Sisk Street , N. w. , from Latham and Pattillo to r101al .Daniel Ruse 11 for loin of $1,900 . Record Book 4986 page 596 reveal arranty de d dated 11• 20•68 conveying prop rty at 2250 Siak Street, N. w., Quall and Icel ne Alex.nder ~ search of the records of the hou,tu code frcm Latham and Pattillo to•~ . division f il d tor veal th4t there waa ever a cue on the property t 2250 Sisk Street . ln v:lev of the f development• ao far on thi• property no further vest:lgation was conducted p nding further developmem:s . . u '
