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_BLIND COPY CITY OF .ATLANTA CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA, 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING t <"201Dif 98 e ctor Mr . W. R. Wofford, Building Ins ct Building Im ctor's O ffice City Holl .. · Atlanto, G or lo . 30303 Dear Billi As you know, th stoff of th Plannln Departm nt has $f>Cnt Cl consfd rabl amount of ti since last umm r in on ffott to d vise a m ons of up tin th Housin Code CcmpUane Program . Ourin this tim , th r has n c;a full and ~cimpl re chan of infi atlon ond id as tw n our stoff and the staff of th Housing Cod tHvlsl n of th Udlng D by the 1965 unity I pr '¥ . m nt Pro ram surv y . The prl riti h n · fol low d 1n Hng code compli nee Im cticn ff ts. nNl'il'll'\'I.. , Jorlty w re atcblllh ctions ctlons �r . W• R. W ford D c mber 20, 1968 will be ploc d In an or d rmmed by priority llstin for a thr -month period . During th s three months, a grou of thr m n ccn accomplish 1260 original in ctlons (3 >ii. 420) nd o roup of four m n con accomplish I 80 original Ins ctions (4 x 20). Aft r original ins ctlont hav n compl t d in ch roup• or o, om of its insp ctors are mov d from that or to form oth r roups to do mor ori lnal 1ns ctiom during 'th s c nd thr • mooth riod. malning inspectors in ach o a carry out th r insp c:tions In those or o • ~ pr res i mad in ach ar a, inspector or continuolly rotat d to form new · roups ond cotatlnu orl inot inspection ln new ar a,. Thr prQe s is shown In d tail on th attached mop and workload disttlbut on sh t, vsln n (10) ina ctors . Sine _ the Housing Cod Complianc Division hm tw nty (20) men capabl of making Ins ctlons In ~one ntrot d ins ctions ar as, and nly t n or pr s ntly i v d f r this purpo , reor ni&ation of th Division to fr more m n to mak inspect ons should considered . 3y vstn only four m n as s ctor Inspectors ond dividin th city into four part , sixte n (16) cone ntrot d area tnsp ctors could be util lzed. Anoth r approach is util izJng four ctor Im ctors and two fi Id su rvisors, akin fourt n (14) concentra or o ins ctor avollobl • Still anoth r approach, us n six se¢tor Ins c;tors and twc fi Id su rvl50f$, tw lv (12) cone ntrot d or a Inspector could vied . In och ease, th number of ins ctor used, th mor in psctlon con be mod in th top-priority a, as of th city . Utili.zln th se four ty , o personnel depl ym nt, programs n devised usln t n (10), tweh~ (12), fourt; n (14), and sl, teen (16) hove concentr te reo Inspectors. A d toil d explanati n of ins ctton ar as or lnclud d with th ott ched , p ond workload dblributlon SM f for ach diff r nt program. Af r you hav r vi d d <:onsld r d th diff r nt pro rams, w will be pleo d to meet with you and your staff to discu th ltetnatlv 1. We are 0110 avoilo I to help expl In any parts of th propo d pro ram1 that • not sufficiently self explanatory. Sine r ly, Collfer • Gladin Pl nln Director C G/bls At y hment1 r �