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CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 501 CITY HALL ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 Aptil 16. 1969 CHARLES L. DAVIS DIRECTOR OF FINANCE EDGAR A . VAUGHN , JR . DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE GEORGE J . BERRY DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Hr• ·. Frectq:l.ck L. Sheph11~ · lepr~,-~ti• of tha·Architact 1 901 C:l.t 1 Hall -Atlanta,, aeoral• ·· Ile : . -Yoif1"tJon of ··Ao~ot •

de~ Cttie• Head1uartua

Dear .-l 'r 4: r.-.,.., . _ ·lt;. Id t~· .,..~ff.OD l i•tecl _lo, P.,lr let.tel', of April 10. we ·1-v · retutobecl Che '•t'tet, · tbe e.1~1' • "•S.~ion -. . aet forth by*• l*i , ·:ett 111 t~t th~ ftav 2~•to~ .houl!iaa cqter fl'OP · aed for lb• Hodel ·c ttiea COmplG l• t o be con11dencl by ihe city .. • ~...-tary ~•1-.tabl• •ttuctui•• . we ·u. ewa1:e ~at e, Citie.a tntencla to pu:tch••e thi1 buildiq f,lld beli.•e that the ,1Yiaetute ahoul d be eonei4eted u • • vhiOb ld be, ad wi,11 ht, relocated to otheT · f.te u,on c;cacellatton c,,f the 1.... at the ,peeently propo•~ to"tton. ..,. J JOG hav w tdll b . 1 -"itloaal · uaeti. re ~ing tht.• itncture 1 re tball h..,, to elldM90l' to p1'01'1•• ,-. vith an lt.ncuetr, d~ 74J_ ·o..-., CI\Ql L. Dt~-=.C.l." ·• f flMDCe CL"D1tu CO: Jlro lo lul ff8

·• '_...uuy.. Joba,o '

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