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CITY OF AT LANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL TEL JA. 2-4463 EXT. 321 ATLANTA, GEORGIA June 6, 1969 S T A T E ME P T I , Otis F. Jordon, Rousing Code I nspector of W-5 sector. City of Atlanta, did on 6- 6-69 go to a dwelling located at 1542 Pineview Ter., S.W. I inspected this dwelling, except for the terrace apt. and 3 r ooms of the front apt. The occupants were away, and talked with Mr. & Mrs. B. Gober, Mrs. Sheldon and the postman f or this route. When I approached the house I met Mrs. Sheldon, I asked for Mr. Gober and he directed me to their apt. After knocking on the Gober' s door and being asked to come in, I entered . Mr. & Mrs. Gober then inimediately started a string of complaints after I introduced myself . The complaints included the Polic e Dept., the P~rke Dp t., the Pos tmaster General nd the Post Office in general , the State Fatrol, the Traffic Engineering Dept .> and other including near nei hbor. After listening to these people for about 25 . mi nutes and completing my in pec tion, I came to the conclu ion tha t I had just been listening to two people that should b under a mental health program. After laving the Gober , l went to t he fro nt of the house to talk with Mrs . Sheldon and in pect the f r ont pt. Mrs . Sheldon let me into herb droom which wa clean and tidy, except for a mall area of pl ster that had been loosened by r in w ter. This room w sat isfactory. Sh explained that she would r ather not sho me the r t of the apt. until Mr • Mccutcheon, the owner, returned. Mrs . Sheldon. informed e that Mr. Gov r had been u ing abu ive nd threatenin · 1 nguage laced ~1th profanity at lmo t every chance, She had rev led this also to Mr. Joe L _ e of the Park Dpt., nd Mr. Geor ge Timbert of the Traffic Engine ring Dept. While talking with Mr • Shel.don the postman of th.is route came by and offered additional information. Its that Mr. Gob r wanted bi 11 put in box h had mounted on the h d of the t ir to th1 apt. (This the D p rtment forbid). So he went down to the pot offic and cured out ev ryon h could find down there and etting no aatisfaction ot to the Poat st r Gen r land th Pre ident. Th se tat ents it)Cre ed my b lief that here ere two ntal ca This dw lling he b en rec ntly p inted ins1d nd out and a 100 service in•talled, will refer to electrical divieion for check. Th bove i true account of my findings at 1542 Pinevi w T rr c Oti F. Jord 1 ctric on 6-6-69. �