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August 22 , 1969 Mr . Edward H . Baxter , Regional Admini strato r Departme nt of Housi ng and Urban Deve lopme nt Room 645 , Peachtree- Seventh Building Atlanta, Ge o rgia 30 32 3 Dear Mr . Baxter : A question has arisen regarding the correct interpretation of Section 114 of Atlanta ' s Official Plumbing Code . Prior to December 20 , 1966, Section 114 required the exclu ive use of wiped lead stubs for floor outlet water clo et and urinal • At about that time HUD made a study of the Plumbing Code nd in the inter t of modernization recommended t~t the City amend numerous provisions, including Section 114. I have been informed that the 1·evi ion of Section 114 recommended by HUD followed verb tirn the corre ponding provision of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code . A Jdnended, Section 114 read follows : S c. 114. Fixture connections between dr inage pipe and water clo et , Floor•outlet ervicc inks , ped tal urinals, and earthenware trap etand rd shall b made by m an of bra • hard-lead or· iron flange • c lked, oldered or ac;rewed to the dr in g pip • Th connection hall be bolted, with an pproved ga k t or waeh r or e tting compound b tw en th earthenw re and th conn ction. Th u e of comm rcial putty or pla ter i prohibited . inc S ction 114 provid • that 11 th flooi- fla11g sh 11 b a t on an approved firm ba e", one cont ntion ia that th cboic of "br , hard-lead or iron fl nges, calked, oldei- d, or er ed to th dr in . ge pipe" applie1 only to a sl b on gr- d , which constltut • " n pproved firm b ". Und r that theory ection 114 do not permit a choice of the three m teri 1 on floor abov a Uab on ., d becau su<,:h oth r floor do not n c s arily con titute 11 an. approv d firm bas ". Under t view of ction 114 it would b p rmi eibl on fl :re abov lab on gr d to wip d le d etub • to re•tdct uch joint �Mr . Ed . rd H . Baxt r Pag z .A u aet 2Z, 1969 Tb oppo in interpr ation ia that the p\l,.PQ of th mendrnent of Section 114 in Dec;: mber. 1966, w to rmit the choice of u·brau , hard• l d or i ron Oan · s , calk d, old r . d , or er wed to th dr • e pipe" nd that th expres langua e o1. t e Section is uch to p rmit u.cb choice. Under th t eon truc tion tb.e pbr "an pprov d firm ba e" pplies equally to 11 of the materi l and not ju t to tho oth r n le d . Th qu . stie>n h s, tli refore, been r i ed to wb th r ,. unde:r Sec tion 11-l. the engine. r or plwnbin con.trac tor i re tricted on iloora above l b on grad to wip d l ead tub or h choic on uc:b floo.- . f u siug "bra 8 . , d or iron flan ,. c lk d , older d or ere d to th dr ina e pip "' · Sine HUD a in trumental in b ring bout the n ctm nt of S ction 114 in its pr • nt form. th City owd lik to know wh t HUD r I rd the corr c:t r to that que tion.. In ddiUon to th cor.-ect interpr Uon ol S ction 114, it will b h lpful if HUD will o it• Ju.elm.eat a to at the cod O\l&ht to provid on tbi• point, ntirely rt from. th pr • nt la.n ua e of S ction 1.14, in ord r to encouag the constructio of lo - r nt, lo .co t houaing without 1 . erin r 10 bl rd• Your elp nth •• •af ty arid durability. tt6l'I will be very muc ppreciated. Sine r ly. D n E . S eai. Jr. Chief · drnt · eb:'ative Oflic r D ~:J• �