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• .' NALL, MILLER. CADENHEAD & DENNIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAMUEL A . MILLER A . PAUL CADENHEAD DOUGLAS DENNIS J ·AMES W . DORSEY EDWARD $. WHITE HAMILTON DOUGLAS DONALD M . FAIN 2400 NATIONAL BANK OF GEORGIA BUILDING ATLANTA . GEORGIA A . WALTON NALL THEODORE G. FRANKEL M ORTYN K. ZIETZ MICHAEL D . ALEM!IJK September 4, 1969 R08ERT E. CORRY, JR . GERALD A , FRIEDLANDER DENNIS J . WEBB THOMAS S. CARLOCK BAXTER L , DAVIS COUNSEL 30303 (404) 522-2200 · PRICE S . WILLIAMS, JR. JON 0 . FULLERTON LOWELL S. FINE RONNIE L. QUIGLEY Mr. George Cotsakis 150 Ottley Drive, • E. Atlanta, Georgi 30324 Interpr t t1on ot Section 114 ot At1anta Plumbing Cod Re: Der Mr. Cots k1: On April 16 1 1969 I rote to you about a probl m involving Section 114 of the Atlan.t a Plumbing Code 1n hi:h s ver 1 client ot our are inter t d. The purpose of that 1 tter wa tor quest an opportunity to be he rd on th merit ot ny chang or revision of the exi ting ordin nc • You r pl1 d very pro ptly to my 1 tt r d er kind enough to ay th t I would be notified ot ny ting h ld by the Building Co · itt e to con id r any proposed ch ng sin th t ection of th Cod • Ast r as I know, ther has be n no ettort to chang existing ordinance, but th probl regarding it correct int rpr t t1on and enforc ent h not b olv d. B c ntly, I di cussed the tter 1th Mr. D n Sw t, Chi r A 1n1atr tive Ottic rot th City, in th hop th t this probl talle within hi jurisdiction and that he 1 in po 1t1on to s .1 t 1n re chin olution. I look torward to h r1n tr h in th n t twdy. th Thi 1• to repeat the r qu t tout in letter pril 16th r ardin notic and an opportunity to · e b r 1n th v nt ot a propo .1 to odity Sect i on 114. If it urn out that tbi probl cannot b olv 4 a n a 1n11tr tiv level, I will be r tetul tor an opportunity to diecusa the tter with you and obt 1n your guid nc · nd dvic • ot c: .• Mr. D • t �