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CITY 0 ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of FIRE 46 COURTLAND ST., S. E. Atlanta, Georgia RtCFIVFb January 1, 1969 DEC 31 1968 C. H . HIL DEBRAND, JR. C h ief iill.ANTA F,ii£ DEPT. Chief of Department TOt ROM : Ohief of Traininc Monthly Repor~ Su.BJEC Dear Sira During the month of December the annual pumper tests completed and a copy of the results and maintenance ne ded for eaoh apparatus was forwarded to the shop w r divi ion offio . The Education 1 Training Progr sohedul as co plated xaminations w r dminietered to all company personnel ranking from private through captain. A ne training sch dul waa isaued for the first quart r of the year. fh safety paper was printed and issued al P• and R. Atl R tment I "HELP SAVE LIFE AND PROPERTY BY PREVENTING FIRES" �