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- ------ ----------· . ) MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE MASTERS MEETING, July 28, 1969. The following members were pres ent : Mr. W. T. Knigh t 7 Mr. Jack Summers, Mr. Q.. V. Williamson. Mot ion by Mr . Summe rs 9 seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes of the last meeting b e approved. Motion c arried. The Board was informed of _the following assignments to regular positions: See Attachment #1 . Moti on by Mr. Willia mson, seconded by Mr. Summers that these a ssignme nts be approved. Motion carried. !he Board was informed of the following re-employments: See Attachment #1. Motion by Mr . Summers, seconded by Mr. Williamson, that the~e re-employments be approved. Motion c a rried. Requests for military leave was read to the Board for the followi ng: See ~t tachment #1 . Motion by Mr. Williamson, second ed by Mr. Summers, that these military leaves b e a pprove d. Motion carried. The Board was informed of the following personnel that have returned from military leave: See ~t tachment #2. Motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Summers,that the se person n el be rei nstated to their positions in the Fire Department. Motion carried. The Board was informed of the following resignations: Se~ttachment #2 . Motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Summers, that these resignations be accepted. Motion carri ed. The Board was informed of the following dismissals: See Attachment #2. Motion by Mr o Williamson, seconded by Mr. Summers, that the Board concur in these dismis sals. Motion carried. �Min . of Bd. F.M. Mt g. July 28, 1969 Page #2 The Board was informed of the following retirements: Fire Investigator E. F. Davis, effective 6-1-69. Li e utenant J. C. Wingo 9 #21, effective 6-10-69. Deputy Chief D. W. Garrett, #4, effective 7-17-69. The Board wa s informed of the non-service connected disibility pension of W. c. · Lamb, # 15, effective 6-9-69. A 6 months leave of absence was requested for Fire Investigator F. s. Stonecypher, effective 6-11-69, for assignment to the Law Department. Hotio n by Mr. Williamson, second ed by Mr. Summers, that this leave of absence be approved. Motion c a rried. The Board was infomed that the War Service Appointment as Fire Apparatus Operator of L. L . Wood, #29, had been withdrawn, effective 7-1-69, due to the return from military leave of the regular Fire Apparatus Operator. The Bo ard concurred i n this action. The Board was in f ormed of the following diciplinary actions: W. L . Kemp, #11, suspended 3 d ays, effective 6-22-69, for violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Department. J. R. Colbert, #4, suspended 1 day, 6-24-69, f or violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Department. C. E. White, #8, suspended 4 days, effective 7-19-69, for violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Department. C. A. Livingston, #37, susp~nded 4 d a ys, effective 7-19-69, for violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Department~ Motion by Mr. Surmners, seconded by Mr. Williamson ;-t ha t the diciplinary action taken by the Chief be approved. , Motion carried. Sick Leave Extensions were requested f or the following: . H. D • . Smith, #11 , 30 calendar days, 5-17-69 through 6-15-69~ J. H. Grant, Shop, 14 calendar days, 6 - 2- 69 through 6-15-69. R. S. Marbut, #23, 27 calendar days, 6-1-69 through 6-26-69. H. T. Proctor, Signal , 3 calendar d ays, 6 - 9-69 through 6-11-69. C.R. Hitchcock, #8, 90 calendar days, 6-12-69 through 9-9-69. R. W. Pealor, #6, 25 calendar days, 6-1-~-69 through 7-11-69. Motion by Mr. Williamson , seconded by Mr. Summers; that these extensions be approved. Motion carried. �Min . of Bd. F.M. Mtg. July 28, 1969 Page # 3 The Chairman informed the Boa rd that the fo~lowing promotions were to be made: 1 1 l 2 2 Deputy Chief Battalion Chief Captain Lieutenants Fire Investigators I The Chairman asked Chief Williams for his recommendations: Chief Williams recommended Battalion Chief A. P. Black, top man on the eligible list as certified by the Personnel Board, to be promoted to Deputy Chief effective 7-17-69. Motion by Mr. Summers, seconded by Mr. Williamson, that Battalion Chief A. P. Black be promoted to Deputy Chief effective 7-17-69. FOR: Summer, Williamson, Knight. Chief Williams recommended Captain J. R. Pittman, top man on the eligible list as certified by the Personnel Board, to be promoted to Battalion Chief effective 7-17-69. Motion by Mr. Williams<:rn, seconded by Mr. Summers, that Captain J. R. Pittman be promoted to Battalion Chief effective 7-17-69. FOR: Williamson, Summers , Knight. Chief Williams recommended Lieutenant P . W. Mauldin, top man on the el igi ble list as certified by the Personnel Board, to be promoted to Captain effective 7-17-69. Motion by Mr. Will iamson, seconded by Mr. Sumrner s, that Lieutenant P . W. Mauldi n be promoted to Captain effective 7-17-69. FOR: Williamson, Summers, Knight. Chief Williams recommended Fire Apparatus Opera t or L. L. Chapman, certified by the Personnel Board, to be promoted to Lieutena nt (Aide ), effective 7 -17-69 . Motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Summers, that Fire Apparatus Operator L. L. Chapman be promoted to Lieutenant (A ide) effective 7-17-69. FOR: Williamson, Sumners, Knight. - --- �Min of Bd. F.M.Mtg. July 28, 1969 Page #4 -- .---- Chief 'Williams recommended R. T. White, top man on the eligible list as certified by the Personnel Board, to be promoted to Lieutenant effective 7-17-69. Motion by Mr. Summers, seconded by Mr. Williamson, that R. T. White be promoted to Lieutenant effective 7-17-69. FOR: Summers, Williamson, Knight. Chief Williams recommended Fire Apparatus--operator J. G. Hill, top man on the eligible list as certified by the Personnel Board, to be prqmoted to Fire Investigator I, effective 6-2-69. Motion by Mr. Summers, seconded by Mr. Williamson, that Fire Apparatus Operator J. G. Hill be promoted to Fire Investigator I effective 6-2~69. FOR: Summers, W;i.lliamson, Knight. Chief Williams recommended S. A. Moss, t_.9p man on the eligible list as certified by the Personnel Board, to be promoted to Fire Investigator I, effective 6-11-69. Motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Summers, thats. A. Moss be promoted to Fire Investigator I, effective 6-11-69. FOR: Williamson, Summers, Knight. Chief Williams showed a draft of the pr oposed new Rule Book for the Department to the Board and exp lained that it was to be refi ned and prepa red for pr esen t ation to each Board Member fo r s tudy after which time they will b e requested , to adopt it. - - Ch j_e f Wi lli ams e x p lai ned t ha t copies of r u l e b ook s from some of t he most progres s i v e cities had b een r e sear ched a nd that thi s propos e d rule book would be up-to - d a te a nd compre h e nsive. Ca p ta in C. t h e Board r requesti ng resolutio n H. El lis , and Capta in P. E. Johnson appeared before e p resent i ng Local 134, I AFF , a nd pr esente d a resolution res tor a t i on o f senior ity rig h ts . (A copy o f thi s is attached ) . Captain Sl l is po i nt ed out the fac t tha t one o f the pri mary objec t ives of Loc al 134 was s e n i or i t y and u r g ed favo ra b le consideration of t heir resoluti on. He furt her stated t hat a survey he had mad e indicated t ha t t he mo rale was very good at the pre s e nt time a nd rest o ratio n of seniority would incr ease the g ood mora l e a nd more solidify t h e rank s and team spir it with i n t he Departme nt. �-- --- Min. of Bd. F.M.Mtg. July 28, 1969 Page #5 Mr. Knight thanked Captain Ellis for his appearance before the Board and -assured him that the resolution would be given very careful consideration. Meeting Adjourned. �