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I NT E R NAT I ON AL 8 8 I P E A C ATLANTA , H T R AS SOC I AT I ON E E GEORG S I T A R - E 3-0 E T, 3 0 N, O F --F· I R E -E , - SU I T F I GHT E RS E 2 3 4 g The follO'wing re sol u tion was adopted by majority vote at the regular meeting in July, and i s here~vith presented to the Board of Fire Masters for consideration : WHEREAS; For many y ears, the Rules and Regulation of the Atlanta Fire Department have provided that a member may terminate his employment with the depar tment for a period of up to six months without lo ss of seniority, and WHEREAS ; ·. the_se.~1rul es and regulations were changed on September 12th, 1966 to provide that all member s l eaving the servic es of the departmen t for any time would l oose all seniority rights-, and _. WHEREAS; time has passed, and s ituations have changed, and meanings and intentions of the above changes in the Rules and Regulations have made it necessary, and the feeling has been generated amow1g our members to correc t many inequities caused by these changes, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED ; That Local 134 of the International Association of Fire Fighters petition the Board ofFire Masters of the Atlanta Fire Department, thru this -....-_-_ --_-_ .-- ---=--.......:.eso-luti.on-,-to-rr.el.le-r-t:- back-t(;'-the--Ru-l-e.s- ai:1d Regulations that were in effect immediately prior to September 1966. And:1 . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that all members of the Atlanta Fire Department be accorded all seniority rights as provided by those Rules and Regulations which were in effect September 2nd, 1966. · Presented 017, behalf of the membership of the Local ~ JI-ii' fz5_ ccro, ~ ,. 'tJ ~ ee.---~ diaries H. Ellis, President 0 AFF I<... • :;o WITH THE I NTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF F IR E FIGH TER S SIN C E 11118 GEORGIA STATE THE GEORGIA STATE F IR E F IGHTER S A SSO CIAT ION A NO THE ATLANTA LABOR COUNCIL AFL•C·IO �