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I N I G H T CALL I June, 1968 GUEST LINEUP FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE DATE 3 4 5 6 7 GUEST'S TITLE GUEST Acting President of SCLC Co-Author FAILSAFE Baltimore Urban Coalition Former Chairman SNCC Liaison to Poor People's ·CaH!paign Rev. Ralph Abernathy Harvey Wheeler Theodore R. McKeldin Stokely Carmichae_l Rev. John Adams ISSUE American Poverty A Moral Equilvalent to Riots Savior our cities Racial Violence Poor People's Campaign ·{NCC)

,, 10 Rev. Dean Kelly 11 Rev. Andrew Young H. C. McClellap. Michael Halberstam William Hedgepeth 12 13 14 Director for Civil and Religious Liberty - NCC Vice President - SCLC Council for Merit Employment Psychologist - Washington, D. C. Sr. Editor LOOK Magazine Religious Obedience and Civil Disobedience Poor People's Campaign Jobs for Minority Groups Are you guilty of murding Martin L. King? .L\merica's Concentration Camps - Reality or Rumor?


17 Dr. Robert E. Fitch 18 19 Honorable Julian Bond Gen George M. Gelston 20 Juan Gonzales 21 Dr. Margaret Mead Professor of Ethics - Pacific School of Religion House of Representatives - Georgia Adjutant General of Ma ryland National Guards Students for a Democratic Society (SDS - Columbia University) Anthropologist - Museum of Natural History . Morality in the United States. The Negro and Politics. Your Property or their lives? What do the rebellious students want? .I t.

Bravery Without Guns

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24 25 26 27 28 John Ga r dner Dr. Truman H. Rap Brown President of the Urban Coalition Vice President - Columbia University Student Non-violent Coordinating Cammi ttee (SNCC) Special Asst. to Gov. Rockefeller Professor at City College Jackie Robinson Dr. Kenneth Clark Rev olt of the Moderate Who's going to run the universities ? I A ,J -~ Black Power Is the Church a joke? Is Integration out of date? I "l

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