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DEPARTMENT of FIRE 46 COURTLAND ST., S. E. Atlanta, Georgia P.O. WILLIAMS CHIEF AUJUSt 15, 1969 i'iemo to: All PsrsonnGl Fror.i: Chief of Fir~ Jepart,:12nt Su~j~ct: ~2iteration of Fir~ D~partmont Policies i-1re Dep artr:i~nt of fi c2rs s .1 a1l ac.i J r css t i"1e com.r.iand by t:1cir surnar;i es. fir ~,1;12 11 und-::: r til i2ir Fire:;ien shall ad:.re:ss t i,cir su ~,;;; ricr officers or acting offic(.;rs uy rank. Qualifi ed ffi(.;il ~,;11 t,1:: assign er1 on a rot at i ng i.,asis to the capacity as acti ng officer or ~xtra apparatus o~~ rator. Fill-ins will also oe don ~ o~ rotating basis with consist~nt records kept at each ongin8 house on an individual shift basis as cpposcu to a sta t ion. Sy orde:r of ; /"")

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,_ I . . /. ,,',' / ' ) , v.. L-v:~~,. ~,'lAAtlanta Fir~ 0epa r tmant ? • O. ·:•JILL1A11Ss C,nef PO\IJ: 11 a "HELP SAVE LIFE AND PROPERTY BY PREVENTING FIRES" �