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I i I \ .Auguat 18, 1969 DUM , FROM: D nSw t Chi _f Will' m& h s writt n letter to yor .AU n ubmitting inform- Uon which ddr it elf to th " mo:t'andum R

rdin Diacrimination

A ain t Black Firemen of .Atlanta." pr a nt d to th yor and Fir Depa.rt .. ment ollic le rn Augu t 8th. Th l tter c<>ntaina attachm nta which indud a1unu:n 1:y nd naly is o1 promotional policies, d ecdption of firing r <:tic s d tem nt of plor tion r gardin th Atlanta ir m n'• ere tion Club. .Abo incl\ld d uat 15th rn mo fr Chief Willi ma to a.U p J'•onn l ol th Atlanta rtm nt r it r Una Fir D p rtm nt polict. in · l vtn th prop r lonn f v rbal ddr • of fir m nd • doT offic r d a nment of fire station per.aonn 1 a ctina officer or xi,- a.ppar _ tu.a oper tors. yor D :lr �