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....._ ___ ... - - . ___. . .DEPARTMENT of FIRE 46 COURTLAND ST., S. E. Atlanta, Georgia P.O. WILLIAMS . CHIEF AUJUSt 15, 1969 demo to: A11 Pc rs onnG 1 Fror:i: Chief of Firt:: Su~j~ct: Reiteration of Fir~ D~partmcnt Policies J8part,:12nt Fi re Departr.1~ ni.: of f i Ci:rs s.aa i I aciJr2ss the fi r01;,en und:: r ti1 .:: i r coITl!7iand by t:wir surnar.1;;:; s. Fi re:.ien sha11 ad;.;ress oy rank. t 118i r su ~,~ ri or offi c 2rs or acting offi c1::rs Qualified m8n will b~ assigned on a rotat ing ~asis to th~ capacity as acting officer or ~xt ra apparatus o~crator. Fill-ins will also oe don~ o~ rotating basis with consist2nt records kept at each cnnin8 hous e on an indivi dua l shift basis as cpposcu to a sta t ion. by orde;r of. POl>J: 11 a "HELP SAVE LIFE AND PROPERTY BY PREVENTING FIRES" �