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&Jv b/!tJ?. ~ FORM 25· 11 - �A copy of the 1 967 Civic Desi g n Commis s ion me mbership list is e nc los e d for y our infor mation. (

\ �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTA CIVIC: DESIG N COMMIS'3ION WI LL BE HELD AT 2 P. M~, THURSDAY~ CO MH I"'I'TEE ROOM #4,J CITY HALL~ �. \ Attached is a copy of the Civic Design Commission report (Feb., 19b6 to Ma rch, 1967) as submitted by former chairma n Cooper, for your information. �~ Attach e d is a copy of th e ACDC report (F e b., 1966 to March, 1967) as sub mitted by forme r cha irman Coope r, for your inform a tion. �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMIS~!ON WILL BE HELD AT 2. P. t': ., THURSDAY, COMHI"I'TEE ROOM #i! 1 CI TY HALL. L 27 , IN �THE NEXT REGUL 1\R MEETING OF 1' HE A'I'I ANTA CIVIC DES IGN COMMISSION WILL BE HE LD AT 2 P. M., THURSDAY, COMMITTEE ROOM #4, CITY HALL. - -A~P~R.I~L-l-.,..3----------' IN �THE NEXT REGUL AR MEETING OF THE ATLANU CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION WILL BE HELD AT 2 P. M., THURSDAY, COMMITTEE ROO M #4, CITY HALL. MARCH 23 , IN �TH ILI, co I'r OUL E HL TE ROO TI G O. TH T 2 P• •• HU SD /14, OI LL . . i' , 'TA CI I D SIG 23 CO III SIO , I �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION _R _Y_9_____ , IN WILL BE HELD AT 2 P. M., THURSDAY, __F_E_B_R_UA COMMITTEE ROO M #4, CITY HALL. �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF ~HE ATL ANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMI SSION WILL BE HELD A7 2 P.M.~ THUftSD-A.Y~ ~U t RY 26 IN CO MMITTEE ROO M #4, CITY HALL (\ , �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETI NG OF THE ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION WILL BE HELD AT 2 P. M., THURSDAY, IN COMMITTEE ROO M #4, CITY HALL &~......_...__......,......J...,9 ,...6...7, .._ , f .... �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION WILL BE HELD AT 2 P. M., THURSDAY, IN COMMITTEE ROO M #4, CITY HALL NO'EH ER 10 ' �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLA NTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MMISSIO N WILL BE HEL D AT 2 P . M., THURSDAY, IN COMMITTEE ROO M #4, CITY HALL OCTOBER 27 �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION WILL BE HELD AT 2 P, M., THURSDAY, IN COMMITTEE ROO M #4, CITY HALL Q~TQBER JJ ' �A.C.D.C. WILL MEET THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, AT 2 P. ~ ., WITH METROPOLITA N PLA NN ING COMMISS ION IN THE GLENN BLDG., AT THE CORNER OF SPRING MARIETTA. GARAGE & & (PARKI NG AVAILABLE IN THE GLENN BLDG. PARKING LOT ACROSS MARIETTA) (\ �T EX cnrrc 2 ROO . M. R GUL R DESIO t, co EE'rINO O I SIO THURSD I ~ AU au~T 4, CITY BALL THE L ILL BE H LD 25 .. I COWITTE �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETI NG OF A. c . n . c . WI LL BE HELD AT 2 P •• , THURSDAY , AUGUST 11, I N CO ROOM #4, CITY HALL . ( _\ ITTEE �A.c.n.c. WILL CONVENE AS USUAL ON THURSDAY, JULY 28, AT 2 P.M., IN COMMITTEE ROOM #4, CITY HALL, BUT WILL SHORTLY THEREAF TER PROGRESS TO THE 7TH FLOOR WHERE IT WILL DEVOTE THE REMAINDER OF THE MEE TI NG TO EXPLANA TIONS OF THEIR VARIOUS PROGRA MS BY THE ATLANTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT. (\ �THE NEXT REG ULAR MEE TI NG OF THE AT LANTA CIVIC DES I GN COM I SSION lILL BE HELD AT 2 P. U. , THURSDAY , JUNE 16, ON THE SECOND FLOO R OF CI TY HALL . �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE A LA, TA CIVIC DE IGJ CO I SSION -rLL BE HELD AT 2 P • . • , THUR DAY , JULY 14, ON THB SECO~ F LOOR or CI TY HALL . ( .\ �THE NEXT REGULAR ME ETING OF THE ATLAN TA CIVIC DESIG N CO MMISSION WILL BE HELD AT 2 ~.M., THU RSDAY, JUNE 2, ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL. �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETI NG OF THE ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MMISSION WILL BE HELD AT 2 P. M., THURSDAY, MAY 19 , ON THE SECO ND FLOOR OF CITY HALL. �TE NEXT RE ULAR MEETI !G OFT E ATLA TA CI I C DES I GN CO· MISS ION WILL BE HELD AT 2 P . · ., THU RSDAY , llAY 5, ON THE SEC OND FLOOR OF CITY BALL . �THE NEXT REGULAR ME ETING ~ILL BE HELD AT 2 P . M., OF TH E ATIA!'1' TA THURSDAY, COMMITTEE ROO M #b , CITY HALL. CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION - --·=•~t-'S.......-------' IN �~ ROUTE ~ TO: FROM: Ivan Allen, Jr. ~ your information D SLIP Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. D Advise me the status of the attached. I FORM 25-4 �THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATL AN TA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION WILL BE HELD AT 2 P. M., THURSDAY, APRIL 21, ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL. �)>fr ;::: TO: FROM: ROUTE SLIP ~== Ivan Allen, Jr. D For your information D Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. 0 FORM 25-4 Advise me the status of the attached. �Wl)tAlhmfa Journal "Covers Dixie Like the Dew" Since 1883 Jock Tarver, President • Jack Spalding, Editor 20- - ED1TORIALS SEPTEMBER 21, 1966\ _ ___, OUR UNDERGROUND CITY Will Ghost Streets of Atlanta live Again? By REESE CLEGHORN ATLANTA'S name was changed in 1844 from Terminus to Marthasville. But you may still take a train to Terminus. In fact, you may walk to it. The center of Terminus exists under the Central A venue Viaduct in Atlanta. It is a stone marker a couple of feet high, with the chiseled notation "W & A R.R. , 0 O." This is the Zero Mile Post, and it was put into the ground in 1842 as the first of a series of mU.e posts marking the route of a new railroad b, tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. But this was not Atlanta. It was Terminus, because this was the end of the line, and the city was nothing much then except the end of the new railroad line.

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trucks roll daily, delivering to underground entrances of buildings that rise over the older structures. Many of the old stores are now siborage places. On some parts of the underground streets, light shines through; other parts are dark. When the first Broad Street overpass was constructed in 1852, part of the older Atlanta was submerged. When-the Spring Street overpass was finished in 1922, Underground Atlanta grew again. This building-over process is still being regularly repeated. Walk along the older Alabama Street and at No. 38 you may see a gilded inscription indicating the Lowry Bank, which was founded in 1861. At No. 44 on this old Alabama Street, in the 1870s, the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce was busy, no doubt with an early Forward Atlanta program. At No. 69 people were more relaxed : This was Paul Hentschel's Saloon. IT WOULD BE difficult to find anything that means as

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much in Atlanta's history as this marker. It designated the ter- .. ACROSS FROM Mr. Lowry's private bank, ornamental mination that gave us the city's first name. And on it are the posts stand alongside the stone arch marking the entrance to initials that gave us the word " Atlanta," derived from the one of the meat packers of Packinghouse Row. name of the state-owned Western & Atlantic Railroad. (Gisell Sieburth wrote about these and other buildings ln December of 1842 crowds came to see the first locomo- whose history she had traced, in the Journal-Constitution Magative move over the tracks, and that may have been the real zine last December.) beginning of Atlanta, because the city grew first as a transCan the dark rooms behind ornat e old Victorian-style posts portation center. be turned into new restaurants, with some old-style furnish· ings? Can there be restoration of painted glass now removed, In the dim light under the viaduct, and near the tracks, with- and refurbishing of cast-iron fronts? Will Paul Hentschel's SaIn a fenced enclosure, you may see the Zero Mile Post where loon swing again? it all started. That is what is on the minds of some of those now con"' * "' templa ting this germ of an idea. They think there may be a THIS IS ONE P ART of Underground Atlanta. There ls much chance to convert several underground blocks into a popular more, because this is a city that was built in layers. Now our center of restaurants, galleries, night spots and shops, all in new Civic Design Commission has begun a serious inquiry into the style of the old Atlanta. possibilities of bringing to life the old city underneath.

"' "'

So far this is just an idea. The commission wants to deterTHERE IS ROOM for an impressive entranceway at one mine the feasibility for use of Underground Atlanta as an en- point on the present Alabama Street, where stairs and planted tertainment area. This may depend upon the willingness of the landings might lead the visit.ors int.o the old city. Could there property owners and the interest of the public. be a horse-and-buggy shuttle service waiting below, to take Under Alabama Street is an older Alabama Street, an ol!}er people on the original cobblestone streets, under gas lights, to city. At least two and perhaps four blocks of it, with origitial their destinations? street-level store fronts, livery stables and saloons, might be reA committee of the Civic Design Commission wants to claimed, along with some of the side streets. find out. Paul Muldawer, an architect who is a member of IJhe committee, believes all this may be feasible-if there is public

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TIIlS AREA, like a number of other segments ef the older response to the idea. He hopes to hear. city under other streets and viadu0t$, can be easily reached " Every city needs something people will point to as truly and, in fact, is still in use. On many of these dead streets unique," he said, " and for Atlanta this could be it." �·' I( ·"Cover& Di.xie Like ·tM Dew" Since 1883 Jack Tarver, President Jack Spaiding, Editor • EDITORIALS 24 OCTOBER 24, 1966 ATLANTA D0WN UNDER They Can Hear the Old Rinky-Tink Now By REESE CLEGHORN THE IDEA of reviving Atlanta's deserted underground streets, haunting reminders of hqw the city was a century ago, has been moving some imaginations. Here is where we left that subject (a flashback, in the style of the old flicks): Under Alabama Street, an older Alabama Street exists. At least two and perhaps four blocks of it, with original street-level store fronts, livery stables and saloons, is regarded as reclaimable, along with some of the side streets. It is possible to enter this part of "underground Atlanta" from the present Alabama Street, though all is now dark and forbidding, used mainly by trucks for deliveries to below-street-level entrances of Alabama Street buildings. Still, on that underground Alabama Street you may see, at No. 38, a gilded inscription indicating the Lowry Bank, founded in 1861, and across the street from it is the stone arch that once marked the entrance to one of the meat packers of Packinghouse Row. The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce held forth at No. 44, and at No. 69 people reveled at Paul Hentschel's Saloon. So much for the scene. • • • A MONTH AGO, when I wrote about the possibility that this and perhaps other parts of "underground Atlanta" might be carefully re-created in the style of earlier days, the whole thing was only an idea in a few heads. The Civic Design Commission had been looking into the possibilities. What appeared in print about the idea moved a good many people to call Paul Muldawer, a young architect who is on the commission, to express enthusiastic interest. He welcomes such calls. And he now reports that he and others of the commission have been moving along with more explorations of the prospects. I also have had many responses, and that suggests to me that the idea would be a popular one and a re-creation of the old Atlanta would draw plenty of customers. Among those who have reacted happily to the idea are the people at the Atlanta Convention Bureau, who obviously would have something very unusual to tell our visitors about. • • • SO A SMALL LIST is now being compiled by Mr. Muldawer indicating who thinks what about this still-aborning idea: One caller would like to put in a night club and lounge In the 19th century decor, if other entrepreneurs would join him down under; and now there also is a suggestion that an old locomotive (or the dining car of an old train) be rolled down the tracks that still exist and placed within reach of the visitors. Mr. Hugh Starr has called me and told of a rare collection which I did not know existed. Mr. Starr for many years has been collecting old mechanical music devices. He has more than 50, most of them large and valuable. One, for instance, is a seven-feet-tall mechanical organ with 256 pipes, vintage 1910, which bursts into a frenzy of " Let Me Call You Sweetheart" when Mr. Starr flicks it on. There is an old band organ that whips out "Old McDonald" on 13 brass trumpets, 98 wooden pipes, a bass drum, a snare drum and a cymbal, all of it a veritable cacaphonic extravaganza of early automation. (Hear! hear!)

..MR. STARR'S COLLECTION also includes a player piano that has eight separate slots for nickels (apparently so that one's enjoyment could be prolonged without the necessity of leaving the bar); a genuine Violano-Virtuoso, circa 1912, which combines violin and piano music in a mechanical rhapsody; and, sir, a band organ that plays a continuous r oll of music 650 feet Jong. Now: Mr. Starr is pondering whether a revived " underground ·Atlanta" might have room for a museum of old musical instrument curiosities. An even more obvious entry might be a drug store of early vintage, perhaps equipped with the paraphernalia of the early soft-drink industry in Atlanta. I shall not mention any commercial names here (other than that of the late ViolanoVirtuoso company), but there is one firm in town that does, in fact, spring to mind. Minds are beginning to whir on all such dazzling prospects. In fact, some people are even said to be hearing the faint, ghostly notes of a rinky-tink. • • • MEANWllILE, THERE IS only one bit of discouragement. The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority has been eyeing our underground city with an undisguised hankering. It thinks it might like to place the downtown Transit Center (meeting place of the north-south and east-west subway lines) in "underground Atlanta." It, too, is studying the area. But there is a large area in this underground city; and the only part of it which is being considered for a revival of the past is the short stretch under Alabama Street. Certainly it would be a shame, and perhaps it would be a kind of disaster, if that area had to be sacrificed to rapid transit. Anyone who has a serious interest in all this should make himself heard. This part of Atlanta's heritage is too good to lose to disinterest and the march of the great giant Progress. �December 28 , 1961 MEMORANDUM TO FROM

Joe Perrin, Chairman, Atlanta Civic Design Commission Ivan Allen , Jr . As you know, Mr. Samuel Inman Cooper's architectural firm ha received the contract from the City of Atlanta for the renovation of the Aldermanic chamber • I would like to suggest to the Atlanta Civic De ign Commi ion that you recommend an appropriate di play are in the chamber for the many portr its of former mayor which are now hangin on the fir t floor and in ome of the committee room • May I al o suggest th t consider tion be given to the renovation of the e portr it , which may not be arti tic lly well done in your opinion, but are an important part of th city' bi tory. Further thought may al o b given to having portrait commissioned of those mayor's not pre ntly painted. I would appreciate receiving your view on th ae subjects. IAJr:am �December 18, 1967 . RESOLUTION TO THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN • CITY OF ATLANTA PASSED BY THE ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION ON DECEMBER lu., 1967 RE: ARBORIS T FOR THE CI 'TY OF ATLANTA "THE CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION URGES THE ALDERMANIC BOARD TO PUT THE TREE ORDINANCE INTO EFFECT AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE FOR THE GOOD OF THE CITY BY THE IMMEDIATE APPOINTMBNT OF AN ARBORIST. THE COMMISSION SUGGESTS THAT THE ARBORIST BE A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, WHO WOULD NOT ONLY BE TRAINED IN THE UN ~ERSTANDING OF GRADES AND DRAINAGE BUT ALSO IN DESIGN FORMS AND PLANT MATERIAL·. DELAY WILL UNDOUBTEDLY LEAD TO MISU NDERSTANDING AND WEAKENING OF THE INTERPRETATION OF THE O.iDINANCE, ~EREAS THIS PARTICULAR ORDINANCE IS AN OUTSTANDING ONE WHICH WILL BE OF UNTOLD FUTURE VALUE TO THE GRO WTH OF THE CITY," �atlanta civic design commission j oseph s. perrin , ch a irm an paul muld awe r, a .i .a. 1 vice -ch airm an mrs . alv in m. fe rst , secretary ha rry j . b a ldwin , a.s. l.a . w. I. ca llo wa y samue l in man cooper, f. a. i .a. james h . d odd frank lin m. garre tt john c . g o u ld juli an ha rri s, a . i. a . m rs . ed ith henders on, a .s. I.a . h. kin g me c ain, p .e . j . b e n moore john portman , a. i. a. jo s ep h b . b rowder , p .e . De c emb e r 7, 196 7 Honora ble Ivan All en, J r. May or City of At la n ta De a r Mr. Mayor : Included with this not e is the r e port on th e De sign ( CQmmun i ty I mprove rren t P rogram - City of Atla nta, Ge or gia ) a b out wh i ch we sp ke in your offic e last wee k. As y ou c an s ee , this rep ort wa s re nd e r e d by th e C mmission to Mr. Co l l i e r Gladin on Jun e 1 f thi s year . Ch a rl tt e Fe rst a nd John P ortman Join with me in e xpr e ssin g t o you f r the Commi ssi o n a pp re ciation f or y ur i n t e r e st a nd i n s ig h t s whic h yo u we r e g o d e nou g h to sha r e wi th us durin g our inf o rmal cha t , a nd we ad d to t hese se nti me nt s t he v e r y b e st of g oo d wi s h es for t he holid ay s ea son. eph S . Perr i n, Cha i rman ANTA CIVIC DES I GN CO MMI SS I ON J SP : ab E ncl . city hallpatlanta pgeorgia 30303 �. CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA SAMUEL INMAN COOPER, F',A,l,A,, CHAIRMAN JOSEPHS. PERRIN , \/IC&•CHAIRMAN 1 MRS, Al.VIN M, F'ERST, 11.CRli:TA,.V HARRY J, DA.LOWIN, •••• I..At •QRC,llt QOSTICK, P, C, W, L., CAL.L.OWAV . JAMES H, 0000 ,, JOHN C, GOUL.O JUL.IAN HARRIS, A,1,A, GEORGE HEERY, A.I.A, MAS, EDITH HENDERSON, A,S,L,A, H, KINQ MCCAIN, P, E, J, BEN MOORE _I PAUL MULOAWEA, A, l,A, JOHN PORTMAN, A.I.A, r Mr. Collier Gladin Head, Department of City Planning · City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 I ! Dear Mr. Gladin: This is in response to your request for Atlanta Civic Design Commission Review of the report on Design prepared as part of the City of 1 Atlanta's Community Improvement Program by Candeub, Fleissig and Associates, ! . Planning Consultants. . ,· I In general we found the report to be informative and useful in the general discussion of design principles and objectives. We also thought a good job was done in identifying some specific problems requiring attention in the Atlanta area. We were particularly impressed with the · choice and range of photographs and graphics used to point up these problem areas. In short, the committee would have little quarrel with the general material contained in the body of the report. On the other hand, it is the consensus of the Commission that the report was extremely weak in the area of major concern to both public officials and interested citizens and of special concern to members of the Atlanta Civic Design Comrnission--namely in the area of specific proposals and reco1Tll!1endations. We would be less than frank if we failed to state that we had hoped for more specific advice as to what steps this community should be taking now t o achieve better urban design in the future. Of nine items included in the Summary of Major Recommendations (page 3 of the r eport) we find only two that are reasonably specific--one calling for a CBD · plan and the other calling for an ordinance to regulate the removal .of mature trees. Unfrotunately, even these recommendations are weakened somewhat by their position at the tail end of the list. The other seven items might more properly be classified as statements of general need rather than firm recommendations to be implemented. For the most part they could be .adv~nce.d for any urban area , ' , I, • ··.. . .. · L • i .i II I �i I • "" ...' ~ -2- Mr. Collier Gladin June 1, 1967 in the United States today. They do not, unfortunately, reflect some of the thoughtful analysis contained in the body of the Design Report itself. ,. ' ! ·. ' ' Taking the points covered in the recommendations in the order of their appearance, we would make the following comments: (1) (2) . The Commission would agree that "Physical Design plans related · , to the Community Improvement Program must be carried out by the best professional designers available." We would have appreciated some specific recommendations as to how this might be accomplished. For example, we believe that more use might be made of design competitions and we had hoped to see some discussion of whether and under ·what circumstances the consultant would support or oppose such procedures. Also, some consideration of an "awards program" might have been provided in the report. (3) (4) (5) (6) ·, The stc1tement of need "from the public and private leadership of Atlanta to a goal of a well designed city and to the program needed to achieve it" would certainly have the support of every Design Commission member. We do wish that more emphasis had been placed in the study on the development of such a program. The Commission would probably support the idea that "The city must prepare and adopt a design-growth strategy. 11 The report, however, is not too clear on what such a strategy would consist of or how to achieve i~. The Commission would most likely support the consultants' recommendations that design controls need to be improved "through strengthening of the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances II and probably that the Civic Design Corrm1ission needs to be strengthened also, but we are not too clear as to how this is to be accomplished. It would have been helpf ul if the Consultant could have provided some specific ammendments (in rough draft) for consideration of public officials and Commission members.


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I~·; i I I I . , 1 I I! i:i, I; . I :


I I• 1· l I ! I! .·I. 1:1 I.p I . , I ·, i: i · \:. \'. I I :I .{ \ I .. , , ' I I , ~ I The suggestion that a "design officer is needed" is inter esting. We wish it had been accompanied by a firm recom.~endation as to his duties and recommended location within the structure of local government. The suggestion that he serve a city agency (existing or new) leaves the basic questions hanging without much hope for support. ·· ·" I I I 11 I .. I I I ·. . ,I I:!


'I . The stat ement that 11 a commitment is essential by all city departments to design policies ad opted by the city" is again something all Design Commission members would s upport but we would have liked to have received some guidance as to suecific steps that might be takeri to achieve it. I I i. I I ' 1 ,i : I! I ;.,1II I ' .

', ;· i

'I i ·;: I I I 1111 :


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. . ,iti : ,11 1·;\; 1-: · >1·. ·: :\iii 'ii : . .·.: :- ·:,_:','.\· ; :- :·.'\ ··:·.·.·.·: .(7)°-'·. The statement that "a formal de s ic;n review procedure" is ··.: ·:·. ';'.- ·' >.··.:· .,.. ·: ..··". '· needed is confusing insofar a s the Atlanta Civic DesiGn .:·.-. :._:· .: :~>.·,:~». ·:··· _.:,._·:,· ·.· ·.: .-.Commission is serv:ing such a function at the pre s ent time . ·:::<:: _..,:·,:·:·:.;:-'.:,';;. ::... \ : -_-.';, . If the intent was to require thJt <'Jll major private con s true. .-. ::~·,:;"/ :'.:··· >::_" :.·-~·.--..· . .:- · tion in the city be ma de subject t o such review, we , n.s h it · : ;·_·:' · . _- ::: , ;·. :· ·:.:. · :: · , had been stated ·more clearly. Under this circums t ance, we · ' ·.. ·.....·'.·.. .·: · also would. like to see some consideration of r e commended , . · limits and cut-off points for review of private construction. & ··1 June 1, ·1967 -3-. _. .... .· ·'::··..- . · -}ir.'-.Collier Gla.d:in (8 I ... 1•• / ' .' . ; -· ' I ,. 1 ,i ·.. .··· 1{ '.! I ; ' I , i.i ., 'I ··, ·,111ji: 1.'1 .. .·1,·',·I,· ii !I· I ii , · . : ·


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1 does appear to weaken them. 11111 1 · I:i • \ ,.11i< jt ' 1 l I: !:' :i (: I i',·!i.'. I j II p:. j, i l:: ,\ J'.1;/ /I. i!I'. ! iii·: IP: 1111

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·1,: l ; , ' ,! i i1' ',i : We thank y ou f or the opportunity of reviewing t his material. If there are any quest i ons, please fe el free to call on us for further . ·clarification. · -.


I f'• I ··: . ' Very truly yours, ·.:, . ' . 1• . ,·. J SP/mjd cc: Mayor I. Allen Aldermanic Board . ~~.-P~cwv• seph S. Perri.A airman· ., ·. "· I• 1· :

t :\

I I. 11 1i . I I \ \ 1-h1 • q(; ! I t may be argued that s ome of this t h :inking i s incorporated in the b ody of t he report and we woul d agree tha t some of i t is. But we would als o sta te our belief that it will n ot be r ead or , if r ead, not taken serious ly unless i t i s s t ated expl i ci t ly and with convi ction in the Summary of Ma j or Re commendations at t he begi nning of the report. It is the hope of t he Desi gn Commission that the city or its consultants will be in position to f ollow through with the good s t art that· has been made to devel op a sp ec ific , comprehensive pr ogram f or a chievement of the design goals and ob ject i ves s t ated s o well :in the design report. I i ,\ Iii .' 1 I I ! 11 1i1ll 1 1 In s ummary, we f eel the r eport f alls short in the most i mportant I area--the area of recommendations. We are conce rned both with the I r e commendations actually presented and with those that were not. We b el i eve that the hand of public a gencies concerned with design matters in t he city would have been strengt hened by 1) a much stronger s tc:;tement of the case for a CBD plan; 2) a s t rong recommendation that a visua l I s ur vey and desi gn progr am be developed and i mplemented with spe cifi c , 1 r e c ommendations as to how t his mi ght be done ; 3) a draft of spe ci f i c . amendments to the subdivision ordinance, zon:ing ord:inance, buildir.g codes, etc.; 4) · firm recommendations for a ·study of the impact of ad v alorem I taxation on de sign; 5) recommenda tions f or development of an incentive s _ _f program (awar ds or other) for encour ag:ing good des ign; 6) recommendationB regarding whether and how design compet itions might b e employed :in t he f urt her ance of g ood desi gn; 7) r ecommen dations r egard :ing adopt ion of a sign ordinance ; 8 ) re c ommendations r egarding t he development. of de s i gn .. 1 plans for specific major streets, expressways, rapid transit system an!;i_ , publi c open sp aces, and so forth . I ·, ,1jl-:. :,: I 9) Aga:in, we ~pport the recommendations that a CBD plan and I .- 1 I ,,: I , .1 I!: I I I, I I l!,,'


,., 'I 'I ' ,·, 1: 11 �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN C OtPilSSI ON OCTOBER 26, 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, J ~tober 26, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following !•. '-· ;i, be rs present: Joseph S. Perrin, Chairman Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary W, . L. Calloway Samuel!. Cooper Franklin M. Garrett Mrs. Edith Henderson H. King McCain J. Ben Moore Guest present: Eric Harkness - Planning Dept. Minutes of the October 12 meeting were corrected as follow: (Page 3) "Mr. Garrett was requested to draft a resolution requesting the Board of Aldermen to consider an ordinance designating the Terminus area as an historic site." CHAIRMA N I S REPORT: Bridge Ordir1:~n~ The chairman presented for approval a letter to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen concerning the proposed Bridge Ordinance. The letter was approved for mailing, along with an editorial dea1ing with the bridge o·rdin a nce which was published in the Atlanta Constitution on October 23, and presented by Mrs. Ferst . 1!":mbers hip ... ' . Perrin presented a letter dated October 24 1 from the North Georgia C~ n pte r, American Institute of Arc hitects, nominating Mr . Fred Bainbridge of the firm of Martin & Bainbridg~, to serve on the Commission. This l r~ ' i s the result of Mr . Mul dawer contacting AIA re nomination for ACDC member ship, as requested at th e last meeting~ Mrs. Henderson's motion to accept AIA ' s nomination of Mr . Bainbridge was app~oved. The following recommendati ons of the Com:n ission to Mayor ·Allen were approved: Dr. Arthur G. Hansen (to replace Mr . Joseph B. Browder) Engineering Category 3 year term Mr. Fred Bainbridge (t o replace Mr. John Portman, who is recommended as the first member of a proposed special resources and advis ory ~ nm~'A toe to tha Commission) Architecture Category 3 year term Reappointments (for 3 year terms) of the follow i ng: W. L. Calloway Lay Citizen) Julian Harris (Painting & Sculpture) H. King McCain (Eng ireering) �7 -2- Ad~i!!__o:y__c_ommi tt.:~ Mrs. Ferst initiated a discussion during which several members concurred in the view that Mr. John Portman was an invaluable resour~e for the Commission and that though professional commitments prevented his regular att e ndance, he perhaps would agree to serve on a special resources and advisory committee to the Commission. Thereby, the chairman appointed the following committee to discuss the feasibility of the appointment of oth e r adn~-or:r · -eommittee members to assist in special projects of the Commission: Mr~ McCain, chairman Mrs. Ferst Mr. Garrett Mr. Huldawer This committee was requested to present a report at the December 1L meeting. Easel As the result of the Commission requesting an easel, to be used for the presentation of plans, Mr. Perrin reported that Mrs. Price in the Uayor's Offic e will proc es s the order for sam e upon r e ceipt of specifications and source of supply. r/1.r. 1~uldawer will forward requested information to the offic e . VI CE-C HA IR VAN 1 S RE PO RT Mr. Muld awe r gave a br ief summary of the me etin g which he and s evera l oth e r members of th e Commission atte nd e d on Oc tobe r 17 wi th Ce ntral Atlanta Progr e ss, Inc, A joint City/CAP planning team is tr y in g to develope a Cen tr a l Atlanta Acti on Progr am, and the ACDC was asked fo r their su gg estions an d co mmen ts on c e rta in pha s es o f the pro g ram. ~ECR~TARY 1 ~ R~P ORT Mr s . Fe rst pres e nte d a newspaper c li pp i ng from the New York Times, Concerni n g a des i g n c ommi ttee a ppointed by t he Ma yo r of New York , whieh is s i mi l ar t o the ACDC . Add it i onal eopies of th e article are be ing prepare d. CO}·ftfi l TTEF. REP OR TS : ~ i gn Re vie! Mr . Muldawer submitted a rep o rt on the proposed . Turnke y Public Housing De ve l o pment a t Hollywo od Road, a s r eviewed b y th e Commission at a p reviou s mee t ing. This r ep o r t wi ll b e f orwar ded t o Mr . Matthe w Bystry , de ve l op er , who sub mitted t he pro j ec t f or review. Mr. Muldawer also presen t ed a copy of proposed Design Cri t e r ia for V~ltipl e Dwelling Housing Proje cts, a s de vel ope d by Messr s , Eric Harkness and Muldawer. Copies of the cri t eria will b e mailed to members for review. �- 3 - "Terminus 11 As requested at the last Acne meeting, Mr, Garrett presented a proposed resolution requesting the Board of Aldermen to consider an ordinance designating the Terminus area as an historic site. The resolution was unanimously adopted and will be forwarded to Alderman Rodney Cook, Mr. Garrett asked if the Terminus property owners had yet been sent letters inviting them to meet with the Commission, as requested at a previous meeting. The chairman replied that the list of property owners had only that day been received from Mr. Herb Reese of Adams Cates Company. Mr. Perrin proposed that the property owners be invited to the December- 14 meeting of the ACDC, at which time the Commission will request the use of the Alde rma ni c Chamber. It was suggested that along with the Terminus property owners, Alderman Rodney Cook, Vice- Mayor Sam Masse 11, and three members of the Chamber of Commerce be invited to this particular meeting. Mrs. Ferst was requested to be thinking about how the information should be presented. The Commission hopes to finalize plans at the next meeting. Communications Mrs. Ferst presented a written report, consisting of the following accomplishme nts or recommendations: 1. Completion of double postcard mailing to verify mailing l ist of over 100 names. 2. Co mpila tion of material for ACDC brochure. J. Arrange for secretary to compile l ist of ACD C accomplishments. 4. Pl an f or mat for a regular a nnu al report. S. Request appointment of dinner committee to plan orientation meeting. The following committee sugges ted: Mayor Allen, chairman; John Portman, co-chairman; Ann Butler, member. 6. A luncheon meeting comprised of ACDC and various designated persons to plan the proposed dinner meeting . This report was accepted with commendation , and authorization given to move forward with plans as stated in t~e report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Calloway inquired about the "Ugly Triangle II project, and the chairman requested Committee #7 to report on this at the next meeting. Mr. Eric Harkness will also check into this matter and report back to the Commission. �- 4 NEV·1 BUSINESS Mr. Moore, who was foreman of the Fulton County Grand Jury in July and August, reported that the Grand Jury had forwarded the follo wing recommendations to the City of Atlanta: 1. That receptacles be placed in downtown Atlanta with placards; 2. Passage of the tree ordinance; J. Require trucks hauling garbage and trash to be covered; 4. Require cement trucks to remove the cement they dump on streets. Mr. Perrin suggested that the Sanitary Committee move forward to support these recommendations. ADJOURNMr.:NT

There being no further busine ss , th e meeting was adjourned at 4 :00 Ann Butler Reco.rding Se~ret.ary �iHNUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DES!GN COMMISSION NOVE MBER 9, 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commissioh was held Thursday, November 9, at 2 p.m,, in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following r::iembers present: Joseph S. Perrin, Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary Harry J, Baldwin •1'.r. L. Ca 11 oway Samuel I. Cooptcr John c. Gould Julian Harris H, King McCain Guest present: Howard Openshaw, Directo r of Red e v e lopment, Atlanta Housing Authority Minutes of the October 26 meeting will be distributed during the following week, along with minut e s of the November 9 meeting. CHAIRMAN I S REPORT Mr . Perrin stated that following the last meeting, he had talked to Alderman Mi llican who stated that action on the proposed bridge ordinance will be delayed until members of th e Aldermanic Board and the ACDC can get to ge ther to exchange views about the purpose and provisions of the ordinance. Thus, th e chairman presented a letter to be forwarded to Alderman Millican concerninE a date for the groups to meet. After informin g Mr . Cecil Alexander that the ACDC was interested in se ei ng the preliminary plans of the " Platform City," Mr. Perrin stat e d that Mr . Alexander concurred that he will check with his associates and that the Commission will ha ve the opportunity to r e view the proj e ct~ Th8 chairman reported that a prop osal · for review has bee n r e ceived from Rob er t and Company , re th e Forsyth- Broad-Wa lton Streets area. as referred to the Commission fr o m Mr . Ray Nixon. Th~ plans will be forwarded to Mr . Muldawer , chairman of the Desig n Review Committee , for review. It was brought out that members of the Commission are frequently embarrassed when persons inquire about actions of the Commission rela t ive to projects in t~e city, when the Co mmission has not b een advised of the development of same. Thus, Mrs, .Ferst suggeste d th at another l e tter be designed, p ossibly signed by Mayor Allen, to be forwarded to various city departments, requesting that the ACDC be advised in advance of the development of important related issues. The chairman also reported on the following correspondence: 1. Letter of October 27 to Alderman Cook, forwarding ACDC's resolution concerning th e Terminus a~ea, as presented by Mr. Garrett and approve d by the Commission at the Octoher 26 meeting. 2. The Design Review Committee's . report on the proposed Turnkey Publie Housing Development at Hollywood Road, as forwarded to Mr. ~:atthew D. Bys try on October 27. �2 .. J. Letter of October 27 to Mayor Allen re recommendations to fill impending vacancies on the Commission . 4. Letter of Novem ber 2 to Mr. Herb Re e se, extending thanks for preparing list of property o wners of the Terminus area. 5. Le tter of November 2 to Mr , Robert Bivens, extending thanks for inviting members of ACDC to meet with Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., on October 17, 6. Draft of letter to b e for ward e d to the Mayer 1 s Office , recommending tha t Mr. John Portman be invited by letter from the Mayor to serve as the first member. of a special resource and advisory committe e of th e ACDC _, OPENSHA W P RES ENTATION: Mr. Howard Opensha w, on behalf of the Urban Rene wal Policy Committ~e for the Board of Alderm e n, presented for revie w a proposal for a motel on Capitol Avenu e , across from the Juvenile Court and Atlanta Stadium. Durin g the discussion of th e proposed project, the question was posed if p e rhaps th e City or State might ne e d this parc e l of land for future develop me nt. Members expressed concern r e lative to this proposal as it r e lates to thP- ne,··d for an overa ll master plan fo r th e governmental groups. The se p lan s we re re t a ine d b y the Co mmission to be further studied by th e Des i gn Rev ie w Co mm it tee , and a wri t ten r e por t submitted to th e Atl a n ta Housing Au tho rity . SE CRE TARY RE POR T: Mrs. Ferst, Co - c hairman of the Co mm un i cat i on s Co mm i t t ee, r e po r t ed that she h as talked with Mrs . An n Mo s e s in t he May or 1 s Off i ce ab out her h elp i n setting up better comm unicati on s f o r the Co mmissio n wi th other re l ated gr o u ps. Mrs. Fe rst reported that Ann Butler, Re co rd i n g Secre t a r y , wi l l prepa r e a list of ACDC accomplishments fr o m t h e minutes of previous ACDC meetin r, s, and will set up a c a rd file f o r the Commission ' s mailing list. Mrs. F e rst s ub mitt e d a list of persons whom Mr. Mulda wer requ e sted be i n v ite d to t he De c ember 14 me e ti ng . COMMITTEE REP ORT Hr,. McC a in, chairman of the Ap peara n ce & Sa n ita t ion Commi tte e, presen t ed information on a "rolling steel do o r " product t o ho u se ga rbag e cans. Durin g the ensuing eonversation, me mbers di scu s se d pr oble ms fa ced b y th e city re la tive to sanitation and appeara nce. Mr. Calloway su ggest e d th a t an ordinance is needed whereby a tenant, rather than o nly the owner of prop e rty concerned, could be held liable for violation of sanitation laws . �.. 3 AT' JOr HN 1 ErnT: Hr. Perrin reminded the me mbers that a special meeting may be called within the next few weeks concerning the bridge ordinance. He added that the December 14 meetin g , to which th e Terminus property CM'n ers and other per sons concerned with the Terminus development are invited, will meet in the Al4.ar-m.an.;i~ Chambers. There being no further busine s s, th e meetinf,, was adjourned at Ann Butler Re cording S~eret ary J:45 �November 16, 1967 MEMORANDUM TO Charlotte Feret, AC.EC FROM Ann Moses The request you have made is one of the most difficult, and one which we have tried to find an a newer to since January 1, 1962. There is no way to know what the issues are if you depend on being notified. I can put you on the mailing list to receive the Mayor's schedule each week, showing also all the meetings to be held at City Hall. Other than this, my only recommendation would be to have a member of the ACDC attend the Committee meetings and call on the various Department heads · twice a month. Even with this, you may ~ t know all the important issues ahead of time. We would be delighed to end the letter to the civic organization to furni ha liaison member. You may wish to consider a join~ letter from the Mayor and Joe Perrin. Advi e. �atlanta civic design commission joseph s. perr in 1 chairman paul muldawer, a.i. a. 1 vice~chairman mrs. alvin m. ferst, secretary harry j. baldwin , a.s. l.a. w. I. calloway samue l inman cooper, f.a.i.a . james h. dodd franklin m. g a rrett john c . gou ld julian harris , a.i.a. mrs. edith hende rson , a.s. l.a. h. king me cain, p.e. j. ben moore john portman , a.i.a . joseph b. browder, p.e. November 16, 1967 MEMO TO: Ann M0ses, Exe cutive Secre tar y to th e Mayor FROM: C ha r 1 o t t e Fe rs t An n, can you help to set u p better co mm unicat i ons for us with other r e lated gro u p s ? Can somethin g be done to set up the me chanics for advising us whe n important r e lated matters wi l l b e coming up for discussion? Pe rha ps a lette r fro m Mayor All en to each chairman of the Ald erm anic Commit tees to requ est this courtesy for us wou l d hel p. S o f- r e qu ently we hear about i mportant issu e s involvin g urb a n desi g n at the v e ry last minute. Also, we are discussing requesting a liason commi t t ee member from each related civic organiza ti on to be ava ilab l e for meetings on requ e st. Wh en we g e t our list compiled, wo ul d Ma yor Allen be wi l l in g to send t he le tter of invitation? CF/ab city hall, atlanta, georgia 30303 �October 30, 1967 Mr. Joseph S. Perrin Georgia State College 33 Gilmer Street, S. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Perrin: May I acknowledge receipt of the memorandum. from the Atlanta Civic Design Commission regarding the proposed Bridge Ordinance. I am sure that consideration will he given to the specifications which you outlined. Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. M ayor IAJr/br �atlanta civic design commission joseph s. perrin, chairman pau l muldawer, a.i.a., vice-chairman mrs. alvin m. fe rst, secre tary harry j. baldwin, a.s.l.a. w. I. cal loway samuel inman cooper 1 f. a. i. a. ja mes h. dodd franklin m. garrett john c. gould julian harris , a .i.a. mrs . edith henderson, a.s. l.a. h . king me cain 1 p .e. j. ben moore john portman , a.i.a. joseph b. browder, p .e. October 26 , 1967 HE"AO TO: Mayop Ivan Allen, Jr. Vic e-Mayor Sam Masscll, Jr ~ Members of th e Board of Aldermen Mr , Ray A, Nixon, Director of Public Works Mr, Collit!r Gladin, Dire ctor of Planning D8pt~ FR OM: Joseph S. Perrin, Cha irrn an, Civic Iksign Co mmi ssion SUBJECT: Bridge Ord i nance Th~ Ci vi ~ Desig n Commi ssion forwarded at a n earlier t ime a :repor t to Mr. Ra y Nixon a nd o ther city officials our opposition t o t he proposed bri dge o~dinanc c . Sinc e that time a r e vis e d e dition has be en issu e d ~ No copy of this e d iti on was s e nt to the Civic De sign Commi ss i ori ~ Howcvc~, th e r evi s0d ver sion i s also so highly restri ctive as t o ha ve th~ potential effe et of militating against th e soundest and ful les t development of our ce ntral ci ty. Spo eifieally~ th e Civio Design Commi s sion feels that a ny ordinanc e dea ling wi th the s e ma tt er s s hould bc-fle xibl~ enou gh to mee t the ehanging ne e ds of a pr ogressi ve a nd ehanging city sueh as ours. We f ee l that: Itc~ (e ) of Sec tion 1 of the ordinanec which sets 16' as a maxi~um outsid e dirncnsion,.and a mi ni mum inside width dimens ion as 9', is highly a rbitra ry. Itc~ (d) stipulates tha t t~ maximum outside height dime ns ion should not exceed 12 1 • This would preclude any br idge being_ built which is more than one story high. H~rc again the Civic Design Commission f c ~ls that this restriction is highly inflexible a.nd may not mee t the net: ds of our central eity whicb fac e s ll\a _jor problems de aling with the ,cparation of vehicular and pedestri.n traffic in the ye ar s ahead. We do not feel that there 1s any partieular virturc or magic in th e 12' restriction·. In somE) eases·, more height may b t practical l y and a~sthetieally more desirab le than less. city hall, atlanta, georgia 30303 �- 2 - Item (e) stipulates that glass may not be used riearer than 42 11 from the floor of any proposed bridge~ Our Commission feels that this is a design and engineering problem and not one which rightfully should ~e written in as a ~est~ictibn in a proper ordinance dealing with bridges and walkvfays ~ Obviously, various kinds of glass are available today ~hich by thickness and temper are stronger than many other materials used in such structures. Provision (g) would prohibit pedestrians from stopping on any said bridge or s true ture for the purpose of obs erva ti on. The Ci vie Design Commission feels that this provision is not only difficult to enforce, but undesirable in intent. Item (j) provides that no moving platform or sidewalk would be · permitted within said bridge or structure. This provision is unconditional and we feel it is unnecessarily prohibitive in its implications. Section I I would empower the Mayor and Board of City Aldermen to direct that any bridge or structure be removed without cost to the City. This provision is stated without providing any statement of cause or purpose for such a directive. The Civic Design Commission again believes that this provision as presently stated does not serve the best interests of the City. The Civic Design Commission does believe that any proposal for bridges or overpasses should be reviewed carefully by appropriate instru ments of city government to insure that the safety and well-being of Atlanta ts citizenry be cared for and that the aesthetic character of the City be developed in a positive way . But the ordinance as currently proposed would seem to discourage the planning and erection of bridges or similar s tr uc tu res by: (1) inhibiting good design on the part of architects and urban designers; (2) virtually precluding steps in planning communication systems whi ch would protect th e h eal th and safety of AtL:i nta's citizens; (J) discouraging the full revitalization of the central city by its inhibitive nature. Mr. Collier Gladin of City Planning has submitted a report to the Civic Design Com-mission, .a copy of which was attached to our report to Mr. Nixon. Mr.- Gladin's report cites many instances across America where the prohibitive provisions of this proposed ordinance would have curtailed the development of many meaningful projects. The Civic Design Commission asks your careful scrutiny of the proposed ordinance. We do not believe that it should be passed in its current form. Encl. �• C:

TI-IE ATLAJ\JTA -CONSTITUTION For 100 Years. the South's Standard Newspaper f I - .. EUGENE PATTERSON, Editor RALPH l ,k GILL, Publish er \ · I. ' ·i Established J aco 16, l o&l! L,•c~. d ally e xce~ t New Year's, July ~. La bo r Day, Tba n.ks~1\'ln;: a nd Chris tmas. Second-cla ss postas:e paid at At lanta, Geor,zia. The AUanta Cons titution (mornin21 and Tbe Atlanta Constitution acd The Atla nta J ou rn a l (Sun day >, P< illishcd Page 4 !i DY Atlanta l'lcwspaper8, Inc. , 10 Fors.vth St, N.W., f.t1anta. GeorJ? ia 30302. Home de livered subs criptlon r ates (lnclu1ln~ taxes ): Momin!? and Sunday, 1 week , 65c. Mornini: dai ly only, 1 week, 45c Subscripti on prices by mail on req ues t. Sin,g-Je cooics : Dally, I0c; Sunday, 20<:. { MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1967 ( i. I One ·Bridg·e at a Ti1ne t ,.

l J. Last week the Board of Aldermen approved 19 pedestrian bridges in the master campus plan for Georgia State College and those bridges, as a college spokesman said , "will get 25,000 students off the city streets so they won't be run over." streets and between buildings so low they would interfere with street traffic, nor so many of them that they would blot out the sunshine . But neither should we preclude them where they would add beauty, aid movement and improve safety. The number of students was a projection into the future; 10 years hence, when the college's enrollment is expect~d to more than double. Ra ther, each bridge proposal should be judged on its merits-within very broad guidelines if necessary-so that we can take full advantage of present and future architectural and engineering knowledge. By approving these bridges on their merit, and shelving a proposed ordinance which would · have forbidd en their construction, the aldermen also were looking to the future. The proposal is so restrictive that it would present all sorts of blocks to some very progressive and exciting plans to move pedestrian and vehicular traffic more efficien tly and s~cly. · There must be some. safeguards, to be sure. We can't have pedestrian bridges across . ~. I I L • Each proposal should be carefully considered by city planners, traffic engineers and all others concerned. Certainly each should be studied by the Atlanta Civic Des ign Commission which was specifically set up to review all such matters and to make r ecommendations. C ' I The Board of Aldermen is, and of course will be, the final authority. But the aldermen should not hamstring themselves by setting up unreasonably restrictive standards. • -J , �7 HI NUTES ATLA NTA CIVIC DE S I11 N CO i'Jt,TISS ION OCTOBER 12, 1967 Th0 r 0 gular _ me eting of _th e Atlanta Civic De sign Co mmission was h e ld Thursday, Octob c r.12, at 2 p. rn ., in Co mm itt ee Room 4, City Hall, w ith th e follo wing me mb c rs pre s c n t : Joseph S. Perrin, Chair.nan Paul Mulda wc: r, Vic c -Chairnan Mrs. Alvin M~ F c rst, S o ct c tary Harry J. Baldwin S a ;,lU l! 1 I • C o op e r Ja me s H ~ Dodd Franklin M. Garrett John c. Gould H• King McCain J • Be n Moore Gu e sts present: Mr. Hans e ll P. Enlo e , A.I~A. • Enlo e 1 ~e st & Granad ~ , In ri ~ _ Dr. Darwin Womack - Asst. Supt~ School Plant Planning & Const. Miss Jane Tuggl e - Graphic Artist, WETV Joanne Ke nnedy - Wom e n's Cha mber of Co mme rce Harri e tt Sp ee r 11 11 11 Al e x Coffin - Atlanta Constitution Minute s TSR ~ I NUS of th e S e pt em b e r 28 me .ting wor e approv e d. PRESENTATIO N Miss Jan e Tug g l e , Graphic Arti s t with WETV, pr e sented h e r vi ew s on th e propos e d d e v c lop m~ nt of the T~r minus are a. A general diseussion e nsue d wi t h qu e stions dire c te d to ward me thods of d e v e lop ~e nt in finan c in g b e ing pos e d . Hiss Tuggl e infor me d th e Co mm is si on that sh e hop ed t o do so m0 kind of pre li minary study wh i ch would e l ar if y s o me of th e issu es i n v olv e d in thi s d eve 1 o p mc n t ~ Jo a n ne Ken nedy an d Harr i e t t S p eer app ea r e d b efore t h e Co mmis si o n to d i se~ s s t he p os s ible u s e of the Termin u s a r e~ i n c o n jun ction wi th the Women's Chamber's annual Dogwo od Fes ti val. Th ey asked h ~ l p in t he f o rm of suggestions from the Commission; Mr. Perrin p o inted out some of the problems whieh might be encountered in th e preparation of this spaec for t he Dogwood Festival. He suggest e d contaeting appropriate city departrn~nts for assistanee, Mr . Muldawur eomplirnentcd the Wome n's Chamber of Commerce on its reputation of good performance; and in the discussion that followed, it ~as suggested that a doeumention of the history of the area might be useful. Mr, Muld aw1::r suggested that Alderman Cook was inter e sted in the Civie Design Commissi~n d e veloping a resolution for historieal zoning for th e Terminus area. Mr. Garrett supported designation of the underground ar ea as an historical one. �.. 2 - The repre sentatives from the Chamber ~gre e d to move for ward with the ir plans including some of th~ various suggestions that came from the Civic Design Commission and to report back to the Commission in the e vent it was f e lt to be desirable. DESIGN REVIEW Hr. Enloe stated that at an earlie r review, the Commission had request e d that certain parts of the 11 Rawson- rlashington Community Ccnterif project be considered. He presented the revis(;d plans of th e project. Mr. Muld a we r, chair man of the De sign Review Committee, voiced the ' cons e nsus of the Co mmi ssion of th e superiority of the revised scheme. Enloe was thanke d for making the revie w possible. Mr , CHA IRVAN 1 S REPORT Mr. Pe rrin stated that a l e tte r was r e ceive d from Mr. Donald G. Ingram, Associate Dir e ctor of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., inviting me mbers of the Commi~sion to attend a discussion of CAP's work program on October 17. Mr. Perrin announced that Mr. John Hoffman of the Stat e Hi ghway Department will me et with the Commission on October 26. Budget Mr. Pe rrin pre s ent e d for a pproval th e l e tt e r to the Finance Co mm itt ee r e th e ACDC budge t requ e st for 1 968. The l et t e r was approved as read. Reappo i n t mt:n t :s


Mr. Perri n a nnounc ed t h at , a s r e qu e st ed by t h e memb er s a t the l ast meet i n g , he had con tac t ed Dr . Ar th ur Hans e n who sta t e d th a t he is willing for t he Co mmissi on t o r ec omme nd that May or All en a p poin t hi m to se rve o n th e Co mmissi on i n the En g i n ee rin g Ca teg or y. Mr. Perrin presented for ap proval a draft of a letter to Mayor Allen re ACDC recommendations for impending v acancies on the Commission. Mr. Muldawer initiated a discussion duri n g wh i ch members discussed their concepts of provisions deal i ng with appointments/reappointments to the Commission, as set forth in the Ordinance creating the ACDC. · It was the consensus of members that the American Institute of Architects, North Georgia Chapter, should be asked for three recommendations for nominees to serve on the Commission in the Architecture Category. Mr. Muldawer will contact AIA and report on · its recommendations at th~ next ACDC meeting. Mr. Perrin stated he will hold the letter to Mayor Allen until that time. �- 3 .. ~_!-.? r i ~a]2.?_fl2:E_g_ During a diseussioh of the Terminus area earliE!i" in the meeting, i t was brought out that historital zoning is needed in that arba. Mr. Garrett was requested to draft a tentative historical 7,oning ordinamc to be considered by the Commission. ADJOURN MEN T There 'being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4r1$ Ann Butler P.eco.2'-d ing S ~ c.re tar y �HINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION SEPTE~BER 28, 1967 The r e gular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was he ld Thursday, September 28, at 2 p.m~, in Committee Room 4, City Hall, with the following memb e rs present: Joseph S. Perrin; Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Fcrsti Secretary Samuel I. Cooper Jam e s H. Dodd Franklin M. Garrett Julian Harris Mrs. Edith Henderson H. King Mc Ca in Gue sts present: Alex Coffin - Atlanta Constitution Eric Ha~kncss - Planning Du partmcnt David A. Lunde - Ae ck Assoc., Inc. Minutes of the Septe mber 14 meeting were approved. Lunde Presentation Mr. Lunde pr e sented for review of the members tht:.) preliminary plans of th e Georgia State Colle et libe ral Arts Building - Aeck Associates, Inc., Ar chitE: cts. Brid gc Ordinanc e Mr. Perrin state d that the Board of Ald~rme n will tr eat the proposed bridge ordinance, wh ich has b e en revised, at its mee ting on October 2. He express e d conc e rn th a t the Co mmis sion did not receive a copy of the revised ordinance, nor ~ as it give n an oppor tunity to review the document. After learning "thro ugh the grape vin e " of the revis ed ordinanc e , Mr, Perrin s t ated th at he secured a copy~~ then sent tel (:grams on b e half of the Commission to ~,•essrs. Earl Land e rs, Sam Hasse ll, Rodney Cook, and Everett Millican, r ef l e ctin g th e ge neral r e vie w of the Co mmission's r e port on the ordinance. Mr. Perrin added that he has talke d to many people in the design profession and public areas of resp onsibility who express concern a bout the ordinance, and he is optimistic about th .e outcome. "Terminus 11 Mr. Pe rrin presented the draft of the lett e r to be sent to t he prop8 rty own e rs of th r, Terminus area, i nviting them to meet with the Commission to discuss the ir intere st in leasing their property to a bona fide de velope r, as requ e ste d by Muldawer at th e last me ~ting, The membe rs approv e d the le tter for distribu tion. �- 2 Budget The floor was opened for discussion of tho 1968 budget request for the Co~mission. An increase in the btidget is proposed to cover the expense of the secretary's salary for extra days' work, and for th e "Information and Communication Program". Mr. Coop8r made the following motion, which passed: "That the Commission request from th8 City an adequate amount of funds needed for th c Commission to fulfi 11 its res pons ibil i ty, and state in the request why the increase in the budget is ne cessary." r.fr. Perrin stated he will prepare and forward the budget request to the Finance Committee, as requested by the members. Reappointmen~ Mr. Perrin stated that he rE:ceived a l e tt n r from 1~:ayor Allen requesting r e commendations for vacancies on the Commission which will occur on De cember 31, 1967. The 2-year terms of the follo ·;ing members will expirb a t t ha t t im e : Joseph B. Brow c er w • L • Ca 11 ow a y Julian Harr is H. King McCain John Portman Th e floor was open e d for discussion, during which the members offered th e ir no min a tions for appointme nts or reappointments on the Commission. -~_,_,,...--- Committee Reports Th e r e being no committe e reports, the chairman urged eommittees to bring som e favorable report on committe e .:: ction at tha next mc,.- ting , as much of th& Commission's work can best be don e by com n ittee aetion. "Congra tula ti ons" Nr . Ha r ris e x p ress e d cong r atulations on b e half of th e mem ber s to Mr. Perrin, f o r h is r o le i n the Art s Co n gr e ss whic h was he l d S ep t e mb er 16 . ~d j o~r nmen t The re being no further business, the me e ting was adjourned at Ann Butler Recording Se ere ta ry J:55 �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 14, 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday cr;ptember 14, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room 4, City Hall, with the following' members present: Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secty. w. L. Calloway Samuel I. Cooper Franklin M. Garrett Julian Harris Mrs. Edith Henderson Guest present: Mr. Lyman Roberts - Housing As sis tan ts Administration Minutes of the August 24 meeting were approved. CHAIRMAN I S REPORT Mr. Muldawer, assuming the duties of the chair in the absence of Mr. Perrin, reported on the following correspondence: 1. Letter of September l from Mr. Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority, re the proposed redevelopment of the business district in the west End Urban Redevelopment Project Area, as reviewed by the Commission at its last meeting. The 11 Housing & Urban Renewal Review Committee" of the ACDC has forwarded its report to the AHA. 2. Letter of September 7 to Mr. Erman Williams, Director of Housing Development Division, Housing Assistants Administration, inviting a representative of the HAA to meet with the Commission on September 14 re proposed 11 turnkey II housing projects. Mr. Lyman Roberts wi 11 appear later in the meeting in th is regard. 3. Letter referred to the ACDC from Mr. Jake H. Wilensky, with attached correspondence from Dayton, Ohio, concerning the appearance of vacant lots . Mr . Muldawer suggested that this matter be handled by the appropriate committee. 4. Letter of September 7 to Mr . Ray A . Nixon, Director of Public Works, re amendment to the ACDC•s rep ort on the proposed bridge ordinance. The vice-chairman initiated a discussion of the proposed underground development, and stated his concern tla t the area be tastefully and properly restored and developed. He suggested that the property owners of this area be invited to meet with the Commission to discuss the potential of the area, and to see if th e y are interested in leasing the property. �- 2 - Mr. Harris made the follo'.v ing motion, which pass e d: "That the owners of th e prope rty involve d in the "Underground Atlanta" area be invited to a meeting of the Civic De sign Commission and sound it out as to their inter e st in and willingness to leas e th e ir property to a bona fid e developer," It was requested by the members that the l et ters be for warded to the property owne rs one month in advance. Mr. Mulda wcr stated the names of the property owners are availabl e . ROBERTS PRESENTATION Mr. Lyman Roberts of th e Housing Development Division of the Housing Assistants Administration, was we lcomed to the meeting. Mr. Mulda wer explained that at its last mee ting, the Civic Design Commission had reviewed a proposed 11 turnke y ·1 proje ct, a t which tim e there we r e seve ral co mme nts mad e about some aspe cts of the project which could be improve d. He add e d that the Commission is concerned with quality, especially in one of the first turnkey projects, as it can set a pr e c e dent for oth e rs, and that a r e presentative of the HAA was invited her e to begin a dialogu e to see how the Commission can be of help. Mr. Roberts e xpla i ne d th e r e view proc e dur e of the local HA A off ic e , and passed around for r e view of the me mbers th e Outlin e of the Turnke y Method. M~. Muldawe r stated that at the request of the ACDC, Mayor Alle n had writte n a me mo to the Atlanta Housin g Authority r e que stin g that all turnke y projects come befo re the Co mmission fo r re v iew . Mr. Roberts wa s as ked if he felt it woul d b e be nefi ci al i f th e ACDC r e vie we d the project a nd f orwar de d its co mme nt s to the HAA p r ior to t he re vi ew by t ha t of f ice . Mr . Ro be rts s t a t ed he feels this i s a n excelle nt suggesti on , whi ch would he l p a nd give re-enf orcement to t h e HAA re vi ew . ~~r. Mu l dawer ad d ed t ha t s e vera l months ag o he and Er i c HarknGss of the City Planning Departme nt s t arted working on Design Criteria for the Mayo r's Housing Program , andif thi s criteria ca n be oevel oped, wo ul d the local HAA support the criteria and work with t he Commission in eneouraging better design . Mr . Rob e rts replied that he feels his organization would support this , and welcomes what the Com.mission is d oing . He added that he will forward to the members of the ACDC the HAA Design Criteria, which is being published. COM~UNICATION COMMI~TEE RE PORT Mrs . Ferst stated that she hop~s a joint committee meeting with Committee

6 (Co mm unication) and Coml!littee #10 ( Planning) can be held before the

nex t Commission meeti~. ADJOURNMET1TT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at Ann Butler Re cordin g Secretary J:JO �MINUTES ATLANTA l'.'IVIC DES I11N cm.n-rrss ION AUGUC T 2L, 1967 Th~ r0gular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission ·was hs ld Thursday, August 24, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room 4, City Hall, with the following members present: Josephs. Perrin, Chairman Paul Muldawcr, Vice-Chairman Harry J. Baldwin W. L. Calloway Samuel I. Cooper John C • GOU l d Mrs. Edi th Henderson H. King McCain Guests present: Don Ingram - Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. Matthew D. Bystry - Whiting-Turner Contracting Company Warren F. P€ nney, Arc hi tee t Howard Openshaw - Director of Red~velopment, Atlanta Housing Authority Pedro Gomez - Atlanta Housing Authority I 1 inutes of thu July 27 and August 10 meetings were approved. BYSTRY PR~~BNTATION Uos srs. Bystry and Penney made a presentation of the proposed "turnkey" Public Housing Development at Hollywood Road. A lengthy convers ation ens ued between the Commission and the visitors, the results of which it was felt by the Commi ssi on that communication betwe en parking spaces and some of the apartments were impractical, that more effective use of the cluster idea could be effected, and that some greater variation could be developed in the outside appearance of various units. At Mr. Muldawer 1 s requ0st, Mr. Perrin stated that representatives from Federal Housing Authority will be invited to meet wit h the Commission for further study and discussion of the plans, after which a r eport will bt forwarded to Mr. Bystry from tht: 11 Design Review" Committe e . OPENSHAW PRESENTATION 11r. Openshaw presented an open view of some of the problems facing the Atlanta Housing Authority, with particular emphasis on the We st End development. A model and sketches of the proposed ~e st End Shopping Center project under the Urban Redevelopment Program, were presented for the revie w and recommendations of the Commission. The "Housing and Urban Renewal Review" Committee will meet for further review of the proje ct and forward its report to th e AHA. �- 2 - CHAIR}rn N'S REPORT Mr. Perrin distributed to members copi e s of the report to Mr. Ray Nixon dealing with the bridge ordin ,nee, for their approval. Mr. Cooper's motion that the report be approved and mailed was passed~ Mr. Calloway noted thdt his sug g estion concerning airrights funds for the purpose of beautifying the city was not included in th~ report. Mr. Perrin sugge sted that, with Mr. Callo way•s concurrence, an additional note to Mr. Nixon in this regard will be forwarded at the next ~eting. Mr. Perrin stated that a n ews article had been published stating that the Parks Committee had approved keeping the Cyclorama in Grant Park, and asked the members if th e y want this issue reo ., ened. ·vith members concurring that the Commission should tell th e Parks Committee how it feels, Mr. Perrin suggested that the "Historical Sites and Structures" Committee look into this matter and bring a report before the Commission. ADJOURN r-~EP T There. being no further busine - s, the me e ting was adjourned at 4:15 Ann Butler Re cording Secretary �!·!-I NUTE~ ATLANTA CIVIC DESIG N COMMISSION JULY 13; 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, July 13, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room 4, City Hall, with the following members present: Joseph S. Perrin, chairnE n Paul Muldawer, Vice-chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Sec. Sa m 1 1 I. Cooper Franklin M. Garrett Julian Harris John Portman Guests present: Robert Smith - rep. Harry J. Baldwin, member Don Ingram - Assoc. Dir., Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. Jack Delius - General Manager, Parks Dept. Stan Ayer - Parks Dept. Stan Martin - Parks Dept. Alex Coffin - Atlanta Constitution Lorraine M. Bennett - Atlanta Journal Minutes of the June 22 meeting were approved. CHAIR MAN'S REPORT Mr. Perrin presented the new listing of committees for the Commission, and stated that a copy of same will be distributed to members 15efore the next me e ting. Mr. Perrin reported on the Public Works Committee meetin g which he attended that same day concerning th e bridge issue. During his absence early in the meeting, Mr. Muldawer assumed the duties of the chair. Mr. Perrin stated he had told Mr. Millican, chairman of the Public Works Com mittee, that ACDC would welcome the opportunity to talk to the commit tee about the bridge issue, and to revie w any proposed ordinanc e . Mr. Perrin stated he feels the Commission should take a stand on the bridge issue as i t relates to the city, and that a statement be developed an d sent to th e committee, and that ACDC keep in touch with members of th e boa rd and us e its powers of p e rsuasion in this rega r d. The "Info rma tion Pr ogra ms and Co mm unicat i on" Co mmitte e was requested to pr e pare such a s t a t e me nt for th e Co mmission. SE CRETA RY RE PO RT Mr s . Ferst pre s e nted f or the Co mmi s s i on ' s r e vi e w a n d c o mment fir s t materia l for a pr o p ose d d e s ign symbo l fo r ACD C c ita t i on. "TERMINUS COMMITTEE" REP ORT Mr. Garrett stated he had a c on ference with Messrs. Ingram and Bevins of Central Atlanta Progress re the undergr ound development. Mr. Garrett stated he hesitates to get the landowners of this area involved before �- 2 rapid transit plans are more fully developed so we will kno w what part of the area will be available. Mr . Ingram stated that CAP hopes to move ahead with the first elem ent of the project in August. Mr. Muldawer feels that ACDC should wait to see what CAP will do in this re. DELIUS PRESENTATION Messrs. Delius, Martin and Ayer were welcomed to the meeting to explain the Parks Department's involvement in the urban trail issue, and discuss future prospects for a trail. After the presentation, Mr. Perrin expressed ACDC 1 s full support of and interest in future plans for a trail~ OLD BUSINESS Communication Program Mr. Mulda we r initiated a discussion re the proposed symposium for the purpose of relating groups who are interested in ACDC 1 s program. A lengthy discussed ensued, during which Mr. Portman and other members offered suggestions for achieving an effective communication program. Mor e complete details of the discussion are on file in the office. Mr . Perrin stated he will send note s of Mr. Portman 1 s thoughts to the committee handling the Communication Program, and suggested Mr. Portman be called on for resources and advice. Mr. Portman further su gg ested that the Commission request the Mayor to wri te to the Aldermanic Committees and have them to refer all matters pertaining to urban design problems to th e Co mmission, so that we may get advance information. Mrs . Ferst su gg ested that at a later time further discussion be held re urban design committee. Rapid Transit It wa s decided at the last meeting that the Commission should make a statement concerning the implementation of rapid transit as i t relates to the City. Mr. Perrin requested the "Planning, Visual Survey & Rapid Transit Committee", (B aldwin, chairman) to prepare such a statement for the Commission's approval. Also in regard to rapid transit, Mr. Muldawer stated that Eric Hill Associates is doing an impact study, and he feels the results of this report should be reviewed by the Commission. Tree Ordinance Mr. Perrin stated that the hea ring on the proposed tree ordinance will be held on July 21, and he requested Mrs. Henderson, chairman of the Tree Ordiname Committee, to prepare a state me nt for the Commission re the tree ordinance to be presented at the hearing. ADJOURN MENT Ther e b eing no furth e r business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 �J uly 20 , 196 7 Mrs . oeorge C. Curtis 5JO Pinedale Dri v Smyr n , Geo r gi J 0080 Dear llrs . Curti : Ma y or llen ha direct d our lett r of July 17 to the Ci i c nesign Co i sion , be e uo our Co i s1on is the agency which 1nitiot d interest in the und r ground t r t r • Cop ny 1 a or the Co isaion nd chair tbe c o itt on the undergrou d cit • I h ve ju~t talked 1th hi by phon and h h s xpr s ill1n gn s to guide y u r group th r ough thi s r a if ou on work out a t i e which 1 utua l ly cc ptable . The tour will 1 s t pproxi ately 30 inute • H off rd th1 s rice be e use th re is n ·ur . Franklin O r rett of the Coc a Col t r al guide er 1c curr ntly av 11 bl • You y cont ct hi at the Coe Col8 Co pany her in Atlant itber by phone or by 11 . r . Oarr tt is especially qualified to do this b oaus he 1 the l ding hi tori n in m tt r dealing with Atlant . In ddition, h is ch r i n g entl au . I dQ not think th t i t ould be a burden in any en e to brin g your iet r C dett Troop , as he ha xpr a ~d hi willingne to cco pany eith&r the s all nu her or the lar ge nu ber you ug ested . I ho pe that you c n •ork out arr•n • nts that will b ti factory to r ne c ncer ned . On behalf of th Ci 1c tro p the ver1 bet f a e 1 n Co od wi h 1 ion , 1 r1c for nd y u nd your nd ple ant uam r on . Cordially yo\ir , g~ Jo eph s. (4.-~~ Perrint Chairaan 4TLA TA CI IC JS? rab cc ranklin cc Mrs . Ann v. Oarr tt o •• y SIG CO I~ IO �July 18, 1967 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr . Joe Perrin FROM: Mrs . Ann Moses Deai- Joe : Is there any way you could arrange a tour per the attac hed reque t? Please advi e . Sinc erely yours, Mrs . Ann M ose Executive Secretary AM/br Enclo ure �!H NUTES ATLANT.A CIVIC DESIGN COFMISSION JUNE 22, 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thu~sda y , June 22, at 2 p. m., in Co mmitte e Roo m 4, City Hall, with the following me mbers present: Jos e phs~ Pe rrin, Chairman Paul Mulda we r, Vic e -Cha ir man Mrs. Alvin M. Fe rst, Secr e tary Samue l I. Cooper Ja mes H. Dodd Fr a nklin ~ ~ Garrett Julian Harris Mrs. Edi th Renders on H. King McC a in J, Ben T>floore Gu e sts pre sent: Mr. Lynn Ha rriss, Exe c. Dire ctor, A-.S .L.A. Mr. Ale x Coffin - The Atlanta Constitution Minute s of the Jun e 8 mee ting were approved. CHA IRNAN1 S RSPORT : ~r. Pe rrin r e porte d on the following corresponde nc e : 1. Le tt er of 6/15 to the Ma y or of Birmingham e xpr e ssing ACDC congratula t i o ns on Birmin gham 's n ew civi c c e nt er 2. Le t t e r of 6/ 22 t o Sara Massell expressi ng ACD C stand on th e real esta te "f or s ale " s i gn ma tter J. Le t ters t o tho se wh o ma de p rese n ta t i o ns in fav or of t he urban trail at th e Parks & Recrea t i on Comm i ttee meet ing on June 13 4. Letter of 6/ 13 fr om th e ~unicipa l Art Commission of Kansas City, with a report of 11 Urban De sign Stu d ies ". Mr . Pe rrin state d that Kansas City has a sign ordinan c e , and t ha t the implemen t ation of the ordinance, with sketches and notations, ar e included in the r e port. He added that he had answered t his correspondenc e , and state d that ACDC was glad to share information and asked for a copy of the sign ordinance. Wi th the c oncurre nee of memb ers , Mr . Perrin state d he will forward to Kansas City available reports, including the CI P rep ort and ACDC 1 s 1966 report of former chairma n Coope r. 5. Letter to the Atlanta Housing Authority, as drafted by Mr. Dodd, re ACDC recommendations concerning redevelopment proposals review process, was presented to the members for th eir approval bef ore mailing. Mr. Per rin sta t ed he has restructured the list of committees, as requested at the last meeting, and presented the proposed committee listing to the members for their review and approval. It wa s decided that the new committee listing be forwarded to members; with a note asking them to list committees on which they prefer to serve and return same to the office within one we ek so that t~ chairman may compile and appoint committee chairmen. �- 2 - Mr . Perrin r e ported that the n ew stationary for the b ei ng prepared. Comm ission is The chairman expressed a note of thanks to Mrs. Ferst who worked e ffectively and hard to provide information and r e sources r e the urban trail mat ter. Upon Mr. Perrin 1 s r e quest, Mrs. Henderson r ep orte d on th e Jun e 13 mee ting of the Parks & Recreation Committe e , at which time the ACDC , among othe rs, had urged the reopening of the urban trail issue. rfr s. He nderson stated that the federal funds for this project had already b ee n withdrawn befor e th e presentation, and that th e matter was dead. VI.CE-CHJiIRMAN' S REPORT: Mr. Muldaw e r exte nd e d his p e rsona l congratul ati ons to Mrs. Ferst, Mrs. Henderson and Mr. Perrin for organizing the urban trail presentation for the Parks & Recreation Committe e , and state d that at so me futur e time ACDC should r e comme nd that Atlanta should design a bike system for th e w hole city from one 8n d to the oth e r and ask for funds for that. He further suggest e d that th e Commission start imme diate ly compiling a list of or ganizations with which i t wa nts to communicat e , and hold a symposium for the p urpos e of e stablishing maximum citiz e n participation and support of AC DC 1 s program. In this re, Mr. Perrin suggested that this matt e r b e postponed until th e n ext meeting , at which time the new co mm i t t ee will b e appointed to handl e details, a nd a l s o that J ack De lius, Gen eral Manager of the Parks De partm e nt, b e invite d to the ne xt mee ting for his point of view r e bik e trail b ef ore furth e r action is t a k e n. Mrs. Ferst furth e r su gges t ed invitin g T1fessrs. Stan Hartin and Stan Ay e r of th e Parks Depart me nt. Ur. Mulda we r concurr e d. Mr. Muldawer pr e sente d a new spap er article statin g that Pr es id e nt Johnson' s Na t ional Co mm ittee on Urb a n Pr ob lems will hold a mee ting and public h ea rin g in Atla nta Jul y 2 0 -21. Mr. Muldaw e r noted th a t th e group is cha rg e d with ma king r e comme ndations to i mprove citi e s, and he su gg0 s te d that ACDC or gan iz e a group to make a presentation at this h e aring . Mr. Muldawer added tha t Savanna h has a historical z onin g ordina nc e , an d he su ggeste d th at a l e tt e r b e forwarded to Savannah City Manager r e qu e sting a copy of the ordina nc e, a n d th a t ACDC, wi th the he lp of AIA, urge our local l eg islatur a at th e ir nex t hearing to tr y to impl e me nt historical zoning. SECRETARY 'S REPORT: Mrs. Ferst stated she concurs with Mr, Muldaw e r's f ee ling re the urg enc y of r e lating groups who ar c inter e sted in ACDC 1 s program. It was decided that a questionnaire will be mailed to members asking them to list the names of individuals and or g anizations with whom we need to communicate, and return same to Mrs a F e rst. �- 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS: Sanitary Committee Mrs. Henderson offered the following thoughts conc e rning trash in the downtown area: (1) a propos e d change in the general time of coll e ction; and (2) a proposed ordinance that each new building would provide enclosed area to take care of storage of its own cans, boxes, etc., from which trucks would gather the material, and that each e stablished building provide a si milar area. Mrs. Henderson stated she will gath e r in ·th e near futur e . more information and report "Te rminus" Committee Mr. Garrett stat e d that he has starte d contacting parties who are intere s ted in the underground dev e lop me nt. He also has look e d over available maps and records which Central Atlanta Progress has. UNFINISH~D BUSINESS: Ordinanc e for % f o r ~ In compliance with the chairman's request, Mr. Harris stat e d he has reviewed the proposed ordinance dealing with percentage for arts, and pr e s e nt e d his opinion of the ordinance. Upon Mr . Harris's obj e ction to the ordinance as is, Mr. Perrin pointed out that this pa rticular o r dinanc e is an exam ple l ega l structure, and he ask e d for a vot e to decide whether or not to proc ee d with th e percentage program. iJ!r, Muldawer moved that the ACDC continu e wi th this study, and th e motion carried. Mr. Perrin suggested th a t the n ew co mmittee com e up with recommendations and/or obj e ctions to the ordinance. Rap id Transit: Mr. Perrin stated that members had previously agreed to open for pr e liminary discussion what attitude ACDC may have relative to rapid transit. He raised the following questions for thought: ( 1) Do we have facts about influencing th e aesthetic role of rapid transit? (2) What can we do? (3) Are we informed enough about the plans to know what we are talking about? (4) How can we as a Commission fail to look at this import a n t is s u e s o far a s de s i g n of th e ci t y i s co n c e r n e d ? It was the general opinion of members present that the Commission has a right and obligation to make a statement concerning the implementation of rapid transit as i t refers to the City. �- 4 - Mr. Muldawer ad ded that Eric Hill Associates is doing an impact study ~nd hopes to bring their repo r t before the Commission. r rs. Ferst suggested rapid transit as a point in the proposed s y mposium. ADJOUR N f.P~N T There being no further business, the me e ting was adjourred at 4:00 Ann Butler Recording Secretary �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO LlMISSION JUNE 8, 1967 Th e r egular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursda y, June 8, at 2 p. m., in Committ e e Roon #4, City Hall, with the follo wing

nem b e rs pr l


Josephs. Pe rrin, Chairma n Pa ul Muldawcr, Vic e -Ch a irman I~rs. Alvin n, F e rst, S e cretary Harry J. Baldwin TI . L. Callowa y Jam e s H. Dodd Franklin M. Garrett Julian Harris Mrs. Edith Hen derson H. King Mc Ca in Guests present: Lorrain e M, Bennett - The Atlanta Journal Alex Coffin - Atlanta Constitution f inut es of the May 25 mee ting were approved. ~ CH1~I RhA N I S REPORT: Mr. Pe rrin pr esente d a sampl e of the proposed d es ign for ACDC Mem b e rs off e r e d th e ir co mme nts and reactions to the d e sign. l e tte rhead, Mr, Perrin report e d th a t h e and Mr. Portma n had met with Mr. Rob e rt Biv ens of Central At l anta Progr ess , Inc., r e th e model proj e ct. Mr. Portman e stimates th e proposed mod el will cost bet wee n $ 100,000and $ 150,000 and h e pl e dg e d $ 10,000 to war d th e d e v e lop me nt of sam e , CAP, through Mr, Bive ns, e xpressed inter e st in this project, and feels that most of the money can be raised fro m private funds, a nd the remaind e r through the CAP group. The chairman r e ported on the follo wing correspondence: 1. Letter from Rev, Fred Stair of the Central Pre s byterian Church, , ex pressing his thanks for th e Com n ission 1 s report to Bradb erry & Ass oci ates on th e Georgia Plaza Deve lopmen t . 2. Letter from James L. Bentl ey re histo rica l site on property at 1649 Lady Marion Lane, N . E . VICE-CHAIR HA 1" 1 S RE PORT: Hr. Mul dawer presented an article from the "Birmingham News" c on cerning the new Birmingham Civic Center wh ich was developed through the use of an op en competition, and s ugg e sted that a letter of commendation be sent to the Birmingham authorities who sponsored this competition. After some discussion, it was decided that the letter cont ain the Commission's congratulations on the new civic cen t er, with no mention of the c ompeti ti on• Mr. Harris suggested that a meeting be set aside in the near future to di.s'<'uss the feasibility of ACDC recommending to the City that all uty work b e awarded by open eompetition involving local architects, �- 2 - SECRETARY'S REPORT: Mrs. Ferst requested that members forward to her the names of civic organizations or individuals who might be utilized on the ACDC mailing list. UNFI NISHED BUSINESS: AHA Review Mr. Perrin stated that Messrs. Baldwin and Dodd have submitted a report on behalf of the ACDC to the Atlanta Housing Authority concerning the , review of redevelopers proposals for the Rawson-V1a shington Stre-et Urban Redevelopment Area. After eiving an informal rundown on the report, Mr. Dodd suggested the feasibility of AHA considering the utilization of consultants on a retainer basis, not to diminish the role of other reviews, but to provide a more complete review. He feels this would be economically feasible because the amount of the cost involved in relation to the total cost would be modest. Mr. Perrin suggested that Mr. Dodd present at the next meeting of ACDC a report to AHA recommending how revie ws could be improved. Ordinance for % for Arts Mr. Perrin presented the proposed ordinance dealing with allocation of percentage of construction costs to allied arts, as submitted by Mr. Robert Lyle. He stated that a copy of the proposed ordinance will be sent to members of the Commission . Mr. Harris was requested to review the ordinance and present opinions and suggestions at the next ACDC meeting. Mr. Muldawer suggested that the proposed ordinance also be sent to art associations, civic clubs, and universities for their comment and support befor e it is submitted to the Board of Aldermen. Mr. Harris requested t,ha t before the n ext meeting of the ACDC members be thin king of other intere sted parties who may want to receive a copy of the ordinance. Urban Trail In answer to the ACDC letter of May 25 to the Aldermanic Parks Committee, requesting the reopen ing of th e Urban Trail issue, Mr s. Ferst announced that a letter has been received from Jack Delius, Par ks Manag er, invitin g the ACDC to appear at the next meeting of the Parks Committee on June 13 to make its presentation in this regard. Member s were urged to attend this meeting. Mrs. Ferst added t~t she had written and received information from Mr. James J. Hayes, Director of Information of the Bicycle Institution of A~crica. Portfolios will be available to members who appear at the mee ting of the Parks Committee. �- 3 Tree Ordinance Mr . Perrin stated he received a letter from Mayor Allen thanking ACDC for its letter of endorsement for the proposed Tree Ordinance. The ordinance will be up for a hearing shortly, at which time th e Commission will be notifi e d. Mr. Perrin suggested that at least 2 members of the Commission, and particularly one from the Landscape Architecture category, represent ACDC at the hearing. "For Sale " Signs Hr. Pe rrin stated that he and hle ssrs, Baldwin and Gould had met with Me ssrs. Schukraft and McClure of the West End Businessmen's Association, conc e rning the propos e d ordinanc e to ban "for sale sign on residential prop er ty. At Mr. Pe rrin's requ est, Mr. Baldwi n gave a brief report of the meet ing. Mr, Baldwin added that the committee ge nerally feel~ this question involve s social and e conomic problems, and go e s beyond th e Co mmis sion's area of responsibility. It was d e cided that at th e next AC DC meeting, a sub-committee be established to deve lope criteria for a proposed overall sign ordinanc e. "Terminus II Project Hr. Muldawer stated that Hrs, Montgomery of the At lanta Junior League has informed him that the Le agu e plans to involve its e lf in this projec t. As the city is looking for a plac e to relocate the Cyclora ma, Mr. Muldawer feels it would b e useful to have a study ma de of the fea~ibility of locating the Cyclorama as a focal point in the pr opos ed "underground" developme nt. NEW BUSINESS; Members agreed that in the near future a meeting should be se t asid e for the ACDC to take a position re rapid transit. At Mrs~ Ferst•s request for a new sub-committee listing, Mr. Pe rrin stated he feels people ar c more motivated if they are working on something in which they are interested, and · he will ask members on which sub-committ e e they prefer to serve, and move from there. ADJOURNMENT There being no further busines s , the meeting was adjourned at Ann Butler Recording Secreta ry 3:u5 �MR . PERRIN -At1ant~ /?. . l.,UJ,i,C, CITY ATLANTA, HALL GEORG IA 30303 SAMUEL I NM A N COOPER, F .A . I. A ., CHA I RMA N J O SEPH S. PERR I N, V ICE- CH A I RMAN MRS. A L V I N M. F E RST , S EC R E TA R Y HAR R Y J, BA LD W I N , A . S. L .A . 0 R B ~ ' C " K , P . E. W . L. C A LLO W A Y J AM E S H . D Op D JO H N C . GOUL D J U LIAN H AR RI S , A . I . A . ~ E HEE-RY , A . I .A . M RS . E D ITH H E NDERSON , A . S .L. A. H. K I NG MCC A I N, P . E",; J. B E N M OO RE P A UL MU L OAWER , A . I.A . JOHN PORTM A N , A. I .A . Jo sep h s . Per rin , Ch a irma n Pa ul Mul d awe r , A.I. A., Vi c e - Cha ir ma n Mrs . Alvin M. Fe rst , Se cr e t a r y __Jia rr y J. Ba l dw in, A.S . L.A . W• L • Ca 11 owa y Samue l Inman Coo per, F . A. I.A. James H. Dodd Frank li n M. Garret t John c . Gou l d Juli.an H.arr i s , A .I .A. Mrs . Edith Henderso n , A . S. L.A . H. Ki ng McCain, P . E . J. Ben Mo ore John Portman, A.I.A. ( . • �I �Forms authorizing: 1. Duplication of stationary which will include the commercial setting of type for the Commission members names and titles which they may have. We would like for the stationary to be printed at 60% screen of a warm black ink or an ink printed at 100% screen which will approximate the above in tone 2. We would like envelopes ordered and printed commercially in 14 point Helvitica light lower cas e , 60 % screen of warm black with 3 lines as follows: (All 3 lines flush left) ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MMISSION CITY HALL ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 Pleas e order 1500 in each case �MI NUTES ATLAN TA CIVIC DESIGN CO MMI SS ION MAY 25, 1967 The r e gular meeting of the Atl a nta Civic Design Commission wa s held Thursd ay, May 25, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room


City Hall, with the follo wing mem bers present: Joseph S. Perrin, ch a irma n Mrs. Alvin M. F e rst, secretary Ha rry J. Bald win W. L. Ca llowa y Sam ue l I. Cooper James H. Dodd John C. Gould Mrs. Edith Hend e rson H. King McC ain J. Be n Moore Gu es ts present: Lorr a ine M. Bennett - The Atlanta Journal Ale x Coffin - The Atl a nta Constitution Minut e s of the May 11 mee tin g we r e appr ove d. CHAIR MAN I S REP ORT Mr . Perrin r ep ort ed on the followin g correspondence: 1. Letter dat e d May 18, to th e At l an t a Housin g Authority , concerning report of the rede v e lop e rs proposals for the "Univers it y Ce nt e r Urb a n Redevel o pment Area, " as re vi ewed b y Mes srs, Perrin, Baldwin, a nd Calloway . 2. Lette r of May 25 to Bradb u ry & Ass o ci a tes, re the presentation on May 11 of th e Georgia P l a za pla n s . Mrs. Hen der s on was thank ed for dr aft in g th e material for th e report. J. As a uthoriz ed by the Comm ission on May 11, a l etter dated Ma y 25 was forw a rd e d to the May or a nd Boar d of Alde rmen, e ndor sing the proposed tr ee o rd inance , and urging th eir supp o rt of same. Mr. Perrin added that members will rece iv e a copy o f the report of the Commission ( from F e bruary 1966 to Ma rch 1967) as submitted by former chairman Cooper . Mr . Perrin ex pressed his personal commendation to W.r. Cooper of th e report. SECRETARY' S REP ORT Mrs. Ferst stated that t he desi gn symbol for ACDC citation is well underway, and sho uld be ready for the next meeting. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Committee on% for Allied Arts (Perrin 1 ch.) Mr. Perrin stated that the City Attorney is preparing the ordinance for alloca tion of percentage of cons~ruction costs to allied arts, which we should have within th e next 2-4 weeks. �- 2 - Committee on Scale Model (Portman, ch.) Mr. Perrin stated that he and Mr. Portman have arranged a meeting with Mr. Robert Bivens of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., to seek CAP's support of the proposed model. Committee on Proposed Dinner (Portman, ch.) Mr. Perrin reported that Mr. Portman has consented to support the proposed dinner, and that the committ ee could move ahead with plans for same. Co mm it tee ( e ) Dodd , ch • ) Mr. Dodd reported that he has begun writing letters to oth e r ci'ties for information on desirability and feasibility of side walk c afe s in the city. "Communication" Committee Mrs. Ferst, co-chairman, stated that the committee is preparing a list for contacts. "S an itation" Committee ( Moore, ch.) Mr. Moore stated he has no report, but that he has noticed that the City has put trash receptacl e s in Plaza Park, and h e qu e stions i mprov e ment due to con sp icuous colors of th e rec e ptacles. Committ ee on CIP Rep o rt (Gould, ch.) Mr. Gould reported th a t the committee has revie we d the CIP report, as submitted to th e city by th e p l anning consultants. The co mmittee fe e ls it is a fine r ep ort; however Mr. Gould noted that th e recommend at ions were p arti cularly weak . He read th e draft of th e committee ' s rep ort to be forwarded to the Planning De partme nt, a nd t he motion p as s e d to end orse th e r e port as read. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AHA Revi e w Mr. Perrin reported that th e Commission h as b ee n requested to review the redeveloper's proposals for the Rawson-Washington Street Urb an Redevelopment Area, per letter of May 17 from the Atlanta Housing Authority. Mr. Dodd, Mr. Baldwin, and Mrs. Henderson plan to represent th~ ACDC at the presentation on May 31. �- 3 ~ icyc l e ~ il Mrs. Ferst brought up the matter of the proposed bicycle trail in the Collier Hills area, which was voted do wn by the Parks Committee of the Board of Aldermen at a hearing held on May 9. Mrs. Ferst, who lives in the section of town concerned with the trail, presented a handbill that was circulated in the area, opposing the trail. She stated that she heard nothing about the May 9 hearing, at which time some 120 residents had opposed the trail, and she feels ~hat the hasty decision to abandon the idea was made without adequate publicity on the hearing, and without both sides of the argument being presented. The members discussed the issue, and the motion passed that the Commission forward a statement to the Parks Committee requesting the reopening of the subject and endorsing the development of the trail. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs, Ferst drafted the statement, which was approved by the members, and the letter was forwarded that same day. NE11if BUc INESS "For Sale Signs II Mr. Perrin stated that it has been brought to his attention that there is under consideration a possible ban of "For Sale" signs on single unit d wellin g s in Atlanta and brought this matter up to the Com mission for discussion. At least 2 members of the Commission feel that ACDC should express interest in governing sign control, and actively engage in bringing about a sensible approach to sign control, however they hesitate to specify particular signs. The chairman requested Mr. Gould to give thought to the matter, and within 1 or 2 meetings present recommendations to the Commission of how it might approach th e problem. ADJOU RNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:45. Ann Butler Recording Secretary �CITY ATLANTA, HALL GEORGIA 30303 SAMUEL INMAN COOPER, F.A.I.A., CHAIRMAN JOSEPHS. PERRIN, VICE -CH A IRM AN MRS. ALVIN M. FERST, SECRETARY Ma.y 4, 1967 HARRY J, BALDWIN, A,S,L,A, ORBIE BOSTICK, P, E. W, L. CALLOWAY JAMES H. DODD JOHN C, GOULD JULIAN HARRIS, A.I.A, GEORGE HEERY, A. I.A, MRS, EDITH HENDERSON, A.S.L.A, H. K IN G MCCAIN, P, E. J. BEN MOORE PAUL MULDAWER, A. I.A , JOHN PORTMAN, A.I.A, Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. May or City of Atlanta Dear Mr. Mayor: Thank you for meeting with representatives of the Civic Disign Commission last Thursday and for your prompt response to our request for assistance in seeking an opportunity to review proposed housing projects of the Atlanta Housing Authority. Best personal regards. Cordially yours, LANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION Perrin JSP: ab �MINUTES ATL AN TA CIVIC DESIG N COMM I SS IO N APRIL 27, 1967 The r eg ul a r me eting of th e Atlanta Civic De sign Commission wa s h e ld Thursd ay, April 27, a t 2 p.m., in Com mitt ee Roo m #4, City Hall, with th e follo wing mem b e rs pr e sent: Jos e ph S. Pe rrin, ch a ir ma n Jo s eph B. Browd e r W. L. Ca lloway S a mu e l I. Coop e r J a me s H. Dodd Fr a nklin M. Ga rr e tt John C. Gould H. Kin g McCain Gu es ts present: Mr. Don In gr am - Ce n t r a l Atl a n ta Pr o gr e s s , Inc. Mrs. Ch arl e s T. Owe n - Le agu e of Wo me n Vot e rs of Atl ant a /Fulton County Mr. Eric Ha rkn e ss - City Pl a nnin g De p a rtme nt Vinu tes of th e April 13 me eting wer e approved. CHA I RMAN 'S RE PO RT: The ch a i rman rep ort e d tha t he a nd Mes srs. Coo pe r a nd Muld awer had me t with May o r All e n conc e rnin g ACD C r eview o f hou si n g pr oj e ct s in At l anta . He stated t hcJt the May or wa s re c e p t i ve to the id ea , and ha d wr itte n t o th:: Atlanta Hou si ng Au th ori t y r e co mmend in g s ame . Mr. Perr in als o r ep orted tha t b y agreemen t of mem b ers he had c ontacted Mr. Reese Clegh orn and asked him about a n edi t orial in t h e Atlanta Journal dealing with t h e need f o r a long-range p l a n f o r the government center. Mr. Cleghorn has agreed t o do s o , a n d information has been forwarded to him. He added that he hopes to see the article in the paper soon. Mr. Perrin stated that ACDC action was considered helpful in defeating plans for a proposed service station on a small strip of property adjacent to the South Expressway at Cleveland Avenue, and ttat the Commission should �2 move forward to establish a general policy dealing with strip development. He will che~k withthe Planning Department to determine what action should now be taken, and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. The chairman reported on the follo wing correspondence: 1. Letter of 4/13 from the Department of the City Clerk, stating that the Bo3rd of Aldermen had confirmed the appointment of Mr. Joseph B. Browder as a member of ACDC to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Orbie Bostick, who has resigned. 2 • Letter of 4/13 to Mr. M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director of the Atlanta Housing Authority, inviting AHA, and the developer and architects of the housing project at Harw i: ll Road and Skipper Drive to submit this proposal to ACDC for review and suggestions at the April 27 meeting. A reply has not been received to date. J. Memo dated 4/18 to members of the Commission urging better atte nd a nce at meetings. 4. Correspondence dated 4/19 to Mr. Les Persells, AHA, from the Architectural Revie w Committee, commenting on the Rockdale Urban Renewal Proj e ct. This report is avail a ble to members for comme nt. s. Letter of 4/20 to Mr. Samuel I. Coop e r, expressing the appr e ciation a nd commendation of the members for his outstanding leadership as cha irman of the Commission during its first year of existence. 6. Letter of 4/20 to Mr. Tulio Pe trucci, Atlanta School of Art , s ta tin g th a t the ACDC h as decid e d aga inst p re s e htin g a cit y sho w f or t h e Atl anta Ar t s Fes tival i n May , but th a t it hopes to h a v e the oppor tu ni t y to try t o proper l y fin a nc e a nd d e sign a s how fo r ne x t ye a r . 7. Le tt e r of 4/20 to Mr. Robert F . Lyle , re draft of p r opo s e d ordinan c e on t he p e r c entage f or the alli e d a rts . 8. Let t er o f 4/20 to Bull & Ken ne y Arc h i t ec t s, c o mmending t hem for design of alterations and additions to F ul ton High Sch o ol, as reviewed by the Commi ss ion on 4/1). 9. Correspondence dated 4 /20 t o Toombs, Amisano & Wells re "Downtown Project" at Spring and Techwo o d Viaduct, as reviewed by ACDC on 4/lJ. 10. Letter of 4/27 to Mr. Andrew E. Steiner congratulating him on his appointment as a member of the Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Region III Advisory Committee on Design and Planning. 11. Copy of letter of 4/27 from Mayor Allen to Mr. Edwin L. Sterne, chairman of the Atlanta Housing Authority, re~ommending that all housing projects be cleared through normal channels with the AC f. C. �- 3 w GENERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Don Ingram, Associate Director of Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., was welcomed to the meeting. Mr. Ingram stated that the purpose of his organization is to help guide and coordinate any central planning in the core of Atlanta. He added that he was present today to let ACDC know of CAP 1 s interests, and that many of its objectives and purposes are the same as ACDC. At Mr. Perrin 1 s request, Mr. Cooper related to Mr. Ingram the developments to date toward the acquisition of a scale model of Atlanta. Mr. Perrin stated that if this project can get started, ACDC would certainly solicit the sup- port of CAP. Mr. Gould, who was on the review committee for the Rockdale Urban Rene wal Project, gave more informa tion on the report of the revie w , and explained how the committee rated certain factors of the proposals. Mr. Perrin thanked him and other members of the committee for the job and t h e precedent they set in treating future jobs. Mr. Cal l owa y brou g ht up the matt e r of a c e ntr a l or downto wn par k in Atla nt a , spec i fic a lly on the pr op e rty n e ar th e Ma r r iot t Moto r Ho te l , b o unded b y Cou r tland, Ca in, Ivy and Ellis S t re ets. He add e d tha t sinc e this was discuss e d b y t he Commiss ion s ome months a go, th e c ost of the property had undoubtedly risen , and t~ t and he feels in a few mo nths it will probably cost much more, the property will becom~· pr o hibitive in cost. out that this is It was brought the project that Mr. Morton Rolleston had expressed interest in when he met with the Commission on May S, 1966. �Mrs. Owen, who is the Publie Relations and Publicity Chairman for the League of Women Voters of Atlanta/Fulton County, was introduced to the members • .She distributed copies of certain passages therein. 11 FACTS 11 , published by the League, and reviewed Mrs. Owen stated that the League has in mind for the Arts Festival this year a presentation pertaining to a tree ordinance, which might be of interest to the Commission. Mr. Perrin concurred that AC DC is interested in supporting a tree ordinance that is substantial and will join with the League in trying to promote same. League's ideas for Mrs. Owen discussed the the presentation and upon her request, various suggestions and comments were offered by the me mbers. Concerning the "underground" development, Mr. Garrett, ne w chairman of the II Terminus II Committee, stated he has looked over this are a, § nd has summarized in his mind what is down there. Mr. Perrin stated he feels this dev e lop ment has great potential, as it co u ld pr e serve a historic a l p ar t of t h e c i ty , enhance that pa r ticula r section, a nd at the same ti me p ro v ide i nco me f o r p r i v ate in v estors. of t he t hings h i s Mr. In g ram r ema r ke d that this proj e ct is one organization is specifically int e r e s ted in. Mr. Br owde r s t ated t ha t h e f e e ls some op p ositi on will be met, as many property owners are using the property as wareh ouses and for egress and ingre s ~ ; however it is the general eonsensus of members that property owners in this area will become aware of the tremendous amount of revenue this project can render, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at J:50 p.m. Ann Butler Recording Secretary �CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORG IA 30303 S AMUEL INMAN CO O P E R, F.A.I .A., C HA I RMAN JOSEPHS . PERRIN, VI CE-C HAI R MAN MRS. ALVIN M. FERST, SEC R E TA R Y H ARRY J, B AL D W I N , A , S .L.A. O R B IE BO STIC K . P . E. W. L . C AL L OWAY JA MES H. D OD D JOHN C . G O U L D J U LI A N H ARR I S , A .I .A. RE PORT OF GEORGE H E ERY , A .I. A . MRS. EDITH HENDERSO N, A . S. L. A . H . K IN G M CC A IN, P. E. J. B EN MO OR E ATLANTA CIVIC DES IG N CO MMISSION P AU L MU LD AW E R . A . I. A . JO HN P OR TM A N . A.I . A. 1. Th e Ordin ~ nc e wa s p a ss e d cr ea ting the Atla nt a Civic Design Commis s ion in Nove mbe r, 2. FEBRUARY, 1966 TO MA RC H, 1967 1965. The f o ll owi n g memb ers we r e app oint e d t o the Commis s ion b y May or All en in J a nuar y, 196 6: a. Ca t eg or y of Arch i t e cture: Pau l Mu l d awer , A . I . A . Joh n Portman , A . I . A . b. ( f or th ree years ). ( for two ye a rs ) Ca t e g ory of Lands c ape Ar c hite c t ur e : Ha rry J . Baldwin , ASLA (for o ne ye ~r ) Mrs . Edith He nd e rson, AS LA ( for three years ) C • Category of Painting and Scu l pt u re: Juli a n Harris, A. I . A. ( for two y ea rs) Jo se ph S . Perrin (for one ye ar ) d. C~ tegory of Engin e ering : H. Ki ng McC a in, PE (for two years) Orbie Bostick, PE (for two years ) �- e. 2 - Category of Planning: J a me s H. Dodd (for one year) Thoma s H. Roberts f. (for thr e e years) Ca tegory of Historic and Architectur a l Samu e l Inma n Coope r, F.A.I.A. Ge orge Hee r y , A .I.A. g. Tr a dition: (for thr ee years) (for one y ear) Ca tegory of Lay Citiz e ns: Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst (for thr ee ye a rs) W. L. Ca llowa y J. Be n Moor e 3. (for t wo yea rs) (for one y e ar) Organization Me e ting - F e bru a ry 9, 1966. The me eting wa s c a lle d to ord e r by Mr. Coop e r as Acting Ch a ir ma n. Ali me mbers we r e pr e s e nt ex cept Mr. Bostick a nd Mr. Moor e . Hr . Coop e r s t a t e d : a. Th a t do wntown Atl a nta is ugl y a nd tota lly uncoo r din a t e d . b. Th n t down t own Atl.::i nta is gra du a ll y bu t s t ea dily imp r ov i ng its ap p earan c e a n d its coo r d i na tion. c. Th at th e p ubli c i s i nt eres t ed i n f u rther i mpr o vement, bo th in functi o n and in aesthetics . d. That the purp o se and objec t ive of t h e Atlanta Civic Design Commission is to further, so far as it is able, such improvements. e. That the Commission has no powers, other than r e commendation and/or persuasion. f. That the Commission will work with, and will enjoy the cooperation of, the various dep artments of the City government. �- 3 - Mr. Sam Mass e ll, Pr e sid e nt of the Boa rd of Ald e rmen, wa s pr e s e nte d. Mr. Massell state d: a. That there e xists a re a l public int erest in the objectives of th e n ew Commission. b. Tha t if a me nd me nts to its charte r we r e considere d a dvis a ble , the Co mmission s h ould p e tition th e Bo a rd of Al de r me n a ccordingly . c. Tha t the Commi ss ion c a nno t r e gu l a te ae sthe tics, but only a dvis e a nd /or r e co mme nd. d. Tha t a ll meet in gs of the Commission a r e to b e op e n to th e p ublic a nd to t he news me di a . The follo wi ng of f i c e rs of t he Co mmi ss ion we r e e le c te d fo r th e e nsu in g y e a r : Cha i rman - - -- - --- - -------Sa mu e l Inma n Coo per Vi c e-Chairma n -- - ------- -Jos e ph s. Perri n S e cre t a ry---- - ---------- Mr s. Alvin M. F e rst It wa s decid e d th a t me e tings of th e Co mm i ssi o n w ould b e h e ld t wice monthly a t th e City Ha ll. 4. F unct i onin gs a. of the Commis si on: Th e Atl an t a Ci v ic Des i g n Commission ha s met re g ul a rl y , t wice mont hly , t hr ou ghout it s f irst y ea r of ex i s t e nc e . I t h as met a t 2:0 0 P. ti . on the s e co nd a nd f ou rth Th u rsday of each mo n th in Committee Room


of the Atl a nt a City Ha ll. Mee tings h a v e u s u al ly laste d from thre e t o four hours. b. At tend a nc e a t mee tings h as not b ee n a l l tha t could ha ve been d esired. The Commi ss i on f i r s t es t a bli s h e d th e presence of nine �- 4 members to constitute a quorum -- later this was reduced to eight members (out of a total membership of fifteen) but several meetings did not provide this quorum; and hence could take no official action. c. A number of committees were appointed throughout the year. He re a gain the record is spotty -- in cert a in committees active participation wa s provided, in oth e rs (usually due to the absence of their Chairm a n from Commission meetings) littl e activity resulted. d. Speakers and guests wer e invited to many of th e Commission's meetings, and addr e ssed th e members. Usually such presentations wer e follo we d by questions and general discussion. Such persons included the follo wing, who explained to the Commission the functionings a nd objectives of the ir respective groups and/or departments, and off e red the coop e ration of the ir organiz a tions to the Atl a nta Civic Des i g n Co mmission. Mr. S am Ma ss e ll ( Fe bruary 9 , 1966) Cha i rma n, Atl a nta Boa rd of Alderme n Mr . Tho mas T. Tuc ke r ( Ma rc h 17 , 1966) Navy Leagu e of t h e Unit e d S t a t es Mr. Cha rl es Mitche ll ( Ma rch 17, 1966) S c ulp to r - Re : F ount a in d es i gn Mr. J erry Coffe ll ( Mar ch 1 7 , 1966 ) Planning Depar t me n t - Ci t y of Atlanta Mr. Col l ier Gladin ( Ap ril 7 , 1966 ) Planning Departme nt - City of Atlanta Mr. Robert D. Speer (April 21, 1966 ) Sanitary Departm e nt - City of Atlanta Mr . Eric Harkness (April 21, 1966) Planning Department - City of Atlanta �- 5 Mr. Robert S. Sturgis, A.I.A. (April 21, 1966) Mr. John A. Brown (April 21, 1966) Candcub, Fleissig & Associates, Consult an ts Mr. Morton Rolleston ( Ma y 5, 1966) Mr s. Harmon Barnard ( ~ay 5, 1966) North/Nor th we st Civic Asso ciation Mr. Cha rl e s Hoop e r ( May 5, 1966) Petrol e um Council of Ge orgia Mr. Tho ma s H. Rob e rts (Jun e 2, 1966) Ur. Gay l e L. Ha rd e r (June 2, 1966) Atlant a Region Me tropolitan Planning Commission f:!r. Eric Ha r knes s (Jun e 2, 1966) Planning Depa rtme nt - City of Atla nta Hr. Glenn E. Be nnett (Jun e 2, 1966) Atlanta Region Me tropolit an Planning Commission Mr. Andr ew E. S t e in e r (Jun e 2, 1966) Robert b Co mpa ny Associate s Mrs. Caroline J. Embry (Jun e 2, 1966) Atla nta Women 's Chamber of Comme rc e Mr. Cha rle s J. Robisc h (Jun e 16, 1966) Georgi a Cha pt e r, Ameri c a n Institut e of Archit e cts Alderman Rodn ey Cook (Jun e 16, 1966) Atlanta Boa rd of Ald e r me n Mr. Eric Har kn ess (July 14, 1966) Pl a nnin g Departm e nt, City of At l a nt a Mr. Jame s P. Hudson (July 14, 1966) Pl a nn e rs & Engineers Colla bor a tiv e Mr. S. J ar vis Le vison (Jul y 14, 1966) Attorney - City of Atla nta Mr. Gl e nn E . Bennet t ( September 8, 1966) Executive Director - At l a nt a Reg ion Me tro pol it an Planning Commission Mr . J. D. Wingfi eld ( Septo mber 8, 1966) Atlanta Region ~e tropolit an Pl anning Commission Mr . Edgar E. Schukraf t ( September 22, 1966) Chairman Urban Renewal Committee - West End Project �- 6 Mr. Eric Ha rkne ss (Octob e r 27, 1966) Pl a nning De pa rtm en t, City of Atl a nta Mr. Fr a nk G. Etheridge Mr. Pet e r R. Norris (Octobe r 27, 1966) (Octobe r 27, 1966) Mr. Morri s A. Hall (October 27, 1966) Hall & Nor r is, Archite cts Mr. Ells worth Dor e sky ( Nove mbe r 10, 1966) Community Pl a nne r - Housin g a nd Urban Deve lopme nt Mr. Willi a m Oliver ( De c e mb e r 8, 1966) Ge orgi a Ch a pt e r, Americ a n Ins t itute of Architects Mr. Rob e rt 1iv . Bive ns (D e c e mb er 8, 1966 ) Ex e cutive Dir e ctor - Ce ntr a l Atl a nta Pro g ress, Inc. Mr. Eric Ha rkness (Ja nua ry 26, 1967) Pl a nnin g Depa rtme nt - Cit y of Atl a nt a Mr. R3y A . Nixon {Fe bru a r y 9, 1 966) Chief Cons tru c t i on De p a rt me nt, Cit y o f At la nta Mr. A . P. Brindley ( Fe bru a r y 9 , 1966) Pa rks Depa rtme nt, Cit y of Atla nta Mr . Henry Too mb s ( F e br u ary 23 , 1967) Toombs , A,uisan o & l?e lls, Ar c hi t e cts Mr . Cliffor d M. Cl arke ( F e br ua ry 23, 196 7 ) Ass oc iate d Industries of Ge o rgia Hr . Collie r Gla d in ( Fe b r u a ry 2 3 , 1 96 7) Di re ctor , Pl3nning De pa rtm e nt , Cit y of Atlanta i~r. McKen drie Tu c ker ( March 9, 1967 ) Tuc ker & Howe ll , Archit e cts Dr. Darwin W. Womack ( Mar ch 23, 1967 ) Dep a rt me nt of Educ a tion, City of Atlanta Mr . Clifford A. Nahs er ( Marc h 23, 1967) Depar t men t of Education, City of Atlanta Mr. Marvin Kilgore ( Ma rch 23, 196 7) Bull & Kenney, Archit~cts Mr. R . B . Tippett ( Na re h 2 3, 196 7) Rober t & Comp any , Architects & Engine e rs �- 7 Mr. Vernon E. Johnson ( March 23, 1967) Stevens & Wilkinson, Architects Mr. Fred Bainbridge ( Warch 23, 1967) Architect Mr. Lew Deadmore Architect e. ( ¥arch 23, 1967) The Commission enjoyed th e assistance of Mayor Allen and his staff, particularly Mr. Landers, Mrs. Mos e s, Mrs. Price, and Mr. Nonroe. f. Th e Cocmission was assisted by the Board of Aldermen • .At the Commission's requ e st, its charter was t wice amended by this Board. Also, ~ l,200.00 was allocated to personnel ( Mrs. Ann Butler, Recording Secretary) and later $ 1,000.00 was allocate d to bring one or mor e scale mod e ls to Atla nt a for pro motional purposes. This latter fund has not yet been drawn against. g. Th e Commission has, during its past y e ar of existence, sought to orga niz e itse lf, to a cqu a int its e lf with as broa d a b a c kground a s poss ibl e , in t er ms of At l a nt a ' s p hys ic a l as p e c ts a nd k nown d e v el - op me nt pl a ns for th e future, a nd to e stablish b a sic polici e s und e r which i t would ho pe t o f unction. 5. Pe r s on ne l a. of the Co mm i ss i on : In July , 1966 , Mr. Tho ma s H. Rob er ts wa s transf e rr ed out of Atl a nt a, and the r efore res i g n e d fr om t he Commi s s ion. ~r. J ohn C . Gou l d was rec o mmended t o the in the category o f Planning . •ayor as his replacement 1 May o r Al l e n consecuently appointed Mr. Gould as a member, and this appointment was accepted by Vr. Gould. �- 8 b. On March 23, 1967, the follo wi ng officers of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission were elected for the ensuing year: As Chairman----------------- Joseph S. Perrin As Vice-Chairman------------ Paul Muldawer As Secretary---------------- Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst c. In March, 1967, the following members, some of whose earlier terms has expired, were appointed or re-appointed to membership on the Commission by Mayor Allen. All have accepted these appointments. Harry J. Baldwin Josephs. Perrin J a me s A • Dodd Franklin M. Garrett J. Ben Moore d. In March, 1967, Mr. Orbie Bostick resigned fro m the Commission, due to pressure of oth e r matters. No recommendation has as yet b ee n made as to his replacement. e. In consequence of the above, the personnel of the Atlanta Civic Design Co mmi ssion is presently as follows: (1) Categor y of Architecture: Paul Muldawer (two years ) John Portman, AIA (one year) (2) Category of Landscape Architecture: Harry J. Baldwin, ASLA (th ree years) Mrs. Edith Henderson, ASLA (two years) (3) Category of Painting and Sculpture: Julian Harris (one year) Joseph S. Perrin (thr e e years) �- 9 - (4) Category of Engineering: H. King McC a in, PE (one y e ar) Yet to be appointe d (for thre e years) ( 5) Ca te go ry of P la n n i n g : James A. Dodd (two y ears) John C. Gould (two years) (6) Category of Archit e cture~E~~istoric Tradition: Samuel Inma n Coope r, FAI A (two y ears) Franklin M. Garrett (three y e ars) (7) Categ or y of La y Ci t ize ns: Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst (two years) W• L • Ca 11 ow a y ( one ye a r ) J. Be n moore (two y ears) (8) Executive Se cretar y : Hr s . Ann Butle r 6. Projects Sponsor e d by Atlanta Civic De sign Commission: Durin g it s i ni t ia l y ear , the Co mmis sion s p onsore d, a ct ive l y or oth erw is e , a nu mb e r of p r oje cts whic h it f e lt wo uld b e of va lue to the City . Th ese include d: The Atla nt a "C ap itol Squ a r e " deve lop ment. Be tt er d ownt own g a rb age dis p os a l. Ac qu isiti o n of a s c a l e mod ei of do wnto wn Atl anta . Impr o vement, a s a pa r k , of Streets. Identification of Restoration of the th e 11 u gly t ria n gle " at Spr i ng and Cain histori c buildings . 11 terminus II area. Improved appearance of filling stations. Acquisition of statue of Hadad (from the Smithsonian Institute). The -~e st End Urban Ren e wal proj e ct. Me mor i al to Dea n Ru s k. �- 10 Inclusion of Atlanta in Federal 11 Demonstration Cities" program. Mayor's progr a m to ward additional housing in Atlanta. And othe rs. 7. Projects revi ewe d b y the Commission: The Commis s ion, durin g its first y e ar, a nd in a ccord a nc e with the mandate stated in its charte r, revi ew ed the follo wing projects submitted to it: a. Certain City of Atl a nta schools. b. Certa in City of Atla nta pa rks. c. One bridge for the Cit y of Atlanta d. Certain priva te d e velopme nts, includin g : Propos e d off ic e buildin g ad j a c e nt to S t ate Ca pi t ol. Prop osed hi g h-rise apartme nt buildin g on Fourtee nth Stre e t Propos e d f utur e c ampus pla n f o r Geo rg i a S t ate Coll ege. Nu mer o us sma ll ~ r c ommer c ia l Se v era l mu lt i - fl oo r ga r age s t r uc t u res . Oth er propose d deve lo pme nt s e. an d/or i ndu stria l build ings. ( misc e ll a n e ou s ) The Co mm ission has a lso requeste d , and has be e n promised, a review, in its early stages, of the major devel o pm e nt proposed by Raymond D. Nasher on the f our blo c ks fr o n t ing o n Hu nter Street, across from the State Cap itol Bu i lding. 8. Rec omme ndations of the Retiring Chairma n: a. That the Atlanta Civic Design Commission be continued as a functioning body. b. Tha t its budge t be supplemen t ed to cover the cost of the services, for one additio n al day per week, of its Executive Secretary. �- 11 - c. That any member of the Commission absent from more than three (3) consecutive meetings be dropped from membership, and that a new member be appointed in the same category to fill the vacancy so created. Res~t::~ SAVUEL INMAN COOPER, Chairman February, 1966 to March, 1967. April 10• 1967 �CITY ATLANTA, HALL GEORG IA 30303 SAMUEL INMAN COOPER , F.A.I.A., CH A IRMAN JOSEPH S . PERRIN, V I CE-CHAIRMAN I MRS. ALVIN M. FERST, SECRETAR Y I HARR Y J . B ALD W IN, A . S . L . A. ORBIE B OSTICK , P. E . W. L. CALLOWAY JAMES H. DODD JOHN C. GOULD JULIAN HARR I S, A .I. A . REPORT OF GEORGE HEERY, A.I.A. MRS. EDITH HENDERSON, A. S . L.A. H. K ING MCCAIN, P. E. J. BEN MOORE ATLAN TA CIVIC DESIG N CO MM ISSION PAUL MULDAWER, A . I . A . JOHN PORTMAN, A.I.A. 1. FEBRUARY, 1966 TO MARCH, 1967 Th e Ordin a nc e wa s p a ss e d cr ea ting th e Atlanta Civic Design Commission in Nov e mber, 1965. 2. The follo wing me mb e rs were appoint e d to th e Commission by Mayor All e n in Janu a ry, 1966: a. Ca t e gor y of Ar ch it e cture: Pa ul Muld awe r, A . I.A. John Port ma n, A .I . A . b. (for three y e ars). (for t wo yea rs) Ca t e gor y of La ndscc1p e Archit e ctur e : Ha rr y J. Ba ldwin, ASLA (for on e ye ~r) Mrs. Edi t h He nd e r s on, AS LA (for thr ee yea rs) c. d. Ca t e go ry of P a in t in g a nd Sculptur e : J u l ia n Harr is, A .I. A . (fo r t wo yea rs) Jos ep h S. Perri n (fo r on e y~ar ) c ~ t e gory of Engi n eering: H. King McC a i n, PE ( for t wo years) Orbi e Bostick, PE ( for · two years ) �- e. 2 - Category of Planning: James H. Dodd (for one year) Thoma s H. Roberts f. (for three y e ars) Ca tegory of Historic and Architectural Tr a dition: S 3muel Inm3 n Coope r, F.A.I.A. Ge org e Hee r y , A .I.A. g. (for thr e e years) (for on e ye ar) Ca tegory of La y Citiz e ns: Mrs. Alvin M. F e rst (for thr ee ye a rs) W. L . Ca lloway (for t wo yea rs) J. Be n Moore (for on e y ea r) J. Org a niz a tion Me eting - F e bru a ry 9, 1966. The mee ting wa s c a ll e d to ord e r b y Mr. Coop e r a s Acting Cha ir ma n. All me mbers we r e pr e s e nt e xc e pt Mr. Bostick a nd Mr. Moor e . Hr . Coop er state d: a. Th a t do wntown At la nt a is ugly a nd tot a lly uncoo r din a t e d . b. Tha t down t own Atla n ta is gra du al l y bu t s t ea dily i mpr oving i t s appearance an d its coo r d i nati on. c. Th at t he p ublic is i n t eres t e d i n f u r th e r i mpr o vement, bo th in fu n cti o n and in aesthe tic s . d. Th at the purpose and ob j e c tive of the At l anta Civic Design Commission is to further, s o far as it is able, such improvements. e. That the Commission has no powers, other thBn recommendation and/or persuasion. f. That the Commission will work with, and will enjoy the cooperation of, the various departmente of the City government. �- 3 - Mr. Sam Massell, President of the Board of Aldermen, was pres e nted. Mr. Ma ssell stated: a. That there exists a real public interest in the objectives of the new Commission. b. That if amendments to its charte r were considered advisable, the Commission should petition th e Bo8rd of Aldermen accordingly. c. That the Commission c a nnot regulate aesthetics, but only advise and/or recommend. d. That all meetings of the Commission are to be open to the public and to the news media. The follo wing offic e rs of the Commission we r e elected for the en suing year: Chairman----------------S a mu e l Inman Cooper Vic e -Ch airman- ----------Jos eph s. Perrin Secret a ry--------------- Mrs. Alv in M. Ferst It wa s d e cid e d that me e tings of th e Commission would be held t wice monthly at the City Hall. 4. Functionings of th e Commission: a. Th e Atlanta Civic Design Commission has met regul a rly, twice monthly, throughout its first yoar of ex ist e nc e . It has me t at 2:00 P.r.1 . on th e s ec ond a nd fourth Thursd ay of each month in Committee Roo m


of the Atl an t a City Hall. Mee tings have usually lasted from three to f our hours. b. Attendance at meetings has n o t been all that could have been desired. The Commission first established the presence of nine �- 4 me mbers to constitute a quorum -- later this wa s reduced to e i ght members (out of a tot a l me mbership of fifte e n) but s evera l meetings did not provide this quorum, and hence could tak e no official a ction. c. A number of committe e s were a ppointed throughout the year. Here aga in th e record is spotty -- in certain committee s activ e participation was provided, in oth e rs (usually due to th e absence of their Chairm an from Commission meetings) little activity resulted . d. Speakers and g u ests we r e invited to many of the Commission's meetings, and addressed the me mbers. Usually such presentations we r e follo we d by questions and general discussion. Such persons included the following, who explaine d to the Commission the functionings a nd obj e ctives of the ir respe ctive gr ou p s and/or de par tme nts, and off ered the cooperation of their organizations to th e Atlanta Civi c Des i g n Commission. Mr. Sam Ma ssell (F e bruary 9, 1966) Chairman , Atl a nt a Boa rd of Alde rmen Mr. Thomas T. Tuck er ( Mar ch 17, 1966 ) Navy League of th e Unit e d States Mr. Char les Mi tchell ( Ma rch 17, 1966) Sculptor - Re : Fou ntain design Mr . Jerry Coffell ( Ma rch 17, 1966) Planning Department - City of At l a nta Mr . Collier Gladi n (April 7, 1966) Planning Departmen t - City of Atlanta Mr. Robert D. Speer ( April 21, 1966) Sa nitary Departm e nt - City of At l a nta Mr. Eric Har kness ( Ap ril 21, 1966) Planning Department - City of Atlanta �- 5 Mr. Robert S. Sturgis, A.I. A . ( April 21, 1966) Mr. John A . Bro wn (A p ril 21, 1966) Candcub, Fleissig & Associ a tes, Consultants M~. Morton Rolleston ( Ma y 5, 1966) Mrs. Harmon Barnard ( ~ay 5, 1966) North/ North we st Civic As sociation Mr. Charl e s Hoop e r ( Ma y 5, 1966) Petroleum Council of Ge orgia Mr. Thomas H. Rob e rts (Jun e 2, 1966) Mr. Gay l e L. Ha rder (June 2, 1966) Atlanta Re gion Me tropolit a n Pl a nning Commission Mr. Eric Harkne ss (Jun e 2, 1966) Planning Dep a rtme nt - City of Atlanta !·fr. Glenn E. Be nnett (Jun e 2, 1966) Atlanta Re gion Metropolitan Pl a nning Commission Mr. Andre w E. S t e in e r (Jun e 2, Robert & Co mp a n y Associ a t e s 1966) Mrs. Caroline J. Embry (Jun e 2, 1966) Atla nt a Women's Ch a mb e r of Comme rc e Mr. Ch a rles J. Robisch (Jun e 16, 1966) Ge orgi a Cha pt e r, Ame ric a n Institut e of Archit e cts Ald e r ma n Rodn ey Cook (Jun e 16, Atl a nta Boa rd of Ald e r me n 1966) Mr. Eric Har kn e s s (July 14, 1966) P l a nnin g Depa rt me nt, City of Atlant a Mr . J ame s P. Hud s o n (Jul y 14, 1 966) P l a n n e rs & En g in e e r s Colla bo r a ti ve Mr. S. J a r v i s Le vi son (Jul y 14, Att o rne y - Ci ty of Atl3 nt a 1966 ) Mr . Gl en n E . Be nn e t t ( S e ptember 8, 1966) Ex e c u ti ve Di r e c tor - Atl ant a Regi o n Metropolitan Pl a nning Commis s ion Mr . J. D. \V ingf i e ld ( Se pt ri mber 8, 1966 ) Atla nta Re gion ~e tropolit an Pl an ning Co mm issio n Mr . Edg a r E. S chukr a ft ( S ep t em be r 22 , 1966) Chairma n Ur b a n Re n ewa l Co mm i t t ee - ~ e st End Pro j ect �- 6 Nr. Eric Harkness (October 27, 1966) Planning De partm en t, City of Atl a nta Mr. Frank G. Etheridge (October 27, 1966) Mr. Peter R. Norris (October 27, 1966) Mr. Morris A. Hall (October 27, 1966) Hall & Norris, Archite cts Mr. Ellsworth Dor es ky (November 10, 1966) Community Pl a nner - Housing a nd Urban Dev e lopment Mr. 1,.' illi am Oliver ( De cember 8, 1966) Georgia Chapt e r, Ame ric a n Institute of Ar chitects Mr. Robert W. Bivens (D e c e mber 8 , 1966) Executive Dir e ctor - Ce ntr a l Atl a nta Pro g ress, Inc. Mr. Eric Harkness (Janua ry 26, 1967) Planning Dep a rtment - City of Atl a nta Mr. Ray A . Nixon (F ebr u a ry 9, 1966) Chi e f Construction De partme nt, City of Atlan t a Mr. A. P. Brindley (F e bru ary 9, 1966) Parks De partment, City of Atlan ta Mr . Henry Toombs (F e bru a ry 23, 1967) Toombs, Aillis a no & q e lls, Architects Mr . Clifford H . Clarke ( F e bruary 23, 1967) As soci a t e d Industri es of Georgia Hr. Collie r Gladin ( Fe bru.a ry 23, 1967) Director , Pl3 nning De pa rtme nt, Cit y of Atlanta I1Hr. ~fcKe ndrie Tucker ( Ma rch 9, 1967) Tuck e r ~ Howe ll, Ar chit e cts Dr. Darwin w. Womack ( Ma rch 23, 1967) Departm e nt of Educ a tion, City of Atl anta Mr . Clifford A. Na hs e r ( Ma rch 23 , 1967) De p a rtme nt of Education, City of Atlanta Mr . Marv in Kilgore (Marc h 23, 1967) Bull & Kenney, Archi t ects Mr • R • B • Ti pp e t t ( lit a r c h 2 3 , 1 96 7) Robert & Comp a ny, Archi t ec ts & Engine e rs �- 7 Mr. Vernon E. Johnson ( March 23, 1967) Stevens & Wilkinson, Architects Mr. Fred Bainbridge ( Warch 23, 1967) Architect Mr. Lew Deadmore (Il arch 23, 1967) Architect e. The Commission enjoyed th e assistance of J,R ayor All e n and his staff, particularly Mr. Landers, Mrs. Mos es , Mrs. Price, and Mr. Nonroe. f. The Conmission was assisted by the Board of Aldermen. At the Commission's requ e st, its charter wa s t wice amended by this Board. Also, o l,200.00 wa s a llocate d to personne l ( ~~rs. Ann Butler, Recording Secretary) and later $ 1,000.00 was allocated to bring one or mor e scale models to Atlanta for promotional purposes. This latter fund has not yet be e n dra wn against. g. Th e Co mm ission ha s, during its past yea r of ex istence, sought to organiz e its e lf, to a cqu ai nt its elf with a s broad a background as possible, in t e rms of Atl a nta's physic a l aspe cts and kno wn d e v elo pment plans for th e future, and to establish b a sic policies und er whi ch it would hop e to function. 5. Personnel of the Commission: a. In July, 1966, Mr . Thomas H. Roberts was transf erred out of Atl a nt a, and therefore resigned from the Co mm ission. fr. r • John C • Gou 1 d wa s re c o mm e n de d to t he in the category of Planni n g . r,ray or a s h is re p 1 a c e me n t May o r Allen cons e cuently appointed Mr . Gould a s a member, a nd this appo i ntment was accepted Gould. by Mr. �- 8 b. On March 23, 1967, the follo wing officers of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission were elected for the e nsuing year: As Chairma n----------------- Joseph S. Perrin As Vice-Chairman------------ Paul Huldawer As Secretary---------------- Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst c. In March, 1967, the follo wing members, some of whose earlier terms has expired, we r e appointed or r e -appointed to membership on the Commission by Mayor Allen. All have accepted these appo~ntments. Harry J. Ba ldwi n Joseph .S. Perrin James A. Dodd Franklin M. Garrett J. Ben l\f oore d. In March, 1967, Mr. Orbi e Bostick resigned fro m the Co mmiss ion, due to pressure of oth e r matt e rs. No recommendation has as yet b e en made as to his r e placement. e. In consequence of the ab ove, th e personnel of the Atlanta Civic De sign Co mm ission is pr e sentl y as follo ws: (l) Category of Ar chit e cture: Paul Muldawer (two years ) Joh n Portman, AIA (on e year ) (2 ) Category of Landscape Arch itecture: Harry J. Baldwin, ASLA (t hree y e ars) Mrs. Edith Henderson, ASL A (t wo years) (3) Category of Painting and Sculpture: Julian Ha r r is (one year) Jose ph s . Perrin (th re e ye ars) �- (4) 9 - Category of Engineering: H. King McCain, PE (one year) Yet to be appointed (for three years) (S) Category of Planning: James A. Dodd (two years) John C. Gould (two years) (6) Category of Architecture~E143.215.248.55storic Tradition: Samuel Inma n Cooper, FAIA (two years) Franklin M• . Garrett (three years) (7) Categor y of Lay Citizens: Mrs • . Alvin M• . Ferst (two years) W• L • Ca 11 ow a y ( one ye a r ) J. Be n moore (two years) (8) Executive Secretary: lrrs . Ann Butler 6. Projects Sponsored by Atlanta Civic Design Commission: During its initial year, the Commission sponsored, a cti vely or oth erwise, a number of projects whi ch it felt wo uld be of value to the City. These included: The Atlanta "Capitol Square" development. Better downtown garbage disposal. Acquisition of a scale mod e l · of down to wn Atl a nta. Improvement, as a park, of the "u gly triangle" at Spring and Cain Streets. Id e ntific a tion of historic buildings. Re s t or a ti on o f t h e II t e r mi nus II ar ea • Improved appearance of fillin g stations. Acquisi t i on of sta tue of Ha d a d ( fr o m the S mi ths on i an Institu te). The :11est End Urban Renewal project. Memorial to Dean Ru sk . �- 10 Inclusion of Atlanta in Federal "Demonstration Cities" program. Mayor's program to ward additional housing in Atlanta~ And others. 7. Projects reviewed by the Commission: The Commission, during its first year, and in accordance with the mandate stated in its charter, reviewed the following projects submitted to it: a. Certain City of Atlanta schools. b. Certain City of Atlanta parks. c. One bridge for the City of Atlanta d. Certain private developments, including: Proposed office building adjacent to State Ca pitol. Proposed high-rise apartment building on Fourte e nth Street Proposed future campus pl a n for Ge orgia State College. Numerous small ~ r com me rcial and/or industrial buildings. Several multi-f loor garage structures. Oth er proposed developments e. ( misc e llan e ous) Th e Co mm ission has a lso requested, an d has be e n pro mi sed, a review, in its early stages, of the ma jor dev e lop me nt proposed by Raymond D. Nasher on the four bloc ks fron ting on Hunter Street, across from the State Capit ol Building. 8. Recommendations of the Retiring Ch airman: a. That the Atlanta Civic Design Commission be continued as a functioning body. b. That its budget be supplemented to cover the cost of the services, for one additional day per week, of its Executive Secretary. �- 11 - c. That any member of the Commission absent from more than three (3) consecutive meetings be dropped from membership, and that a new member be appointed in the same category to fill the vacancy so created. Respe~lly 1 sf~itted,


SAMUEL INMAN COOPER, Chairman February, 1966 to March, 1967. April 10, 1967 �MI HUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO VPISSION MAY 11; 1967 Th e r e gul a r meeting of the Atla nta Civic De sign Commission wa s h e ld Thur s d ay Va y 11, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room


City Hall, with the follo wing mem b e rs pre s ent: Joseph S. Pe rrin, ch ~i r ma n Pa ul Muld awe r, Vic e -Ch a ir ma n Mrs. Alvin M. Forst, S e creta ry Joseph B. Browd e r W. L. Ca lloway Fr a nklin M. Ga rr e tt Mrs. Edith Hend e rson J. Be n ~ oore G~ e sts pr e sent: Mr s Mr s Mr. Mr. Dr. . Ivan All e n, III - Atl an t a Junio r Lea gu e . Aberna thy - At la nta Junior Le a gu e John E. Dugge r - Br a dbury & Associate s Ron E. Mitc he ll, Jr. - Br a dbury & Associate s Paul Brown - Ce ntr a l P r e, ·b y t e ri a n Church Mi nutes of t h e Apr i l 27 mee t i n g we r e a p p rove d. CH~IRMAN ' S REP ORT: Mr. Pe rrin sta t e d th a t h0 h a d visite d with Eric Ha rkn e s s in the City P l a n ni n g Dep a rt me nt, and wa s s h own a pla n th ey a r e wo r ki ng on whi ch includes the Te c hw o od Proj ec t, Ri ch' s a rea, Gove rn me n t Co nter , Peac h tre e Center a nd Park P l a c e Devel op me nt, an d that Plan nin g wi l l n o w b e work i ng on a con cept design f or tho se area s. Mr . Ha rkness ho pes t o ca l l a meet in g of th e int ere s t ed parti e s to e xplor e s o me problems a nd pr o spe c ts o f continuing developme nt of those areas around t he Ci t y . A letter dat e d May 3 was rec e ive d from t he Atlanta Housing Authority seeking review o f Redeve loper ' s Proposals for Urban Redevelopment Area . th e Univers ity Center Messrs . Bal dwin and Calloway had reviewed 6 of the 7 projects, and Mr. Perri n r eviewe d the remaining proposal th a t same da y , and he related to the Commission his report of same. sta t e d tha t Mr. Perrin h e hop e s to ha ve lles srs. Baldwin~ Ca llowa y •s writte n r e port within a few days, so that the y may b e forwarded to AHA. �- 2 A letter dated Hay 4 was received from Mr. Ernest Davis, State Auditor, conc e rning an overall development plan for the government cent e r. Also in this r e gard, Mr. Perrin commented on the April 28 e ditorial in th e Atlanta Journal written by Mr. Re~se Cleghorn. Mr. Perrin stated that he had received a call from Alderman Hugh Pierce, who stated he will support the Tree Ordinance, and also voiced his concern about old elm trees near the Atlanta Stadium overgrowing the sidewalk. This matter will be brought up for action at the n e xt Commission meeting. A letter has also been receive d from Mrs. Raymond M. Finney, s e cretary of the Collier Hills Civic Association, Ordin a nce, a s submitted to the urging passage of the Tree Planning and Deve lopme nt Committee by the City Planning Departme nt. Mr. Pe rrin made the motion that a resolution stating ACDC support of th e Tr ee Ordinance be written a nd forwarded to the Planning and Dev e lop- me nt Co mmittee and to the Pl a nnin g De p a rtment. Also in this r e gard, Mr. Bro wd e r, Vice-President of Georgia Pow e r Co mpa n y , requested th at it g o on r e cord th a t Tr ee Ordinanc e, but th a t or Mr. t he Po we r Company is for th e on occasion it is forc e d to "butcher" tr ee s. aske d if th e Commission ha s Power in this regard. The motion carried. got th e feelin g s of Southe rn Bell and Mr. Per rin s ug ,:~ e sted tha t He Ge orgia he sp ea k with Mr. Gla din Harkness. VICE-CHAIR¥AN 1 S RtP ORT Mr. Muldawer rep or ted that thi s l a st w~ek he rece ived an inv i tat i on from the Metropolitan Plannin g Co mm ission to join a area for the Junior League tour of t he underground to see t he potenti al of th e "Terminus" area and �- 3 to perhaps consider this as a sort of project for them. After the toor, Mr. Muldawer had contacted Sam Massell and was advised to seek the support of th e Chamber of Cdmmerce: Mr. Perrin sug gested th a t he also contact Mr. Don Ingram of Central Atlanta Progress, Mr. Rich or Mr. Neeley of Rich's, and the Convention Bureau, and to ask oth e r appropriate organizations in the city to write letters in support of this project to th e Chamber. Mr. Perrin stated that he has contacted Mr. Ray Moore, who is intere s ted in givin g ne ws coverag e to n ew s worth y Civic Design Commission project and activities. Th e chairman furth e r suggested that as concret e plans are made relating to the promotion of the "Te rminus" area or other developments, to l e t him know of same so that h e can set up ne ws coverage with 'f,rqB. GE OR GI A PLAZA DEVELOP MEN T Messrs. Dugger and Mitchell of Bradbur y & As socia tes, made a ~ omp r e hensi v e r e vie w of th e plans for the Georgia P l a z a Develop me nt. Slides of the project were s h own, follo wed by qu es tions and comme nts from t h e Co mmi ssion. Dr. Paul Bro wn, ch a irm a n of th e Building Committee fo r the Ce ntral Pres b y t e r ian Church, als o made a pr e s en t a tion of co n cern of th e Chu r ch re la ting to c e rt a i n aspe c ts of th e De ve lo p men t a s it re l ate s to th e parki n g , ingres s an d egre s s . The chairman requ e s t ed Mrs . review, Hend ers on to d raft a r e port of this to be f o r wa rded t o Br a dbury and Ass o ci a tes~ �r - 4 GE NERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Mulda wer stated his concern about the Parks Committee of the Bo a rd of Aldermen voting down the proposed bicycle trail in the Colli e r Hills a r e a, and said he would like this matter to be studied and reop e ned. Mr. Perrin stated he fe e ls we should get the reaction of the entire Commission and a1scuss the matter with Eric Harkness befor e we make a move to reopen th e issue. It was decided that this matter will be taken up at the next meeting. ADJOURN MENT There being no further busine s s, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 Ann Butler Re cording Secretary �pril 20 , 1967 Mr. S muel I. Coop r, F , A. I . A. 501 Henry Grady Bui ldin g Atlan ta, 0 orgia 30303 De r S m: Each ember of the Atlanta Civic Desien Commissi on joins with me in expr ssing to you our eincer and genuine appreciation for the outstanding 1 der~hip and dir ction that you gave to our gr oup during it fir t y ar of exist nee . Your outstanding s rvic and devotion, together with your perception of purpos , c rtainly h s tablish d a preeed nt tow rd ehi v m nt that will continue to b f l t in th y ar head. Thi lead r hip I m sur ill continue to b felt not only by th1 prec dsnt , but by your continuing pa rticipation nd influeno in the aff irs of the Commission . oh ber of the Commission ould not only I know th t want me to th e sentim nt on an offic1:.l basis, but t hat thy sh y f eling that having th opportunity to work with you nd rewarding exp ri nc on th per on.l 1 v 1 a Your r port recently ub itt d to th Co 1 ion covering th !unction of the Com is ion F bruary, 1966, to March, 1967, i a ple t ti ony of th qual1t7 of leader hip which yo u gav to our city in the capacity of Co 1 ion c ha ir an. �! r. S muel I. Coop r Page 2 pr il 20, 196 7 On the more personal side, please ccept my th nks for all th~t you have done s o f r this y ar to giv g uidance and assistance to me in my new role on the Commission. I extend to yo u the hope that th ye rahed will b filltl d with the richest of blessings. Cordially yours, ATLA NTA CIVIC DESIGN COM ISSIO N Jos ph s . Perrin Chairman JSP: .ab cc May or Iv n Al n, Jr. / oc Vic - yor Sam Mas ell, Jr. �pril lJ , 1967 r . M. B. Satt rfield , xec . Dire c tor Atl nt Housing Authority 824 Hurt Building Atl~nta , G orgi 30303 Dea r Mr . Satterf1 ld t The Atl nta Civi c D sin Cowni b7 the Board of ayor of Atl nta and th proposed d v lopments in thes Project t Har att ntion and environ • 11 Road and Sk ipper Dr iv e invite you, th to sub it thi s pro p os 1 to th stion day , Ap ril ion h s b en at our next r 27, bet t City Hall , Co en 2 itt • ldor en tor view Your Public Hou ing h s co i ion tor re 1 w larly sche uled nd oo 4 p •• to our loper ~nd the architect d Co uthoriz d Th • tin nd on Thui-s- eeting will be held 4. Cordial l y your , A J.4 TA CI IC D ,SJO Joaeph • P rrin Chair an · : ab c I v n All• , Jr., yo r t/"' 5 • a1 ell, Jr., reei en , Board or !lder•• odoey M. Cook , Chair a, · lannin D• • op ent CO I IO �HI NU TES ATL~NTA CIVIC DESIGN CO HEISS10N AP RI L 1 J , 19 6 7 Th e regular me e ting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, Apr i 1 1 J , a t 2 p •m• , in C om mi t tee Ro om


Ci t y Ha 11 , w i th th e f o 11 o win g mempers present: Joseph S. Perrin, Chairman Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairm a n Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, S e cretary Harry J. Baldwin Samu e l I. Cooper Franklin M. Garrett John C. Gould Mrs. Edith Henderson J. Ben Moore Gu e sts present: Mr. Frank J. Bull, Bull & Ke nn ey Architects Mrs. Silve r, (Student Reporte r) Ge orgia State College Minutes of the March 23 meeting we re approved. CHAIR.MA N'S RE PORT: Hr. Pe rrin reporte d on the follo wing corr esp ondencE-: 1. Lett e r of J/27 from Mr. Richard H. Rich, Rich's, Inc., thanking ACDC for its commen d at ion of Rich's 100th anniversary c e lebr at ion; 2. Mem o dated J/Jl to the Atlanta Board of Aldermen, reques ting denial of petit ion for zonin g ch a ng e for property loc ate d in front of the Old South Mot el on th e S outh Expre ss way at Cle v e land Av e nue, pending an investig a tion of th e potential best utilitization of such strip developmE.:n ts. J. Letter of 4/5 fro m Mr . Rob er t H. Jon e s, Presiden t of Ol d South Mot e l, thanking ACDC for a bove mention ed mem o to the Boar d of Aldermen. Mr . Jon es add e d that th e petition was defeated. 4. Let ter of 4/ 6 to Mr. Lest er H. Pe rsells, At l a nta Housing Authority, re re view of pro pas a ls for the Rockdale Urb a n Re d e ve la pme nt Area . 5. Letter of 4/6 to Mr. Robert F. J:,y l e , att or ney, r e dr af t of ordin,::inc e for presentation to the Board. of Aldermen dealing with a percentage for the allied arts • 6. Letter of 4/6 from Mr. James B~ Pil cher, City Attorney's Office, re pres e rvation of sit e s and struct.ul'es of historical or architectural v a 1 u e i n A t la n ta • �- 2 ~e tters dated 4/6 to Dr. Wm. M. Suttle s, Georgia State Coll e ge; a nd Mr. -J a me s H. Finch, Finch, Ale x a nd er, Barne s, Rothschild & Paschal, r e qu e st~n g d e sign coordination for v a rious co mplex e s being d e v e loped contiguously . ~ round th e central city. ·, Memos dated 4/13 to Ern e st Da vi s , State Auditor; Ea rl Land e rs, Admin -. As s t. to Ma y or All e n; and Alan Ki e pp e r, Fulton County Manager; r e design c o ordination for va rious com p lex e s. 7. 8. 9. Le tt e r of 4/13 to Mayor Iva n Alle n, r e que sting that Mr. Jos ep h B . Brow d e r, Vic e -Pr e sid e nt of Ge orgia Powe r Co mpan y , b e appointed to th e Co mmission

t o r ep l a c e Mr. Orbie Bostick, who ha s r e sign e d.

Th e cha ir ma n a dd e d tha t h8 h as r e c e iv e d no re p l y to l e tter of Ap ril 6 wr it t e n to Mr. Hu gh Thomp s on o f the C&.'3 Ba nk, i nvi ting hi m to meet with the Co mmission tod a y r e "Te r minus II d e v e lopme nt. Mr. Mulda wer sta ted that h e h aS' .h eard th a t Mr. Tho mp s on is no lon g er with the bank. VI CE~ CHA I R.M AN I S REP OR T: ¥r . Mul dawe r r ep ort ed on the r eview of Ro ckda l e Urb an Re d e v e lopme nt Ar ea . o n Tµesday , Apri l rede v e lo pe r ' s propo sals fo r th e He sta t e d th a t he 11 , and a lso thi s morn in g , and th a t Gotq.. d! were presently a t ... .. '. Muldawer added that the had a tt e nd e d t he r e view Messrs. Ba ld win a nd the r e v iew a n d woul d b e at th e mee t i n g l ate r . d ocuments are s till o n exhibi t Mr • at t he Atlanta Ho us i ng Au~(iority, and everyone is welco me to g o and l o ok at them. l

.: Mr . Mulda wer als o brought up the matter of a public housing project a t Har.yell Road and Skipper Driv e . Upon Mr. Perrin ' s sug ge stion, Mr. Muld awer a n d Mrs. Fer st drafted a letter to Mr. M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director of A~A, inviting him, the dev e lop er a nd ar chit e cts to submit thi s proposal to :t,he Commission for review and suggestions at the A pri 1 2 7 meeting. The letter was written and forwarded to Mr. Satterfield that afternoon. j\long this same line, Mr. Coopc, r WcU requested by the chairman to review the ACDC ordinance and give thought t,o the feasibility of requ0s ting additional authority from the Board of Aldermen :in reviewing public housing projects. �l I - 3 Mr. Coope r was urg e d to pr e sent recomme ndations to the Co mmission at the ne x t meeting, if possibl e . ( · An appointme nt was ma d e for Me ssrs. Coope r, Perrin, Muldawer and Mrs. F e rst to mee t with Mayor All e n on Thursd ay, April 27 at 10:00 a . m., r e l a tive to ~ ousing developme nt. ARC SI TECTURA L REVIE WS \ Mr. Bull, of Bull & Ke nn ey Archi t e cts , pr e s e nt e d pla n s for a dditions and re nova tio ns to Fulton High Schoo 1 on Jon e sboro Road. to ~a pprov e these pl a n s wa s p a ss e d. Mr. Pe rrin e xpr e ss e d the appr e cia tion of -.t h e mem b e rs to Mr. Bull f or th e pr o mp t ~u l l & Ke nne y for a fin e Mr. Moore 's mo ti on pre s e nta t i on , and a l s o co mme nd e d job.

The Co mmissi o n als o revi ew e d p l a ns

of the "Downtown Pr oj e ct" a t S p ri n g and _. Te chwood Vi a duct, by Toomb s, Amisa no & Wel ls, Ar chite c t s~ of ; ACD C recomme ndati ons A r e por t on thi s projec t was pr e p a r e d a n d wi ll b e forwar d e d to the a rchite cts. CO MM ITTEE REPORTS Th e r e b e in g no co mm ittee reports, Mr. P e rrin stated ho will wr i t e no t fces to various memb e r s s tr es sing th e importanc e of a t te nd a nc e and ·, projects in wh ich they are in vo lvec . OLD BU"INEc:S: Members agreed to postpone until nex t year plans for ci t y show in conjun~tion with the Arts Festival in Piedmont Park. �- 4 Mr. Cooper stated that he has prepared a general report to the Mayor on what the Commission did last year under his chairmanship. ADJOURNM~NT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 Ann Butler Recording Secretary �April 3, 1967 M-r. John Thoma, on Nelson, Norvell, Wil on & Thoma on Tenth Float Lincoln Americ n Tower 60 North t Memphis, Tenn _ . e 3.8103 Dear Mr. Th ma. n: not bav an Art ery aeti Sine r ly yours,. Ivan Allen, Jr. yor lAJr/br Encl aure �ROBERT M . NELSON FERBER 5. FLOYD 11 916-1959) J. WOODROW NORVELL FRED P . WILSON JOHN J. THOMASON A LBERT T. McRAE TELEPHONE 525-5471 FRED E. IVY, JR . LAW FIRM OF RALPH W . FARMER JAM ES P. SM 1TH BUFORD E . WELLS,JR . NELSON, NORVELL , WILSON AND THOMASON CHARLES A. SEVIER GEORGE 5. AREA CODE 901 PETKOFF TENTH FLOOR LINCOLN AMERICAN TOWER 60 NORTH MAIN STREET J AM ES W. CLAY MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 38103 March 30, 1967 Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Sir: I am writing with regard to the relationship of an arts council in your city to the general city governmental authority, and the responsibilities and powers of the council itself. The undersigned is a member of the Art Commission of the City of Memphis, Tennessee. At the present time the duties and responsibilities of this commission relate only to the City Art Academy. The citizens of Memphis have recently voted to change the form of government of this city from a commission form to a mayor-council :furm. It is the opinion of many that this would be an appropriate time for the Art Commission to be reorganized so that its respons ibilities and powers relate to all cultural and artistic activities in the city. We are writing to you and to the chief executives of other large American cities to ascertain if you have an arts council or commission in your city, what its functions and responsibilities are, under what sort of ordinance it operates, and whether you consider its operation in your community to have been successful. We should grea~ ly appreciate any suggestions, information or assistance you can give us. ohn Thomason, Member e mph i s Art Commission JT:dp �Dr a ft I ~


Mar c h 2 3, 1 96 7 Hon. W. A. Math i s , Chai r man May o rs Co mm i ttee for Rev i ta li zing Downt own Athens Mathis Constructi on Company P. 0 . Box 1 707 Athens , Ge or gi a Dea r Bi l l : Thank you for y o ur most generous remarks abou t o ur Atlanta Civic Design Commission and for your comments about my effo r t s here in Atlanta. We are proud of t he Commission and the work they are doing to help the ci ty i n co ordinating our p lann in g and architectura l development. The Commission's p owers are l arge l y t h ose of persuasi o n . We believe this is the soundest way to achieve meaning f ul goals in the growth of our city. I .m includin g with this note a copy of th e ordinance creating the Commission •. It outlines in detail the duties and responsibilit j es , of this body. I believe this will tell you wha t you want to know abo ut the Commission, but I am sure that y ou would be most welcome if you would care to a ttend a meeting of the Commission. It meets on every second and fourtn Thursday at 2 p .m., in Committee Room #4 here in City Hall. You might wish to drop its chairman, Joe Perr i n , . note. He cert.inly coo ld give you further details about what their current .c tivities . re. Best wishes for continu.tion of your outstanding efforts in our sister city of Athens. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Encl �MI NUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MM ISSION MAR CH 23, 1967 Th e regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic De sign Commission was held Thursd ay , Ma rch 23, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room


City Hall, with the follo wing me mbers present: Jo se ph S. Pe rrin, Cha irm a n Pa ul Muld awe r, Vic e -Ch a irman Harry J. Baldwin W. L. Ca lloway Samue l I. Cooper J a mes H. Dodd Franklin M. Garr et t Julian Harris Mrs. Edith Henderson H. King McCain Gu es ts present: Eric Ha rkn e ss, City Planning De pt. 11 Dana Palmer , n 11 Minute s of th e Ma rch 9 meeting were ap proved. CHAIRMAN 1 S REPORT Mr. Pe rrin announced th a t a l e tt e r h as b ee n sent to Rich's commen ding them on their 100th annive rs a ry. Nr . Perri n read l e tt e r date d Ma rch 9 from Raymon d D. Nasher, in r e ply to Mr. Coop e r's lett e r of F e b. 23, with refer e nce to t he pr opos ed ~ 200 million Pa rk Pla c e Deve lopme nt ov e r Georg i a Railroad Air Rights. point e d out th e f ac t build on a p l aza , ment. tha t Mr . Perrin th e Georgi a S t ate Coll ege Campus, whi ch will a l s o or pla tform, will be i mp l eme nte d adjacent to this d e v e lop- Ho a sked if membe rs f e el ACDC may suggest to th e Na sher firm coordi- nati on between their plaza conc e pt a nd th a t College Plaza. of th e proposed Georgia State With concurr e nce of members , Mr. Harris requ e sted such letters be wri tten to the Nasher Firm and to Ge orgia State (with copy of same to Messrs . Ernest Davis, Alan Kiepper, Dan Sweat, a nd a rchitects). At this point, Mr. Muld awer brought out the ne e d for a master plan for thB Central Business District, because of th e developments of tre Pc:irk Place �- 2 - Deve lopment, Capital Square Development, "Demonstration Cities" De v e lopme nt, the Air Rights Development, and the Pea chtree Center Deve lopment, a mong others. The Chairman n e xt r e ad letter dr a ft to be sent to Mr. Hugh Thompson of the C&S Bank, pending a pproval of me mb e rs, inviting him to me e t with the Commission on April 13 re the "Terminus" development. Letter was approved as written. VICE-C HA I RMAN 'S REPORT Mr. Mulda wer r e port e d tha t th e Commission has be e n asked b y the Atlanta Housin g Authority to r e vi ew , or s e nd a d e leg a tion to h e l~ r e vi ew the Rockd a l e Urb a n Re n ewa l Muldawe r Proj e ct. Mr. Ba ldwin a nd Mr. CJ lloway wi l l a cco mp a ny Mr. to this revi ew , which wi l l be in about t wo we e ks, and a l l me mber s we r e ur ge d to g o if po s sible . Memb e r s wi l l b e conta ct e d wh e n the ti me i s d e t e r mi n ed . Mr. Muld awe r a l s o r e ported t ha t about a symp o sium to se t groups of people . approach one o f u p a link of He f ee ls tha t l a st year the Commi s sion h ad ta l ke d c ommunica t i on between ACDC and many the t ool by which this can be done is to th e TV s t a t i on s and talk to them ab ou t a reg u lar TV program which would present the work the Commission is doing. from members. He asked for opinions Following a short discussion, Messrs. Muldawer a nd Perrin were authorized to approach the determined station and set up a schedule for a regular program. �- 3 REPORTS OF COM~ITTEES Mr. Perrin stated that he feels the most important work the Commi ssion can do must be done by committees, and urged each committee for active p a rticipation, and furth e r r e qu e st ed tha t e ach committe e bring a progre ss report, where appropriate, on its a ctiviti es , on a bi-we ek ly basis. He added that he will establish 2 more committees today. Committee (a) Mr. Muld awer, ch airma n, r e ported th at no new projects were submitted for review. He stated th a t he has been hearing from proj e cts that the Civic De sign Commission has reviewed, and he f ee ls they are having an impact on the ar chite ctural offices around the city. Mr. Harris brought out that there are many examp l es in Atlant a where business firms and co mpanies ha ve done exce llent jobs of siting and l a ndscap in g , a nd he sugg es ted the possibility tha t p er h aps onc e a mon th the Commis sion could have a picture of a project i t commends in the paper, with a co mp limen tary article. Mr . Perrin stated he thin ks thi s is a worthwhil e thing, a nd suggested tha t it be brought up at a l a ter meeting. Committee on% for Arts Mr. Perrin reported tha t this committee has previously submitted a report of its recommendations, and he has contacted Mr. Robert Lyle, attorney, who will draft a proposed ordinance for ACDC approval, to be presented to the Board of Aldermen. 2 or J meetings. He added he expects to receive the draft within �- h ... Urban Beautification Committee

Mr. Harris, chairman, r e ported his committee has met with Eric Harkness re the "Demonstration Ci ti e s" project ih the Grant Park area, and will continue to cooperate in every way possible, Upon the requ e st of Mr. Harris, Mr~ Franklin Garrett was added to this committee. "Terminus" Committee Mr. Mulda wer, chairman, stated that he f e e ls this "under c i ty 11 develop- ment can best be impleme nted by inviting an important deleg ation from C&S Bank, 1st National Bank, Coca Cola Compan y , and Rich's, to an informal lunch e on for an exchange of ideas. Mr. Mulda wer furth e r added that he would like to remain on this commit t,ee , but have Mr . Garrett serve a s ch a irman. Mr. Garrett accepted the chairma n- ship. Co mmi ttee on Sc a l e Mod e l Mr . Perr in r e por t e d th a t un der Mr . Coop er ' s lead e rsh i p $ 1000 ha s b een acqui r ed fr om the City t o s hip a samp l e mod e l in San Francisco and Wilmington , Deleware. to Atl an ta f r o m mod el maker s It was b rought out that the San Francisco model is not available, b ut t he Commissi o n can pursue the one in Wilmington. Mr. Harris asked if perhaps the Co mmission should advertise for samples from local model makers. Mr. Perrin stated that since Mr. Portman is chairman of this committee, he would contact him and hopefully report at the next meeting. �- 5 Committee on Proposed Dinne~ Mr. Perrin stated he will contaet Mr. Portman, chairman, by phon e for information in this regard, and will proce e d on the guest list. Committee on Historic Sites and Structures Mr. Baldwin, chairma n, stated he had no r e port, but added the AC DC ordinance states that it is the responsibility of this Commission that it keep some kind of record of historic sites, and expressed his delight that Mr. Garrett, who is ch a irma n of th e Historical Society, has joine d us, as he h a s b a ckground in this. Mr. Garrett said h e is sure h e c a n be helpful in identifying historical site s , as he has studi e d the background of the city, or he could look i t up. "Communication" Committe e. I t was r e porte d th a t Mr s. F e rst, has begun a list of important civic g roups a nd ga rd en clubs. GE ~ER AL DIS CUSS ION Y.r . Pe rr i n e x p r e s se d h is in t ere s t i n wo r k in g wi th the Pl a nnin g Dep t . o n puttin g o n a city s how as pa rt of th e Arts Fe stiv a l May. in P i e dmont Pa r k in He s t ated he ha d pre viously sp o ke n to Eric Ha rkness i n this r ega rd, a t whieh time t hey dis c u ss ed t h e s to ry to b e told, the s ou r c e of bud ge t f o r tel l ing the s t o r y , a n d how th is exhi b i tion co u l d b e imp l emente d . b r oug ht out t ha t par t o f It was t he pres e n ta tion co u l d b e b a s e d o n the CI P Design Report , s upplemen t ed with slides and t aped i nforma t io n . At this time , Erie Harkness appeared and i n troduc ed to the Commission Mr. Dana Palmer, who has been employed by the Planning Dept. on a parttime basis, for the purpose of working on a preliminary master plan of the down- �- 6 - town, including the government center and Georgia State Campus. Mr. Harkness pointed out that they regard this as generally an educational and promotional + ~h~ique, as the Planning Dept. budget does not allow for a real master plan. 0 Mr. Harkness was asked if he feels a presentation for a city show could be prepared in time for the Arts Festival, and if perhaps money could be acquired under the budget of the design report. Mr. Harkness stated there is no money under the GIP, but he would check with Collier Gladin re feasibiiity of funds and report back to the Commission so we can either move ahead or withdraw within the next 2 weeks. NEW BUSINESS The Chairman asked if the Commission feels it would be useful to extend an invitation to Mr. Robert Brown, the new chairman of the Georgia Urban Design Council, to meet with the Commission, as this organization assists municipalities across the state in making various studies. Upon Mr . Muldawer 1 s suggestion, this was put off for future considera tion. As per motion in minutes of the January 12 ACDC meeting, for a committee to deal with tras h problems, Mr. Perrin a ppointed the following "Sanitation Committee 11: J . Ben Moore, chairman H. King McCain Mrs . Edi th Henderson Mr. Perrin stated that the Planning Department requested that a committee be established to review the Design Report; to make recommendation~ in the form of a report to ACDC; to establish some of ACDC long-range goals based on the report; and to suggest priorities in terms of development. chairman thereby appointed the following committee: . John C • G o u 1 d , c ha i r man ··1 . L. Calloway Sam'l I. Cooper The �• 7 t6 The Commission next discussed possible nominees to be recommended to the Mayor to replace Mr~ Orbie Bostick, who has resigned from the Commission. Mr~ Joseph Briggs Browder, Vice-Presideni of Georgia Power Company, was nominated; provided he wiil agree to serve. Mr. Muldawer also nominated Ray O'Neil. The motion was passed that Mr. Browder be contacted to ascertain if he is willing to be nominated to the Mayor, and if he is not, Mr. Mulda wer will again bring up Ray O'Neil. There being no further business, the meeting w a s adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Ann Butler Re cor d i ng Secreta ry / �MINUTE~ ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MMISSION MARCH 9, 1967 The r e gular meeting of the Atlanta c;vic Design Com mission was he ld Thursda y , Ma rch 9, at 2 p.m., in Committ e e Room #4, City Hall, with the follo wing me mbers present: Sam 1 1 Inma n Coope r, Cha irman Mrs. Alvin M. Fc rst, Sucrctary Harry J. Baldwin W • L • Ca 11 owa y Jam es H. Dodd Julian Ha rris Mrs. Edith Henderson J. Be n Moore Pa ul Muldawcr John Portma n Gu e sts pre sent: Dr. Darwin W. ~ omack; Asst. Supt. School Plant Planning Clifford A. Na hser; School Archit0ct Ma rvin Kilgor e ; Bull & Ke nn e y, Arch. R. B. Tippett; Robert & Co mpa ny Vernon E. Johnson; Steve ns & Wilkinson Bill Ba rn e tt; Ste ve ns & Wilkinson Fred Bainbridg e , Arch. Lew Deadmorc , Arch. & Const. fv:inut c s of the Fe brua ry 23 mc0tin g we r e appr ove d. CHAIRMAN 'S REP ORT: Chairma n Coopc~ roa d the follo wing correspond en ce: ( 1) Letter of 2}22 fr om Rodn0y M. Coo k, enc losing art icle on "Downtown Planning " ( 2) Co py of l e tter dated 3/7, fr om Ma yor Allen to the Historic House Museum Corp., re L. P. Grant Home ( 3) Letter of 2/23, from Orbi c Bostick, resigning from ACDC, and the chairman's l e tte r of r e ply (4) Copy of l e tter dated 2/ 28 from Ma y or Allen to J.J. Little, Cle rk of the Boa rd of Ald e r me n, r e a ppoin t me n t of me mb u r s to ACDC (5) J,o tt e r of J/1, from .Robert H. Jon e s, r e rezoning of land in front of the Old South Vot c l on the South Ex pr essw a y �..·~ - 2 The Chairman also reported that the following letters have been written or received by the Commission: (1) Copy of correspondenc e between Hon. Sam Massell, Jr., and Mrs. Lucy R. Aiken, re traffic light installation on Simpson Road (2) Letter dated 2/13 from Georgia Tech re its inclusion on ACDC mailing list {3) Lette r of 2/8 from Dan Swe a t, re Model Cities Program (4) Letter of 2/23 to Fed e ral Reserve Bank, commending design of proposed park on the former Silvey Bldg. site (5) Le tter of 2/23 to Raymond D. Nasher, requ e sting early review of proposed developm e nt on prope rty a djacent to the State Capitol (6) Lett e r of 2/20 to Hugh Thompson, C&S Bank, re restoration of the "Terminus" are::i of old Atlanta (7) Le tt e r of J/2 from M. A. Tucker, Arch., re ACDC recommendations for proposed office building for Associated Industries of Georgia (8) Letter of 3/3 to Foy L. Hood, Associated Industries of Ga., enclosin g co py of minute~ of ACDC Feb. 23 meeting (9) In answer to ACDC l e tt e r of Feb. 23 to th e Senate Chamber, r e reinstatement of funds for th e Ga . Art Commission, lette rs were receive d from the following Senators: Steve Knight; Jam es P. We sb c!rry, Jr.; , VT. Armstrong Smith; Da n I. Ma cIntyre , III; and Sam P. Mc Gill ELE CTION OF OFFIC ERS: Upon nominations ma de from the floor, th e following off icers for ACDC ~ere elected for 1967: CHAIRMAN Joseph S. Perrin VICE-CHAIRMAN - Paul Muldawer SECRETARY Mrs. Alvin Ferst Mr« Calloway made the motion, which unanimously passed, that the minutes carry the commendation of the members to Chairman Cooper, in his success in getting the Commission off the ground and in orbit. requested a copy of the motion be sent to proper authoritie s. He further �- 3 - FORREST HILLS DR.IVE REZONING: Mrs. Ferst stated that Eric Harkness had come by the committee room shortly before the meeting began to request that the Commission render a statement to the Zoning Committee, regarding plans for a proposed service station on Forrest Hills Drive, s.w. It was brought out that Mr. Robert Hi Jones, owner of the Old South Motel on Forrest Hills Drive, had met with the Commission at its last meeting and voic e d his opposition to the rezoning of the small strip of land adjacent to the South Expressway at Cleveland Avenue, where the service station is proposed to be built. At that time the Commission had rendered its recommendations to the Zoning Committee

(See February 23 minutes;

Page 4) The members present concurred that although the Commission is not specifically opposed to this parti cular proposed design, ACDC should go on record as holding a position whi ch it feels best for Atlanta, namely that it is oppos ed to small strip developments, especially where adjacent to highways. Mr~ Harris made the motion, which carried, that ACDC go on record as stating that a developme nt such as this would be detrimental to the City of Atlanta. This statement, attached to a copy of the memo forward e d to th e Zoning Committee on February 2), was forwarded to the Zoning Committ e e during its session. �- 4 ARCHITECTURAL REVI~NS: The following submissions were reviewed and discussed by the Commission and those architects present for the review: Project Architect International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers office bldg. & a udi tori um Stevens & Wilkinson 1st National Bank of Atlanta Parking Facility Robert & Company Humphries Elementary School Ge or g e A • D. H. Stanton Elementary School Warner & Summers, Arch. Rawson-Washington Community Center and School Enloe, We st & Granade, Inc. English Ave. Primary School Bull & Kenney Hamp ton , A • I • A • Also present for review and discussion of school plans were Dr. Womack and Mr. Nahser of the Atlanta Board of Education. GENERAL DISCUSSION --- Re Master Plan for City Concerning a master plan for downtown Atlanta, Mr. Portman feels that some outside group, sueh as Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., should sponsor and get behind such a plan. Chairman Coo per c ommented that it will take a long time, not to mention a lot of money, to even devclope a program for a plan of future Atlanta. He hopes ACDC will not drop its more immedia~ ~ objective of trying to get a flexible model of the downtown area as it now �- 5 exi$-t.s..,. as --a- s.ta?ti~g :p.o.int. He added that $1000 has been obtained from the City to handle the costs of shipping sample models to and from the bidding model makers to this city. Mr. Calloway asked if the members had seen the reeently completed model of the downtown area, located in the Glen Building. He stated that the Community Council is also working on the overall planning concept, and suggested it might be eventful to communicate with them as they seem to know who is interested and where to get funds. ~-0 Architectural Reviews Mr. Harris asked if submiss.ions could be reviewed by Mr. Muldawer 1 s committee at some other time and screened out, so as not to take up so much time during the meeting. Mr. Muldawer concurs that as the volume of submissions are increasing, his committee should review plans at their own convenience, bring in their comments to the me e ting, and invite the architects to the meeting for further discussion of those plans which eall for speeial eomment or recommendations. ADJOURN.MEN T At the close of the me e ting, Mr . Harris expressed the appr eeia tion of the members to Chairman Cooper for his time and efforts spent during the past year. The Chairman said it had been a pleasure to serve as ehairman, and he looks forward to serving on the committee for the remainder of his appointed term. He added that he thinks ACDC year, and has a long way yet to go. The meeting was adjourned at Ann Butler Recording Secy. 4:40 p.m. is off to a good start in one �Marcb 7, 1967 Mr. Boyd f u . Taylor,, Tnsst e Historic House Museum Corporation Post Office Box I Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Dear Mr. Taylor: As mention d in my previous I tt r, th City of Atlanta do s not ha¥ funds for th purc:h of th L. P. Grant Hom • W wlll ke p your le on T ord with th h .fhaf should funds become availabl , you would still give u: fint option to purchase the hou • Sine rely yours, Iv All n, Jr . or lAJr/br CC: Mr . Samue I Inman Cooper �HISTORIC HOUSE MUSEUM CORPORATION Post Office Box 1 Atlanta Georgia 30301 lfarch 4 1967 Honora ble Iv an _ llen Jr 'ia yor , City Ha ll Atlanta Ga Dear 1ayor Allen: Thank you for your k i nd inquiry of January 24 r e ga rding the prope rty a t 327 s t Paul venue S . Th is i s t h e LP . G~ant h ome . t t h e ti me it was built about 1850 i t was near the cen ter of 3,000 a cres owned by colonel Grant. Thi s wa s appr oximately t he same area whi ch you pr op ose to renew . - we ap olo gi ze for delaying rep ly, but we had h oped to have a personal i nterview. Si n ce t his has not been co nvenient, we send this le t ter so tha t you can move ahea d with any plans you have i n conn ection with t he renewal/ pr oject. When t he historians told you that this is an i mp ortant house in Atlanta ' s history t h ey may not have to ld you t he most i mp ortant event in the histpr y of this l andmark. This event wa s Mar garet Mit chell and her book "Gone with the Wind" . - The full st ory of Mar garet ti tchell ' s a ss ocia tion with th~s h ouse probably will not be told until I publish I?,Y "FO:bidden ?3--og:aphy of Margaret Mi tchell 11 --,hi ch cannot be published in the lifetime of Stephens Mitchell, the wr iter's brother. T e true story dep icts he r brother and her husband as rascals . They conspired wi th others and seized control of her fortune . ~She wa s frustrated in her own p l ans to r e store t he Grant House and make -z it a p ublic museum . If she had com~Jet ed her p lans Atlanta wo~ld have received a cherished mementol of t h e author provided by t he writer herself, a true memorial. Oakland c:C,eme tery, the site of Fulton Bag and of course Grant Park were once part of the l and a tta ched to t hi present h ouse. The h ouse is of brick and fieldstone, a1d struct urally sound desp ite its appea r ance. I~rgaret ~ itchell and I purchas ed t he property 27 yea rs ago to prevent it being convert ed into tenements. Our ori ginal restoration pl ans included p urchase of 14 f r ame dwell ings in t he same block, razing them and using the entire block fo r gardens and parking area. The 14 houses are on small lots and probab ly could be bought for an ave rage of $ 5,000 each. le pla ced title i n Hi sto ric HOuse IiiUseum Corporation ~hich under its charter and under Georgia l aw is t axfree . Assist ant Ctty Attorney Charles Murphy, however, very s tubbornly re quire d us to pay t axe s until we recently went into court and p ut the Tax com_~_issioner under a restraining order . This at titude on the part of the City had pre judiced us ~gainst any negoti ations with t he city, but we will not hold this a~ainst y~u . ,fo ar~ delighted to learn that a t least someone in the ?ity has inter~st in prese~ving a landmark. We had thought the only interest the Ctty had was in the possible tax revenue. (more) �r HISTORIC HOUSE MUSEUM CORPORA T ION Post Office Box 1 Atlanta Georgia 30301 ( 2) our prejudi ce a ga inst t he c±ty a lso stems fr om viayor Hartsfield ' s a dmi nistration . \ tt Harts f i e l d wanted to opera te a Grant House museum ill conne ction with Gr ant P~rk Cycfu or ~ma . ~ b i g oak_iP.:,, ~ront _of the Grant House shovvs on t he dis~a- t h ori z on in the pa1nt~1ng . owever,

Ir Hartsfield disrupte d ne gqe,iations vi.hen he hinted~ hat he would

t a ke t he pr operty by condemnation . ',/e do n ot wish to show t he interior of the h ouse until we c an remove our 10 ,000-v olume l ibr a ry an d other belon gings. We n eed 12 mon ths f or moving, but we will start i mmed i ately. ·e recent ly r ef used an offer of $40, 000 be cause t he buyers i nten ded to convert t h e h-euse into apar t ment s. We alway s ha ve held t he property for re¥>ration a n d p reservation. · e have refused to rent it for fear tenant s v ould dama ge ito The h ouse occup i es a lot 100 by 240 feet , extendi ng through t h e block fr om St Pa ul to Orl eans Street . The l ot is a bout one third of t h e block in ar ea. 1 I you care to buy the pr operty s i ght un seen and within th e next 60 d ys we woul d be will ing to: 1. ccep t $40,000. 2. Throw in s ui t able antique f urniture which we va :}.ue a t $20,000. J o Drop our cla i m for $1,600 ba ck t axe s and dismi s s t h e pre sent liti gation. rn our ef f ort s to preserve t he h ouse we ha ve pa sse d up ~75,000 i n pBs sible r ents. ny fun ds which we derive fr om sale6L'he property would be used for restorati on and preservat ion of ot~ l andma r k s. rf you wish to go into ot he r de t a ils, p l eas e write and we wi ll c a l l fdr ap yointme nt . I~ do n ot ha ve a tele phone. \;i th cordial good wishes I I STORIC HOUSE fLJSEUiVI Boyd Eugen~ yl~ cortr~::N ~{::;J" ·- �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COM~I~SION FEBRUARY 23, 1967 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, F c brudry 23, at 2 p.m., In Committee Room


City Hall, with the following members present: Sam 1 1 Inman Cooper, Chairman Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. F e rst, Secretary Harry J. Baldwin John C. Gould Julian Harris Mrs. Edith Henderson J. Ben Moore Paul Muldawcr Guests present: Robert H. Jones Foy L. Hood McKendree A. Tucker H. Griffith Edwards Herschel S. Owens Dave Lunde - Old South Motel Associated Industries of Georgia Tucker & Howell, Arch. Edwards & Portman, Arch. II II - Aeck Associates, Inc. Minutes of the February 9 me eting were approved. C!-fAIR MAN REPORT Chairma n Cooper read the following: (1) Letter d ate d February 23 to Mayor Allen re appointments to ACDC for 1967; (2) Letter dated February 23 to the Senate Ch a mber, State Ca pitol, endorsing work of th e Georgia Arts Commission, and urging reinstateme nt of funds in the 1967 budg et PRES EN TA TIONS TUCKER & HOOD Messrs. Tucker and Hood met with the Commission for furt her discussion of the proposed Associated Industries of Georgia office building at Washington and Hunter Streets , as presented by Mr. Clifford Clarke at the last ACDC meeting. �- 2 Before the diseussion began, the Chairman pointed out that ACDC has no legal jurisdiction, but that it reviews and suggests, and hopes for cooperation. Concerning the suggestions for certain changes in the street floor plan, whereby a more open effect would be created, and also the relativ~ height of the building, Messrs. Hood and Tucker feel th e se ideas would not be economically feasible, as much rentable floor space would ·be lost and they need all the revenue they can get. Mr. Perrin comment e d that since there is little space, then it demands the maximum utilization. He added he was very concerned, as a citizen in this community, with the fact that we arc finding space more and more precious, and are getting increasingly out of scale with huma n beings. Mr. Perrin concurs that we want Atlanta to make economic progr e ss, and that this is done by bu il ding things that are economically feasibl e . But, h e addedJ the Commission is charged wi th the re sponsibility to see that more than just an economic eff ort is made. Mr, Mul dawer expresse d -his personal opi ni on that as the Capitol is very important, he f eels it should be higher than all th e buildings around it, and that other buildings should humble themselves to it. He also feels that in this case the exterior material should be neutral to the gold on the Capitol dome, rather than harmonize with it. Chairman Cooper stated he is of the opinion that as buildings looked different heights from different angles, and that as the Capitol is several hundred feet from other buildings, he feels from an economical point of view, that the Commission should not hamper, even with suggestions. He feels this building is better than the average building, and is an asset to �• J - the City. Mr. Cooper added that the Commission would like to see the building haNionizc with surrolindirtgs as much as possible, but that we do not want to discourage to ~he extent that it won•t be constructed. He concluded that the Commissibn is inle~estcdt as are Messrs. Hood and Tucker, in doing the best job possible on this property. Ur. Tucker expressed his appreciation for the rrview, and stated he feels something has been accomplished. JONES Mr. Robert H. Jones, owner of th e Old South Motel on the South Expressway at Cleve land Avenu e , met with the Commission concerning the rezoning of a small strip of land in front of his motel and adjacent to the e xpressway. Ho objects to this rezoning, as a filling station is pro- posed to be built on that site. Mr. Jones stated that he has discovered that many of these small remnants of land adjacent to expressways are being petitioned for filling stations, and he hopes that some city group can study this problem and claim an overall approach to the entire thing while there is still time. He added that this particular petition will be brought up at the Zoning Committee meeting, which was being held that same day~ Mr. Muldawer c onc urs that this is a special problem that needs a general policy on what should happen to th e se strips, and how they can be enhanced. The following recommendation was approved and was presented to the Zoning Committee during its session: �• 4 • Subjects 11 Proposal for Rezonin~ of Forrest Hills Drive, Petition #Z-66-281-G s. ~ . It is recom.m.ended that aetion on the petition ·for rezoning of ~he above project be deferred pending furthe~ s.t.udy of this site and its partieular environment and other similar remnant parcels thr 0U,£thou t t.he Ci. ty • It _is further recommended that based on these studies, a general policy be established by the City Planning Department relati~e to strip development,.s with particular consid e ration given to thcil.' relationship to interstate highways. 11 ARCHITECTURAL REVIE WS: At the invit.ati~ of Mr. Muldaw~r, chairman of the Archit e ctural Revie w Committee, the follo wing architects were present to revie w with the Commission plans previously submitted , Archi t e et H. Griff i th Edwards Project & He r schel s. Owens Trail wa y s Bus Terminal & Parking Garage (Edwa rds & Portman Dave Lund e (Aec k As so e., I n c.) F i ne Arts Bldg. for Ge or g ia State College & I vey Construction Co mpany Off i ce Bldg . Mr. Muldawer added that several se hool submissions are to be reviewed at the next meeting, and requested a representative of the School Department and also the School Architect be invited to the meeting for discussion of the reviews. The meeting adjourned at Ann Butler Reeording Secretary 4:45 p.m, �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION FEBRUARY 9, 1967 The regular mee ting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursda y , February 9, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with th e follo wing me mbers present: Sam 1 1 Inman CoopEr, Chairman Harry J. Ba ld win James H. Dodd John C. Gould Julian Harris George Heery Mrs. Edith He nd e rson H. King McCain Paul Muldawer Guests present: Henry Toombs, Toombs, Amisano & We lls, Arch. Clifford M. Clarke, Exec. V.P., Associated Industries of Ga. Collier Gladin, City Planning Dep t. 11 Eric Hark ne s s , 11 11 Minutes of the Janu a ry 26 mee ting we re approved. CHAIIDHAJ\T REPORT: Cha irman Coope r reporte d th at as requested at th e previous mee ting, lette rs dated February 2 were forw a rd e d to the following : 1. Georgia State College, in r e to its inclusion on ACD C mailing list; 2. Georgia Institute of Te chnology in re to its inclusion on ACD C mailing list; J. Federal Reserve Bank in re ACDC commenda tion of proposed park development at Spring & Marie tta Streets; 4. Rich's, Inc ., in re ACDC comme ndation of proposed "open green spot" on site formerly occupi ed by the offic e of The Atlanta Constitution; 5. Dan E. Sweat, Direc~or of Governmental Liaison, offering ACDC cooperation in "Demonstration Cities" Program. The Ch a irman also re ad letters to May or Allen from the Peachtree Golf Club, Secretary of State Ben Fortson, and Georgia Historical Commission, with reference to "historical sites and/or structures", as forwarded to the Commission from the Mayor's office. �- 2 - COMMITTEE REPORTS: / 11 Terminus II Committee Mr. Muldawer, chairman, reported that he and Mr. Baldwin have met with certain repres e ntatives of the C&S Bank who are interested in particip a tin g a n d a s s i s ti n g with the pro p o s e d de v c 1 op mc n t of t h c II o1 d ci t y II a re a • In general the discussion has b e e n about spe arh e ading a non-profit group together as a joint ventur e to acquire a nd develope this uridcrground area. He further state d that a l 3 rg e map of the city area has b ee n provided so the boundary can be plotted, and that the initial plans of Rapid Transit do not seem detrime ntal to our ideas. Mr . Ba ldwin added th a t Mr . Hugh Thompson, of the C&S Bank, is pr e paring a brochure of id ea s for the underground development, to Mr. Mills Lan e , President of C&S Bank. a letter to Mr. Thompson, with a to b e pr e s e nte d He suggested the chairma n write copy to Mr . Lane, gi ving ACDC en dors emen t and ideas on thi s project. Urban Beau tific ati on Committee Mr. Harris, cha irman, r e ported that 2 me mbers of the committee h a v e me t with the Planning Department, and another meeting is schedul e d for F e bruary 14. He added they will main ta in contact with the Plannin g De pt • Commi ttee on "Historic S ites & S tructur e s" Mr. Ba ldwin, cha irma n, r e porte d that h e has b ee n c o n t a cte d b y Er i c Harkne s s t o t he fac t tha t the Ci ty P l a n n i ng Dep t. i s preser v atio n of any hi st oric s t r u c tu res i n the area . i nteres t e d in the Mr. Bald win stated that he feels that a form of criteria for historic or architectural st~uctures needs to be established. �• 3 PRESENTATIONS: Toombs Mr. Henry Toombs, representing the Federal Reserve Bank, presented drawings of proposed garden s~heme at the southeast corner of Spring and Marietta Streets, where the Federal Reserve Bank is demolishing the Silvey Building. Mr. Toombs was thanked for making this review by the Commission possible. A letter of commendation to the Federal Reserve Bank, with a copy to Mr. Toombs, was requested by members present. Clarke Mr. Clifford M. Clarke presented for review by the Commission the preliminary plans for an Associated Industries of Georgia office building, at Washington and Hunter Streets. Certain members raised questions pertain- ing to the relationships between this proposed building and the State Capital and other existing adjacent buildings. Mr. Clarke urged members of the Commission to make specific suggestions. In response, it was requested that their architects give further study to the arrangement of the street floor plan, in an eff ort to create mor e of an open effeet, preferably with some green planting, to the exterior view of this floor from adjacent streets. It was also requested that further consideration be given to the relative height of the building as presently shown. Mr. Clarke was commended for making this presentation at such an early stage, and Mr. Clarke stated he will try to make use of the guidance offered. Mr. Tucker, architect for the AIG building, will attend a later ACDC meeting for further discussion. �- 4 Mr. Muldawer requested that a letter be written to Mr. Raymond D. Nasher, inviting him to me ~ t with the Commission as soon as possible, relative to the "Platform City" proposed for development in the Capital area. Gladin & Harkness Messrs. Gladin & Harkness presented for review the proposed developments of the Georgia State Campus. The Commi s sion was urged to make suggestions on the development of criteria for bridges between buildings. Tha following statement was approved by the members present, to be presented to the Board of Aldermen at a meeting scheduled in the near future: "It is the consensus of opinion of members present at the February 9 meeting, that ACDC strongly endorses, on the Georgia State College Master Plan, the concept of the Plaza System, which includes the separation of vehicles from pedestrian traffic by different levels II GENERAL DI S CUSS ION The remainder of the meeting was devoted to discussion of appointments to the Commiss i on. The Chairman stated he will write a l etter to Mayor Al len, and give ACDC's rec omm endatio ns for appointments or reappointments to the Commission. The meeting was adjourned at Ann Butler Recording Secretary S:30 p,m. �MI~JUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DSS IGN CO MM ISSION JA NUARY 26, 1967 Th e regular meeting of th e Atlanta Civic De sign Commission wa s held Thursda y, January 26, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room

4, City Hall, with th e following

members present: Sam 1 1 Inman Coop 0r, Chairman J oscph S. Perrin, Vic e -Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Fcrst, Se cret a ry Harry J. Ba ld win liv. John C. Gould Julian Harris H. King McCain J. Ben Moo-re L. Calloway Gu e sts pr ese nt: Eric Harkn e ss, City Planning Departme nt Ray A. Nixon, Chi ef of Construction De partment A. P. Brindl ey , Parks Engin0cr Minutes of the Janu ary 12 me e ting were approved. CHAI .FU.HJ ' S REPORT Chairman Coop er rep orted that the following letters have been received or written by the Commission: 1. Letter of Jan. 13 to Mr. Hugh Pierce, Chairman of the Ordinance & Leg islation Committ ee of the Board of Aldermen, requesting that Ordinance creating ACDC be amended whereby reappointments to the Commission could be made. 2. Letter of Jan. 13, from Mr. Jack c. Delius, General Manager of Pa rks Department, r e five parks plans r e vie we d by the Co mmission on Jan. 12, in answer to Mulda wer 's me mo of 12/21/66. ). Lotter of Jan. 19 to Mr . Jack C. Delius inviting him or his represemtativc to meet with the Commission on January 26. 4. Letter of Jan. 16 from Mr. John E. Sims, Director of University System Building Authorityr in answer to ACDC correspondence of 1/10 re request for prelimi'nary plans for review, and ACDC's letter of reply the re to. 5. Letters of Jan. 19 to the ed it ors of th o Atlanta Journal and Constitution, commending architectural projects which were reviewed by ACD C in 1966, as requested by Muldawer at 1/12 meeting. �- 2 - 6. Letter of Jan. 20, from Charles Davis, City Co mptrolle r, stating th a t the Board of Ald e rme n on 1/16/67 approve d an appropriation of ~2200 for ACDC in the new budget. 7. Le tt e r of Jan. 23 from Mr. Thomas Hal Clarke, Pre sid ent of Atlanta Historical Society, recomme ndin g Mr. Franklin Garrett for appointme nt to the Commission, in th e category of Site s of Historical or Archit e ctura l Inte r e st. 8. Copi e s of l e tte rs dated Jan. 24 writt e n by Mayor Allen to owners of historical Bites, as r e quest e d in lette r of 12/22/66 from ACDC to Mayor Allen. 4 ARCHITECTURAL REVI BWS: Mr. Brindle y, r e pres e nting Mr. Jack De lius, Ge n e ral Manag e r of the Parks De partme nt, met with th e Commission to e xplain and comment on the fiv e pa rk s pla ns ( as r e vi e we d by th e Commission a t Jan. 12 mee tin g), a nd a lso th e l e tt e r from Paul Mulda we r, ch a irman of Architectural Re view Committ e e t o Pa rks De partme nt, conc e rni ng the se pla ns. Mr. Brind l e y state d that some r e visions h a v e b ee n ma de in t ho se pla ns i n a cco r da nc e wi th comme n ts made i n Mul dawc r I s l e t t e r. Mr. Ray Nixo n s ubmitt e d for AC DC' s r Evi ew pre limina ry plans f or th e Howe l l Mi l l Ro a d Bridge ove r S outhe r n Ra i l wa y . Mess r s . Nixo n a nd Bri n dl e y we r e t h a n k e d by t h e Ch ai r ma n on b o h a lf of t he Commis s ion for mak ing thes e r e v i ews p os s i b l e . GENERA L DIS CUSS IONS Re ACDC Mai l i ng Lis t Mr . Perri n s u gges t e d th a t Georgia S t a t e and Georgia Tech be put on ACDC's mailing list to receive let t ers reques t ing preliminary plans be submitte d for review by t he Commission. Mr. Perrin brought out that although th e y are not legally required to submit, he feels they should be informed of th eir privilege to do so. With concurre nce of members, Georgia S tate a nd Georgia Tech will be added to the mailing list. �- 3 - Re Demonstration Cities Program In vie w of ACDC 1 s concern regarding housing conditions in the "Demonstration Citi e s 11 Program, Mr. Ca llowa y voiced his opinion that ACDC should be given th e opportunity to r e nd or preliminary plans. opinions and/or suggestions on Mr, Harkness brought out that the Planning De partment is preparing an application for a plannin g grant which wi l l cover a great many asp e cts, includin g the s oci a l, e conomic s , phys ic a l proble ms , e tc., of the model neighborhood a r e a, and that he is p r e paring 2 parts of th e program which deal with d e sign a nd historic pres e rv a tion. He further stated that he hope s to g et comme nts a nd r e vi e w of the Civic De si g n Commission on this part of th e program. Mr. Pe rrin su gge s t e d tha t ne s s ' th e Commission consider follo win g Mr. Ha r k - point of vie w, a nd a ppoint on e Ha r k ne ss on this p r oj e ct. or t wo me mb e r s The ch a irma n st a ted th a t to coll a borate with Mr. Harris is cha ir ma n of the committe e to c o lla bor a t e with the P l a n ni n g De p a r t me nt o n t he Urb a n Bea utif i c a t i on Pro gra m. to the mai li ng li s t Mr . Ha rkn e ss sta t e d t ha t to a tt e nd th e s e mee t in gs . Mr . Harris will b e a dd e d Th e Cha i rma n s u g ;-,:e ste d tha t Mr . Harr i s ap po i n t a co- cha ir man t o h is co mmit t ee to re p r e s e nt him a t th e mee t ing s in e a s e h e could n ot a tt e nd. Upon Mr . Ca llowa y's off er t o serve on the co mmi ttee, the chairma n concur re d a nd Mr . Call oway was added to t he 11 Urban Bea utifi c ati on Committee. " The ehairman was re queste d b y members prese nt to write Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Dir e ctor of Governme nt a l Liaison, who is handling the Cities" Program 1 and offer ACDC • s assis t ance~ 11 De monstration �- 4 Re Commendation Letters members present requested that letters be forwarded to Rich's and to the Federal Res e rve Bank commending them for proposed development of op en spaces, as recently p ublicized in the Atlanta newspapers. Mr. Harris further suggeste d that Rich's be commended for its 100th Annive rsary Ce l e br a tion. Mr. Harris was r e qu e ste d to draft such a letter for the chairman's signature. Re Me eting Dates Mr. Harris asked if i t would be inconve nient for ACDC meetings to be ch a nged to Fridays, as h e b e pre sent on Thur s d a y. has conflictin g en g agements and cannot always With a majority of the me mbe rs pres e nt concurri~ that Thurs d ay i s mo re conv e ni e nt, Mr. Ha rris a ske d th a t the s ubj e ct b e dropped, stating that he hoped to be abl e to adjust his Thursda y t ea chin g s che dule a t Te ch a c c ordin g ly. Re ACD C Ci t a t i on Mrs . Fe rst r ep or t e d tha t j 2 5 h a s b ee n d ona t e d by th e Cha i rman t oward a prop o sed i10 0 t o d e v e lo pe a s ea l of outstanding merit in t h e or j ud gemen t c it at io n to be gi v e n to projects of t h e Commi ss io n , per Mrs . Ferst • s motion of January 12, and e xpressed h o pes t hat the r emaining $75 will s hortly b e come available. �- 5 - Re Appointme nt to Commi s sion Chairm a n Coope r pr e sent e d a co py of th e a me nding Ordin a nce appro ve d by the Ma yor and Bo a rd of Ald e rm e n on J a nu a r y lR, 1967, as request e d b y th e Commi s sion, wh e r e by re-appointme nts to ACDC we r e made possibl e . r em aind e r The of th e me e ting was d e vot e d to r e comm e ndations for appointm e nts or r e -appointm8 nts to th e Commission. The Mee ting wa s adjourn e d a t 4:30 Ann Butle r Re cordin g S e cr e tar y �January 24, 196 7 Honorable Ben Fortson Secretary of State State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ben: Attached i~ a list of ante-bellum honies in Atlanta which the Atlanta Civic Design Commission would like to des.ignate as historic aite • lt i my Wlderstanc:ling that the Georgia Hi torical Cammi sion ha a1r ady placed a marker at the Samuel H e· and the George Wa hington Colliel" h e. Would it be pos ibl to place a marker at the Lemuel Gr . re idenc and the Judg_e Wil o hou.s ? I am o e11clo ing plat of the proper.t y for your info. · ii • Sincerely yo r , Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor JAJr/htt E ,.I I �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MVI SSION J ANUA RY 12, 1967 Th e r 0 gul a r moo ting of th e Atla nta Civic Design Commission was h~ld Thursday, January 12, at 2 p~m., in Committ ee Room

4, City Ha ll, with the following

members pr e s e nt: H. King McC a in Sa m'l Inma n Coop~r, Ch a irman Jos e phs. Pe rrin, Vic e -Chairma n Mrs. Alvin M. Fe rst, S e creta ry Harry J. Baldwin J. Ben Moore Paul ~fulda we r Gu e st pr e sent: Eric Ha rknes s, City Plan nin g De partme nt Minute s of th o Dec e mb e r 8 mo o ting we re approved. CHAIRMAN'S RE PORT Chairman Coo per reporte d that the follo win g l e tt e rs hav e b e en rec e ived or writte n b y the Commission: 1. Le tter of De c. 15 to May or Allon st a tin g ACDC support to the May or' s Housing Pro gram , a nd the May or' s reply th e r e to. 2. Le tter of Dec. 15 to Rob e rt W. Bive ns, Ex e cutive Dir Lctor, Central Atlanta Pr ogress, thanking him for me : ting with AC DC on De c. 8. A copy of the ACDC l e tt e r to the Board of Ald ermen r eq u e sting funds for initiating of mod e l of downtown At l a nta was forwardad to Mr . Biv e ns, so that CAP c an consider colla bor a tin g with ACDC on this und ertaking . ). Letter of Dec. 21 from ~ . L. Calloway, d e scribing improveme nts made on th0 Atlanta Transi t Company p arking lot. 4. Le tt er of De c. 22 to Robert Sommervill e , Presid e nt of Atlanta Transit, stating ACDC comme nd a tion for tr ea tm e nt of property describ e d in Calloway l e tt e r, and Mr. Sommerville 's r e ply the r e to. 5. Le tt e r of De c. 22 to Ald e rma n Rodn ey rCook re report of "Community Improveme nt Program,'.' and Alderm an Cook ' s r e ply th e r e to. 6. 1'. . Le tte r of Dec . 22 to r-,ia yor All e n r e pr ese rvation of "historic al s it e :=; a n d s tr u c tu r c s 11 • �- 2 - 7. Lutter of Jan. S to Archit e ctural Mod e ls, Inc., r e their propos3l for th e construction of a scale mod e l of Atlanta busin e ss district. 8. Lett e r of Jan. S to Wm. 'f . Eichbaum re propos a l for construction of scal e mod t: l of Atlanta busine ss district. 9. Le tter of Jan. 10 to v a rious city d epartme nts, architects, n ew s me dia, e tc., r e qu e sting th a t plans for architectural r e vi ew by th e Commi ss ion b e submitt e d in th e ir pr e limina ry stag e s, a s per a me ndme nt to ordinanc e a pprove d 12/7/66~ Th e Ch a irman also r e porte d tha t he a tt e nd e d th e mee ting of the Finance Comm i t tee of the Board of Ald e r me n on J a nu a r y reque st for ~51 0 0 0 wa s consid e red. 6, a t which ttme ACDC 1 s A d e cision was not r e nd ered at that ti me • . HI S TORIC SITES & STRUCTUREQ Mr. Ba ldwin r e porte d h e had cont a cte d Mr. Atto rney ' s Offic e , as r eq u este d a t "hist oric sit es and structur e s". ges t e d wher e b y Ci ty h as fir s t off e r ed for s a l e , th e l as t of th e City meeting, r e pr es e rva tion of Mr. P ilche r o pt ion to buy , P ilch e r f ee ls tha t proc ed ur es su g - in cas e th o pr o p e rt y is e ith er or is approved for d e molition, are go od po ss ibiliti es for p r e s e rving th ese si t es . He furth e r s u ggest e d th e follo win g s t e ps be taken: 1. ACDC agree wha t site s a nd/or structur e s are of "historic a l signific a nce", a nd make a d e clar a tion of same t o b e pr ese nte d to th e Board of Ald e rm e n; 2. Ch e ck with the Parks De partme nt r e mana g e me nt; J. S ee Land Department for inform a tion r e acquirin g prop e rty; 4. See Mr. J a k e Buchannon of the Hou s in g Cod e to s ee if th e minimu m ho using requireme nt s are met. It was suggested th~ t on J an u ary 26 to discuss Mr. Pi lch er be invit e d to meet wit h ACDC th is ma tt er . �- 3 - GENERAL DISCUSSIONS: Appointments to Commission Members present discuss e d the possibility of amending the ordinance creating the ACDC, whereby r e -appointme nts to the Commission could be made. The Chairm a n was requested to contact Sam Massell to sec if this request could be presented to the Board of Aldermen on January 16. Chairman Cooper furth~ r urg e d a good attendance at th e n ext mee ting, so that requ es ts and/or r ecomme ndations for a ppointments to th e Commission can be discussed. RE Trash Commission discuss e d the trash probl e m in the downtown area . Mr. Perr in f e els that an aesthetic committee is needed to come up with id ea s on tr a sh r e ceptacle s, or perhaps to suggest some alternative, the reby making it easy for action to b e tak en. Mr. Perrin moved that th e ch a irman appoint a 3-man committe e to come up with concrete sug be sti ons for this probl e m for AC DC approval, and if feasible, to b e f orward e d to th e Sanitary Department, with a copy of same to th e Planning Department. ~ ith th e concurr e nc e of th e Commis sion, this action will b e postponed until the n ew Commission memb ers and officers are e lected. RE City Showing at Ar t s Festival The following motion, mad e by Mr. Perrin, was passed: "That the Commission authorize , Mr. Perrin and Mrs. Ferst t o approach the 0 ~~rd of the Atlanta Arts Festival with the idea of a city showing, to be �- 4 pr e pa red by the Commission, to tell the story of the design problems that ACDC recognizes." It was suggested that if the Arts Board approve • the id e a, th e Mayor should b e contacted for his ideas a nd then see the Planning Department to set goals for the show. Harkne ss Pres e ntation Hr. Eric Harkn uss revie wed the r e commendations made in th e Improv e ment Program" boo kl e t. 11 Commurii ty A copy of tho bookl e t was distribut e d to members pr e sent, with the Chairman's request that they read it and give th e ir reactions to same at the ne xt meeting. Mr. Harkne s s and me mb ers concurre d that for the s e CIP r e comme ndations and ACDC 1 s program to b e more e ff e ctive , the public should b e b e tter informe d of the proble ms and a chi e v ements. COMi' I TTE E ON P ERCE NTA GE FO R ARTS Mr. Perrin rea d the r e po r t of the co mmi tt ee re co mme ndi n g a pr o p os e d o rdinan c e b e prepare d f or prese nt at ion t o th e Boa rd of Al derme n pr ovid i ng f o r a certain pe rc e ntage of t he tot al p ro j e ct c os t f o r the alli e d arts. This report was appr o ve d b y t h e mem b ers present. a nd Chairman Cooper requested Mr~ Perrints c ommittee t o draft s u ch an or di nanc e to be pr e s e nted t o the Board of Ald e rmen~ ARCHI TECTURA L REVIE '1l" The foll owin g preli min a r y pla n s wer e revi e we d : 1. °࿨� j . u. 5. Benteen Park Cleveland Avenue Pa rk Empire Blvd. Park Harper Park Shady Valley Park �- 5 Mr, Mtildawe r reported t -hat he; as chairman of th e architectural r Pvi ew committee* had previously revic w~d these plans, and read to the mem• bers his letter to Mr. Jack De lius, General Manager of the Parks Department, e xpressing his opinion of the plans. Mr. Muldawer suggested that Mr. De lius or his representative be invited to a meeting to establish a design criteria for parks. A l e tter,as dictated by Mr. Perrin, inviting Mr. Delius or his repr e sentative to the J a nuary 26 mee tin g , was a pprove d by the me mb e rs, a nd will be forwarded to Mr. Delius. Mr . Muldawer further requested that as a monthly action, a l e tter be s e nt to the pr e ss, stating th e numb e r of a rchite ctur a l r e v iew s made a nd naming those projects and architects commended by ACDC. ~fOTIO N: Mrs. Fers t 1 s motion to s eek one- hundr e d doll a rs ( ~ 100) to d eve lop e s ome form of s eal or citati on to be given by ACDC to proj e cts of outstandin g meri t in t he judgement of the Commi ssi on, was pa s se d. The meeting was adj ou rn e d at Ann Butle r Re c or din g Se cr e t a ry 4 : 40 p . m. �De c emb er 2 2 , 1966 Mr . Robert Sommervil l e , Pr sid nt Atlanta Tr nsit System, Inc . 125 Pine S tr t , N. E . Atlanta , Georgi 3 0 3 08 D ar Bob: copy of the 1 tter reo ntly receiv d from b r of our Atlanta Civic sign Commission . Enclos d is am • L . Callow y , Sine th Co mis ion so complet l y concurs in the sentiments expr ed, I a happy to tran mit to you its pprov 1, its pprob tion, nd its co nd tion for th 1 prove nts m d on the tl nt Transit Company• Pa rking Lot. Su ch actions by individuals or corpor tions owning p rop rty in th city Qre of ben fit to the gener 1 public, an d tend to g n r t gr at r pr ide nd sat1sf ction in our co unity, of lr dy p roud, but wh ich is still f r fro m perf ct. hich B c use you ar lr dy cqu int d with th over 11 obj Atl nta Civic D sign Com is ion, you will r liz that in th a th tic a pe ct of the city i w rmly w l oomed e b rs . 1th all per on l ood wi h for the Chri t as ost of u s of the prove ent c h o its • son and the eo ing y Sine r ly your , ATLANTA Cl IC DESIGN CO 1 co cc ayor Allen V w. nc1 . L. Callow y IS SIO 1 In an Cooper , 1 . A. I . A. Chairman IC:ab 0 ar r. �December 21, 19 66 Mr. Sa muel Inma n Cooper, Cha irma n Atl a nt n Civic Des i gn Commission Atl a nta Ci ty Ha ll 68 Mitchell Street, S. w. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Coop e r: I have observed tha t . th e At la n t a Tra nsit Compa nyts Pa rking Lo t bounded by P i edmont Av enu e , Forrest Av e nu e and Cou rt l a nd St r eet ha s recently been complet e l y r e - la nds caped or 11 r e -mod e led. 11 I n d oing this, it is my opi nion t hat their President, Mr. Robert Somme rville ha s shown a n i nterest i n improv i ng th e phys ical ap pea r a nc e of our city somewha t beyond the us ua l ex t en t f or suc h fa c il iti e s. Because I fee l tha t Atl a nta Civi c Design Commiss i on is desirous o f e ncouragi ng thes e t yp es of imp rovements f or At l a nta, I am suggesting tha t a citation or a le t ter of commendat ion b e sent t o Mr . Sommerville. Very t r ul y yours, CALLOWAY REALTY CO . WLC:eg cc: Mr . Rob ert Sommerv i l le �December 16. 1966 Mr. Sam Cooper Chairman Atlanta Civic Design Commission City Hall Atlanta. Georgia Dear Sam: 1 am most grateful for the statement in support of the Housing Program is ued by the Atlanta Civic Design Commi sion. I am forwarding tbi to M r . Cecil Al xander as 1 am ure he will he grateful for your upport and offer of a sistance. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. lAJr:am �!-' INUTES ATLA NTA CIVIC DESIGN co ~i· r s sroN DEC EJ\"BER 8, 1966 The r eg ular meeting of the Atl a nta Civic De sign Commission was held Thursday, Dc c 8 mber 8, at 2 p.m., in Committe e Room #4, City Hall, with the following me mbers present: Samil Inman Cooper, Chairman Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Harry J. Baldwin W. L. Calloway J. Ben Moore Paul Uuldawer Guests present: William Olive r, A.I.A. Robert W. Bivens, Executiv e Director, Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. Minutes of th e Nov e mb e r 10 me e ting were approved. CHAI RM AN'S REPORT: Chairm a n Cooper reported that the follo wing l e tters have been received or written by the Commission: (1) Le tter dat e d De c e mb e r 1 to th e Atla®ta Board of Ald e rmen r e questing sum of ~ l,000 to defr a y cost of crating, insuring and shipping existing models from San Francisco a n d Wilmington, Del aw ar e , and r e turning sam e to pres e nt owne rs; (2) L~ tt e r dat e d November 11 from Wm. M. Eichbaum, ~ ilmington, quoting bid pric e on propos e d mod e l; (3) Le tt e r d a t e d Nov e mb e r 23 from Archite ctural Mod e ls, Inc., San Fr a ncisco, quotin g bid price on propos e d mod e l ; (4) Le tt e r d a t e d Nov e mb e r 12 from Wilbur G. Kurtz, naming and d e fining fou r (4) a nte - b e llum hous e s in Atlant a which r e pr e s e n t "historic si t e s a nd s t r uctur e s"; (5) Le t t e r of Nov emb er 17, to Ma yo r All e n, ( with co py of Kurt z l e tte r en clos e d) re ques ting informa tion on ho w site s c a n b e of fi c i a ll y de c lared o f "h is tor ic signific a nc e " b y th e City of Atl anta ; (6) Letter d a t e d Nov e mb er · 1 0 f r om Er i c Hark n e s s , Planning De partment, r e historical s urv e y. Al so a c opy of i nf or ma t ion in th e De p t. of Housing and Urban De v e 1 opme nt r e port - 11 Pr e s e rving Historic America 11 • �- 2 - 11 HI S TO RIC SITES & S TRUC TURES 11 Chairman Coope r report e d he spoke to Mr. Pilcher in the City Attorney's Officie inquiring ho w sites may l e gally be decl ared of "historic si g nificance". Mr. Pilcher stated that he v1as, at th e request of the City Attorn e y, looking into th e matt e r, and would report later to the Commission. Mr. Muldawer brought out th a t in Savannah whe n some on e a pp lies for a de molitioh p e rmit, th e City will d e lay issuanc e of th e p e rmit for 2 wee ks , and th e Historic Commission is notified so the prope rty can be bought by th e m. He urged that this b e inve stigated to see if this policy a lso appli e s to Atl a nta . The Ch a irm a n su gge ste d that Mr. Ba ldwin contact Mr. Pilch e r and pass a lon g to him Mr. Mulda we r's informa tion. REPORT ON P jRCENTAGE F OR ARTS : Mr ~ Perr in s ubmitt e d in writing th e re co mme nd a tion o f on Percentage for Al l ie d Ar t s . · the Committee Ve.ti n g on this rep o r t was n e c essari l y postponed due to the lack of a qu o rum a t the meeting. ARCHITECTURAL REVIE W: Mr. Muldawer, chairman of Committ ee ( a ) , reviewed the following plans: (1) Grant Park School - Martin & Bainbridge, Arch. (2) Re cr e ation Building, Daniel-Stanton Park - Nilliam Olive r, AIA �- 3 .. BIVENS PRESE NTAtION: Chairman Cooper introduced Mr. Bivens, who discussed the Ce ntral Atlanta Association a nd th e Uptown Association me rger. Mr. Bivens stated that the ne w organization, named "Central Atlanta Progress", is an ind e pendent body, which plans to involve itself activ e iy in anything that relate s to he a lth and functioning of the heart of the city. He further state d that CAP is cohterned about ACDcls program, d e sign of the city, and that it will tty to w ork with ACDC in improving the City. He f e els e ff e ctive than were the t wo separate associations that CAP will b e more (Upto wn and Central Atlant a ) Asked by th e Commission if "Central Atlanta Progress" plans to have a · master plan of Atlanta, Mr. Bivens replied th a t while CAP has not formall y d raw n up a master plan, at th e same time it has definit e goals to work ~n, s uch a s downto wn traffic n ee ds and making the do wnto wn mor e function a l, am on g other spe c i fic proje cts. Th e Cha irma n a s k e d Mr. Be vins if h is organiz a tion would b e inte r e steq in s u p po r t in g a nd po s sibl y cont r ibu ti n g to a mod e l of Atlanta . Bivens stated he c o uld n ot a nswer f o r CAP , h e do es f ee l While Mr . that a mod el wou l d generate interest and serve a usef ul p u rp o se . Mr. Bivens extended his thanks f o r b eing invited t o the meeting, and stated he is looking forward t o working with the Commission, and urged the mE: mbers to pass comments . on to him. �- 4 NEW BU.SI NESS: Upon description of the improvements made to the property at two locations in the Cityj which members feel should be commended, Messrs. Moore and Callow~y were requested to write letters to the Commission describing these property treatments, so that ACDC may in turn officially commend the property owners. hlembers of the Commission concur that if ACDC can commend where commendation is due, and in consequence generate favorable publicity, it will benefit both the City and ACDC. Thereupon Mr. Muldawer stated he feels that as architectural reviews are made by the Commission, ACDC should issue a statement to the press listing the projects reviewed and the projects ACDC commends. Hr. Muldawer further sug gested that the chairman write, at the request of the members pr e sent, a letter to the Mayor stating our support to the Mayor's Housing Program, volunteering ACDC assistance, and also stating ACDC 1 s concern about the quality of the houses. Chairman Cooper brought up that the end of the present Commission term is coming up, and members concurred that nomination for ne w members should be fro m the floor or by secret ballot, rather than b y a nominating c omm itte e. Membe r s also concu r that the new Commission should s e lect its own chairman. The Chairman as ked if members feel t hat t he Commission should recommend to the Mayor s ubstitution or re- a ppointments, and it wa s brought out that the ordinance states that members shall not be appointed for �-ssuccessive terms. Chairman Cooper stated lhat he feels Mayor Allen will cooperate with the Commission's recommendations. Members present agreed to omit the December 22 meeting. ACDC meeting will be January 12, 1967. The me e ting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Ann Butler Recording Secretary The next �November 21, 1966 Mr . Samuel Inman Cooper Cooper - Barrett..SkinnerW oodbury & Cooper, Inc. 501-507 Henry Grady Building Atlanta, Georgia Dear Sam: Your propo ed letter to the Board of Aldermen certainly ·o\Ulds fine to me. I would not sugge t any changes. Sincerely your , Ivan Alle11, Jr. M ayor JA.jr/br �COOPER· BARRETT· SKINNER·WOOOBURY· &· COOPER INCORPORATED ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 501-507 HENRY GRADY BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORG I A SAM ' L INMAN COOPER , F.A.I.A. FORMERLY JOSEPH W. COOPER, A.I.A. GEO . DICKEY BARRETT, A.I. A. JAMES L . SKINNER , JR., A.I.A. JULIAN T.W OODBURY, A.I.A. CODPER,BONO & COOPER , INC . November 18, 1966 Hon. Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Enclosed is my draf't of the letter suggested by you to the Board of Aldermen. The purpose is self explanatory. Because our Design Commission believes that the proposed model would contribute greatly, over the years, to the growth and guided development of the do-wn-town area, and because we know you share with the Commission their hopes for improvement in the future character of this area, we both understand and appreciate your past help and your future cooperation in this project. Any comments concerning the draf't will be welcomed -- I hope to mail out a final copy about December first. Sincerely yours, SAM ' L INMAN COOPER SIC:B ENC GEO. HARWELL BOND , F. A.I.A. ( 18 92-1952 ) �r(RO H mAFt) Board ot Al~~ City ot At City IJall At,_.,_, ~>nria Attn: Mr. lton .._..._,.,. a..trman, Finance ib111t epo .,....,._ or gul41J36, t ?'eCCIDmeZlldUIS Ufl!'CJ.C~mt ~ the City ot At 4 1cular~ o lt -tow • or t City o Atl.an 0~ ~i.11,1,1;.u.~111•• NIIBOIUS to lutins tb1a p1D


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te of I.M)l:-OX::lmate boundari noJ"th:, OD ot t to Jlm!"tb A ,UO\Ue'YIIJU t, \Mt OJ" .Pol~ (M(ll'lt h, Yft11U& It 1a t t UT1 ctiou-. • 2. ~ 111 inch (50' • l ").. t 1 NP ,... ., • , plesea, • be ft ( �4 .. t · floor of the (per by city blo we-re apecitic tut , t lo propoaecl, a certa1D unit a new "UDit, o identical• J.e, co\lld 81 ,. , tbel"eto~, nt. , en4 geanl deirreJ.op:lQ·t of the That atte. t ir bot c1 ) pla t Bo\1118Rtr, ,. City ot At • to 1D1tia W1 t e c,f l 0 1 to ftt14'11 ot 1r p aut our .rt 1. 1n the " t .At ta Uc, b7 t tor our voul4 • Uv • - 1n re la uld j pN_d .. to 1 • 3. - 1at the '-111 t to crate, <•1,000.00) to do lop - t ti. ( lt.• �t sign ~~sion of 8 QJ\llDlllllU dollaJ'G ( -n- Board o'f Alde _ ll 112 ,000.00) ~r the 1Ditiati.Qg ot tbe pro.1 ct herein I BC: or l C; • Jobo AU.en, Jr. ( e. Po...--- .... (anft ~ ) e Ca • ~) q) Pfi'rill (DrlllLM C Horilmo.lU (.,.__,l'"T: ) F.J;.X • • �• C: �CITY ATLANTA, SAMUEL INMAN COOPER, F.A.I.A., CHAIRMAN JOSEPHS. PERRIN , VICE-CHAIRMAN MRS. ALVIN M. FERST, SECRETARY HALL GEORG IA 30303 November 3, 1966 HARRY J, BA L DWIN , A.S. L, A. ORBIE BOST I CK, P , E. W, L, CALLOWAY JA M ES H. DODD JOHN C. GOULD JULIAN HARR I S , A .I .A, GEORGE H EERY, A . I . A . MRS. E D IT H HENDERSON, A.S .L, A, H, K ING MCCA I N, P. E . J. B EN MOORE PAUL M UL DAWER, A . I. A , JOHN PORTMAN, A .I .A. Hon orable Ivan Allen, J r. Mayor City of Atlanta My dear Ivan: S ome weeks a g o ( October 6) the Atl anta Civic Design Commission repl i ed to y our correspondence conc erning a projected mem ori a l t o Secretary of State Dea n Rus k . Our reply expressed ful l concurrence with and a p proval of the basic conce p t. It also stated tha t should the Commission later r e ac h conclusions as to th e type an d loc a tion of s uch a me morial , it wo u ld so in f orm y ou. At its last me e t i n g , on Octob e r 27, the Co mmission p assed t he f oll ow in g resolution: RESOLVED 11 Th a t the Atl anta Civi c Des i gn Co mm i ss ion re co mmen d s a memoria l p ossibly a fountain and / or a piec e of scul ptur e - be loc a t e d in Cap itol S quare P laza, and that th e desi g ner of th i s s quar e be d ire c t e d to do s o i n s u c h a manne r as to e mp h asize t he Rusk Memorial as i t s ma i n fea tur e . 11 The Commission f u r t her recommend s t he c h anging of the name of the relocated Lee S t reet School in t he West End Urban Renewal Project to t he Dean Rusk Schoo l , a s a n a d d itio nal rec o gn iti o n of t his national l y known Georgian. �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Page 2 November 3, 1966 A copy of this letter is b e in g s e nt to t he committee handling the developme nt of Ca p itol Square Plaza, in the h ope that they will concur in the recommendations of the Atlanta Civic De sign Commission, and will implement these su gg estions accordin g ly. Sincerely yours, ATW LN CO MMISSIO N S am 1 1 In man Coop e r , F. Ch a i rm an S I C: ab cc: Capi tol S q ua r e Pla za Comm ittee (w/ en c l .) �/ MI NUTES ATLA NTA CIVIC DESIG N CO MMI SS ION OCTOBER 27, 1966 Th e r eg ul a r mee tin g of t he Atlanta Civic Design Com mission wa s h e ld Thur s da y , Octob e r 27, at 2 p. m., in Com mitt ee Room #4, City Hall, with th e fo llo wing me mbe rs pr ese nt: Sam 1 1 Inm a n Coop e r, Ch a irm a n Jos e ph S. Pe rrin, Vice-Chairman John C. Gould Julian Ha rris George Hee r y J. Ben Moor e Paul Mulda we r Gu es ts present: Eric Harkn ess , City Pla nnin g De pt. Frank G. Eth e rid ge Pe t e r R . Norris & Morris A . Hall; Hall & Norris, Architects ~inut es of t he October 13 mee tin g we r e approved. CHA IRMAN ' S REPOR T: Cha i rman Coo pe r r e ad th e fo llo 1ing: (1) Le t t e r d a t e d Oc t ob e r 2 5 fr om r~a yo r I v a n A 11 e n r e Citi es " Progra m, and ACDC 1 s r ep l y to the Mayor; (2) Le tt e r written to Mr. Eric Harkness of th e P l a nnin g Dept. r e ACDC 1 s r e com me ndation on rehabilitation of P i edm ont Park, as r equ e ste d at th e Octob er 13 mee tin g. Le tt e r was appr o ved as writt e n. (3) Le t t e r from Hon . Sam Masse ll, Jr., Pr e sident of Boa rd of Aldermen, in r e p l y to ACDC 1 s l et t e r of Oct ob e r 20 r e amendment to th e ord in a nc e cr eating ACDC. II De mo n s tr a ti on DEA N RUSK CO MMEMORAT IVE: Mr. Frank G. Etheridge, a member of th e 11 Wes t End Gang, 11 th e gro u p wh ich suggested a comm e morative to De an Rusk, met with the Commission to discuss this matter. Hr. Etheridge stated that his grou p favors as an appropriate commemora tive to Mr. Rusk, a mem or i al in Capitol Square Plaza, and a lso the r e naming of the Lee S tre et Sc hool for Mr . Rusk. �- 2 - Mr. Mo.a-re brought out that Mr. Edgar E. Schukraft had sta ted that Lhe Wes t End Businessmen's Association was hoping for the renaming of the Le e Street School an d also a memorial in the shopping center to b e erected on the old .Le e Stre e t Sch.ool site. With the Commi ss ion' s concurrence that a mem orial in Ca pitol Squ are Plaza, rather than the shopping c e nter, w ould be more appropriate, the following ~ otion was approved: "Tha t ACDG r e commends a memorial . to th e Honorable Dea n Rusk b e located i n Capitol Sq uar e Plaza, an d that th& Qesi g ner of Cap itol Square be dire cted to design th e squar e in such a vrny as to make a memorial to Mr. Rusk the main feature." It was r e qu e sted tha t a copy of the May or's let t e r requestin g an o pini on of ACD C r e Rusk co mmemorativ e b e for warde d wi t h the r ecommendation to the c om mitt ee h a ndlin g the Ca p itol Squar e P l aza . M~. He ery mad e the follo win g motion, wh ic h wa s passed : "'.!:'ha t AC DC corr es pond with Ma y or All e n and a dvis e him that this Commissi - ;) fee l s tha t a publicly s pon s or e d me morial of Dea n Rusk in a s ho pp in g c e nt er would b e ina p propri a t e . 11 S UBMI SS IO N OF MODE L: Messrs . Ha ll a n d Nor ris , archite cts , submitt e d f or ACDC 1 s a mod e l of North s i de Hi g h School a d? iti o n, i nc ludin g gym na s iu m. r e view Memb ero high l y p r aised t he mo de l , a n d expres s e d ap pr e ci a tion to Mes sr s. Ha l l a nd Norris for t h e ir presen t a t i on. �- 3 - Th e follo wing motions were passed: (1) 11 That a letter b e written to the School Board commendin g this design of the addition to the school, and commendin g the archit e cts for the use of a study model and specifically for including the model as part of their presentation to the Commission." (2) "ACDC furth e r recommends materials to th e S chool Board that in the futur e on buildin g additions match the e xisting materials of the building." (3) "That the form l et ter to be for wa rded to Hall & Norris, Architects, thanking them for submitting their proj e ct for review, also include ACDC 1 s prais e of this mod e l." REPORTS OF CO MMITTE ES : Committee (a) Mr. Mulda we r, chairman, report e d that rec e iv e d. Committ ee (b) (c) - Perr i n, chairm a n - Portman, chairman No report Cammi tte e ( d) - Moor e, cha irman No rep ort Committee (e) - Dodd, chairman No report submissions h a ve been He will r e vi ew and report at the next meeting. (finish e d) Commit tee 14 �l - 4 - I Committee on% for Arts - Perrin, chairman Committee has not met to determine a percentage of construction costs to be allocated to allied arts Committee on Urban Beautification Program - Harris, chairman Mr. Gould stated that Nfr. Ellsworth Doresky, Community Planner for Housing & Urban De velopment, wa s unable to attend the meeting today, but he would like to appear at the next meeting. At that time, Mr. Gould hop es to hear how we might get assistance in a visual survey of Atlanta Mr. Harris stated that the committee is at the point where it com e s down to money, and that perhaps funds can be made available through the 11 De mons tra tion Ci ties II Pr ogram. Arrangements will be made for this committ e e to meet wit h Mr. Eric Harkness to revie w the Urban Beautification plan. Terminus Committee - Mulda we r, chairman Mr . Muldaw e r stated that Mayor Allen was taken on a tour of this underground ar e a . Mr. Perrin read to the Commission certain sections of a l e tter Mr . Mulda we r sent the Ma y or, outl ining thou g hts what this d e vel opme nt coul d do. Mayor All e n has a nswered iav~ra"'T:>fy to th e idea, and has no objections to the committ ee movin g ahead with publicity of t his de ve lo pment. A newspaper a rticl e on the un dergro un d d eve lopme nt written by Mr. Reese Cleghorn and published in the Atlanta Journal on October 26, was passed around to members present for th eir review. �- 5 - Committee on Scale Model, Portman, chairman Chairman Coop e r reported that he and Mr. Portman met with Mr. ~ illiam M. Eichbaum, a model maker from Delaware, to discuss a model of Atlanta. A folder showing some of Mr. Eichbaum•s models in Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Houston, etc., was reviewed by members. Mr. Eichbaum had been informed that ACDC would want a model with removable sections, representing Atlanta as it is, and might be confined to the follo wing boundaries: Atlanta Stadium on the south; Sears on Ponce de Leon on the east; North Avenue on the north; Spring Street on the west Mr. Eichbaum state d that he could probably provide a model at a scal e of 50 1 - 1 11 , at an approximate cost of $ 175 to $ 200 per squar e foot of model. CoE1_::i.itte e on_ _!2~nn e r Me eting - Portman, chairman Me ssrs. Coo pe r and Perrin gave the follo win g details of meeting with Mr. Portman: (1) C0 mm itt e~ ~- f ee ls it would b e useful to have Mr. Justin Herman, membe r of staff of Urban Renewal in San Francisco, come to Atlanta to sp e ak at the proposed dinner ; (2) There a r e no problems in financin g th e a ffa ir , wh ich should b e h e ld i n pr op er a t mosphere a n d plac e so as to attract pe op l e who are in vit e d a nd gi ve mea nin g to t h e qualit y of the aff air; (3) Committee recommends an invita ti on lis t o f appr oximately 1002 0 0 pe op l e , including ACD C, Ma y or Al l en and the Boar d of Alder- men, city department head s , leader s hip of business a s sociations, and other people involved in the development of Atlanta; �1 - 6 • (4) No date and time were ascertained, but February, 1967, was named as a possibility. Committee on Plannin g Dept, - Bald win, chairman No report Committe e on Communication - Ferst, chairman No report The me e ting was adjourne d at Ann Butl e r Recordin g Se~reta~y 4:30 p.m. �October 26, 1966 Mr. Paul Muldawer Chainnan, Terminus Committee Atlanta Civic:: Design Commission Muldawer and Patterson Suite 103 - 75 Eighth Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Dear Paul: Thank you for your letter of October 24th expressing your interest in the potential in developing the under ground area of Atlanta. Thi has considerabl merit and the city will cooperate with you within the limitation of avaUabl funds. Keep up the good work.. Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, .Jr. Mayor lAJr/br �:MU'LDA WE:R & P ATT E RSON suit e 103 / seventy - five eighth street, n.e. atlanta 9J georgia I phone trinit y 2-1427




October 24, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Please accept my apologies for missing the meeting between you and the Atlanta Civic -Design Commission committee to study the potential of the 11 Atlanta Underground", fo r which I feel so strongly. I had been looking forward to seeing you and expressing my ideas on the project, but communication became confused when the original meeting date was changed. I believe the restoration and reactivation of this area will help make Atlanta one of the unique and excit ing urban are a s in the country . It can : 1. Provide a historic area, which At lanta is lacking . Philade lphia's Independence Mall gene rates $400 , 000 , 000 a year 2. Give the city a tou rist a t traction se cond to none . St. Louis has "Gasligh t Square " Chi cago has "Old Town " New O rlea ns has t he "Lat in Quarter" Los Ange Ie s has "Ports O Ca 11 " Nash vii le has II Printe r 's A ll e y 11 3. Provide a n exc iting, a ll- weather e nte rta inment and restaurant c enter fo r loca l businessmen a s wel I as tourists . It is convenient to down town, inc lud ing Rich 's, First Nationa l Bank, Georgia State Col lege , the G overnmenta l Center, the Stadium , and motels in the But ler Street area . It will support conven t ion faci lit ies It can have an unique atmosphere day or nig ht �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. October 24, 1966 Page 2 The Underground could be transformed into a place of fantasy and excitement offering a wide variety and choice of activities. There could be restaurants, saloons, night clubs, gift shops, gourmet shops, antique shops, one-of-a-kind shops, studios, galleries and sma II theatres. There cou Id be a complete restoration of the Victorian store fronts and interiors, horsedrawn surries, gas Iights, cobblestone streets, pol icemen in old-time costumes, an old-time steam engine on the tracks could be used as a restaurant, and more . The city can assist in: supporting the idea, taking action to declare this area a historic area, thus controlling design, including the area as part of the city beautification program and possible urban renewal program. The city could provide public improvements in order to spark private enterprise to do the . bulk of the development. After Reece Cleghorn's editorial was published, we received a rash of calls and letters, including individuals who wanted to invest in this project. Enclosed is some correspondence indicating the interest already gene rated. We fee l that this project would be good fo r the ci ty fi nancially as well as image wise . It has g rea t popula r appeal and could be accomplished relatively inexpensively and in a short pe riod of time . We hope you will give this idea your full consideration and support. furthe r assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call . Si nce re ly, (J)~ ~ Pa u I Mu ldawer Chairman, Te rmin us Comm ittee At lanta Civic Desig n Commission PM:nm En cl . If I can be of any �.,. 230 PEACHTREE STREET, N. E., ATLAN TA, GEO RGIA 30303 0 PHONE 404-577-2870 . ,'\ '\ September 27 , 1966 HON ORARY CH A/R iv/ AN MAYO R IVA N ALLEN , JR . PRESI DE-N i T. M. M I LLE R VI C E PR !: SIDENT C AR LING DINK LE R, J R. Mr . Paul Muldawer VI C E PRE SIDEN T 900 Peachtree Street, N. ·E. C H ARLES J. TUC KER VI CE PRESID ENT Atlanta, G e orgi a C EC I L S. SE M ?LE VI CE PRESID EN T W . J . YOHANNAN TREASU RER G ARN ETi A . C A RTER EXEC UTI VE VI C E PRESIDENT JA M ES W . HURST DIR EC TO RS JAM ES H . ALD REDG E WI LL IAM BARTHOCO MAY RA LPH A . BECK D. 0. BEUS SE O BY T. BR EWER G EO RGE BRO DNAX . J L Dear Mr . Muldawer: With great interest I read ·M r. Reese Cleghorn's recent arti cle in the Atlanta Journal entitled 11 0ur Underground City. 11 The Atlanta Convention Bureau i s engag ed in the purpose of bringing convention - holqing g roups to Atlanta and servicing them after the selection of our city. We compete in this activity with seventy -five other cities, and the revenue to Atlanta is about $4 5 million as an annual result of conventions meeting here. WIL LI AM F-. BUTTREY G EO RGE J . C OTSAK IS JOSEP H C RO C Y OV I D DA VIS DANNY DE M ET RY FRA NK A. EIDSO N MILTO N G . FAR RIS JAC K F. GLENN DON ELLIOT HEA LD WILLIAM T. KNI GH T C HAR LES H. LEFTW ICH DAVI D N . M EYER FRED 8. M OO RE ED WAR D J. NEGR I C LAU DE A . PETT Y, JR . W e are presently selling Atlanta as the new , dynamic, enthusi astic city in America with new facilities -- both hotels and exhibit halls. Most national convention g roups have not met in Atlanta, and they are interested in convening in our city. The results of bringing a convention delegate to Atlanta are, of course, most visible and tangible i n the imme diate downt ow n area. The dele gate sp e nds most of his money in the downtown area; h owever, the p e rsons hired in the store s, restaurants, hotels, motels, and nightclubs to serve convention delegates spend most of their money in the nei ghborhoods. CH AR LES A. RAW SO N, SR. M. 0. RYAN, J R. ED W AR D D. SM ITH RANK IN M . SMI TH ROBERT L. SOMM ERVI LLE RICH AR D E. STE RN E LUTHER SWEN SSO N JA C K TA RVE R A ll citi e s s ell th e ir facilities , loc a tion, and commu nity activities and i nt e r e sts to convention g r oup s; and th e y a r e succ es sful for various r easons. We feel Atlanta is succes sful bec au se w e are n ew, and w e ex p e ct to r e ach $ 100 million s pent her e e a ch y e ar by conve ntion dele gates by the y e a r 1 97 0. W. H. TH O MAS, J R. KILIAEN TOWNS EN D CHARLES J. TU C KER , JR. MOSE C . TURMAN ADVI SORY COM/vl / TTEE H. L. EBERSOLE EDGAR J . FORI O VI RGIL MILTON M. M. 0 '5ULLIVAN FREEMAN STRICKLAN D A. L. ZACHRY In a few y ears the newne ss of Atlanta wi ll no l on g er exi s t due t o the fa c t that many national and region al c onvention groups wi ll h ave met h e re in our city. W e will be looking for s~meth ing �,..,, ':,, Mr. Paul Muldawer Septe mber 27, 1966 Page 2 new and different to talk about so that p eople will want to come to Atlanta. New York h as Greenwich Village; St. Louis has Gas Light Square; and Chicag'o has Old Town. None of these areas are within walking distance of downtown. If the old store fronts were restore d and a unique transportation system like horse and buggy or street c ars wer e utili zed, a new dimension would be added to Atlanta, creating a great new inte r est in our city and certainly drawing not only loc al pe ople, but visitors t o the d owntown area. Because of the new dimension the development of the underground city would give t o Atlanta and because we would thus have a new sales tool, the Atlanta Convention Bureau would certainly be wholeheartedly in favor of further exploration of this idea by the Civic Design Commission. Sincerely, uJ. ~ Hurs t Exe cutive Vice President JWH:vg cc: Mr. Reese Cleghorn Mr. T. M. Miller �-·-7 I ! I Everet H. David son 5196 O XBO W ROAD - SMO KERIS E STONE M O U TAI N, G EO RG IA 30083 RESI DEN CE 938-8863 o OFF ICE 4C2-881 l October 14 , 1966 Mr. Paul Muldawer, Architect 900 Peachtree Street, N~ E. Atlanta, Georgia Mr. Muldawer, I had intended writing you before now but, having been out of the city guite a bit recently, my correspondence has suffered. Reese Cleghorn 1 s editorial, 11 Will Ghost Streets of Atlanta Live Again? 11 was more than casually interesting to me. The fact is, I've walked and driven the alle ys of our underground city many times and have a l ways wonde red why t heir potential has n ot yet been exploited. Whe n con v enjent w ith y o u, I would be ext rem e ly inter e s te d i n delving into this as a possible investment opportunity - either individually or as part of a group. With this in mind, I am wondering if you would be kind enough to g ive me a call (4 82 _- 8811). In the event I am out, plea se a sk for m y s e cr e t a ry, Mrs. Betty Nuckolls, who can g ener a lly r each m e within a fe w hour s. M a ny t hanks in advance for your coop e ration, and looking f orwa rd to hearing from you, I am Ever e t t H. D a vid son EHD :bn �H " -· ., P . u s..... c n:JZ!. q J·. o 3:.!!- P::~~ ~h::;_... (.; --. u'Coq ""'aE o


The Editor OL. The Atl;;:nta Jotu:niill 10 ?crsyt1 St. Bldg . Atl~nta, Georgia Re: Our U ,de,:-qround Ci'i:.y Dec::ir Sil.:': Nr . Clegho:rn 's GJrticle which appec:ired September 21, titled "Our Underground c· ...y" n:ce~ents a i.·ronder "'" ul idciJJ for x~cotablis .ing an area ~n,ich c ould uniquoly represent t-\tlanta I s past while at the Si;Ji!le tiri~e establishing a touri st att~uction for the :uture o As a native tl~ntan this area h ~s al~ays nt igued rae . It is a s_ urr:e th""t the l ower level of the Old Kir:iball House, 'li"hich ucis across the rail:;:-oad from the az-ca under discussion, had to be removed as it could have cont buted greQtly to such a program .. This ia ce.:t.ziinly a ·w orth while project th.:it could me n much to our City O s fu·curc and could go a long way toward reclaL.'ni~g the rea involv£a ~ I ce~~uinly hope that rr o ~-lulda;wcr will be able· to sell .chis progrc:m to The City ~.,athers ;;:Jnd m sure than: the mujor i:y of Atlantans ,,1ould apprcci te t he Atlant l~ewspapers con- tinued sup or of this project. WHR/rd cc: .M r .. Paul Muldawer Muldaier & Petterson �LETTERS TO Tl-IE EDITORS : l'l rr.- n -'1 gi ·, ~ o " ,/ , ·~";/ ~ } !ding, Ed itor The Eclitors : I read with interest Reese CJccrhorn's column of September 21 on the possibility of r estoring a part of ;'underground Atlanta" in the lower Wall Street-Alabama Street arc· . While the idea is intriguing and does indeed have merit, I think we must also consider the present and future needs of Atlantans, especially in the field of transportation. An essential element of the plan for r apid transit for the metropolitan Atlanta area is the downtown T r a n s i t Center where th e :North-South and E ast-West Lines would cross, one over the other, and allow passengers to transfer between Jines. The only feasible location for Transit Center is in the a r e a referred to as "underground At I ant a" or "the railroad gulch." At the present time engineers for the Metropolitan Atlanta R a pi d Transit Authority are conducting an active and detailed study of the area, which tepresents possibilities for the saving of hundreds of millions of dollars in construction of subways nd Transit Center. In addition, th e proposed 1967 program of MART.A includes a corridor imp a ct study, which will b ·ing into perspective all of the Jongrange plans of the metropolitan area,· including those plans for schools and colleges, streets and highways, urban renewal, urban design, land use and zoning, a n d public and private development programs. The course of this study will very definitely involve lengthy discussions with the Civic Design Commission and Paul Muldawer, looking toward the development of the old streets for the best possible service to all of Atlanta and its surroundings and citizens. By closely coordinating all our efforts, we can achieve the best combination of historical restoration, entertain- . ment, tourism, and efficient transportation. H. L. STUART General Manager Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. Atlanta. 5- PTEMBER 27, 1966 J • I \, , .;;-,-• �[. .. r- I ~ , i .'


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j -:' - .;: • r ~ . _: ' I pr;37) .."C,- 1. ., t .; .-; _y �?.' INUTES ATLANTA CI VIC DESIGN CO MHI .S S I ON OCTOBER 13, 1966 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic De sign Commission was held Thursda y , October 13, at 2 p.m., in Committe e Room #4, City Hall, with the follo wing members present: Sam 1 1 Inman Cooper, Chairman Josephs. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary Harry J. Bald win W. L. Calloway James H. Dodd Mrs, Edith He nderson H. King McCain J. Ben Moore Paul Mulda we r Minutes of the Septe mber 22 me e ting were ap proved. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Chairman: (1) Read letter dated Octobe r 6 to May or Allen re Dean Rusk Me morial (2) Read letter dated October 6 to City department heads re submission of proj e cts for revi ew in early sta ges (3) Re ad dr a f t of l e tt e r to b e s e nt to th e Boar d of Ald e r me n, pe nd i n g ap pr oval of t he Co mmiss ion , re a men d men t to orig in a l ordi na nc e. Mr . Perri n' s motion to adopt the l et t e r a s writt e n was c arried. (4) An no unc e d t hat Mr . Ell sw or th Do resky , Communi ty Pl a nn er f or Ho using and Urba n Dev e l opme nt, wi ll meet with the Commission on Oc to ber 27 ( 5) Reprin t of 11 w·est End Story " fr om t he Atlanta l!agazine was passed around to members present for th eir review (6) Distributed new listing of ACDC 1 s sub-committees REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Committee ( a) Mr. Muldawer, chairman, stated that three (3) submissions have been received. He will review and report at the next Commission meeting. �- 2 - Mr. Perrin, chairman, stated he gave a report to the Commission r e cently on the Capitol Square Plaza, and has no continued reference. Committee handling "allocation of percentage of construction costs to allied art" I,'. r. Perrin, chairman, reported that the eommittee is in agreement that an allocation of percentage for art is a good idea. They have done research and have found many cities which have a percentage for art, and thes e cities, w ith one exception, are in favor of Atlanta having such a program. He further stated that the committee has not deter- mined what the percentage will be, but will try to bring a proposal for percentage in writing to the next meeting. 11 Terminus Committee" Mr. Mulda wer, chairman, reported that walked through the "old city" area. he and Mr. Perrin had met and More letters have been received supporting this deve lo pmen t, including a letter from the Atlanta Convention Bureau. Mrs . Ferst has arrang ed for the committee to meet with Mayor Allen, and also the Art Director and Editor of the Atlanta Magazine. At Mr. Mul dawer 's request, Chairman Coo per appointed Mrs. Ferst to serve on the committ ee. UNF I NI S HED BUSINESS: In pursuance with the Mayor's req u est for the Commission to render an o pinion as to an appropriate locatio n for a commemorative for the Honorable Dean Rusk, S ecretar y of State, were offered: the following suggestions and/or opinions �- J - (1) Renaming the Lee Street Elementary School, which Mr. Rusk attended, and which is being moved to a new location in Nes t End, the 11

i:-ie an

Rusk School. 11 (2) Mr. Perrin su gge sted that the Capitol Park committee be approached with the proposal that a memorial in Capito l Park be dedicated to Mr . Rusk. (J) Mr. McCain sug gested that a pe rmanent sculpture be placed in ·Piedmont Park, which i s across from Boys High, which Mr. Rusk also attended. (l.i) Mr. Bald win stated he is in sympathy with the sug gestion of Mr. Edgar S chukraft who met with th e Commission on September 22 and ur ged it to consider a Rusk memorial in the sh oppi n g center mall which will be erected on th e old Le e Street School site. Mr. Bald win fe els such a commemorative wo uld help lift up part of th e West End area. He a lso fe e ls that r e na min g th e school woul d accomp lish th e same thin g ~ (5) Mr . Moore was r eques t ed to appr o ach Mr. Schukraft to s ee wh a t his reacti on would be if the Commiss ion should recommend renamin g t he Lee S treet S chool for Mr. Rusk, rath e r than a memorial in t he sho p ping c e nter ma ll. NEW BUS INESS: Mr. Perri n stated tha t th e Ci ty Pla nnin g Department is doin g a st udy of r ehabi l i t ation at Pie dmont Park, and h e prop osed the follo wing recommenda tion to the Plannin g Department for study : 11 That plans for rehab ilitating Piedmont Park includ e appropriate bandshell or basic stage facilities; as many political rallies, high school bands, y outh concerts, Band of Atlanta concerts, Atlanta Arts �- 4 Festival, and other ma jor ev e nts are h e ld ther e which ad d to the cultur a l development of the City. 11 Chairman Cooper was requested to dr a ft such a letter to Mr. Eric Harkness of th e P lannin g De p a r t me n t. Mr. Bald win st a ted th a t Mr. Da n Kay wa s employed by the City to make studies of a performin g art cent e r in Pied mont Park. Th is study is owned by the City and includes be a utiful sketches, which should contribute to future studies. Mrs. Ferst sug g est e d that the Commission se e k from Mr. Har k ness further information on thi s subject, and wheth e r i t is pro p osed to im p l e ment i t t h rou g h the Urban Rene wal Pro g ram. Mr. Ca llo way brou g ht u p th e matt e r of th e small parcels of lan d left t h r ou gh out the Ci ty b y th e Hi g h way and Urban Ren ew al Pro grams. The Co mm is- si on d iscuss e d th e fe a sibility of the City ac q uiring t h es e sit es for th e , _ _ " , "p ment of sm a ll p a r ks . An en su in g di s c u ssion was h e ld durin g which me mb e r s a g r ee d th a t ACD C shou l d h e lp in s ti ga t e pro p os e d de ve lo p me nt s with w hic h it i s conc e r ned , ra t her t han b e in f o rme d a t i nvo l ve more pe o p l e of ou r p ro gr am , a l a t er conc er n e d a b o u t Mr . Mu l d a we r sta ge of d e v e lo pme nt. e nviro nme nt, and In ord e r get the i r to su pp o rt made th e f o l l owin g r e comm e nd a tio n, whi ch was approved: (1) To li st the i mpor t ant c ivi c g rou ps, garden c lu bs, and any appropriate gr o up c oncerned; (2) Invite these people to a meeting and t e ll what our Comm i ssion does; ask them to a pp oint a committee in their organization to receive, discuss and sup p ort our program, and get their o wn proposals; �- 5 - (3) Continu e this type communication with all these g rou ps to es tablish a basis f or communic a tion. The follo win g committee wa s ap p oint ed to e stablish the impl e mentation p ro g ram for communication: Mrs. Fers t Mrs. Henderson, Co-chairman Mr. Mulda wer, Co-c hairman The motion was made and approved to om i t the November 24 mee ting of ACD C. Mr. Bald win stated that h e has noticed maybe 30-50 ne w buildin gs b e in g construct ed in th e c e ntral bu s iness district, and is amaz ed how th e Commis s ion i s bypassed and He f ee l s t ake n so li gh tly wh a t that l eg ally AC1 C s houl d stop the is s u a nc e of b uildin g p e rm i ts prio r · to the p roj e ct bein g rev i ewed by th e Attorney shoul d be co ntacted to t ake Mr. is supposed t o b e l ega l. Comm ission, and th at th e City s uch action. Cooper stated that h e r e co mmended postp on ement of g oin g to the City Attorn ey, but h e woul d se e Mr. ~ afford, Bui l ding Insp e cto r, n ext Thur sday morning a nd ask him why and what is ha ppe nin g . Mr. th a t Mulda we r was r eques t e d to announce a t th e n ext A .I . A . meeting th e ne w amendment to the ordinan c e a s r eq u ested, wi l l requir e prel i minaries be submitted for revie w by th e Commiss ion , the letter mai l ed in June to all local architectura l The meeting wa s adjourned at 3:50 p.m. An n But ler Recording Se cretary that i n accordanc e with off i c es. �CITY ATLANTA, HALL GEORGIA 30303 SA MUEL IN MAN C O O PER, F. A .I. A . , CHA I RM A N J OS E P H S. PE R RI N , VIC E - C HA I RM A N MR S. ALV IN M. F ER ST , S E CRE T ARY October 6, 1966 HARR Y J. B A LD W I N , A. S . L . A. ORB I E B O STI CK, P . E . W . L , CALLOWA Y J AM ES H. DODD JOH N C. GOULD J UL I A N HARR I S , A . I. A . GEORGE HEERY , A. I .A . MRS . ED I T H H EN DE RSON, A . S .L .A . H. K I NG MCC A IN , P . E . J. BEN MOORE PA UL MU LD AWER , A. I .A. JOHN POR T MA N, A. I. A . Hon. I van All en, Jr. Mayor Ci t y of Atlanta Re Dean Rusk Memoria l My dear Mayor Allen: Re cently you r e f erred the le tter written you on September 8 by Mr. Frank G. Ethridge , and your rep l y t here to , to t he Atlant a Civi c Des i gn Commi ssion for recommendat i ons c oncerning the proposa l , suggested by Mr . Ethr i dge, of a commemorat i ve memorial to the Honorable Dean Rusk , u. S. Secret-ary of State. At i ts meet i ng of September 22, the Commission r eviewed the correspondence s ent it, and concurred in the following statements: (1) That it looks with fav or on t he s uggestion offered by Mr. Ethridge, and fe e ls that a local memorial . to such a worthy and prominent Ge orgian wou l d be of defi n i te c i vi c interes t and benefi t; (2) Tha t as yet the Commi ssion i s not prepa r ed to r e commend either a specific type of memoria l, nor an exa c t loca t ion f or same. (In this connection, the naming of ei t her "Capitol Plaza" Park, or the socalled "Ugly Triangle" at Spring Street and Carnegie Way, for Mr. Rusk was proposed. Also some prominent and focal site adjacent to the present location of the Lee Street School, which Mr. Rusk formerly attended, and which is to be moved to another l ocation within the area of the West End Renewal Project, was disc ussed. Such a site for a Rusk memorial might well be on the mall itself of the proposed shopping center in this project, and consequently closely adjacent to the site of the school at the time that Mr. Rusk attended it.) �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Page 2 October 6, 1966 (3) That when and if the Commission can later establish a site and/or a form of memorial which it considers appropriate, it will there L after inform the Mayor of its opinions and its recommendations. ATPL Sincerely yours, COMMISSION Sam'l Inman Cooper, F •• Chairman SIC :ab cc: Mr . Frank G. Ethr i dge �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 22 1 1966 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Ci v i c Design Commission was held Thursday , September 22 , at 2 p . m., in Commi ttee Room #4 , City Hall , with the following members present : Chairman Sam 1 1 Inman CoopEr, Vice- Chairman Joseph S. Perrin , Mrs . Alvin M. Ferst _ Secretary; Messrs. Paul Muldawer Harry J . Baldwi n _ Julian Harr i s , _James H. Dodd , John C. Gould , and Mrs. Edith Henderson . Guests were : Messrs . Edgar E . Schukraft and iri c Harkness . Minutes of the September 8 meeting were approved . Cha i rman Cooper read t o the Commi s si on c orrespondence between Mr . Frank G. Ethri dge and Mayor I van Allen regard i ng a c ommemorat i ve i n Atlanta t o the Honorable Dean Rusk , Secretary of State . Mayor Allen referred thi s matter to ACDC wi th the request that i t render a decis i on as t o a proper +ocation for the propos e d c ommemor a t i ve . The Chairman re ad a letter f r om the Ci t iz ens Advi sory Commit t ee f or Ur ban Renewal rega rd i ng its th i rd quarterly meet i ng , a nd gave a bri e f '. ..~mary of the meeting of the Urba n Beauti f i ca t ion Pr ogr am which he a tt ended on Sep tember 15 . Mr. J ohn Gould , ACDC 1 s of ficia l c on tac t wi th the Pl ann i ng De partment on the Urban Bea ut i f i cat ion Program re l ated his meeting with Mr. Eric ~arkness for a progress repor t of the Be a utification Pr ogram . With the concurrence of the Commission , Mr , Gould stated he will invite Mr . Ellsworth Doresky ; Community Planner with the Housing and Urban Development , to meet with the Commission . �- 2 - A report was given by Mr . Muldawer > ehairman of the c ommittee handl i ng the develo pment of the "old city 11 area under Alabama Street and hereafter referred to as the 11 Terminus Committee , 11 He stated that Mr . Er i c Harkness had f o und no problems that would effect the underground devel o pment as far as the Ci t y i s c oncerned .

Mr . Muldawer further stated that after discussing this propo sed development with Mr . Reese Cleghorn o f the Atlanta Journal , the latter had written an edit orial on the "underground c i t y 11 , which was p ubl is hed i n th e J o urnal on September 21 article was passed ar o und t o members present f or their review . This Mr . Muldawer stated that he had on th i s date received several telephone calls in favor of the idea . gy Mr . Perr i n s tated tha t h e wo uld like t o see this devel o ped pr i vate enterpr is e ; i f p ossi ble , and feel s that Mr. J i m Townsend s hould be pu rsu e d f or s ke tches t o ar o use p ubli c i nt e rest . Me s srs . Mulda wer and Perr in wi l l arrange t o mee t with Mess r s . Town s end and Danie l o f the At lan t a Magazine fo r s a i d ske t c hes , In p urs uanc e wi th the Ma yor 1 s reque s t , th e Comm is s ion d is cuss ed pos s ible l oca t ions f or the Dean Rusk c ommemorati v e. It was b r o ught o u t tha t si n c e Mr . Ru s k had a ttend e d the Lee S treet Eleme ntary Schoo l and " Boys High 1 these sites might tie in f or a poss i b l e l ocat ion , th , e 11 Ug l y Tr i ang l e" t o Mr . Ru sk was a ls o sugg e s ted . Ded icating Th e Cha i rman was re- qu es t ed t o wr i t e t h e Ma y or on b e h alf o f ACDC f a v or a bl y t o the comme mo rat i v e > bu t wi t ho u t commi tt ing it s el f to a l o cation at t h e pr esent ti me , �- 3 - The Chairman introduced t o t h~ Commission Mr . Edgar E . S chukraft ; Chai r ma n o f the Urban Renewal Commit.tee f or t h e West End Project . Mr . Schukraft and the Commission rev iewed the devel o pments i n the West End Renewa l Pr o ject , which was started in 1956 , and a publication dealing with i t was d is tr ib u ted. Upon Mr . Sch ukraf ti·s r e qu es t f or the Commi ssion 1 s o p i nions ; it was sugge sted t hat the development o f a design criteria would be a good i dea f or West End . ACDC feel s that there could be improve- ments made gener al l y that would have a t o tal effect over the area ; rather than block after bl ock o f rehab i l itation . In regard to the Rusk c ommemor ativ e , Mr . Schukra ft stated that the Lee Str e et El ementar y S choo l is being moved to a new locat ion : and a shopp i ng center wi ll be e rected on the o ld scho ol site He urged the Commission to consider the shopping cent e r mall f or the locati on o f t he mem or ia l . On behalf o f ACDC , the Chai rman tha nked Mr. S chukraft f or h is appe aranc e before the Commission . Mr . Eric Harkness was welcomed t o the meeting . At this point ) the Commission discussed t h e lack of s ubmissions o f ~rchitec tur~l plans f or review , as requested in the Commission 1 s l etter of last June . Mr . Baldwin made the motion f or the Chairman to write the Ci ty department heads and urge their c ooperat ion in submit t ing plans i n their preliminary s ta ges . The motion was unanimously c arried . The meet i ng was adj o urned at 4 p . m. Ann But ler Recording Secretary �VI NUTES ATLAN TA CI VIC DESI GN CO~M I S SIO N AU GUST 25, 1966 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Desi g n Commission was held


Thursday, Au g ust 25, at 2 p , m., in Committee Room follo win g me mbers pres e nt: Ba ld win, Messrs. Sa m' l I. Coo p er, Chairman; J. Ben Moore, Jame s The minu te s Cit y Hall, with the Harr y J. H. Dodd and Paul Mulda wer. of the Au g ust 11 mee ting we re a pprove d . Chairman Cooper rea d th e follo win g : (a ) Letter to Mr. Eric Harkn e ss in repl y to his letters of Aueust 3 and 16, re th e Urb a n Bea u tific a ti on P ro g r a m. (b) Letter from Mr. John Gould, e xplaini ng his a b s ence at the Au g ust 25 and Septemb er 8 me etin gs . as t he Co mmi s s io n ' s W.r . Goul d a lso a ccept e d his appointment off ici a l cont a ct with Mr. Ha rkness on the Bea u tifi c at ion Pr o gram . Chairman Coop er an nounc ed tha t on Sep t e mb e r 8 the Co mmission will mee t w ith Metr o p o litan P l ann in g Co mm i s sio n in th e Glenn Bu i l d in g at 2 p . m. The West En d Urban Rene wa l ma y be a s ked we l l Proje ct was dis cu ssed . As t h e Commission to re v ie w this project, Mr . Moore su gg ested th a t it mi ght be to ask Hr . Ed gar E . S chukr a ft t o meet with the Co mmiss i on. Coo p e r r equ e sted Mr. Moore to cont ac t Chairman Yr. S chukraft an d invite hi m to the S ep tem b er 22 mee tin g. Cha i rma n Co o per related h i s t e l ep hon e convers ati on wi t h Mr. Por t man regarding the scale model of the down t own area. s howing a 5-block area done at a scal e of may possibly be shipped East for 50 A mode l of San Francisco, feet-1", and whi c h cost ,,.i l8,000 the . Commissi o n to see. �• - 2 - Chairman Coo.per stated that he has been contac-t.ed by a.n -unme,n,t -ioned party who proposed a future dinner, possibly at the ttarriott, to be spon- sored by A.C.D.C., at which there would be brought in for talks certain nationally renowned architects, city designers, etc. certain department heads, At said dinner, Mayor Allen and the Board of Aldermen, and other interested parties would be invited, and t he sug g ester w ould pick up the tab. The chairman requested the Commission to form an opinion as wh ether this would be beneficial to motion was made and the Ci ty and A .C.D.C. to Whereupon the carried app rovin g the ge neral idea, and the follo wing committee was appointed to discuss details for definite outline of the proposal and brin g before the Commission: Portman, Pe rrin Coop er chairman The follo win g com mittee was appoi nte d to collaborate with the Planning Department in activatin g the program for historic sites and structures in the City: Baldwin, Ferst McCain The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Ann Butler Recordin g Se cretary chairman �September 8 , 1966 Mr. Frank G . Etheridge Title Building Atlant , G orgia Dear Tobe : I am delighted to leai-n that consider i - bein given to proper <:onunemorative for the Ho ~able D an Rusk, Secretary of State . 1 think th1 be mo t fitting u,. At! nt - nd l m pl re working on it. I am forwarding thi information to our Atlant Civic D •1 Commi ion bleb ia well qualift d to :re er an opini s to th most ap opriate locatio • Mr. Samuel Inman C opes- i the C committee by c:opy o! tbi letter I a king b.1m to fur · b ua the au e ti of hi cor:nmi • U cei I " t b with you. Sincerely yo Alie • Jr. lAJr/b, CC: Mr. Samuel Inman Cooper • �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1966 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, August 11, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room follo wing members present:


City Hall, with the Messrs. Sam 1 1 I. Cooper, Chairman; Perrin, Vice-Chairman; Harry J. Baldwin, Julian Harris, Joseph H. John Portman, W. L. Calloway, H. K. McCain, and Mrs. Edith Henderson~ Minutes of the July 28 meeting were approved. Chairman Cooper read the following: (a) Form letter to be sent to architects thanking them for projects submitted for review; (b) Letter to Mr~ Sweat. This letter was read to the Commission two weeks ago. (c) Letter to Mr~ Ernest Davis. This letter was read to Vice-Chairman Perrin over the telephone prior to being mailed. (d) Letter from Mr. Jack Delius regarding the Mozley Park Recreation Center. (e) Letter from Mr . Eric Harkness dated August 3, 1966, stating that Urban Beautification is progressing and also requesting a committee be set up to work with him on this proje ct and attaching a list of objectives. This letter was passed ar ound to all members present for their review. Regarding the above letter and request for a committee, Chairman Cooper suggested that Mr. John Gould be appointed as the Commission's official contact with Mr. Harkness. �• 2 - The Commission discussed the availability of funds from the Fede ra l Government for projects. It was brou g ht out that while the City of Atlanta did not have any funds and could not partici p ate in this pro g ra m, they would act as an agent for the Commission and mak e application to the Federal Government for funds. It was asked at this point if funds could be obtained from private enterprise to begin a project, if this would in any way jeopardize the application to the Federal Government. Chairman Cooper stated that the Commission was not q ualified to answer this question. An effort would be made to have an opinion rendered on this matter. The Commission discussed the feasibility of having a sc a le model of the do wntown area made. It was unanimously agreed this w ould give a better per spective as to what could be done in a given area and wh a t would be whe n fi ni shed . the results Als o in dealing with owners of undeve lo ped p roperty, it would enable the Commission to better expla in what they could do and how it woul d look when it was finished. The Commissio n then discuss ed ways and means of acquirin g such a model. Mr . Calloway s u ggeste d that maybe Tech would be able to supply th e Comm iss ion with a model . Mr . H.K. McC ain suggested since his co mp any had such a model that was not being used at the present time, he could ask th em if the Commission coul d use this model. At this point, Vice-Chairma n Perrin made a motion tha t wi th thanks the use of the scale mod e l the Commission accept owned by Finc h, Al exa nd er , Barnes, Rothchil d and Pascha l, in th e event it is o ffere d. This motion wa s unanimously carried. Mr. Perrin made a second motion that the Chairman appoint a committee to investigate ways and means of pro motin g , implementing and financing a scale model of the central business district as a priority project for the �- 3 - Commission. This motion was unanimously carried, and Chairman Cooper appointed a three man committee consisting of Mr. Perrin, Mr. Cooper, and Mr. Portman as chairman. The subject of the Gulf Oil trian g le at the intersection of the Peachtree's was discussed and Mr. Portman provided to the Commission certain information which was of definite interest to the members. Members of the Commission revie wed the pla ns of the Simpson-Hightower High School. Plans f or the next meeting were discu s sed a s t he Commission had an appointment to meet at the Metropolitan Plannin g Commission with Mr. Glenn Bennett . However, due to the expected absence of several of the members, Chairman Cooper was asked to contact Mr . Bennett and try to postpone their meetin g until a l ater d ate . The meeting was adj ou rned at 4:20 p.m. Mrs. Gloria Keels Recording Secretary �MINUTES ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN COMMISSION JULY 28, 1966 The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, July 28, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room with the following members present:

4, City Hall,

Messrs. Sam 1 l I. Cooper, Chairman; Joseph H. Perrin, Vice-Chairman; Paul Muldawer, Harry J. Baldwin, Julian Harris, John C. Gould, W. L. Calloway, J. Ben Moore, and Mrs. Edith Henderson. Minutes of the July 14 meeting were approved. Chairman Cooper read the following: (a) Letters to be sent from A.C.D.c. to the City School Department · and Parks Department regarding submissions reviewed by the Commission on July (b) 14. The letters were approved as written. Letter to A.C.D.C. from Mr. Dan Sweat, Director of Governmental Liaison, regarding the Federal Urban Beautification Program. The Commission discussed the possibility of promoting the develop - ment of the "old City" area under the ·Alabama Street viaduct. Chairman Cooper appointed the following committee to look into possible means of initia ting and financing such a pr ogram: Mulda wer Perrin Harris The Commission recessed at 2: 45 to the 7th floor for a review of the City Planning Department presented by Messrs. Eric Harkness, Tom Shuttleworth, and Collier Gladin. While this meeting was both interesting �- 2 - and informative to all members of the Commission, yet these members were disappointed to learn that the City Planning Department is devoting most of its time, energy, and personnel to the development of statistics, zoning, population densities, and of other factual data dealing with th a City of Atlanta, and is not projecting any actual broad physical plannin c : either for the City as a whole, or for certain major areas thereof, such as the central business district. While this reaction indicated no criticism of the Planning Department, which obviously has neither the personnel nor the money to make such personnel available, yet the A.C.D.C. does feel that such broad planning should be undertaken, particularly in terms of the central down town area, and hopes that means can be found to initiate such comprehen sive considerations. The meeting was adjourned at 5 p.m. Ann Butler Re cording Secretary �MINUTES ATLA NTA CIVIC DES I GN CO MMISSION JULY 14, 1966 The regular me eting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday, July 14, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room the follo wing members present:


Cit y Hall, with Chairman Sam'l I. Cooper, Vice-Chairman Joseph H. Perrin, Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary; Messrs. Paul Muldawer , Harry J. Baldwin, Julian Harris, W. L. Calloway, H. King McCain, and Mr s. Edith Henderson. Guests were: Mr. Eric Harkness, City Planning Depart- ment; Mr. James P. Hudson, Planners & Engineers Collaborative; and Mr. S. Jarvin Levison, Atty. Minutes of the June 16 meetin g were approved. Chair man Cooper presented a copy of the form letter to be sent to a rchitects ackno wled g ing receipt of their submissions to be revie wed b y A.C .D .C., a co py of which wi l l also be sent to the City Building Inspector. A roster has been s et up to record submissions, arc h itects s ub mitting, date s r evie wed, etc. Cha i rman Coop e r in Denver . reported on the AIA Convention he attended in· J ul y He expresse d hi s vi e ws of De n v e r i n g e ne ral , comme n ting o n the u s e o f b r i dges c on necting buildin gs; rounded cu r bs at street co r n ers; and part i cu l ar l y, the clean li ness of the City. Mr . Muldawer presen t ed and r eviewe d the d esign c r ite ri a and r e p o rt of the Architectural Committee of A.C.D.C. (C op i e s at t ached ) �- 2 - The possibility of an ordinance re g ardin g over-hanging street s ig ns was discussed. Mr. Harris was requested to bring any data h e may have on the subject to the Au gust 11 meetin g , at which time the c h airman wi l l appoint a committee to work with the City Planning Department in drafting a proposed sign or d inance. The follo wing motions were ap p ro v ed: (1) A .C .D .C. members will g o to t h e City P lan n in g De partment a ·t the July 28 meetin g for acquisition of kno wledge and background of the department, what the y a re worki ng on, etc. (2) A. C .D.C. me mbers wi l l g o to the Metropolitan Pl a nn i ng Depa r t ment in the Gl en n Bui ldin g at th e Au g u s t 25 me e tin g , if ag r e e a bl e wi th ARMP C. Work i ng dr awi n gs for the f ol l owi n g s ubm i s si ons we r e re vie wed ,)y A . C .D.C.: (a ) Ad di tio n to Lakew ood Hei g h t s El e me nta ry S c h ool - Cunni ngha m & Forehand, Ar c hite cts (b) Addition to Gideons Elemen t ary School - Cu nningham & Forehand, Arch. (c) Mo zley Park Recreati o n Center - Dale & Smith, Arch. Letters will be sent t o the a r chitects t hanking them for their submissions. Letters to b e sent to Atlanta S cho o l Board and Parks Dept. with A.C.D.C. comments and/or recommendations regarding submitted plans wi ll be drafted by the chairma~ and presented at the next meeting. �- 3 Mr. James P. Hudson appeared before the Commission in regard to preservation of trees on the 40 1 setback on commercial property. Th e Commission concurs with Mr. Hudson that some restrictions are needed whereby a certain percentage of trees be left on the 40 1 setback. Mr t:. Edith Henderson, in collaboration with A.S.L.A. and the City Plannin g Department, will draft a proposed tree ordinance and present at a fu tu : · · meeting. Mr. Eric Harkness of the Planning Department, and Mr. S . Jarvin Levison, attorney for Dr. Milton Smithloff, promoter of the Treemont Apt. Bldg., requested the Commission's recommendation regarding the r e zonin g of land on 14th Street for this hi gh-rise apartment. The follo wing motion wa s approved by the Commision: "T HAT TH ROUGH THI S COMMI SS IO N vrn RE COMMEND THE CO NDITIONAL REZO NI NG OF THAT S EC'l'IO N OF LAND BETWEEN 13TH AND 14TH S TREE TS , I N ORT·ER TO PER MI T THE CONS Tnu C TIO N OF THE PROPO SED TREE MONT AP T . ' AS INDI CATE}") ON PRELI MI NARY DRA WI NGS . THI S HECO MY. EN DATION DOES NOT ATTE MP T TO A PRE C"CDENT FOR FUTURE COMPA RABLE DE VELO PME NT. Mr . Perrin prese nte d t he r ep ort o f r e gar din g Ca p ito l mi nu tes of 11 the mee tin g of Comm it t ee Park a nd " pe rc e ntage fo r a llied art." Copy of t he mee t i n g are a tta ch e d. Motion was a ppr o ved ch a ng in g A. C . D .C . q u or um from 9 to 8. The mee ting was adjourned by Chairma n Cooper a t An n Butler Re cord i n g S e cr etary 5 : 3 5 p.m. (b ) th e s:, �REPORT OF THE ARCPITECTURAL CO MMITTEE For purposes of architectural review, the following tools would be desirable: (1) A design criteria (see attached criteria) (2) A scale model of the Central Business District with removable buildings of sufficient size for architects to insert models of their proposed buildings. We would like to have funds to finance this endeavor. (3) Aerial photographs, city map, utility plan and other · appropriate plans. �DESIGN CRITERIA Atlanta Civic Design Commission This design criteria is a guide by which the Atlanta Civic Design Commission can objectively and analytically review the urban design merits of a proposed architectural project. the architect submitting work. It is a tool both for the reviewers and Hopefully, this review process will encourage architects, other design professionals and developers to bette r relate their individual projects to the overall urban environment. 1. 2. How does this project . relate to the man on foot? a. Does the relation of the building to the street and to adjacent buildings create meaningful pedestrian spaces - plazas, square s; courts, atriums? b. Are the exterior spaces pleasant in all seasons? Is there a feeling of enclosure? Is there shade in summer and protection from icy blasts in winter? Are there a variety of spaces intimate as well as large ones? Are a rich variety of experienc es perceived when moving through the space - events, focal points and surprises? Is everything seen at one glance or does the picture unfold as one circulates through? Does the landscape archi tecture bring the space more to human scale? c. Does this project separate pedestrian from automobile traffic? d. Does the building provide to the pedestrian a real sense of ent r n n ::,e -clear and identifiable gateways, a place tb reflect? How does this project relate to man in automobile? a. Is there a clear and identifiable automobile entrance? Does th e entrance's architectural form express entrance or is a sign necessary? b. Is the walk from parking safe, eventful and human? c. Is the entrance from the entrance? d. Is the parking area a sea of asphalt carried to the street or i s it broken up by landscaping, changes of levels or other devices? Are the edges of the parking area landscaped or screened? parking side designed as an important �- ). 11 . s. 2 - e. On parking decks, does natural light penetrate lower levels? f. What is the quality of artificial lighting on parking decks? g. Are number and location of curb cuts - egress/ingress points detrimental to traffic flow? h. How does the top of a parking deck appear from taller buildings? How does this project relate to contiguous environment, to the general ne~ghborhood, and to the city as a whole? a. Does it have respect for adjacent buildings? b. Does it harmonize or contrast? c. If it contrasts, does its use justify this degree of importance (such as a municipal, civic, religious building, or an outstanding institution)? d. If it relates by harmonizing, does it echo similar materials, colors, textures, rhythms (structural bays, solids to voids, window groupings), similar proportion, similar details such as arches, cornices, corbeling, string courses, brick coursings and jointing? e. Does it h a ve respect for its neighbors or does it scream out "look at me". Is it quietly sophisticated, understated, or is it ostentatious and showy. What k inds of "huma nization" f a ctors a r e present? Does th e bu i ldin g make a n a e s th e tic a nd functional contr ibution to t he city? a. Wha t is t he q u a lity of i ts l a nd s c a pe a rc hi t e e tur e ? b. Wha t i s the qual ity of ar t, sculpture , mur a ls or r eliefs ? C • What is the quality o f d. What is the quality of the street furnitu re, graphics and heraldry? the ex t eri o r lig ht ing? What kind of "street life" will th is project g e nera t e? a• Will its uses create life and activity as many hours a day as possible? b. Will its uses look out on the street and will i t be visually open fr~m th~ ·- sia~walk? c. Does its use generate an ~ntensely and diversely used area? �- 3 - S. What architectural character does the project have? a. Is it expressive of its use? b. Is there a feeling of permaneney? c. Will it age gracefully? d. What is the main idea, its design concept, its philosophical base? What new statements does it make? e. Is it an honest expression of our region's culture, climate, technology? f. Seel.a., b., e. 7. Is the building in an important Urban Design area as established by the visual survey? Is it of appropriate quality and use to be located in a strategic position of impo~tanee in the city? S. Are there blighting influences? ~ a. Are service and garbage areas screened? b. Ar e the r e unappropriate a nd distr a cting signs? c. Are there ex pos e d util i ty l i ne s? d. I s h a ndling and storage of the automobile unsightly? s c ale a. Wha t is the qua1ity of scale of the spa c es e nclose d b y b u ild ings? Does one percei ve an eyef u l of space or is t h e spa c e too large? b. Will the relative hei ght of this b uil d ing dwa rf or visually bl ock a historically pr om inen t b u i ld i ng? 10. Does this project conform to the overall objective of the C.B.D. plan (future)? 11. Is the project in the route of the future rapid transit lines? Paul Muldawer, Chairman A~~hitectural Committee �MINUTES OF SUB-COM~ITTEE MEETING, CO MMITTEE B ATLANTA CIVIC DESIGN CO MM ISSION I. Subjects Treated A. B. II. Capitol Park Percentage for the Allied Arts Recommendations: A. B. A contract should be made with an Atlanta architect 1. He should choose a design team from his staff or from a list of consultants representing: landscape, architects, the allied arts, and engineers 2. Architect that is interviewed shall submit a verbal - concept which shall be a consideration in the selection of the architect. J. An early preliminary should be presented in sufficient detail to indicate both the landscape architecture and the use of the allied arts It is recommended that non-architect members of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission sit with Mr . Davis, Mr. Landers, and Mr. Kiepper to develop a list of architects and to assist with the interviewing of architects under consideration. The criteria for selection of these architects would be as follo ws: 1. 2. J. 4. III. l The project should be _a team venture with the architect coordinating the project. A team of Georgia designers recommended. The architect is responsible for the total project. The preliminary designer is not restricted to the discipline of architecture. Recommendations: A. B. Capitol Park Percentage Letters have gone out to eighteen cities requesting information and views relating to percentages for the Allied Arts. It is the feeling of the committee that a reasonable approach to the percentage problem be as follo ws: 1. J/4 of one percent of the first million dollars for a building pr oje ct to be allocated for the Allied Arts. 2. 1/2 of one percent of all additional ftinds for the building project be allocated for the Allied Arts. From the discussions a nd incorporations of the views of othe r members of the Commission and upon receipt of information from cities contacted, it is r ecommenced that a formal proposal for (1) an ordinance detailed with percentages be sent to the aldermanic board, and (2) formal recommendation from the Commission dealing with Capitol Park be sent to Mr. Ernest Davis, Mr. Alan Kiepper and Mr. Earl Landers �. June 23, 1966 Mr. Thomas H. Roberts Council of Govern ment 12 50 Connecticut Avenue , N. W., Suite 300 Wash ington, D. C. · Dear Tom: Since you were present at the June 2 meet in g of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission ( here y ou introduced Yr . Harde r of t h A. R. V. P . C.) you ill possibly recall the matter of the plastic reproduction of the statue of Hadad, a Semitic storm god, which h s been offered by the Smithsonian Institute to the City of Atlant , and concerning the acceptanc of hich the opinion of our Co ission was requested . You will lso recall that the Commission was un illing to xpr ss such n opinion without additional knowledge of furt he r det ils of this gift, and that it as hoped that one or or m mbers would shortly visit ashington , where they could s the statu and r port back on their impressions . Unfortun tely , no memb rs got to ashington as nticipated, and the Co i ion 1 still un illing to commit its lf nsight uns n." I am th r for r questing that you , s a £or er offic rand mb r of th Atlanta Civic D sign Commission, being now loot din W hington, m ke occasion to visit the Smithsonian, se the propos d gift, and let us kno of your opinion r garding its v lu to thi City, w 11 as any addition l information cone rning it that you ight uequir. Enclos d s background (sine c rtainly you won't r c 11 ll re copies of certain e rli r corr spond no cone rnin will at 1 ast provide n op n1ng point of inquiry t S 1th onian. the d tails) Hadad. Th s �r • Thoms H. obert e 2 Jun 23 , 1966 '!'h nk 1 To - I hop thie req,ues t on 1 t b ' chor _ to you . Incident lly, ther . a em t.o b no i diat pr•s ure ot ti ppl1oablo to your reply . The Atl4tnta Civic De ign Coa 1 sion., long with its ·eh ir an , is sorry to loo your v lu bl b r bip ands rvic s - o ould all •1 b you he b tor luo' with your new ign ent . Si ne r l . yours , ATt HTA CI IC D SIG. @!- 1 ca s. nn Mr . Alvln r. Joaeph ~ . nc losur MI SION 1 In an Coop r, F . A. I . A . n Cb ir IC:ab CO �SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON. D. C . 20560 June 3, 1966 Mrs . Ann Moses Executive Secretary The Mayor 's Office Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mrs. Moses: Dorothy asked that I contact you directly to save time. The original Hadad may be in East Berlin. From the original, a plaster reproduction was made for the Atlanta Exposition of 1895. At the termination of the Exposition the sculpture was brought to Washington, D. C. and has most recently been on exhibit in the Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Included in our moderization program at the Smithsonian is a new "Hall of Classical Archeology". Hadad was to be displayed in an area where the public could come into contact with the sculpture and we were fearful of vandalism. To avoid vandalism we made a duplicate of our plaster reproduction using strong, durable fib re-glass reinforced plastic. It is the plastic reproduction which we will use -- leavi ng the plaster reproduction for a possib le home in Atlanta. Some additional information that i s interesting is--to our knowledge there is no other reproduction and the original Hadad, housed in the Old Berlin Museum, now in Communist Germany, is believed to have been destroyed during World War II. Communicating face to face can be less than adequate and l etters---but I hope this clarifies "original". Sincerely yours, Widener Exhibits Specialist Museum of Natural History �SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON, D. C . 20560 May ll, 1966 Mrs. Dorothy Greer 2069 Glenwood Avenue, S . E . Atlanta, Georgia Dear Dot: Things are shaping up here for Hadad . The curator, Dr. Gus Van Beek has given his approval and the Director , Dr. Richard Cowan has given his tentative approval for this piece of sculpture to be given to Atlanta -if Atlanta shows a definite interest . You know the people to s ee, but perhaps our illustrious Mayor Ivan would be a good start. We have completed the plastic cast which will soon be placed on exhibit and the "original" plaster cast is in excellent condition. Please l et me know the response you receive soon for I believe we should act rapidly. Give my love to David and tell him I appreciat e hi s Happy Sons Day. P. S. There may be the possibility of some additional art work. JCW �M y 26, 1966 Mi Dorothy Greer McLe n Trucking Company 736 MemoTial Driv , S . E . Atlanta , Georgia D -r Dorothy: Thi will acknowledg r ceipt of your lett r and th attachments from your broih r r g r-ding his program t th Smithaoni n lnstltut • I g th r from :r din hi letter to you that th proj ct entails makina re ;roductio of th originals. and th r pr uctions t doesn't plac d appropriately. Am l wrong in ssumin m they will giv the ol"i~l 1 to Atlanta? B t th original or re roduction, we would it. l do know, how v r, t th Atlant Art anything but ort urau ill not Commission lo 1 2nd. 1" for •• ln t •incer, ly, Ann oae J �McLt2an Trucking Comp any TELEPHONE E X ECUTIVE OFFICE, 6 17 P.O. BOX WA UGHTOWN ,STREET 724- 6341 213 WI NSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAR OLI NA 27 10 2 ~ 17, 1966 PLEASE REPLY TO 736 MEMORIAL DRIVE, S. E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30316 Mrs. Ann Moses Executive Secretary The Mayor's Office Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ann: I enjoyed chatting with yru this morning concerning the piece of sculpture we can possibly get from the Smithsonian for Atlauta. I am enclosing the letter from of the sculpture. my brother, along with description infonnation, my brother's name is John c. Widener. He is a pennanent member of the Exhibits Staff of the u. s. National i.tisewn, and is organizer of a group working in designing, duplicating, remodeling in plastics to complement the expanding exhibits program. He is at present acting as consultant to a f'inn 1n New York, New York, who will construct a whale for the American Museum. (He constructed the ninety-two foot replica of a whale which is on exhibit at the u. s. National Museum), and is also presently under contract to the National Geographic Society to duplicate five replicas of an extraordinary skull (Zingtbantropus) discovered by Dr. Leaky in Africa. As It is John's feeling that the piece of sculpture, Hadad, since ori giordered for the Atlanta Exposition in 1895, should return to Atlanta tor a pennanent home. nally I hope you wi ll find an early opportunity to discuss this With Mayor Allen and ot her interested persons, as we are anxious to learn their feelings concerning this gi ft f or Atlanta. 00/d CHICAGO EXPRESS, INC. A Division of McLean Truc ki ng Company �Cast o:f' the Semitic Storm God, Hadad Thia c:ast vas orde red from the f ormer P.oyal Museum of' r lin, February 20, 1895, vhere the o riginal is housed, by the U. S . National Museum for exhibition at the Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Thie:: statue of Ha.dad , the Semitic stcmn god , was found at. a site known as JerJ1n, which is located near Zinjirli, in northern Syr i Q. (For a description of the find spot, see KONIGLICHE MUSEEm 2U BERLIN MITI'HEIWNGEN AUS DEN ORIENTALISCHEN SAMMWNGEN. Heft XI : AUSGRABUNGEN • IN SENDSCHIRLI I: EINLEITUNG UND INSCHRIFTEN. (Berlin, 1893) , pp. 46ff. ) The statue w s found exposed on the surface ,o f the mound in 3 large p rts ; 1. the Ghoulcler ·and 1.ower face, 2. the u.-pper head and cap , nd 3. the cylindrical... haped, in eribed body. grain dole rt te . It pr s nt h ight is ll ' vi th base , but 1t be1 ht must hnve been -bout 13' . The f'ore :rms v hands prob bly h! 14 obj .cts which ve st the f Thi• 1 e divin origin l not ~ound, but the ttributes of Th e.d. 9th-8th century B C. ot the . rg at ptece11 of North Syrian acull)tur· fl ots the !nf1uenoe of tw cultural It 1Ji a blendi The st t ue is o:f :fine d a, AaiJ Mi11cJr and MeeopotUli of the H.1tt1t• art to:r.m Vlth the rt o of Me opotami . �CITY AT LANT A, HAL L GEORG IA 30303 SAMUEL INMAN COOPER, F.A.I.A., CHAIRMAN JOSEPHS. PERRIN, VICE·CHAIRMAN MRS. ALVIN M, FERST, SECRETARY June 23, 1 966 . H ARR Y J, BA LD W IN, A,S,L,A , O R BIE !3 0STICK, P ., E, W, L, CALLOW AY JA MES H, DODD ' /. JOHN C, GOULD JULIAN HARRIS, A.I.A, G E O RGE HEERY , A ,l,A, MRS, EDITH HE N D ERS ON, A,S,L,A, H . KING MCCAIN , P, E, J, SEN M OOR E PAUL MULDA WER, A, l ,A , JO HN PORTMAN, A,l,A, .'·· Dear Andre: w At its meeting on June 16 last , the · Atlanta Civic Desi gn .Commission requested tra t you be thanke d f or y ou r appearance before this Commission at its pre vi ous me e tin g o n June 2, and the writer would add his personal appreciation t o that of t he. other membe~s 0 As y ou fu l ly realize, the best hope foi a real contribution by our Co mmission to the i mp rove ment of the physi c al environment of Atlant a lies in its becomin g informed o n what has been do ne, and what is contemplated or b e in g studied whi ch wo uld affect that environment. Yours presenta~ion, to our Commission, o f y ou r proposed concepts of the improvement o f certain specific areas, as developed for t he Atlanta Beautiful Comm i ttee of the At l anta Women's Cha mber o f Comme rce, was received b y all memb ers of the Commission with both interest and enthusiasm, As stated to you during the meeting, many of the solutions repr esent both imagina tion and feasibility - one of the outstanding features of y ou r entire approach to many of the se _problems emphasizes the realistic concepts which govern their develop. men t. �·- - -------·---- ... - · -- - Mr. Andrew E. Steiner Page 2 June 23, 1966 The Atlanta Civic Design Commission wi shes b o th to thank y ou for your presentation of the Atlanta Beautiful Pro gram, and co mme nd the desirability of the solutions - proposed. It w ould like wise include in its thanks and in its commendation Mrs o Embry, of the . Women's Chamber of Commerce, whom we were ha ppy to . also have with uso Sj_ncere-ly yours, ATLA~=SIG N COMMI SS IO N Sam 1 l Inman Coop er, F .AoI·. A. Chair man SIC:ab • " �