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�DEPARTMENT GENERAL SUMMEC Parks /Recreation Operate 134 recreation centers , schools, playgrounds and parks . Concentrate on teenage activities , social dances, civic councils , field trips to Allatoona and wo r k experiences . Library Bookmobile night service, storytelling, touring theatre , extension of library branch hours for study centers, establish book depositories at recreation centers , EOA centers, Monday morning movies and tours of Central Library. EDGEWOOD 'WEST CENTRAL South Brarl.ch Library Bookmobile stops at Humphr ey Street, Carver Homes , High Point and Joyland Kir kwood Branch Library Sanitation Garbage and trash pickup two times weekly - sweep streets once a week, wash streets remove abandoned autos . Special c,:lean up campaigns. Rat control training . Streets Resurface 51 streets - Pave l - 3 streets in each area Repair and improve sidewalks Resurface 15 streets Pave 1 - 3 streets Repair and impr ove side walks Resurface 9 streets Pave 1 - 3 streets Repair and improve side walks Installation of mains for necessary water and fire protection services 7 installation projects for fire protection improvement and water service 2 installations Water NORTHWEST PERRY HOMES EAST CENTRAL NASH - WASHINGTON Dogwood Branch Library Bookmobile stops at Bowen Homes and Dixie Hills Shopping Center. Bookmobile stop at Perry Homes Inman Park Branch Library - Bookmobile stop at Capitol Homes Resurface 2 streets Pave 1 - 3 streets Repair and improve side walks Resurface 10 streets Pave 1 - 3 streets Re·pair and improve side walks Resurface 5 streets Pave 1 - 3 streets Repair and improve side walks Resurface 10 streets Pave 1 - 3 streets Re pair and improv e sid e walks 7 installations 1 installation 2 installations 3 installations -~¥ West Hunte r Branch Libra ry ·- Police Assignment of crime prevention officer to each EOA center Special 40 - man task force on evening watch - Employment of 11 ghetto 11 conununity service officers. Crime prevention officer assigned to Swnmec, Price , and Pittsburg EOA centers . Crime Prevention officer. assigned to Edgewood EOA center. Crime prevention Officer asdigJ1.ed to West Central EOA center l.,.nrn..; Pr,.;vc.1t1on O1iicer assigned to Northwest Perry Homes EOA Center Crime Prevention Ofiiccr assigned to East Central EOA Center Fire Distribution of fire safety literature, neighborhood visits and fire equipment demonstrations, open houses at fire stations, street showers. Genera:. programs at fire stations in area . General programs at fire stations in area General programs at Fire Stations in area General programs at fire stations in area General programs at fire stat.ens in area Traffic Engineering Cleaning and re - lamping of street lights. Night inspections of lamps. Re-checking and priority installation of traffic speed control signs . - Crirr.c Prcv t o assigned to Nash - Washington EOA Center ... .7 General programs at fire stations in area I �.,j I • SUGGESTED ACTION ON THE REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CIVIL DISORDERS AND RECOMMENDED 1968 CITY SERVICES PROGRAM Immediate Concentrated Action: 1. Areas of Concentr ation - The r e are six areas of concentration identified on the accompanying map (Exhibit A). This is · a minimu1n number, more should be added if needed. These areas generally conform to the EOA poverty areas and use the ir centers as a base of operations. The areas are: ·1 i Base of Ope rations . West Central . Neighborhoods Watts Road Almond and Carey Park Center Hill Grove Park Dixie Hills Hunter Hills Western Avenue Adair Park Pittsburgh M ech anicsville Summe rhill Grant Park Peoples town Chosewood South Atlanta High Point and J oyl a nd Lakewood Heights Summec , I. ! Northwest-Perry Homes .,., Cha ttahooche e Riverside Bolton Lincoln Homes Scotts Crossing Hill Park Perry Homes - Rockdale �t J='.age Two I Base of Operation's East C entral Neighborhood.s Glen Iris Bass Com1nunity Cal5bagetown - Reynoldstown J Edgewood Edgewood Kirkwood Nash-Washington English Avenue Vine City University Center 2. Administrative Organi zation - The administrative organization for the 1968 City Servi~es Program is atta ched as Exhibit B. 3. R espqnsibilities a. b. Mayor - through the Director of Governmental Liaison and the Comm.unity Dev e lopment Coordinator will be responsible f?r the supe rvision of the entire program. Advisory Cominittee on Civil Disorde rs - The Mayor will create this committee compo se d of thre e Aldermen . The ,, responsibility of this committee is: (1) Initially, this committee shall r e view and approve all public agency and City departmental programs proposed to be -~dertake n during the 1968 City Services Progr am ; (2 ) Evalua te the recommenda tions of the N a tiona l Adv isory Cominittee on Civil Dis o rders , spe cifi cally Cha pte rs 10 throu gh 17, and pres ent in report form its r e cormnendations relative to City policy to the Mayor and Bo ar d of Ald e r men for adoption; (3 ) Evaluate thi s y ea r' s City S ervic es Pr-o gram, p a rticul arly those ac tiv ities ,vhic h p a rallel those r ec o mmendations c onta ined in the C ominission's r e port; and (4 ) Provide th e May or with i ts findings and r e commen dation s r e l a tive to (a ) th e succ ess of the local efforts ; {b) whet her the loc a l effort should b e made p ermanent and continuing, and, if s o, how ; a nd (c) how th e lo cal effort should b e expanded a·ssuming it i s successful. The committ ee s hould s ubmit its report early thi s fall. �Page Three c. Director .G>f Governme nta l Liaison and Cornmunity Development Coordin a tor - See above. d. City Services ·c o ordinators - T.he re will be six c·oordinators, . one for each of the si.,-x areas and centers designated. The y will be responsib le to th e Community Developme_nt ·coordinator. Each City Services Coordinator \Vill be responsible for the coordination of City and non-City services with the Neighborhood Task Force. Nei ghb~ r hood Task Force - A joint gove rnme nt-com.munity orga ni zation to be d e velope d at e a ch c e nte r. It will consist of the: e. (1) EOA Citizens Keighborhood Advisory Council (elected lay citi z ens) . (2) EOA c ent e r sta ff and h ealth, \ve lfa r e , social s e rvice, employrn.ent and legal aid programs (3) City S e rvic e s Coordina tor (4) City-\Vid e R e sourc es T a sk Force on a n "as n ee d e d" basis . , The obj e ctive of the Nei ghborhood Task Force is mor e effe ctiv e commun ic a tion b e h vee n r es id e nts· a nd local public official s a n d how to improve City s e r v ic e s in the area . f. City-Wid e R esou rces T as k F orc e - Repr e s ent a ti v es fro m public a g encies and City d e p a rtme nts \vho w ill e ither ind ividua lly or colle ctively make th em s e l ves a v a ilabl e t o each of th e s ix N eighborho od T as k For ces on a n "as n eede d" b as i s . Each public age n c y and City d e p a rtment will be r e ques t ed to d e signate the ir r e pr esenta tive on thi s Ta sk Forc e . E ach r epresent a tive w ill b e se r v i ng f ull-time and w ill b e expecte d to b e continu ed on t he co:ot ributing agency ' s pay roll. The �Page Four -I


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public age n~i e s and City Departments affected are: Atlanta Housing Authority Atlanta Public Schools Fulton Cotmty Health D e partme nt Econo1nic Opportunity Atlanta (EOA) Atlanta Yout-h Council Parks and Recreation D e partment _ Fire Departme nt Police Department Public Works· Department Building Insp e ctors Department Sanitation D e partme nt Traffic Engin.ee ring Depa rtment Planning D e p a rtment Atlanta Public Library . More detailed responsibilities are attached for each agency as Exhibit C. 4. Complaints - Complaints will be readily handled by the Neighborhood Task Force, the City-Wide Resources Task Force, and the City Servic e Coordina tor. Howeve r, a pres sure valve is need e d through which major complaints and the n ee d for broad policy d ete rrninations affecting the entire city can be formally conveyed to the City administration. The Community R e lations Commission will hold gri evance-respons e hearings in thes e areas on a p e riodic · basis during the summe r months. The Community Relations Commission would in turn 'r e port their findings directly to the Mayor and the Advisory Committee on Civil Disord e rs. 5~ Depar tme nt H eads Meetings - Will be convene d and h e_ld on a weekly b as is to facilitate developm e nt of the pro g r a m and to assist in r es ol ving probl ems. The Mayor or the Administrativ e Assista nt to t he Mayor or the Dir ector of Go ve rnmental Li a ison will chair the m ee tin g . On a p er iodic but fr equent b as i s the Mayor and/or k ey d epa rtment heads will t ake fi e ld t r ips to th_e d es i gnate d areas and visit w ith each Neighborhood Task Forc e. It w ould also b e d esirab l e for th e City-\Vide Resources T ask Forc es to accompany th e Mayor and departme nt heads on some of t he field trips. �Page Five '; The presence of the Mayor and department heads in each designated area is extremely important. Preferably, all six areas should be _covered on each field tr.ip. However, time may force a c01npro1nise to spot checks within each area. 6. Personne l - a. . City Services Coordinators (6) A request will be m a de of the Chief Building Official to as sign the two coordinators from the Building Inspection Division of the Department of Buildings who worked on last summer's progra1n to once again assume this responsibility for this sumrr1er 1 s program. The two coordinators would be loaned to the Mayor's Office for the period May 1 October 1 but would remain on the Building Department 1 s payroll. ---Fo.ur additional coordinators will be employed and these funds will be request ed from the Board of Aldermen. , b. . Representatives on the City-Wide Resgurces Task Force The Mayor will make formal reques ts of the public age.ncies and City d e p ar tments for th e neces sar y people under the conditions set forth under "3-f 11 above. c. 7. EOA will provide aide assistance on th e same .b asis as last year as well as clerical assistance through Neighborhood Youth Corps positions. Office space and equipment will b e furnished by EOA at neighborhood centers. ,., �i .. Page Six The above arrangements closely parallel last year's efforts. They also closely parallel the recommendations made by the President's Com1nission on Civil Disorders. We have added the qualitative aspect of having the Advisory Committee 011 Civil. Disorders monitor this sum1ner 's efforts with an eye toward placing this effort perrnanent and continuing basis. on ':, In short, th1s summer's efforts will be in direct respons e to Chapter 10 of the Commission's Report, "The Cormnunity Response." Immediate Ciiy-Wide Action While the above 1968 City S ervices Progra1n constitutes immediate -concentrat ed action, it is desirable that a broadbased, examination be made of the Report of the National Advisory Cormnittee on Civil Disorders . , . It is recommended that all City departments read the whole report, and more specifically, Chapter 10. This Chapter is entitled "The ···Community Response" and contains recommendations which would affect every operating department of the City of Atlanta if they were implemented. Ther efore , the Mayor requests each department and public agency to res pond to the following proposition: Assumt'ng the recommendations contained 111 Chapter 10 were being considered for implementation: J' I. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each recommendation? -z. - -111 your judgment, how would it affect your department? 3. Outline the steps involved in imple1nenting each recommendation as it would affect your department or agency. 4. Estimate the probable costs involved in No. 3. This information should b e filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory Com1nittee on Civil Disord e r s by April 1, 1968. ·. ,., �~Page Seven The Mayor is referring Chapte r 11, "Police and the Community~' and Chapter 12, · "Control of Disorde r, 11 to the Police Department and the Police Committee of the Board of Aldermen for detailed study and reco1nme nd a tion s for action. This informa tion should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory Committee on Civil Dis orders by April 1, 1968. The 1'.1ayor is referring Chapter 13, 11 Ad1ninistration of Justice Under Emergency Cond itions," to the City Attorney's Office and inviting the Atlant a B a r Associa tion to p a rticipa t e in its r e vi e w. Acting individua lly or in concert they should study it and provide the City with thei_r comments and reco1nme ndations for action. This information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory Committee ·., on Civil Diso r der s by Ap r il 1, 1968. The Mayor is referring Chapte r 14, "Damage s: Repa ir and Compensation, to Mr. J a m es B e ntl e y, C o mptroller G e n e ral of the State of Georgia, with th e r e que st tha t h e and his good o ffice study this and provid e the City with the i r t ecomme n d ~ti ons fo r a ction. 11 This i nformati on s h o uld b e fil e d w i t h t he M a y o r I s Offic e a nd the Advi s ory Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968. .. The Mayor i s r e ferring Chapte r 15, "The M e dia of M a ss Communica tions," to the M a yor a nd t h e n e \VS m e di a . Th e M a yor in con junction with the n e ws m e dia will s tudy and m a ke r ec-olllme nd a tion s for a c t i on on this p a rticula r Cha pte r . ..Thi s i n fo rma t i ~n should b e fil e d w ith t he M a yor's Offi c e and the Ad v i s ory Com.m itte e on Civil Di s o rde r s by Apr il 1, 1968. ~he M a yor i s refe rrin g C h a p t e r 16, " The F u tur e of th e C iti es ," t o the M a )ror a n d Boa rd of A l d e r me n , t h e Ch a mb e r of Comn1e rc e , a nd t h e Atl a nta Urb a n Coa lition, T h is i nforrna t i on s ho ul d b e fil e d w ith th e M a y or I s Office and t h e Advisory Com1ni ttee on C ivil Di s order s by April 1, 196 8 . ,., �Page Eight The Mayor is referring the entire Chapter 17, "Recommendations £or National Action, 11 to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, the Cha1nber of Commerce, and the Atlanta !-Jrban Coalition. It is also_ being referred to specific, ind1.vidua l agencies i..n accordance with the components of the Chapter: 1. Employment: Economic Opp~rtunity Atlanta Personnel Board Atlanta National Alliance of Business'men ' 2. 3. Education: Atlanta Board·of Education . Welfare System: . Fulton County Department of Family and Children Services 4. Housing: Atlanta Housing Authority Housing Resourc e 's Conunittee Planning Dep a rtment . This . information should be filed with the Mayor's Offfce and the Advisory Com1nittee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968. ,., �i EXHIBIT B "'"· ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANI ZATION 1968 CITY SERVICES-PROGRAM r----------i I 1. ! . '. l .. .. Director of Governmental Liaison I. '

~- Mayor and . Board of Aldermen .___D_e_p_a_r_t_m_e_n_t_H_e_a_d_s_ _ I ! I omm1.ttee I 'I ·, .• I I I I . I

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City-W ide Resources Task Force . Nash - I I Washington .. Community Development Coo rdina. tor No-rthwest Per·ry Homes I I I l West Cent~~l L,. ' I S umme c I ' I I East Central I Edgewood City Services Coordinator City Services Coordinator C ity Se rvice s Coordinator City Services Coordinator City Se1.·vices Coordinator City Services Coordinat or Neighborhood Task Force Ne ighborhood Task Force Neighborhood Task For ce Neighborhood Task Force N eighborhood Task F orce Neigh borh ood Ta§_k Force -- . '-, - - ..._ ', t I I

/ / . _ _ _ ,~~'~----~·~{_________~~!_______~!_, ·. . . '."" --t 1 ·---···- ·-·- ---·--··- -······· ··- -···· ··· ··~-········--·· . ···-···· .·-·, · 1 · Community Re ations .. , . .. ..,.... . . ·······--·-·----··- .·--····· . ·· c~ · · ~~ / I _,, ,-' i-i.-_,,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' omm1.ss 1.on ,. I �r• .S


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'; Sanitation Department I. ii .-'!, ,": '! l' . Trash picl-: up twice a week . . Garb age pick up t\vice a we·ek or three times if nee es s':ry. · Clean streets once a week . ...-' Rem.ave abandoned auto1nobiles. Coordinate with EOA to clean up vacaI?,t property and the elimination of h a zards to children at play. .I.. 1 r· ·i i ! ) ·l


2. Public Works Department Clean out storm drainage. Clean right of way of debris. Grade and gravel unpaved streets; _ Pate~~ paved str ee ts. Pave stree ts on p e tition basis. i


.•·. J ·! -i 3. Building Insp e ctor


-I 'i A. ' . The Building Inspec tor, according to the policy established in the Housing Cod e Complianc e Program, wil.l in propos e d Urban R enewal a r eas : ,, I l i a. b. l } I l c. . -j " d. e. 1 i t • .I l } Placard where warranted 2-nd seek demolition. Corre ct h aza rds and coordinate wit.h ... ti1e Health Depa rtment any un sanita ry c9nditions (E xampl e :· water sta nding i n b asements ). Reduce .overcrowding - Liaison with Housing Autho rity for relocation h e lp. Vacate unfit units. Cle a n up pr emis e s. j ij B. In the r e maining areas as d es ign a t e d on the P l anning m a p, step u p hous ing cod e enforcement to th e gre a test extent possible w ithout d eviating from the es tablish e d policy. I l l' j . i . C. Enforcement of Zoning Ordinance. j I 'L l I II \

,., �Page Two . 4• Parks Department I .; ' I A. ,I iI


. !! Equip and staff a massive recreation program using all park and school p1·operties and othe r land secured w1der short-term lease. . .) ..~ B. Maxiinum developm ent of properly supervis~d day and evening social activities and· recreational programs (Example: evening movies and possibly str.eet activities). C. Coordinate with Traffic Engineer the blocking off of streets for recreationa l activities. ·i 5. Police Department ·, 'Improve police protection to residents and homes. An expanded crime prevention program. Increase traffic sp ee d control efforts. ! · j · 1 i 6. Fire Departme nt / 7. A. An expanded fir e pr evention program. B. Assist in th e program of street show ers for c:hi.ldren using fire hydrants. / Traffic Engineering D e p a :tmen t Install sp ee d control signs. Survey ar ea and provid e ste pped up street light maint enance activities. ,; 8. Planning D epartment Provide nec essa ry planning assistance to all departments. 9. Library _. ; A. · The bookmobil e sch e dul e b e increased and expanded in th e affecte d area. �I:: ' . 'I'. ' !. Page Three · i· ·' . B. C.

' 10. Libr a ry coordina tion with such activities as Heaclstart to pro1note and encourage 1naximurn. use of library · facilitie s . if. . Atlanta Youth Council A. 11. Branch libraries loc ated within this area be giv e n maxiinum suppo r t and a ttention . . Coordin a t e the Summe r Youth Opportunity Camp a ign to provid e the m aximum numb e r of jobs ~or young . people in priv ate indu stry and the public agencies .and to insure ade_~uate stim1ner recreation and education programs for childr en in targ e t areas. l\:fa,Yor's Office Coordination of tota l sum1ne r effort. ' I !! , I .,. ,/ ' . ' . �SUMMER PROGRAMS REQUIRING ADDITIONAL FUNDING ·Program Department Funding Source Summer Recreation>!( Parks OEO/City/ Labor ' Extra Departmental Summer Jobs Personnel City Youth Council Atlanta Youth Council Special Sanitation c·rews Public Works Sanitation Status Re guested Amount $1, 300, 000 \ $300, 000 plus of EOA $600, 000 100, 000 0 City 588,000 0 City 109, 886 0 Summer Coordinating Funds Atlanta Youth Council HUD 30, 000 Additional Library Services Atla.nta Public Library City 6,440 0 Traffic Engineering S~rvices Traffic Engineering City 449,590 0 '$30, 000 from HUD - CRP ., City Services Coordinators Mayor City . 12, 700 $12,700 approved by City .• ~ TOTALS ,,, ,,- $2,596,616 $342,700 Some 55 proposals have been received by EOA and the Atl.:mta Youth Council. These total approximately $3, 000, 0 0 Q ~ w11l receive $600, 000 from OEO this year. The City will receive at least $300, 000 of t h i s ~ k s Department programs. �Sill-lMER YOUTH OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM VINE CITY FOUNDATION Project Recr ea tion Plug-In This is a pilot employment progr wn"designed to utilize 11 indigenous teena ge youth ages 16-20 to serve as community recreation organiz e rs. The youth Recreation Org a nizers will recruit, organize, plan, and supervise 10 other teenagers each to prov id e planne d sunme r recreation on a 24 hour basis. The project will last for 11 weeks. Budget Req1:1 e·s t $13,718 (}.1 / c; </ -1 ) j / WAOK RADIO STATION, EOA, COrlHUNITY SCHOOLS Junior D. J. P ~ An employme nt, cultural, and communi c ations program utilizing 10 Juriior D. J. 's from high de n s ity to be trained in use of P~A • ., equipme nt to prov id e record hops for ab out 10,000 high school and young adults a ge s 16-25 during th e evening hours (7:30-10:00 P.H.}. These hops will be gib!en in all of the 14 Ne ighborhood Se~vice Ce n t e r areas. The proj e ct will last 4 months.

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Ci·\o r; C .:i ('.:, f- 1 "G l c ,..: ~ .= fi 3 c c r: -f : ;..; ,., c "i) 1,· 1I1 -, ·- , Budget Re ques t ·J, J

) t.

CENTRAL CITY, EOA Operation Youth This is a n employme nt, recreatio n , cultur al, and educational program. Se r v ing 500 ma l e s a~ d f ema l e s age s 5-25 in and out of sc ho ol in a compr eh e ns i ve program of r e crea tion and cultural activiti es including di versi fi e d p layg ro un d pr ogra ms , f ie ld tri ps, craf ts , dr a:.12.tics , . dance, group 4i s cu ss ion, e tc. The proj ec t will l as t 11 weeks . Budg e t Requ est $3,070.12 CABBAGE TOWN REC REATIO ::/ WO RK YOUTH CENTER This is a pr og r am des i gne d t o invo l ve 50-100 ma l es and f ema l es in and ou t o f schoo l a ges 12-21 in a prog r am of r ec r e a ti on , e mp l oy me n t , e du c a ti on , a nd cu ltur a l e nri chme n t a c ti v iti es . The youth i n th e pr o j e c t wi ll wo r k si x h our s p~r da y in s uch a cti v iti es as fi eld trip s , c amp i ng , t utor i a l, e tc . Th e pr oj e ct will la st for 12 wee ks. Bu rlg e t Re qu es t $15,000 i �-2THE CHURCH OF THE HA.STE R, UNITED PRESBYTERIAN USA Sunm1er En r ichment P·L·o gram This program ·is a recreation, education and cultural enrichment program serv ing_______ youth agei · to · in arts and cr a ft, LecturE;S (sports, .social topics, current ~ t s ) , field trips, tutorial progr ams, dancing,· games, sports, and counseling s e rvice s. The project will last appro x ima tely 8 weeks. Budget Requ e st $10,982 DEKALB YWCA Job PreparatioriYrog ram An employment program desi.gned to serve 25 teenage girls 16-18 years of age and tra{ning and counseling in going about getting a job. The program will last for 7 months. Budget Request $SU FUN BOHL Ar-H:i ' .EOA, INC . Recreation a l (Bowlin g) Pro gr am This recreation, cultural, and education progr am will serv e 1200 youth agea 7-18 in limit e d skills in bowling , fair play and sportmanship, team and individual pride. The pr ogr am will last 12 weeks. Budget Requ e st $13,800 ACADEHY THEATRE Proj e ct Circu s A recr ea ti ona l, e duc a tional, and cultural pro g r am des i gne d to utili ze s ome Sb youth throu ghout Atl anta, who will be traine d in theatr e and dr amati c te chnique s. Th e y will work with y oun ge r childr en i nvol ve d in s ee in g Circ us ~ ___ Budge t Reques t $16,737.20 RUTH MI TCHELL DAi\CE COHPA.,_'ff Dance I ns tr uction in ~1ode rn Ja zz Ba ll e t A r e cr ea ti ona l, educat i ona l, a nd c ultu ra l prog r am designed to utili ze _ __ youth , ages 9-15 i n pr ovid i ng cl ass e s in Modern J azz Ba ll e t i n preparat i on f or a program to be p resented-by t he Youth . Thi s pro j ect wi ll l ast for 10 weeks. ,.., Budget Requ e s t $9 75 �-3- DEKALB YWCA Lawson Apaitme nts A recreational and e4ucational pro gram designed to serve 75-100 tee nage boy s and g irl s ages 7-12 (re sidents of the Apart me nts) in a recrea tional and educ a~ ion prog ram fi ve .days a week, 9;00-5:30 which will includ e club pro g r am , ser v ic e proj ec t, dr ama tics, tri ps , for te e n age girls and sp or t s , game s, arts and crafts, pond pl ay activity for younger bo ys and g i~ ls . Th e project will last for ap~roximately 2 months. Budget Req uest $3,028 TLAl.'UA YWCA The Orig in a l s An experime ntal ·p ilot · project desi gne d to use social group work method, corrLmunit y organization and a historical appr.oa ch in organiztng a teen dr ama group to present special programs f6r th e commun{'ty. The proj ect wi ll utiliz e 50-500 poor youth be t wee n the ages of 15-21. The youth activity will include d ance , dr ama , mus ic, ~tc. The vi ew ing audien ce will range fro m 100-1000. Dur~tion of project - 14 weeks. Budge t Request $21,550 ATLAl.'l"TA YWCA 'ieen Pa rt ne rs This comp r ehens i ve educ a ti on, employme nt, counseling, cultur a l and recreation pro g r am i s designed to h e lp in th e deve lopme nt of attitud es , goals , mo ti vat ion, ' know l edge and skill of 24-30 youth within a t hre-e ~ ile r adius of th e Ce ntr a l 'fl,[CA . The yout h along with th e tr aining will be pr ov i ded a comprehensive r ec r e at ion a l pr ogram. Dur ation of project - 8 weeks . Budge t Reque st $6,947 .11 CENTRAL YHCA Job Exo l or a tion f or Te e n Te2~s This empl oy-me nt, e ducation and r e c re ational program will utili ze 40- 50 yout h in a si x wee k t rainin g pr og ra m to work with vari ous chil dr e n pro g r ams ( ages 5- 11) i ncluding p l ay grou nds, tu toring, st o ry t elling etc . _ A gr oup of 10 te e ns (a ges 15-17) a nd a yo ung adu lt l eade r ~-:ill wor~ c1 s a t ea::i in ar ea s. _The· proje c t wi ll ·l ast for a ppr ox i ~a t e l y 7 wee k s . ... Budge r Re qu es t $ 10 , l f 6 7 . 2 8 �'

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CENTRAL YWCA "PROGR.A.1"1 · "Hi Neighbor" An int ercultura l, r ec re at iona l, education program designed for 60 children ages 6-12 from low cost housing with worki,ng parents . Specific activity includes : group game s, folk dancing, hikes , nature exporation, cook out s , and day camp. Duration of pr oj e ct - 5 weeks . Budge t Re quest $9,551.80 PHYLLIS WHEATLEY YWCA Project A Twilight Enrichme nt Prog.E_am This cultural, recreati on a l, educational, group guidance and lead ershi p deve lo ~mren t project is d es igned to h e lp youth enrich .thei r social and spiritual lives in th e Vine city, Simpson, Be ckwi th, Fair and Walnut Stree t areas . The pro j ec t wi ll attempt to help 45 pre teens (6-12) and 35 teenagers (13-16). The specific activity will include day c amp activity .. Durat i on of program - approx imat e ly 8 , weeks. Budie t Requ es t $6,400 Proj ec t B - Te enage Job Prepar a tion Clinic at Pe rr y Home s This pilot proj e ct i s des inge d for 50-60 females, 13-16 years of age . The activities wi ll inc lude int ensive l eadership t rai ning in prep a ration for jobs ; how to apply; job int erv i ews , and holding a job. ~hey will also be g i ve n a s sistance in finding job p l ace ment s . Dur a tion of proj ec t Budget Re qu e~t $9,320 •. WESLEY CONHUNITY CENTERS Exp a nd e d and New Serv ic es This edut~t ional, emp lo yment , r ec r ea tional, and c ultu ra l program - is designe d to meet th e needs of boys and gir l s 6 - 21. Prog ram act iv i ties inc l udes a si x wee k tr aining prog r am f or 11th and 12th gr ad e s , inc l udin g c ra f t sk ill s , c amp s ki ll s, so as to be ab l e · to work with s ma ll e r chil dr e n i n c a~ p sit ua t i ons . Durat ion - 10 wee k s . Budget Reque st ... $ 6 , 85 1. 95 �I '. -5- . GRADY HOHES COi'-lNUN ITY GIRLS CLUE, INC, Summer Day Camp and Te enage Employment Program This is a recreational, cultural and educatiori~l project designed to utilize 20 girls ages 16-21 to become day camp Junior _ Counselors for younger girls ages 6-14 . The project will serve approximate ly 558 girls in the Kirkwood Area by providing home maker tr aining , singing , dancing, craft~, field trips, swimming, and evening recreation programs for old e r girls. Budget Request $14,113 NORTHWEST GEORGIA GIRL SCOUTS COUNCIL This proj ec t· i s designed to meet some of the employment; recr e ation a l, educational and cultur a l needs of 412 gir ls scouts ages 7-17 in day camp activities. The project will last ab out 11 weeks . Budget Request $3,569 SOUTH EASTER.l'-i YNCA . · • Area Day C~ Kirkwood This project is design to pr ov ide recreation for app rox imately 550 boys and girls ag e s 6-12 with day camp activitie s . The se activiti e s wi ll includ e cr afts , a rchery , nature study , swimming an d movies. Th e proj e ct will last about 12 weeks . 0 Budget Re ques t $10, 852 NORTH FULTON EOA CE~T ER A 12 week pro gr am des i gn~ d to p rovide r ecreationa l activities for some 500- 600 youth of both s exe s ages 8-18 . The proj ect will also hire one youth worke r in each l ocal community t o wo rk und er the loca l su~e rv i sor . Activities for t he pro ject will consist of softball, h orses h oe , baske tba ll, badminton , baseball, voll ey ball, and croque t. Budget Request .,, $4 ,60 2 . 20 �-6ATLANTA YOUTH DEVELOPHENT CENTER Summe r Cultural Enrichment Prog ram Program d es i g ned to pro v ide emp loyme nt, education, and recreational activ iti es in the form of day camps for 300-400 youth(ages 7~12) per day. The proj ect will utili ze indigenou s teenagers age 16 and above to supervise t he activity . Dura tion - approx imate l y 11 weeks. Budge t Request __ $35,533.49 PITTSBURG NE IGHBORHOOD EOA CENTER Pittsburg Community ' s Work, Educat ion, Recreation Progr am Thi s pilot 'prog ram i s des i gne d to utili z e youth in a community beauti fication program as we ll as provide manpowe r for existing recreationa l facilities. The project will employ 20 male s aged 15-20 in the Beautificatiqn Program, six female team manager s age 14-20 and thre e male leag u e · ~lanners will be employed to carry on Little League Activities. The pr o j ect will also prov ide homemake r train inz for girls 9-17 . Duration - 12 we eks . . · • Budge t Re qu es t METROPOLITAN ATLANTA BOYS' CLUB , I NC. • Thi s compr ehensive e mp l o yme nt and r e creation proj e ct wi ll attempt to meet the n eed s of 10,000 boys in s eve ral Boys' Clubs in the city ages 6 - l B : The proj e ct wi ll emp l oy a number o f you th a ge s 1 6 - 2 1 to plan and deve l op pro g rams for areas s erved. SurrunE: r activities will include group clubs , dancing , cook ing , mus ic ap pre ciation , pu ppe try , photography art , d esk help, handicr a ft , drama , ceramtcs , a nd wood work. Dura tion - appro x i ma t e ly 1 2 we e ks . Budge t Rt:! ques t $10 3 , 6 0 9.92 EHORY UNIVERSITY - DI VISiml OF LIBRARI AJ.\;SHI P St or y Te ll ing Cours e s Thi s e d uc a t i ona l progr am i s d e s i gned to p~ov i de e f fec i ency fo r St o ry Te ll er t o be u se d du r iug the suITt~e r in var i ous r ecreation pr b g raras . The proje c t will pro v ide 12 course s ut ili zing 20 enroll ee s for a 8 week p e ri od . Du r a t i o n - 8 weeks . Budget Reque st $ 2 ,97 9 .50 �.-7- BUTLER STREET YHCA Summe r Re sidecnt Camp The program propos e s to eaploy 5 youth in summer r es i dent -camp as cabin counse lor s , kitchen helpers and as maintenance pe rsonnel . The program will provide camp experience for 300 youth betwe en the ages of 7-16. Activity wi ll includ e mus.ic, painting, drama, and a tutori al program . Duration - 3 weeks. $19,352.72 Budget Request Educatio n and E.nolo vrr:e nt A work-study _seminar to be conducted at resident camp for 12 high schdol grad~ates from poverty backgrounds. The activity of the seminars will consist of information that woul d be applicable to college entrance, discussion on current social events, etc. Duration of project - 12 weeks. $12,649.82 Bud get Request Work Iri~entive Demonstration Pr ogram This proj e ct is designed to serv e 100 men between the' ages o f 16-21 in a work inc entive program with th e hope of en1ployme nt after compl etion of the project. Duration - 2 weeks . $11,018.59 Budget Re qu e st Camp l mpr bveme nt Pr o ie c t This empl6~nent pro g ra~ is design e d to utilize 90 youth be t wee n th e ages of 16-21. The youth will be involved in 3 {~eeks of camps ite improve me nt of the Butler Street ~ 1CA's Lake Allatoona Campsite. Activities will inclu de wint e ri•z a tion of exi s ting c amp stru ctur e s , landsc aping a~d wa te r front i mp r ov e~e nt. $17,7 80.92 Budget Re qu es t Exten ded S,,,irrL--rri.n;_ To pro v id e s wi filJ i ng a ct i v it i e s f o r s o~e 195 boys an d g i r ls be·t wee.n th e ages of 7-16. Dur a tio n. 12 weeLs . $4,1 29.80 Budg e t Requ e s t Te enc.ge Soc i _~__l Recr2 -:1 ti o ~ T·h i s p!.~(,g r2~·:: ~.:=- ~11. attc:r:i p t to f u lf i ll th<2 rec r eation n.-:: :2 cL_:; oi 600 y outh bet~~-.r t:.:i:1 t.he .;tge s c:: f l L~-1 .3 . l :.c t ivi_t { es c on.s i.sting ot S\"~i ~-r:.::.1 in g :, d~ncini, ar t s & crafts , s l id2 2 r e s c~t&t i ons , sin~in g , dancing, and ta le:i.t slHJ -:·s ~-.~ i ll ~\t:; c2r ·( L e d n [o r ~2 tI143.215.248.55 16:20, 29 December 2017 (EST)ks . 1: 1 $14 , 256.. 95 �-8- DEKALB YWCA Kirkwood Si:·1im.i~1in2; Cl ass This pr ogram will pro vide swimming act i vit i es for 50 youth ages 7-12 in schoo l. Duration - approx~mate ly 12 weeks. Bud get Request $607.50 WOR.TZSHOPS . Ii'S:CORPORAT ED This pr o ject will provide a number of pl ays for r ecreati onal programs thro~ghout the cit y . Budget Req uest ACADENY THEATRE Circ us This progr am is designed to pr ov ide s ooe of th e r e creational needs o~· At l anta youth betwee n th e ages 5-11. The Academy will produ ce fi ve shows (Circ us ) per week fo r a s i x week period. The Theatre c an handl e 180 kids per performance . Budge t Reques t · $39,3 61 ROYAL KNIGHTS FOUNDATIO N This pr ogram ropes to provi de tutor ia l, and cultur a l enrich.Iu.ent prog r ams in cluding t yp i ng, readiu:::, , bas e ball , fa shi on s h ows and etc . for 600-7 00 yout h ages 5- 20. Budg e t Re qu est $9,000 SUN- NEC NE IGHBORHOOD EOA CD:TER Me chan ic sv ill e· Suraner PY o iect - Edu cation 2 l Thi s prograR will be o perated out of th e Pryor Stre ~ t Schoo l . Rec r ea tion 2.nd education nee ds during th e sur:rr;,.e r mont h s . Lc1.rge a~o~n t of you th t o be hired. City Scho o l s doi ng ab out th e sa~e . The ~toject will ru n 3 months . Bud ge t Req ues t �-9- NASH WASHINGTO~-..: . NEIGHBORHOOD EOA CE NTE R Keen Teens Program to work with hard core youth. Youth working with youth. Clean up crews, recruiting for other proj ec ts, etc. Gciod project - hi gh employment. Budget Request YOUNG MEN 1 S .CIVIC LEAGUE , INC. This unique work- recreation proj ect will utilize 200 youth and young adults , ma le and f ema le ages 16-21 in a program to up grade their conmunity. Acti v ities will include cleaning streets, a ll eys , empty lots, and rod e nt control. Budget Reque st SUH-NEC -NEIGHBORHOOD EOA CENTER A comprehensive employment, recreation, education, and cultur a l project to serve 20,000 youth male and femal e of all ages in the SumMee Area. Activities will include tutorial, typing, filmstrips, drama, ·iouns e ling, field trips, etc. Budget Request NORTHWE ST YOUNG HEN CIVIC ASSOCIATION Operation Ti_gb_ten Uo This pr ogram is des i gn e d to serv e some 7,000 teenage and young adults ages 13-25 in a mu lti-p~rp ose you th pr ogram . The program will employ a number of indi ge nour youth a nd young adults . Activities wi 11 includ e l e e tu res , tours, youth forums, deve lopr:1e nt of you th business , gen e ral sports (in do or and ou t 6£ doors , and creative games . Budge t Re qu e st NORTHHEST PERRY EOA CE~T ER "Sock It To ~[e 11 - -- An er.,ployme nt pro j ect de si gne d to s e r ve 1,000 ma le and f e rr,a l e ages 13- 25 in a n in t en s ive progra ~ of tr a in ing and c ouns e lin g . Le ad t e e n age i s a~d profe s s i o nal s will wor k ~i t h t ee naie r s who h ave no work h i s tor y as 11 peer Gr ou p Coun s e l ors . Dur 2t ion of proj e ct appr oxi3ate l y 12 week s . Bu dg e t R.eq ;._test �-10- WEST CENTRAL EOA NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Surrrner · Activities Program A recr eat i onal , educational, cult ural enrichmerrt progr.:un wil 1 serve approximately 5,400 pe rsons of a ll ages. Empl oying _____ youth in di versif i ed jobs : Activities for this program will inclu de indoor and out of door r ecr eation, arts ~nd cr afts , headstart, tri ps to interest ing pl aces , · neighbor hood cleim lips. Duration - approximately 11 weeks. Budget Request COLLEGE PAR.l( CIVIC A~tD EDUCATIONAL CLUB , INC, This recreationa l and educational will serve approximately 9,000 . youth bcith male" and female of all a ge s who reside in low-inc ome cowmunities . The pr o j ect will utilize 60 poor youth as youth assistants and 9 young adu lts. Activities for the project will includ e spor ts , arts and crafts, daily personal grooming, trips and excursions, ceramics and di versif ied "playground programs. Duration - 12 weeks. Budget Request , ·. . EAST POINT RECREATION DEPAR.T}!ENT This project wil l co ve r the four target ar e as in the city. It is de s i gned to meet the recre at iorral nee ds of 5,000 persons of a ll age s . The proj ect will employ 8 youth and young adu lt s from each of th e ar ea blbcks. Activities will inclu de sports, playgro und acti v i~i~s, arts and crafts, cer ami cs, s ewin g , personal hygiene and grooming, trips and excusion:i , t een programs, senior citi zec1 progra0 , swimm ing and pre- s chool programs. Dur at ion 8 weeks Budget Request -· EDGE(WOD NE IGH BORHOOD EGA CENTER SuI:U:ie r Cr ash Recr e2. t: ion Pro_iec t Thi s uniqu e pil ot pro j ect wi ll utilize six youth from the area The pr o j e ct will ser ve 24 mentall y r eta ~d ed childr en by pro v i d ing daily menta l and physic a l acti v iti e s. D'ure.tion - 9 wce~~s . to work with men t a ll y r e t arded chi ldr en . Budge l Re ques t ,., �\' \ -11- H. R. BUTLER SC HOOL A com pr e he nsive employrnen t, recr ea tion a l, educ,ational and cultural progras.1 de si gne d to employ a number of youth and young adults for the pur pos e of su perv is ing g r oup activities. The program will serve a total of 500 persons age s 6-25. Activities for this program will includ e tutorial in reading and grade i mproveme nt, arts and cra fts , Negro histor y , story h~urs, danc e instruction, · sports ·, pl ayground activities, t r ips and swi mming . Dur at ion 10 weeks . Budge t Reque st E}l}lAU S HOUSE A uniqu e pro gram designed to take 100 boys and girl s in the Peoplestm-m -S mc'a,1e rhill ar ea to Jekyll Isl a nd for one week in an atte mpt to r ep lace a slum s ett ing with a memo r a ble experience of a world they have ne ver kno·,.;n. Activities for this progr am will include recr ea tion and couns e ling . After returnin g , thes e youth will be engage d in a 7 week reme di a l r ead ing progr am . Duration - 8 weeks . , . Budg et Request GIH NNETT COUt'iTY EOA A comp r ehensive employment , r e cr eatio n, education and cultur a l enrich men t pr og ram t o serve about 6 ,0 00 young children, both ma l e and f e~ale . The pr oject will e mp l oy 20 teen l eaders to be divid ed amoun g th e four centers . Proj ect activities will include field trips, p e r sona l hygi e ne , sewing clas s e s; class e s in water and hunting safety , fir st aid , body car e , drana, and mus ic a l gro ups . Dur a tio n appro ximately 10 we e k s . Budg et Re que st WEST END NEI GHBO RHOOD EOA CENTER This e:11p loy, r.2n t, r e cre a tior. a l a nd cultur a l e n r i chme nt prog1- a,11 is de sign e d to s er ve a n umbe r of yo uth in t he area . T~ pr o j ect wi ll- e m? l oy a nur.1b e r of youth to d oo rdi na te and s up erv is e r e cre a t i ona l a nd e nr ichr.~en t pro grE.:-,s (a ges 17-1 8 ). Act i v iti es will i nc l ud e base b a ll, baske t ba l l , vo ll y j a l l, s occer , st o r y ho ur s , a nd tr ips . Dur a t i on - 13 we eks. Budz e t R:> ques l ,., �-12- JOHN HOPE S.CHOOL "Project Uplift" The project will pr ovide education and recreafional acti~ities for 300 youth , young adults, and Senior Citiz ens _. The project will employ 15 junior l eaders (16-21) from th e area to provide leadership for children; youth and Senior Citizens. Aciivities will include Negro history, basic education improvem·ent, tours, arts and crafts , d ance, swimming, sports, mov ies, track and field events, and i n strumenta l music . Duration - 8 weeks Budget Request EDGEWOOD NEIGHBOfillOOD EOA CENTER Edgewood - Ea st Lake Youth Summe r Recreation Program This summe r recreational program will serve about 500 youth of all ages . Activities wiil includ e - sewing, crafts , stamp collecting, guitar lessions , piano lession s , dance, wood work , and sports . Du ratton - approximately 9 weeks . . ·. Budget Request Edg ewood - Kirkwood Skatin__~ Proj e ct A program to provide skating activities for 200 youth and young adults ages 6-25 . The project will e mploy 12 young adults from the corrLrnunity. Duration - appro x imately 10 weeks . , Budget Re ques t ROCKDALE COUNTY EOA AND RECREATimJ c m-IN'ISSION The project will pr ovid~ recreational, educational~ and cultural activiti e s for sorae 600 youth and young adults. The pr o j ect wil l employ 30 t a rg e t area youth to su perv is e th e act ivitie s as te ache r aides , ground k eepe rs, equip~ent ma nage rs an d conc ession work e r s . Acti v ities will includ e s port s , art s and cr af ts, drama , arid a cti ng . Dur ation - 12 weeks . Budget Re ques t THE ATRE ATLA_;_\ L .\ This projec t wi ll pr oduce thr ee o r more p l ay s t o b e prese n ted on a L!O:) i ]e t heatre faci lit y t o f::O\.'r EOA t .:;:.· get a reas . The pro j ect will s e r: 01e ___ It wou l d e mp loy __ __ ___ yout h arid ym.:rrg adul t s in the pl a~ni Gg or pro j ec t. Budget Request Du r~ ti on - 8 wee~s . �-13- PRICE NEIGHBORHOOD EOA CENTER PAT Y (Price Aid to Youth) This project will attempt to prepare 100 youth ages 14-24 for employme nt . . Its activiti es will inc _lude recreation, counseling, tutoring, and recruitment activities . Duration 12 0eeks. Budge t Request CITY OF ATLAl'iTA, DEPARTNENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Recreation~ Et!1plovrr-,ent and E_nrich0ent Program The City 's·programs will prov id e a diversity of recreational and enrichment programs for youth and Senior Cit ize ns throu ghout the metropolitan area. It will serve app roximate ly 21,000 persons during the summe r. It will employ 336 poor youth. Activities to be offer ed : Cre ati ve Rhytmics Outd ., oor games So ftball Volly Ball Camp Cr af t s Sewing Cer amics Pho tog raphy Musi c Apprec i a tion Team Sports Weight Training Day Camp Wood Hork Baton Lesson Cheer Leading Si~imming Tract 8, Fie ld Pup petry Tumblin Typing Fie ld Trip s Te en Dances Modern and Tap dance Judo Duration - 12 weeks Budge t Request FOLLOW UP SERVICE TO LOW- DiCO~-m m ,-;.;ARRED Thi s progr ar:1 ,:i ll be to fi ri.d and hc l ? young girls in find ing work - c aring for you t h , et c. Thi s i s only pro j ect wo r k ing with u nwe d mot.her s . Budget Request �d I .i �CITY OF A.TLANT CITY HALL March 14, 1968 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522·4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison MEMORANDUM From: Ivan Allen, Jr. To: Department/ Agency Heads In order that we might evaluate the City's planning effort for increased summer services, I am asking certain C ity department heads and agency directors to meet with me next Tuesday, March 19. The meeting will be held at 2:30 p. m. m Committee Room 2 at City Hall. Most of you were involved last year in the development and execution of our special programs of city services and youth activities during the summer months~ The favorable results of thos e programs h ave convinced us tha t we must ext end and expand them this year. At the Tuesday meeting we will discus s : 1. A proposal for city services coordination this year. 2. T h e recommendations of the President 's Commission on Civil Disorders and what the City should do with them. I hope you will b e with us. IAJr:fy �OF~TLAI' T CITY HALL March 14, 1968 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DANE. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison MEMORANDUM From: Ivan Allen, Jr. To: Department/ Agency Heads In order that we might evaluate the City's planning effort for increased summer services, I am asking certain City department heads and agency directors to meet with me next Tuesday, March 19. The meeting _will be held at 2: 30 p. m. in Committee Room 2 at City Hall. " Most of you were involved last year in the develoj?ment and execution of our special.programs of city services and youth activities during the summer months. The favorable results of those programs have convinced us that we must extend and expand them this year. i At the Tuesday meeting we will discuss: I. A proposal for city services coordination this year. 2. The recommendations of the President's Commission on Civil Disorders and what the City should do with them. I hope you will be with us. IAJr :fy �Mr. Karl Bevins, Tliaffic Engineer Mr. Henry Bow den, City Attorney Mr. John Cox , Director, Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council Mr. Charles Davis, Comptroller Mr. Jack Delius, Parks Director Mr. Collier Gladin, Planning Director Chief C. H. Hildebrand, Fire Chief Mr. William S. Howland, Director, Citizens Advisory Committee on Urban Renewal Mr. Ralph Hulsey, Sanitary Engineer Chief H e rb e rt J e nkins, Police Chief ( Mr . Carl Johnson, Fulton County Manage r ) Mr . Johnny Johnson j Dir e ctor of Mode l Citie s Program Col. Malcolm J on e s , Housing Coordinator Mr . E a rl L and e rs , A dministrati v e Assistant D r . John W . Le tson , Superintend e nt, Atlanta PublicSchools Mr . Ray Nix on, D ire ctor of Public Wo r ks M r. T . H . (J im) P ar h a m , Admin istrato r, E c on omic O p po rtuni t y Atlanta, Inc. Mr. Johnny R ob in son, C ommunity D eve l opment Coo rdi nator Mr. Carlton C . R ochell, D irecto r, Atl anta P ublic L ibrary Mr. M. B. Satterfield, E xecutive Di rector, Atl anta Housing Authority �Mr. Dan Sweat, Director of Governmental Liaison Mr. Paul Weir, General Manager of Water Department Reverend Samuel Williams, Commission Chairman, Community Relations Mr. William R. Wofford, Building Inspector General William R. Woodward, Director, Atlanta Metropolitan Area Civil Defense �Match 14, 1968 MEMORANDUM From: Ivan Allen, Jr. To: Department/ Agency Heads In order that we might evaluate the City's planning effort for increased summer services, I am asking certain City department heads and agency directors to meet with me next Tuesday, March 19. The meeting will be held at 2:30 p. m. in Committee Room 2 at City Hall. Most of you were involved last year in the development and execution of our special programs of city services and youth activities during the summer months . The favorable results of those programs have convinced us that we must extend and expand them this year. At the Tue day m eting we will discuss: 1. A proposal for city s rvices coordin tion this year. 2. The recomm ndations of the President's Commission on Civil Disord re nd what the City should do with them. I hop you will b IAJr:fy with us. �March 13, l 968 DRAFT Attached is a c opy of the summary re c ommendations of the President' s Commission on Civil Disorders. lt is imperative th t th · City of Atlanta. not take this historic report lightly. We must carefully review every recomm _ndation and t ke whateveir action is :necessary to improve and protect the lives of all our citizens . I am. asking ach of you to make a thorough analyeis of the sections of the report which fall within your are · of opei- ti.on. You are requ ated to prep re a detailed course of action outlintpg those steps you intend to take on all recommend t1ons which pply in the City of Atl nta. Mos t of you w re lnvolv d last year in the development and xecutt-on of a special progr m of coo,.-dinatlon of city ervices during the ummel" months. The r sulte of that progi,-am were highly f vor ble. It is imp rativ that we continue and expand the City Service Program and discus what p ci!ic action we hould take on the Commi ion• s r poi-t. l ma ·king th t you m t with m Tuesd y, M rch 19, t 2:30 p. m. in Committe Room 2, City Hall. At that tlm we will review wh t cttons r bein t · k n to pi- vent civil di otd ir in Atl t . Sine r ly yours , Iv Allen, Jr. M yot AU ch d ls a U t ot th ~ - elv _ thi 1 tt r. dep rtm nt d nuyh d ho 1how.d �3 :oD- \~~ 1v 12 ss ev-n-9 ,. 0 _ I It'~ (U2 :- ~ ' I M r . K arl Bevins, T &affic Engineer 0 M r. Henry Bowden, City Attorney } Miss Virginia Carmichael, Recreation Director v M r. John Cox, Director , Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council / Mr . Charles Davis, Compti-oller j Mr . J a ck Delius, P arks D irector u )("' M r . Collier Gladin, Pla n n ing Director / c hief C. H . Hildebrand , F ire Chief yMr. W illiam S . Howland , D ire cto1.", Citfaens Adviso:ry Committee on U r b an v\ Renewal }Mr. Ral ph Hulsey, Sanitary E ngin e e r }chief Herbert J enkins, Police Chief ) Mr . Carl Johnson, F ulton County Man ger / Mr . Johnny John on, Di r ector of M odel Cities Progr am v:>col. Malcolm J one s , Hou s ing Coor d in tor . /Mr . Earl Lande r s , A r,ministr tiv ./ A si tant Dr. John W . Let on, Supe rintendent, Atlant } Mr. PublicSchoola Ray Nixon , Dir c t ol" of P ublic Wo rk y' Mr . T . H . (Jim) P tha.m, Administra tor, Economic Opport uni ty Atlant , Inc . v' Mr. Johnny Robinson, Community Development Coordinat or / Mr. Cl'lton C . /4r. Rochell, Dir ctor, Atlant Public Libr ry M. B. Sattedi ld. Executiv Director., Atlant Houaln uthorlty �~ iso~y ~~ttee J Mr. Dan Sweat, Dii-ectoi' of Governmental Liaison / 4r . Paul Weir, Gene.- I Manager of Water Dep rtment Reverend Samuel Willi ms , Acting Ch irman, C ommunity Relations Commission . /Mr w William R . Wofford, Building Inspector X General Willi m R. Woodwal'd, Director, Atlanta Metropolitan Area Civil Defense �April 3, 1968 We have not receiv ed Civil Disorders reports from the follow ing: / Opie Shelton ,,,. - Jin nny Bentl eyCarl Johnson ~ --Karl D ev ins ·---.J-ehrreox-Char le s Davis Bill How land _ Jo · · ¥....J-ahn s on _,,-ohn L etso~ ____. Jim ParhauL-t--M. B. Satte rfield Urb a n Coalition M e mb e rs (Chapte rs 16 a n d 17) Mayor a nd N ew s M e dia (Chapte r 15) F aye ~7 j I �CITY OF ATLANTA PLAN F OR IMPROVEMENT OF DISADVANTAGED . AREAS FOR SUMMER 1968 INTRODUCTION On M ar ch 19, 1968, the Mayor of Atlanta calle d together at City Hall d epartment and agency heads to discuss actions to be taken in r esponse to the R eport of the N ationa l Advisory Commission on Civil Disord ers . Exhibit "A contains the sugge sted action on the Report and a recommended 1968 City Services Program. In summary, the Mayor: 1. D esignat ed six geographical areas of concentration for the 1968 Summer Program. 2. Established a three-member special Aldermanic Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders . . 3. Recommende d the establishment of six City Services Coordinators to work with neighborhoods to resolve community problems. 4. Requested City departments and agencies to respond to recommendations of the Civil Disorde rs Commission. Respons e r e ceived f~om the departine nts /a gencies i s i nclud ed in E xhibit "B". -· COORDINATION AND EVALUATION The Mayor I s Office will provide overall coordination of the 1968 Summer Program. The Mayor I s O ffice and the Aldermanic Advisory Comm itte e will provide curr ent and long range evalua tion in accor danc e with Exhibit "A", Page 2 (3) (b). CITY SERVICES COORDINATION Six City S ervices Coordinato rs will b e employed by th e Mayor's Office and will be assigne d to EOA neighborhood servic e centers at the following locations: . ~, �Page Two Center Address West Central Center Amos Parker, Director Eddie Billups, City Services Coordinator 2193VerbenaStreet, N. W. Telephone: 799-0331 Northwest-Perry Homes Center Howard Jefferson, Director Samuel A. Battle, City Services Coordinator 1927 Hollywood Road, N. W. Telephone: 799-9322 Edgewood Center Charlene Wharton, Director Edward Williams, City Servi<;es Coordinator 1723 Boulevard Drive, S. E. Telephone: 378-3643 Summec Center Daniel Brand, Director George Hitchcock, City Services Coordinator 65 Georgia Avenue, S. E. Telephone: 577-1351 Nash-Washington Center William Fowlkes; Director Clarence Green, City Services Coordinator 247AshbyStreet, N. W. Telephone: 524-2084 East Central Center George Dodd, Director Henry O. Sand e rs, City Services Coordinator 486 Decatur Street, S. E. Telephone 577-1735 ... �FIRE DEPARTMENT -The Fire Departmen_t has taken the necessary action to implement ·the following programs: 1. Publication of a brochure that will outline the responsibilities of each Division of the Fire Department to explain their functions and to emphasize to the citizens of these areas that the Fire Department .e xists for only one purpose - the protection of life and property of all citizens. This booklet will contain such information as the requir ements for employment, the training, and benefits derived from being employed by the City of Atlanta Fire Department, an open invitation to all · personnel to visit the ir Fire Department, how to report a fire, how to obtain emergency responses, the need for protecting fire apparatus, many fire prevention steps to be taken by each citizen, and an explanation that the Fire Prevention Bureau is available to assist any group by making Fire Prevention talks, demonstrations, and showing of film. -· . 2. A program of visitation into various communities for the purpose of distribution of Fire Prevention literature, demonstrations of fire equipment, and providing for dwelling inspections on request. During the inspection an invitation will be extended to resid ents to visit the ir community Fire Station. 3. Merit Badges will be purchased and maintained at each Fire Station in sufficient quantities to give to all children visiting the Fire Station, along with the comment that in .. receiving this badge they are assuming a helpful citizen's rol e in as sis ting the Fir e Department in preventing fir e s. 4. Coordinati on with the Water Department and Parks D e p artment in providing street showers for childr en in these a1·eas utili z ing the fire hydrants. 5. Assignment of a coordinator to coope rate fully with City S ervic es Coordinators in answering complaints and grievances tha t come under the jurisdiction of the Fir e Department. 6. Provide prompt response to all alarms. �I ATLANTA PUBLIC LIBRARY ·The Atlanta Public Library will provide library branches or bookmobile service in the following communities within the target areas: Community Branch Library Bookrn.obile Stop West Central: Almond and Carey Park Grove Park Dixie Hills Bowen Homes Dogwood Branch Shopping Center Summec: Pittsburgh Peoplestown South Atlanta High P~int and Joyland Humphrey Street South Branch Carver Homes Carver Homes High Point and Joyland Northwest-Perry Homes: Perry Homes Perry Homes East Central: Glen Iris Bass Community Capitol Homes Inman Park Edgewood: Kirkwood Kirkwood Branch Nash-Washington: West Hunter Branch is located on edge of area Th e Libr ary w ill continue to act as resource for other agencies in the area, supplying book s , films, records, e tc., to any agency requesting them. �Atlanta Public Library Page Two Storytelling Special voluntee r storyt e llers will be trained and provided to tell stories to childr e n on the bookmobiles, at the branch libraries, in the community school program. or EOA center s. Storyte llers will be scheduled as needed with particular emphasis on placement in disadvantaged com.m unities. Bookmobile A bookmobile program labeled "The Indian Giver" will be in operation this summer to distribute books on a 11 readum- 1 n-swapum 11 basis. The unit will remain in an area from 6:00 p. m. to 9:00 p. m. in order to better serve adult "working people 1 s"needs. During this period a film program will be shown in a nearby neighborhood center. EOA poverty areas already designated for this progr a m are: Mechanicsville, • Sum1ne rhill, Grant Park and Bedford Place. Two fulltime staff members have been assigned to this program. Film Program Weekly film programs will be provided in EOA neighborhood centers and in City recreation centers . Study Centers


The branch librari es in disadvantaged areas will remain essentially as study centers at the close of the school d a y for children who hav e severe limitations in such facilities at home . Book D epos itories Paperb ack book depositories w ill b e set up in EOA neighborhood centers and City recreation centers. Functions a t Main Library The Main L ibrary w ill continue to act as an agency through which programs can be planned. Groups will be brought to the Libr ary for ,., �Atlanta Public Library Page Three "Monday Morning Movies, 11 group tours, as well as providing the normal services of supplying films, art prints and reference services to individuals. Our Children's Department will continue to encourage children to earn a certificate for reading twelve books under ou-r Read-All-Year Program. The Library will continue also to encourage Head Start to bring groups to the Main Library for picture book hour, storytelling, which is ·now a very popular service. In addition, the Vagabond Marionettes will be sent to five branch libraries in disadvantaged areas. Our traveling storyteller will also continue rotation of storyhours at Decatur Street, Vine City, Georgia Avenue, Hunt Street and Simpson Street • . ... �PARKS DEPARTMENT .The City Parks Department will operate approximately 134 centers, schools, playgrow1ds and parks. Heavy emphasis will be placed on teenage activities , such as social dances, civic councils, field trips to our Lake Allatoona property, and work experiences . Every neighborhood has been carefully inventoried fro1n the viewpoint of the availability of either a school or a park and recreation facility. · It is anticipated that not all of the currently existing forty odd playlots will be staffed; however, those not staffed will ·b e adjacent to operational schools. Heavy emphasis will be placed on e1nployment using in-school and out-of-school Neighborhood Youth Corps enrollees, as well as additional young people who come from disadvantaged areas. The entire summer program will be heavily publicized, using all news media and, if necessary, paid advertisements in the press. The Parlts Department will attempt going some twelve hours a day, six recreation and cultural enrichment, identifiable neighborhood within the ... to have a comprehensive program days a week that will provide as well as education in every target areas • �PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ·The Street Maintenance Division of the Construction Department will implement plans for resurfacing the following streets: AREA I Summe rhill, Grant Park, Mechanicsville, Peoplestown, Adair Park, Pittsburgh, Chosewood Park, Highpoint and Joyland, South Atlanta, and Lakewood Heights: Boulevard, S. E. - Confederate Avenue to Memorial Drive Pryor Street, S. W. - Geor g ia Avenue t o Ridge Avenu e Meldon Avenue, S, W. - Capitol Avenue to Pryor Road Middleton Street, S. W. - Meldon A venu e to Bullock Street Stillman Street, S. E. - Lakewood Avenue to Lakewood T e rrac e Buena Vista Street, S. W. - Pryor Street to Fortress Street Park Ave nue, S. E. - M emoria l Drive to I-20 Park Avenu e , S. E. - B e rne Street to Glenwood Avenu e Bass Street, S. E. - McDani e l Street to Coope r Stre e t Sydne y Street, S. E. - Che roke e Avenue to P a rk Avenue Taft Street, S. W. - Thornton Place eas t to end of street Bipp Street, S. W. - 250 feet eas t of Aiken Stree t - 1, 000 feet west Aike n Street, S. W. - Thornton Street to Hipp Street Thornton .Street, S. W. - Thornton Place eas t to end of pavement U pshaw Street, S. W . - East Aiken Street - 1, 000 feet west . "'· �Public Works Department Page Two AREA II Edgewood and Kirkwood: Arizona Avenue, N. E. - DeKalb Avenue south to end of street Hallman Street, N. E. - Warren Street to Howard Street Saunders Street, N. E. Boulevard Drive to Hallman Street Caroline Street, N. E. - Moreland Avenue to Marion Place Mortimer Street, S. E. - Arkwright Plac e to Wylie Street Merlin Avenue, S. E. - Moreland Avenue to Battlefield Avenue Wrenwood Place, N. E. - Hardee Street to Wrenwood Drive ., Screven Street, N. E. Locust Stre e t, N. E. Boulevard Drive to Hardee Street - College Avenue to Trotti Street AREA III Glen Iris, Bass Community, Cabba ge tow n-R e ynoldst'aw n: Edgewood Av e nue , N. E. - P ea chtr ee Str eet to Hurt Str eet Angier Avenue , N. E. - Pine Street to North A venue Samps on Street, N. E. - Irwin Street to E as t Av e nue Auburn A v enu e , N. E. - R andolph Street to Irw i n Stree t Harra lson Av enu e , N. E. - DeKalb A venue to Alta Ave nue .., �Public Works D e p a rtme nt Page Thre e AREA IV En glish Ave n u e a nd Vine City: Jone s Av enue , N. 1V . - Marie tta Str eet to Northside Driv e Neal Str ee t, N. W. - Ashby Str eet to Griffin Str eet Western A ve nue , N. W. - Vine Stree t to Gr a y Stre e t Johns Str ee t, N. W. Simpson Str e et, N. W. Northsid e Drive to Gray Street - Northsid e Driv e to Elliott Stre e t Haynes Stre e t, S. W. /N. W. - Peters Str eet to Simpson Stre e t ., Che stnut Str eet, N. W. Bankhea d A ve nue to J e ffe rson Str eet Mitchell Str ee t, S. W. - Ashby Str ee t to J e ptha Str eet Beckw ith Str e e t, S. W. - Ashby Str eet to Walnut Str eet Lena Street, N. W. - Ashby Str ee t to Ollie Str ee t AREAV Watt s Ro a d, C a r e y and Almon d P a r _k , C e nte r _Hill, Dix i e Hills, Grove Park a n d H unte r Hill s and W es t ern A venue : Hightowe r Ro a d, N. W . Hollyw ood R oad, N . W . Jack s on P arkway to Hollyw ood Ro ad - John s on Ro ad t o H ightower Ro a d AREA VI Rive rs ide, Chatta hooche e , Lin coln H omes, S cott s C ross i ng , B olton, H i lls P ark and P e rry Home s , R o ckd a l e : Main Stre e t , N . W. - Hollyw o od Ro a d south 1, 791 feet ,;. t · Chur ch Str eet , N. W. - M a in St ree t wes t to end of s tr eet �Public Works Department Page Four Burtz Street, N. W. -- Hollywood Road west to end of street Wales Avenue, N. W. - Whittier Avenue to Spad Avenue Spad Avenue, N. W. - Wales Avenue to Parrott Avenue Whittier Avenue, N. W. - Maco Street to Wales Avenue Macaw Street, N. W. - Whittier Avenue west to end of street Maco Street, N. W. - Whittier Avenue to Bolton Road Butler Way, N. W. - Parrott Avenue to Wales Avenue Layton Avenue, 'N. W . - Butler Way to Spad Avenue , . "' �SANITARY DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Sanitary Division of the Public Works D epartment has assigned an administrator to supervise the Sanitation program throughout the six areas. He will see that the following services are pla ced in operation: 1. Trash pickup i-wice weekly in these areas, or whenever it is needed. 2. Garbag e pickup twice weekly, plus arrangements for emergency pickups. 3. Swee p the streets at least once a week, more often if needed. Make use of water wagon to wash the streets. 4. Cooper ate with the Police Department in removing abandoned cars from the streets . . 5. Remove abandoned autos on private property wherever the ovvner can be located and a release secured from him as per instructions of the City Attorney. 6. Cooperate with EOA to coordinate cleanup of vacant lots and private property. ·Intensify the Atlanta Beautification Corps and the Neighbc,rhood Youth Corps programs. 7. Cooperate with the Atlanta Childr en and Youth S .ervices Council in the Rodent Control program in these areas. The Sanitary Division will train five of their people to act as sanitary supervisors and these w ill supervise crews of eight persons each to clean up vacant lots and private residences if the Rodent Control program is approved. 8. Make an effort to put into ope ration "Operation Scrub" which will be an extra effort in these areas. This will supplement the summer program and eventually be made a permanent progra1n in these areas. (S ee "Operation Scrub") ., �DEPARTMENT OF WATER WORKS The wate r main install a tion programs contained in the 1968 budget will me e t the fire protection and water service requir e m e nts . Steps have been instituted to carry out the 1968 program which is detailed as follows: A REA I - SUMMEC This area is bound on the north by Inte rstate I- 20, on the east by Grant Park, on the south by Lake_w ood H e ights, and on the west by Adair Park. Domestic water servic e is availabl e in this entire ar e a . Seven wate r main installation projects w e re approved for this area i n the 1968 budget. T hese proj e cts will improve fire p rotecti on in the Summec area . The description of these seven projects are : .I Project Number SE 3 Location L eathe a S tre e t and O ak Knoll Circle Length Size 600' 311 6 II I, 80 0' SE 4 T hirki eld Av e nue and C apitol Ave nue 35 0 ' 400' 8 II 6 II SE 5 Tuskege e Stre e t 5 5 0' 8 II SE 6 A m i Stre e t 450' 6 II SE 7 Crumle y Str eet I, 800' 6 II SW 6 Beryl Str ee t 600' 6 II SW 7 Fle tche r Stree t 800' 6 II Heavy d e molition is in progr e ss in this ar e a which w ill r e quir e additiona l trunk mains and distribution m a ins as th e work progr e ss e s. Nume rous str eets in this a rea a r e b e ing s e r ve d by 6 11 and s mall e r wat e r main s w hich w ill n ee d to b e r e place d w ith l a rg e r w a t e r mains as the t r a n siti on of th e l a nd u se d e v e lo_p s. �Department of Water Works Page Two AREA II EDGEWOOD This area is bound on the north by DeKalb Avenue, on the east by the Atlanta City Limits, on the south by M e inorial Drive, and on the west by Moreland Avenue . Domestic water service is available in the entire area. Two water m a in insta llation projects w e re approved for this area in the 1968 bud get. Thes e projects will improve fire protection for the Edgewood ar e a. The d e scription of the se two proj e cts are: Location Project Number SE 9 SE 14 Length Dunwoody Stree t 500' Leslie Street 700' Size 8 fl No demolition work was observed in this area, When work begins 1n the near futur e , the n e cessary adjustme nts and additions to the distribution syste m will b e m a de as r e quire d. S e ver a l s tr eets in thi s ·a r e a ar e b e i ng s e rve d by 6 11 a n d sma ll e r w a t e r mains which will n e ed to be replaced with larger ·.vater mains as the transition of the land use develops. AREA III - EAST CEN T RAL This ar e a is bound on the n orth by North Av e nue , on the e ast by M ore land Ave nue , on the south by Intersta t e I-20, and on the west by In t e rsta t e I- 7 5. Domes ti c wat e r service i s a v a ila ble in thi s ent ire a r ea. Two w a t e r m a in ins t a lla ti on proj e cts w e r e a pprove d for this ar ea i n the 1968 budg e t. The s e p r oj ects will i m pr ove fir e p rot e ction fo r t he Eas t C entr a l area . The desc ription of t hese t w o proj ect s a r e : ,., �Department of Water Works Page Three Project Nmnber Location Length Size NE 5 Angier Avenue 500' 12 11 SE 8 Wilbur Avenue 200 1 8 II Heavy demolition is in progress in this a1·ea which will require additional trunk mains and distribution mains as the work progresses. This area contains numerous water f eeder mains, 36 11 and smaller, and several streets are supplied with 6 11 and smaller water mains. ·These 6 11 and smaller mains will need to be replaced with larger water mains as the transition of the land use develops • , . AREA IV - NASH-WASHING TON This area is bound on the north by Jefferson Avenue, on the east by Elliott Street, on the south by Interstate I-20, and on the west by L & N Railroad. Domestic water service is available in this entire area . Three water main installation projects were app.toved for this area in the 1968 budget. These proj ects will improve fire prnjection in the Nash-Wa shington area. The d escription of these projects are: Proj ect Numb e r Location L ength Size NW 11 Elliott Street 4, 000 1 12 11 NW 12 Ta zo r Str ee t 1, 100 1 8 II SW 10 B a ldwin Stre e t 800' Nume rous new apa rtme nt proj e cts h ave b een compl e t e d rec ently and there h as b een a general upgradi ng of the area . Modification and adjustments of water fac ilities have b een mad e by the Atlanta Wate r D epartment in c onjunction with thi s work . . ... �Department of Water Works Page Four This area contains numerous water feeder mains, 48" and smaller, and several streets are supplied with 6 11 and smaller water mains . These 6 11 and smaller mains will need to be replaced with larger water mains as the transition of the land use develops. AREA V - WEST CENTRAL This area is bound on the north by Proctor Creek, Gun Club Road, and Hollywood Road; on the east by the L & N Railroad; on the south by the A . C. L. Railroad, Hightower Road, and Bankhead Highway; and on the west by the C hattahoochee River. Domestic water service is available in this entire area . . Seven water main installation proj e cts were approved for this area in the 1968 budget. These projects will improve fire protection in the West C entral area. The description of these seven projects are: Project Number Location Length Size 2, 200 1 8 II NW 2 Comme r ·cia l Avenu e NW 3 Ryne Street 8 00 1 8" NW 4 Bellview Avenue 400 1 6 II NW 5 North Gra nd Av e nue 1,000 1 8 NW 6 St. Jos e ph A.venue 1, 900 1 g11 NW 7 Spring Street 900 1 8 II NW 9 Washington H e i ghts Terra c e 700 1 611 No d emol i ti on w ork w as ob se rv e d in thi s a r ea . When w ork b egi ns i n the n ear futu re , the n ecessary a djustment s a nd a dditions to our d is t r ibuti on s y s t e 1n w ill b e mad e as re qu i re d. �Department of Water Works Page Five Several streets in this area are being served by 6 11 and smaller water mains which will need to be replaced with 1arger water mains as the transition of the land use develops. AREA VI - NORTHWEST-PERRY HOMES This area is bound on the north by Marie tta Boulevard; on the east by the W & A Railroad; on the south by Bankhead Highway, Gun Club Drive, and Proctor Creek; and on the west by the Cha ttahoochee Rive r. Domestic water service is available in this entire area. One water main installation project was approved for this area in the 1968 budget. This proj ect will improve fire protection in the NorthwestPerry H6mes area. The d e scription of this proj ect is: Proj ect Number NW 8 Location Givens Stre e t L ength Si ze 650' Heavy demolition is in ·progress in this area which will require additional trunk mains and dis tribution mains as the work progresses. Several streets in this area are being served by 6 11 ~p.d smaller water mains which will need to b e r epl a ced with larger water mains as the transition of the l and us e develops. All of the six areas surve y e d h a ve fir e hydrants distribute d throughout the entire areas. Most all of the fir e hydrants c an be us~d for play sprinkler hydrants as n e ighborhood conditions warrant, The Wate r Works D e p ar tment will work with the Parks Department and the Police D e partment on thi s program. �ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ATLANTA, INC. Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. will carry on a full Community Action Program in the six areas of concentration. EOA has eight operational neighborhood multi-service centers located in the area. These are: Address C enter Northwest-Perry Hoine s Price Summec Pittsburgh East Central West Central Edgew.ood-Kirkwood Nash-Washington 1927HollywoodRoad, N. W. 1127 Capitol Avenue , S. E. 65 Georgia Avenue, S. E. 993..:.1/2 McDaniel Street, S. W. 486 Decatur Street, S. E. 2193 V e rbena Stre e t, N. W. 1723 Boule vard Drive, S. E . 247 Ashby Street, N. W. In addition to regular EOA services, six of the centers will provide office space and equipme nt and supportive services to the City Service s Coordinators. Each EOA c e nte r will as sist in the ide ntification of proble m a r e as anrl help coordinate the activities of the Neighborhood Task Forces. EOA centers will be available for grie va nc e -respons e hearing s by the Community R e l a tions Commission and for m e etings of City d e partme nta l r e pr e s e nta tive s and of the N e ighborhood and CityWide T ask Forces • ... �ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM The Atlanta Public School System will operate a regular Summer School Program for 14, 500 pupils. Some 7, 500 pupils from disadvantaged areas will r eceive a scholarship for fin ancial assistance through Title I of the Elementary and S ec ondary Education Act. The basic academic elementary session will be held from June 12 to July 19 from 8:30 a. m. to ll:30 a. m., Monday through Friday. The high school session will be held from June 11 through August 2 from 8:00 a. m. to 12:45 p. m. Eight high schools and sixty--one elementary schools will offer Summer School. The School System will provide surmner employment for some 1, 800 high school students through the In-S c hool N e ighborhood Youth Corps, the Work-Study Program, and the Title I programs of ESEA. A Title Ill ESEA program will assist in Historical-Industrial Tours to Washington, D. C. for 600 seventh grade pupils. The School D epartment is coop.erating with the City Parks D epartment to open and ope rate fifty elementary and twelve high schools for summer recreation centers in the six t a rget areas. Each school will offer a b alance d program planned in conjunction.with community citiz ens eight to fourteen hour s d a ily, six days per week, from June 10 through August 17. -The Atlanta Games will again culminate the suinmer recreation program by providing city-wide compe tition in twelve sport areas. " �OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL STATE OF GEORGIA The Comptroller General has held exploratory sessions with local property and casualty insurance executives on the subject of the recommended "voluntary plans" to provide fair access to _property insurance for property owners. A joint industry - government group is being formed to develop voluntary plans and give the opportunity to the industry to respond without the necessity of mandatory legislation creating insurance pools to facilitate insuring property in urban core areas . .I -· �ATLANTA METROPOLITAN AREA OF CIVIL DEFENSE The Atlanta Metropolitan Area of Civil Defense will provide an up to date "Atlanta Plan for Control of Civil Disturbances." AMACD will also be prepared to assist targe t areas with logistical support in the event of an emergency . . ... �'I SUMMER PROGRAMS REQUIRING ADDITIONAL FUNDING Program Department Funding Source


Summer Recreation,:< Parks OEO/City/ Labor ' Extra Departmental Summer Jobs Personnel City ~ Youth Council Atlanta Youth Council City l088, Public Works Sanitation City ~ Special Sanitation C rews 0 Status R e que sted Amount $1,300,000


$300, 000 plus of EOA $600, 000 ' 0 000 / 0 100, 000 0 09, 886 3o, ooo ~IL Summer Coordinating Funds Atlanta Youth Council HUD Additional Library Services Atlanta Public Library City 6 440 Traffic Engineering Services Traffic Engineering City ()~1-- 449,590 City Services _Coordinators Mayor City . 1 2, 7 oo ' , $30, 000 from HUD - CRP ? ?? 7 0 ~ 0 v ~/ t... $12,700 approved by City ·' TOTALS ,,_ ,,, $2,596,616 $342,700 Some 55 proposals have been received by EOA and the Atlanta Youth Coun:cil. These total approx imate ly $3, 000, 000. EOA w :i.11 receive $600, 000 from OEO this year. The City will receive at least $300, 000 of this for Parks Department programs. �I' /, C I'I'Y :H AL L A T".1...,..-\.NTA , G A . 3 0 803 Tel. 522-4463 /\rca Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, J R., MAYOR R. EARL Lf.iWE.RS, Admlnistr l ive Assist ant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Govern mental Liaison M E MORANDUM To: M ayo r I v a n Alle n From : D an S w eat Foll ow ing i s a smnrn.ary of d e p a rtme nta l/ agency pro g rams sche dul e d and / or propo se d i n r es ponse t o t h e M a yor ' s M a rch 19 m eeting on Civ il Di s o r d e r s . This s u mma r y i s or gani z e d u n d e r the c a t egories of: 1. R ecreation 2. Employme n t 3. Educ a tion 4. City S er vic e s Spe cifi c pr ogra1n d a t a i s b e i ng plotte d on n e i ghborhood m a p s . A d e t a i l e d p l a n will b e asse mbl e d for ea c h of t h e s i x t a r get a r eas a s well as a c onsolidat e d citywid e plan, A tt a che d i s a su1nma ry cha rt o ut lin i ng propo se d or proj e cte d servi ces of cit y d e p a rtme nts i n the s i x ar e as of concent rat ion. �Pa ge T wo Thi s surn.m a ry a dd res s e s i tse lf on ly to pr ev e ntion . Control prograrn.s will b e pr e sent e d i n a s e p a r a t e r e por t . R ecreation City P arks D e p a r tme n t The Parks a nd R e cr eati on p rog r a rn.s of th e City P a rks D e partme nt a r e t ie d dir e ctly to th e ov e r a ll Youth Opp o rtun ity C a 1npai gn. The City' s r e cr eation p r o g 1· am plans for ope r a tion of 13 4 r e cr eation c e nte r s , schools, pl a y g round s a n d park s . Whil e th e pro g r am empha s i s in the p a st two y ea rs h as c e nte r e d on pr e -te e n youn gs t e rs th r ough the pla ylot pro g r a ms, exp e ri e nc e du r in g th e l as t t w o sun un e r s h a s shown th e nee d for g r eat er con centr a ti on of progr a m s i n th e old e r t een g r o up. •' Cons e que ntly, th e P a rk s D e p ar b nent w ill pl ac e h eavy emph a si s on t ee n a g e ac ti v iti es s uch as s oci a l d a nc e s , civic c oun cil s , fi e ld t r i ps to th e Cit y I s L ake All a t oona pro per ti e s , and w ork e x p e r i ence p rog r ams . The P arks D e p ar t ment w ill p rov id e as m any j ob s a s p oss ible fo r d i s a d vantag e d youth t hro u gh th e N e i ghb orh ood Yo uth Co rp s (NY C) a nd oth er wo r k e x p e r i e nc e pr og r ams . The P ubli c S chool Sy s t e rn. i s c oope r a t i ng w ith t h e Parks D e p a rt m e nt to 1n a k e 62 s c h ool s ava il a bl e f or r e c reat ion pro g rams throu gh o ut the summe r. ,. �Pag e Thr ee Youth Opportw1ity Ca1npaign Much of the progr an1 of the City P arks D e partrn.ent hin ges on the availability of funding through th e Youth Opportunity Campa ign. The same holds tru e f:or sorn.e 80 other public and p'rivate agencies who have sub1nitted progra1n bud get requests to Economic Opportunity Atl anta, Inc. and the Atlanta Council on Children and Youth Services. EOA now has on hand so1ne $2. 5 million in propos a ls with an anticipa t ed maximum grant fro1n OEO of $600, 000. These progr a1ns are being analyzed to detennine a priority syste1n for funding. The Atl anta Public Libr ar y plans a full program for children and adults. This includ es training "sto ry t e ll e rs" who will serve as volunt ee rs; bookmobil e services extended into th~ evening; films in neighborhood cente rs; establishment of book d e positories in neighborhood centers , a tou r ing cinemamobile for fihns and story hours in areas distant from. br anches and "main libr ar y activities, Employment The National Alliance of Business1nen is attempting to secure job commitments for 3, 300 youth during the summer school vacation period. Anoth e r 1, 000 job s will probably be made available through th e public ag e ncies, primarily through federally-assisted NYC and work-study �7 · P a ge Four progr a n1s . F e d e r a l, city and com1ty gove rnn1.e nts ar e e x p e cted to add a nun1.b e r of s umn1.e r youth job s in a ddition to fed e r a lly-supporte d j ob ope nings . Job r e cruiti ng and pla c e rnent w ill b e done by EOA , the Yout h Opportm1ity C ent ~ r of the G eo rgi a State E rn ploy rn.ent S e r v ic e , The Atlanta Public S c ho ol s w ill as si s t by h avi ng cou n selor s to help stud e nts co1n pl e t e j ob appli cati on fonns prior to school clo s ing. City S e r v ic es M a yor' s Offi ce The M a y o r I s Offi ce w ill provi de o ve r a ll c oord i nation and eva lua ti on of the s u mme r p rogram, A Cit y S e rvic es Co or dina t or w ill b e ass i gne d to an EOA N e i ghb o rh ood C ent e r in e a ch t a r get a r e a . The M a yo r ' s Offic e w ill s ee tha t th e N e i ghborhood T a sk Forc e s are 0 1· g a n i ze d t o ass i s t the s e coordinat ors . Cons t ant evalua ti on w ill b e p ro vid e d by th e M a y or I s O ffi ce and r ec omme nd a tion s for i rnprov e 1n ent i n p ro g r a m s and s ervi ce s will b e mad e w h e n n e c essa ry . Poli ce D e p a rtn 1ent T h e Polic e D e p a rtinen t h as a Crin1.e Pr e v e ntion Bureau Office r a ss i gne d t o each E OA c e n t er , These offi ce r s w ill work w ith th e City S e r v i ces Coo r dinat o r s i n a ll area s of co1nmu n ity c once r n . . ,. This in clud e s �Page Fiv e c oordination w ith s chool counsel o r s on a b sent s tud e nts and drop-outs , as sis ting a dult s and youth in .f in ding servi ces for e 1np l oy1nent , h ards h i p cas es , s i ckn ess , as v.rell as pr o1n pt a ction 011. p oli ce s e r v i ce con 1pla i 11.ts , nrissing p e r sons , c 01n1nun i t y, civ i c and rec r eationa l a ctivitie s, a nd prornpt inve sti gati on of r mno rs of civ il d i s ord e r so A spe cia l T ask F orce of 4 0 spe ci a lly tr a i ne d a nd adapte d p olic e officers w ill b e a s s igne d to t a rge t ar eas durin g the 4:30 Po mo - 12 : 30 a.1no p e riod. The Poli ce D e p ar t ment h as t a ken s t e p s t o empl oy fi ve gh etto ar e a r e sid e nt s a s polic e 11 com1n u n ity s e r v ice offi ce rs" as r e co1nmend e d by t he C om1nission on C ivil D isor d er s . If a fed e r a l progr a 1n of c o mmu n i t y s e rvic e o ffic e r s i s a d opt e d , 8 5 othe r s u c h offic e rs w ill b e e 1npl oy e d. F i r e D e p a r tme nt -· The F i r e D e p a r t m e nt h as propo se d a s t e ppe d - u p public r el ations p r ogram · in t a rge t are as w hi c h i n clud e s pub li c a tion of an i nforma ti on b ookl e t on F i r e D e p a rtine nt r es p ons ibiliti es and citi zen r es pons ibilitie s i n fir e safety a nd pr evention ; a pro gran1 of n e i ghbo r h o o d vi s ita tion s fo r i nspe c t ions and d e mons t rations of fire e quipme n t o Community F i r e S tations w ill b e ope n e d for v i s its by res i dent s , me rit badges to b e giv e n to c hil d r e n as an incent iv e t o h e l p pr event fires . �• P age Six The Fi re D e p a r tment vv ill a l s o c o or d inat e w ith th e Wate r D e p ar t ment and R e cr eation l ea d ers i n p r oviding s t ree t s h owe r s fo r child ren u s ing fir e h y dr a n ts . W a t e r D epa r tn1ent The Wate r D e p a rtment will i mpl em.ent 1968 fir e prote cti on and wat er s e r v i ce re q u ir ernent pl ans i n t a r ge t a r eas . Thi s inclu d es i ns t a lla ti on of 6 11 , 8 11 a n d 12 11 m a in s w h e r e n e cessa ry f o r a d e qua t e wate r f o r d orn.es ti c u se a nd fir e pr ot e c t i on . This d e p a r t ment w ill a l so co oper a t e w ith oth e r a genci e s i nvol ve d i n str eet s hower a ctiv ity. Bui ldin g Ins p ecti on The Build i ng Ins p e c t or will pl ace on l o an to th e M ay o r ' s Office two e x p er i e n c ed Hou s i ng C o d e E nfo rc e rnent Offi ce rs t o serve as Cit y S ervi c e s C o or din a tors, The s e 1.-. w o inspe c t ors se r v e d i n th e 196 7 Sum1ne r P i l ot P r ogr a m and ar e con s i d e r e d k e y p e rsonn e l i n th e ov e r a ll p r o g r a m of s u mrne r coordinati on. P ub li c Works D e partine nt (St r ee t M a inte n a n ce Divi s.ion ) The St ree t M a i n t e n an c e D ivi s ion of th e Public Works D e p ar t m .ent h as sche dul e d r es u rfa}; i ng of 51 st ree t s i n t arge t ar e a s . In ad dition, fr om �· Page Seve n one to three unpaved streets will be paved in each of the six areas and sidewa lk i1nprov e rne nts will continue to be 1nade . {Sanitary Divi s ion) The Sanita ry Divi s ion has assign e d a full-tim.e coordinator to assist in a progra n'1 which includes twice -a-week garbage and trash. . collections, plus e1ne r ge ncy pickup s a s r e quir e d , sweeping of stre e ts once a week, washing of streets, r emoval of abandoned vehicles. Thi s Departn'1ent will cooperate in efforts to cl e an up vacant l ots and private prope rty a nd in the propos e d Rod e nt Control Prog r a m. program called 11 A spe cia l 0pe ration Scrub 11 is being designed to h e lp cle a n up old stov e s, r e frig e rators , washing n1a chines , etc. Traffic En ginee rin g The Traffic Enginee ring De p a rtn1ent will r e quest th e Georgia Powe r Compan y to provid e cleanh1g a nd r e -lan1pin g a n d r e p a ir of all str eet li ghts nee ding mai n t enan ce . lamp outage s a r e propo se d, Ni g ht ins p ections fo r r e p orting of The depa rtme nt will r e - c h e ck t a rg e t a r ea s for n ee d e d s p ee d c on t rol s i gn s a nd w ill g ive prior ity t o th e t arget a r eas fo r s i gn re qui rement s . , r... - �,,.-- ., -- - . t .· . ..' .-..,. 1-· -· ~ -,·· C ITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 April 4 , 1968 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR n. EI\RL U\NDERS, Administrative l\ssistant MRS. ANN M, MOSES, EKccutlve Secre t ary DI\N E. SVIEAT, JR., Di rector of Governmental Liaison DRA FT MEMORANDUM To: M a yo r I van A lle n Fro1n: D an S weat F oll owi ng i s a s u mma r y o f d epartm.ental / agency progra1ns s c h eduled and / or propos e d in r e sponse t o t h e Mayor ' s March 19 m eeting on Civil D isord e r s . This sum1nary is o r ganized u n d e r th e categ ori es of: 1. R e cr eation 2. Employme nt 3. Education 4. C i t y S e rvices -· Specific pro gra m d a t a i s b e ing pl otted on ne i ghborhood maps. A d e t a iled plan w ill b e assembl e d for each of the s i x t arget areas as well as a consolidat e d citywid e pl an . Attach e d is a summ.ary chart outlining propos e d or project e d services . of city department s in the s i x areas of conc entration. �- Page T,vo This surrnna ry addresses itself only to prevention, Control prograrns will be pr esente d in a separat e r e port. Recreation City P arks D epartinent The Parks and Recreation programs of th e City P a rks Departrn.e nt ar e tied directly to the ove rall Youth Opp o rtunity Campa ign. · The City's r ec r eation program plans for operation of 134 r e cr eation c e nte r s 1 schools, playgrow.1.ds and park s . While th e pro g ra1n e m .phasis in the past i--w o ye a rs has cente r e d on pre- t e en youngsters through the pla ylot programs, experi ence during the l as t two summer s h a s shown the ne e d for gr eat e r conc e ntr a tion o f program s in the old e r te en group, Cons e que ntly 1 t he Parks D epartment will place h eavy emphasis on t een age activiti e s s uch a s socia l d a nce s , civic coun cils, fi e ld trips to the City I s L ake Allatoona properties, and w ork experience progra ms . The Park s D e p a rtine n t w ill provide as many job s a s po s sib l e for di sadv a ntage d youth through th e N e i ghborhood Yout h Corps (NYC ) and oth e r work experie n ce programs . The Publi c S c hool Syste m i s co op e r a tin g w ith th e P a rks D e p a rt m ent t o m .ake 62 sch ool s a v a ila ble fo r recre a tion prog rams tluo u ghou t the s u 1n1ne r . �Page ThTee Youth Opportunity C a mpaign Muc h o f the pro g r a m . of the City Parks Departinent hinges on the av a ila bility of funding through th e Youth Opportunity Can,.paign o Th e same holds true for son,.e 80 other public and private agencies who have s ubrn itte d pr og r a 1n bud ge t r e ques t s to Econon,.ic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. and the Atla nta Council on Childr e n a nd Youth Services. E O A now h as on hand sorne $2. 5 rnillion in proposal s with an anticipate d m a xi1nurn grant fron,_ OEO of $600, 000. The se programs are b e ing a n a ly ze d to d e t e rmine a priority system for funding . The Atlanta Public Library pl a n s a full progi· a m for children and adult s . This includ e s training II story t e lle rs II who will s e rv e as volunteers ; bookm.cbile services extended into the evening; films in -· neighborhood cente rs ; esta blishment of book d e positorie s in neighborhood cente r s , a tour ing cine man1obile for films and story hour s in a r e as dista nt from br a nches and " m a in l ibrary" activitie s. Employ1ne nt The N a tional Alliance of Busine ssn,.e n i s a tte mpting to secure job commitn,.e nts for 3, 300 youth durin g the s urnme r scho o l v a c a tion p e riodo An o the r 1, 000 job s w ill p r ob a bly b e m a de· a v a ila bl e t hro u gh the publi c a gen cie s, prima rily throug h fed e r a lly-a s si s t e d NYC and work - study ' ~., �Pag e Four progr a 1ns. F e d e ral, city and com1.ty gove rn1nent s are expected to add a numb e r of summer youth jobs in a dditio n to federally-supported job opening s . Job r ec ruiti ng and pl acenLent will b e done b y EOA, the Youth Opp o rt unity C ent~r of the Geor gi a Sta t e E1nploy1nent S e rvice . . Th e Atlanta Public School s w ill assist by h av ing couns elors to h e lp students co1npl e t e job application fonns prior to school clo s ing. City Servi ces Mayor' s Offic e Th e M a yor I s Offic e w ill provid e overall coordin a tion and evaluation of th e summe r pro g r am. A City S ervi ces Coordin a tor w ill be assigned to a n EOA N e i ghborhood Center in each t a rg e t area. The M a yor's Office will see that th e N eighborhood Task Forc es arc or gani zed to ass i st these coordinators. Constant evalua tion w ill b e provided by th e Mayor I s Office an d recom1nendations for i m pro vement in programs and servi ces will b e made when necessary. Poli ce Department The Police Dcpartine n t has a C r ime Pr e vent i on Bur e au Offi c e r assigne d to each EOA cente r, The se officers will work w ith the City Servic e s Coordin a tors i n a ll areas of conLmun ity conce rn. .. , This includ e s �. Page Five ·coordination with school cotmselors on absent stud e nts and drop-outs, assisting adults and youth in finding services for ernployment, h a rdship c as e s , s i ckness, as well as pro1npt action on police service complaints, 1ni s s ing persons, corn.n1.w1ity , civic and recr eational activ ities, and prompt inve s tig a tion of rumors of civil disorders. A special T as k Forc e of 40 sp e cially trained and adapted police offic e rs w ill be as signed to t arget areas during the 4 : 30 p. 1n. - 12: 30 a. m. p eriod. T he Police Departrne nt h as t ake n steps to employ five ghetto area r e sid e nts as polic e 11 con1munity service officers 1 1 as reco1nrnen d e d b y t he Comn1.ission on Civil Di s ord e rs. If a fed e ra l progr a m of corn.muni ty service offic e rs i s adopted , 85 other such officers will b e employed. E'1r e D e p a rtrnent T h e Fir e D e p a rtm e nt has propos e d a stepped-up public r elations program i n t a rg e t areas w hich includ e s public a tion of an i nfo n nation bookl e t on Fir e D e p ar tinent r es ponsibiliti es and citi ze n r espons ibilities i n fire safety and prev ention ; a progr a 1n of n e ighborhood visita tion s for ins p ections and d e1nonstr a tion s of fir e equipme n t . Co1nmun ity Fir e Sta ti ons w ill b e ope ne d for visits by residents, merit badges to b e given to children as an i ncentive to h e lp preve n t fires • ..., �Page Six The Fire Department will a l so coordinate with the Wate r Departinent and Recr eation l eaders i n providing str eet showe rs for children using fir e hydr ants . ·water D epartinent The W a ter Departn~ent will in~ple m ent 1968 fire protection and water s e rvi ce requirement plans in t a r get areas. Thi s includ es installa tion of 6 11 , 8 11 and 12" 1nains where necess a ry for adequate wat er f or do1nestic u se and fir e protection. Thi s d epartrnent w ill also coope rate with othe r agencies invol ve d in street showe r activity. Buildin g In spection The Builc:ing Inspe ctor will place on lo an to the Mayor's Offic e two e x p er i enced Hous ing Code Enforc erne nt Offi cers to serv e as City S ervice s Coordina tor s . These two in spe c tors s e rv e d in the 196 7 Summer Pilot Program and are consid ere d k e y p e rsonne l i n th e ove rall program of summe r coordin a tion. Public Wo rks D e partme nt (Stree t Mainte n a n ce Divi s.ion ) The Street M a i n t e n anc e Divi s ion of the Public W orks D e p a rtm e nt h a s s c h e dul e d r es urfa_c;:ing of 51 s tr eet s i n t a r ge t ar ea s. 11:3- addition , from �Pag e S even one to thr ee u n p ave d streets w ill be p aved in each of the six areas and sidewalk i 1nprovement s will continue to b e made, (S anitary Div is ion) The Sanitary Div ision h as assigne d a full-ti1ne coordinato r to assist in a progr~m w hich i n clud es t v1ice-a-week garb a ge and trash . collectio:µs , plus en,.e rgency pi ckups as r equired , sweeping of str eets once a week, washing of str eets~ r emo val of abandoned v e hicles . This D e partment will coope r a t e in e fforts t o clean up vacant lot s and private property and i n the proposed Rodent Control Program. A spe cia l progra 1n c a ll ed "Operation Scrub" i s b eing designed t o h e lp clean up old s t ove s , r e friger a t ors , was hing m a chi11.es , e tc. Traffic En ginee rin g The Traffic En g i nee ring D epa rtment will reque st the G eorgia Powe r Compa n y t o provide cle a ning and r e - l a1nping and r e pair of a ll str eet li ght s n ee din g n,.a int e n a nc e . ~amp outages are p ropos e d, Ni g ht ins p ections for r e p orting of The d e partme n t w ill re-che ck t arg e t ar ea s for n ee d e d s p ee d con trol s i gn s a nd will g ive prio r ity to th e t a r get areas fo r si gn r e q u i re 1ncnt s . ,A - ..... �REPORT TO NAYOR IVAN ALLEN JR. CONCERNI1,G NEEDS AND ES'l'HiATED COSTS OF IHPLEHENTING THE RECO}frIBNDATIONS OF THE ADVISORY C0rff'1ITTEE · ON CIVIL DISORDER s umnTTED BY \ Robet:t N, Wood, Chairman Atlanta Child ren an<l · Youth Services Counci l �I. In order to assess the feasibility of impl ementing the recommendations of the ~ational Advisory Commi ttee on Civil Disorder, the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council will fir s t indic a te the extent and intensity of youth problems as related to civil disorder. Observing the report of the National Advisory Commi ttee, the Youth Council immediately noticed the extent of youth participation in Civil Disorder . For examp le, the Committee reports that the typical rioter in the summer of 196 7 was a Negro, unmarried male between the .:?.ges 15 and 24. In De troit, 61. 3% of the self reported rioters were between the ag~s 15 and 24 and 86,3% were between 15 and 35~ The arrest data indicated that 52.5% of the arrestees were between 15 and 24, and 80.8 perc ent were between 15 and 35. In short, the · typical rioter was a teenager or young adult, a life long resident of the city in which he rioted, a high school drop-out • . In Atlanta preliminary data re~e~ led tha t riot participants were between the ages 9 and 35. The overwhe lming majority of those arrested in Atlanta's riot 0£ 1967 were les s that 30 years old. These data reveal that riots are by and large initiated , prolonged , and participated in bf youth and young adults. These dat a also bear witness to the l ack of interest, energy, and resources needed to deal with youth problems and needs realistically and honestly. In Atlanta, the need for more concentrated and realistic allocation of personnel and resources to deal with youth problems increases ever year . For example 57% of Fulton County's Juve nile Delinquents were residents of Atlanta 's poverty areas in 1964. In 1965 43% of al l people arrested for ma jor crimes in Atl anta ,1ere below 17 years of age. The de linque ncy r a te h as increased llf•% fas tcr than the general population. The rccidivis t rate for F•.!:!.ton County Youth of fend ers is 40%. The general restlessness of inner city Atlc1nta Youth has increased to a dangerous level. ·in addition there are ~,000 school dropouts in Atlnnta . In 1965, lfOo/.. of the youth tested by the Fulton County Juvenile Court were 5 years or more below their prope r grade l eve l. Another lf0% were three or more y ears behind. These statis tics mere ly reflect some of the problems facing Atlnnta'i youth. Other problems are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. high illigitimacy r a t es . incrriasing de l i nquency in afflue nt areas . increasing b e ll igerent postures by minority you th , par ticulary in civil rights activities. rebe llion on coll ege c afilpuses. youth ant i-dra ft and a nti-uar act j_viti cs. Concomitant and correl a ted to youth participation in civil d:i.sorders and riots is the ir participa tion in nonnal de linqu ent activities , individua lly and col l ective ly. Considering the broad range of needs and prob l ems facin g Atlanta'o you th the ~ 1- �Atlanta Children and Youth Services Councp specifically recommend the follo,-15.ng courses of actions aimed at reducing tensions and the possibility of civil disorders in clums and blighted areas for the summer 1968. 1. That the city of Atlarita emphasize and provide more recreationa l. prog rams and facilities in Slum areas for teenagers and young adults. If this is not geographically fo.2sible, then the city should subsidize and/or provide transportation to areas where_such programs and facilities are available. This recreational provision should be totally devoted to l a te afternoon, eveninr; an<l night activities as we ll as evening activities. 2, That the city ~ponsor an outreach Street Workers Program ~-7here outreach uorkers may go into potentially trouble are.2s and uork for periods· of time Hith detached and unreached individual youth helping them become involved :i.n meaningful employment, recreation and education. This program ui.11 be coordinated by the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council end will be operated on a contra ctual basis with other operat iong agencies to supcrvis~ street Horkers. 3, That several youth from the Youth Congress be appointed to the Mayor's Civil Disorder Adviso!Y Committee. 4. That a uorks hop be conducted by the Atlcmta Children and Youth Service Council, the Police Department, Socia l Agencies, Civil Rights Groups , and Youth Org2.nizations around a t I-Em~ · of "Polic eYouth Relationships" in l1hich all divisions of the ~olice ~epartment will participate. ihe Community Re lations Services, U.S. Department _pf Jtistice will assist in sponsoring such a program. 5. That a ll city departments channel all youth requests, grievances, comp l a ints, etc. to the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Counci.l which is the agency established to dea l with these ma tters. 6, Tha t the work of the Crim~ Prevention Bureau and Juvenile units of the Police Depa rtment be more close ly related to the Youth Counci l in the planning and implementing of their program;. 7. That the s-wi tchboa r d in City Uall be open da ily from 5:00 p .m. until 12:00 a . m. with peroons available to receive comp l ai~ts and grievances and furnish nD.rnes and telephone numbGrs of persons to call dur ing emergency or crisis p eriods. 80 That the Atlanta Child:ren and Youth Services Council and the Corrn:evnity Re lations Coff'_-uis s ion be pr ov{ded -2- ,. �funds to hir·c commun i ty organi z ers, fo1: you th and adults in racia lly transitiona l areas such as West End, Bellwood, Grant P.:.rk, Cc!pitol Homes and Kirkwood. 9. That the police clcpartrr.ent make available, upon request and vithout cost to the requesting agency, manpower to sup ervise certain potentially volatile activities such as <lances, especially in areas where agencies are operating interracial dances. 10. That the police department increa se the numb er of integrated patrols tha t oper a te in certain areas. 11. That the Mayor, or his designee, call a weekly staff meeting of all department and agency heads. All other appropriete public agenci es should b~ invited to p~rticipa te in such meetings. 12. That the re be established in the office of the Director of Governmental Laison the ne cessary machinery for getting ue ekly teJ.ephanic reporting of complaints, rumors, and inc:i.cl cnts from all public and quasi-public agencies in the Atlanta nrea. 13. That the Board of Education examine the pupil.pupil nnd teacher-pupil relations hips in school~ where the degree of desegregation is significant. The Board should asc cr t ~in ancl de al with rumored increnses in racia l conflicts a.t such schools. 14. Tha t the Uayor establis h6s a sma ll inte rra cia l committee compos ed of key bt.rnine ssmen, one solid type Negr o youth, one grass roots type Negro youth, uho he cc1.n call on to actually advise citizens , polic e , and others in timGs of civil·· di s order and t ens ions . This corr,mittee ,-10uld b e representa tive of the Mayor'i off ice and have rights and r espons ib i lities to nmk e i nquiri es of any city offici n l in dealing with problems of this na ture . 15. Tha t the Atl.c1.nta Chilcl :rcn a nd You th Services Council be given more funds to f ac ilitate maximum effec tivene ss by t he Counci l and t o e nable the Council to be of more us e to private and publ i c a gencies in currying out the ir pr ograms . The above recommcnda tions arc minima l when comp2rcd ,d. t h At l anta ' s needs . 11ou cver, the Counc:i.1 emph.:1size s t h e necessity for t he ir imp l ementation if Atl.<:nta is to r e duc e t ensions nncl possible Civil f or the sun-.,,1er of 1968. II . Referring to t he recommGnd a tions c ontained in ch aptcd 10 of t he Report of the Na tiona l Advisor y Coramis s i on on Civi l Disord e ~, the At l anta Children and Youth Ser vic es Counci l fe e ls t ha t the advantf.lge s of t he ir i mplemen t a t i on fo r out we i gh poss ibl e dis advantages . Opinions concerning -3- �both advantages and dis advantages are as follows : A. Establishment o~ Nei,-~hborhood .T-"'-sk force s offers the advantages of: 1. providing more ef fee tive citizen- governmental com.11mnication. 2. providing a means through which community problems may be acted upon and resolved quickly and effectively. 3. projecting the ideal that government is genuinely interested in ghetto problems. 4. restructuring governmental functions to meet city needs. The mayor of the City of Atlanta has taken the necessary action to implement the above recommendation. It is desired that such actions pay particular attention to youth problems. To overlook youth would constitute a serious disadvantage. B. Establishment of Effective Grievance Response Mechanisms offers the advantages of: 1. pro1iding citi zens with meaningful avenues for resolving grievances. 2. reducing frustrations associated with unresolved grievences. 3. providing ghetto youth with some means of being recognized as citizens. 4. providing possible employm2nt for ghetto youth. The disadvantages associated w5. th this recorrunendation depend entirely upon 1.rnproper implementation which wi.11 cause: C. 1. Imprope r responses to griavances. 2. Improper dispos ition of grievances . 3. Overlooking or ignoring youth grievances, Extended~ Se rvices to- Poor offers the advantages of: 1. pro~iding ghe tto citi zens wici1 l ega l means for resolving difficulties . 2. reducing the probability of the (application of) partial justice . 3. reducing hos tilities and mutua l di srespect between police and ghetto re s ident s . 4. facilit a ting the grievance res ponse mechanism . 5. discouraging the uns urption of the r ight s of ghe tto residents especially by priva t e bu siness and individua ls. �Some of th~ idis advantages of i mplemen ting this suggestion are: J. inadequate legal pers onnel available for the required task. 2. distrust of residents of lega l advisors. 3. legal services do not, in themselves, solve basic problems. 4. · legal services usua lly are not available or considered import0nt for youth. D. Assistance for mayors a.nd .s:_ity councils offers the advantages of: 1. 2. providing mayors and city councils with needed assistance from state and federal government as uell as other source. creating of new governmen tal bodies to deal with urban problems particularly youth problems . Some disadvantage s which may grow out of this reconnnendat:i.on ~re: E. 1. an increased centralization of services. 2. um1illingness of state government to provide services for city problems . Hearin~~ Ghetto Problems and Enactmen t of Appropriate· Loc a l · Le gis l~- tions offers the advantages of: 1. removing legal barriers to solving ghetto proble11tS. 2. providing government with valid and reliable knouleqge concerning ghetto problc~s. 3. indicating to ghetto residents the degree of concern tha t city government has for ghetto problems. The dis advantage associated with this recom.--nenclation are few in proportion to Atlnnta's need s . They are : F. 1. non-enforc e~en t of legisl a tion pertaining to ghetto probl ems. 2. unconcern of legi s l a tors with ghetto problems. _Expand ed Emo J. oyment of: EY City Governm~n t of Gh et to Re s idents of fe r the adv.2.ntages 1. employraent of unemployed ghetto youth. 2. city government t aking the i nitiative and setting an example to other agencies regarding employment of ghetto youth. 3. adding substances to the d!de11l that city government serves all Atlantans. -5- �The disc2dv,mtages of imptemen ting this rccorrnnenda U.on arc: G. 1. unwillingness to alter present city personnel and merit system policies. 2, likelihood of hiring ghetto residents in the same traditional least desirable jobs only. Establishme nt of Neighborhood City_ H.iJ.l offers the advantages of: 1. decentralization of government to meet to meet particular community needs. 2. assisting in the encouragement of favorable attitudes by residents towards government. The disadvantages of this suggestion are: H. l. deteJ:l!lining the jurisdiction and degree of responsibility which vould · enable Neighbm:hood City Hall to adequately function. 2. the probability of limited personnel and funds to can:y out this function not being provided. Devclop;nent of Hulti-Services Centers off:er the advantages of: l. providing co:.11plete and comprehensive service::, to ghetto residents. 2. . providing more resources to · existing agencies. I. Improved Politi.cal Representation offers the advantages of: 1. 2. assuring tha t the interests and needs of ghetto residents · are represented. facilitating a reallocation of community resources on a more equitable basis. The disadvantages of this suggestion are: J. 1. ghetto resid ent s are usually politically apathetic. 2. the resistance to restructuring of political bodies by powerful special int eres t groups and pers ons. Hore Effective Corrnm.mity Partid.pation offers the adwmtagcs of: l. 2. 3, reducing comn1i.mi ty apa thy. providing gh e tto residents with opportunities to help solve . community problems . reducing the seemingly arbitniriness of so:nc governmental decisions. -6- �The probable disadvanta ges of implementing this recommendation arc: 1. the lack of mean:i.ngful commun.i ty organization. - 2, corrm1Unication betuecn ghetto residents and city eovernment is not encoura ging at present. III. The Atlanta Children ind Youth Services Council is charged TTith the responsibility for coordinating all services aimed at helping youth j_n m0.tropolitan Atlanta. The recommendations of the Advisory Commissio·n, if implemented, will affect directly the Councils operation. This is due to the very obvious fact that the recorr::;1endations of the Advisory Cormnission address themselves to urban problerns v7hich in effect are youth problems. If implemented, the recommendations TTill provide the Council with staff and .other resources to broaden the scop e of its services as related. Therefore, the recommendations of the Advisory committee are revelant to the Council's responsibility only if they empha size youth. IV. i Brief outlines of the steps involved in implement5.ng each recommendation aff/cting the Council as follows: Es r ~'.s h::::n::.::::h::r::::h::::6::r:::tl1 Groups. A. B. II. Incorporating youth groupa into ~he Atlnnta Youth Congress. A. B. III. Deleg,Hions Affliates Providing youth groups with opportunities to corr:municate directly with government. A. B. IV. Social Groupn Civic Groups Serving on boards Having gover nment-youth problem solving s essions. Providing meeting or assembly pla ces A. B. Cl a s srooms Churches Es t nbl is hm2nt of: Grievance - Response 1·1echnn i sm I. Organ ize gri evance committees thr ough You th Congress. A. B. II . \ III. Acc ept gri eva nce s Prevent grievances Organ ize Youth De l ega t e Grievance Board to r efer or dis pos it i on griev enc es to proper channe ls. Establish a grievance fo ll o,,- up group - 7- �1. Investiga te grievances 2. Investiga te action t aken in response to grievances. Extended Leeal Services .!.2. the Poor1. froviding Legal advice to Youth. A. EstabHshment of Youth Revieu Boar d 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Lawyer Juvenile Judge Psychiatrist Social Wor ker Action a nd revj.ew on every youth involved with the l aw. 1. 2. 3. Legal a dvic~ to youth Ps ychia tric eva lua tion immediate case- wo1·k with youth and his family. Assistance for Mayor and City CouncHs A. B. Establishment of Youth RevieH Board Financia l As sis t anc e to City Government 1. 2. Governor I s Off:l.ce State Crime Committee Expanded Employment by City Government of Ghr:!tto Youth I. Revi s ion of Meri t System standa rds . A. Remova l of ~ua lifica tion barrier s 1~ 2. 3. B. II ; educa tional barri ers arres t recor ds i rre l evant t es t s Active_ and agrcs sive recruitment of ghe tto youth. Uti U ?.ati on of Job Deve lopment Techn iques . -8 - �BUDGET ESTHlATE FOR ONE YEAR PERSO:mmL 3 positions 35 p9s i tions Administration Neighborhood Organziation Program Consultation 50 positions $ 36,000 200,000 290,000 5,000 $~31_, 000 Total Personnel TRAVEL 10,000 8,000 Bus Travel for. Par tLcipants Staff Travel $18,ooo · Total Travel SPl,CE COSTS AND RENTM,S 4,000 2,000 Office Rental Utlities $6,000 Total Space SUPPLIES Postage 1,000 Consummable Supplies (paper, pencils, ink, etc.) 3,000 Total Supplies $4,000 ~QUJ.PNBNT Office ma chine P ffi c e Furnishing 5,000 3,000 Tota l Equipment $8,000 OTHER COST Telephone Misce llaneous 1,300 800 iota l Other Cos ts $2,100 ,., Total Bmlge-t ~5 38,000 -9- �(\ The estimated budget as outlined above is the minimum amount requested to meet Atlanta's growing . anc1 crucic!l needs. Atlanta, like this Nation, does have a real chance to thwart civil disorder by taking away the platform, i.e. poor education, poor recreation, poor health, poor h?using, poor social services, poor and no jobs. It's choices with youth, who have led and participated in the riots of this Nat~.on are limited. Sound social plannj_ng an<l program impl0i1entat:i.on might be the «nswer • ... - 10 - �C~·TY oc~ PERSONNEL BOARD CITY HALL ANNEX 260 CENTRAL AVENUE, S. W. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 C AR L T . SUTHERLAND o ,rector · April 2 1 1968 Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr. City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georg ia Dear Mayor Allen: Pursuant to your guidance at the organizational meeting of the Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders held in the City Hall March 19, 1968, and to c are ful reading of Chapters 10 and 17 of Repor t o f the.National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, I have reached the conclusion that the City Personnel Department for several years gradually has been putting into practice most of the recommendations of the Commission pertaining to emp loyme nt. I agree, however , that other steps s hould be t aken and h a v e prepared two recomme nd a tion s , one th a t r equires action a nd money from the Mayor and Board of Aldermen . Both require coope ration from all departments of the City governme nt. Thoug h it is true that the obj ec tive of the City Pers onne l Departme nt to provide the City government with the best qu a lifie d personnel available and to do so by ope ration of a compe titive merit system d es igned to give priority to the b es t qualified applic ants , the Civil Se rvice Act is suffici ently f l e x ible to provide for certain type s of temporary employme nt in th e uncla ss ified service . The Ci v il Service Act also giv e s th e Pe rsonnel Dir e ctor wide latitude in es t ablishing r e quir e me nt s f or applic a nt s , and I have e xer ci sed th e authority given me to a dju s t standards to mee t conditions that h a v e confronte d the City government during the past s e veral y e arso Re qui reme nt s h a v e b een r e du ced f o r n ear ly a ll cl asses o f jobs o Es t abli s h me n t o f mi nimum s t and ards i s a v o ide d as �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. -2- April 2, 1968 much as deemed practicable, and for most jobs the word "desirable" has been subs tituted for "minimum" in listing education, training, and experience standards. Performance tests hav e replaced written . te sts wherever practicable. With approval of the Personnel Board, employment of personnel with criminal records has been liberalized except for positions concerned with law enforcement, working with children in the schools and recreation departments, and in other positions of trust and responsibility. Upon the recommendation o f state and county parole authorities, we have approved employment of parolees with good prison deportment records. The age limits have been lowered to 20 for Police Patrolmen, 18 for Firemen, and 17 for clerical and unskilled p ersonne l. Locker attendant s a nd life guards may b e employed a t age 16. Few job classes have maximum age limits except tho~e set by statute. Though there is reluctance by many department heads to employ personne l above age 40, considerable numbers above age 50, and several above age 60, hav e been employed. As you are aware , since Janu ary 1, 1962, Negroes, whose ap plications prior to this time were accepted only for entrance level jobs, have been encouraged to apply for all classes of jobs, and many have been employed in jobs abq.ve the entrance level. The Pers onnel Training Coo rdinator with the cooperation o f the Public Works Department has established a training program for truck driver aspirants, enabling both White and Negro Laborers and Waste Coll ectors to be tr ained and to meet th e requireme nts for promotion. This program will be continued. Also, with the cooperation of th e Atlanta Public Schools, a training program for first level supervisory p e rsonnel has b e en established to upgrade the qualifications of incumbents of first l eve l supervisory positions and to qu a li fy applicants f or promotion to th ese positions. �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. -3- April 2, 1968 The Personnel Training Coordinator also planned and organized with the cooperation of the Sanitary Department (now the Sanitation Division of the Public Works Department) the Atlanta Beautification Corps, a federally financed program under the sponsorship of Economic Opportunity Atlanta. This program employs approximately fifty disadvantaged persons ranging from age 18 to age 68 and is composed of about 88% women, largely Negro. Mr. Farrow still exercises overall supervision o f this program. Numerous favorable comments concerning the deportment and accomplishments of this group have b een received from interested citi zens and pe rs onnel of the City government. Mr. Farrow reports that if funds were available 1 several hundred additional · personnel could be employed in the Atlanta Beautification Corps with advantage to both the employees and the City. The positive actions referred to above have done much to provide career opportunities for disadvantaged minorities 1 but much still needs to be done. Two programs prepa red by members of my staff ; outlines of which are attached hereto 1 are proposed to assist in implementation of some of the employment objectives of the Report of the National Advisory Commis sion on Civil Diso rders. These programs would provide employme nt opportunities for approximately 200 dis advantaged personnel. · Respectfully, apJ. 16:20, 29 December 2017 (EST) CARL T. SUTHERLAND Dir e ctor of P ersonne l CTS :cbt Attachments (2) �CITY OF ATLANTA SU~l}iER 1968 A..\lD EXPA.\l DED EMl)LOYMENT OF DISADVA?\TAGED PERSO~~/EL . I. Federa ll_y_Fun ded Progam The appro ximate ly 75 federally fund ed "job slots" bein g made available to the City of Atlanta for the Summer by Economic Opportunity Atlanta and continuing employment of "hard-core" unemp loye d youth c an be utili zed by the various departments as outlined rough l y on th e attached listing . Mo re th an 100 persons have been reques t ed by reportin g dep a rt men ts and, if additional federal funds are allocated, other job slots c an be developed by a follow-up of previo us oral and written communi cations with the various depar t men ts. For maximum success in this endeavor, based on unfortunate experience in a somewhat large r and rnore ambitious pro gram three years ago,, th e following sugges tions are made : II. 1. That screening and selective placement be effected by the City Personne l Depart men t after initi a l screening by the va rious Neighborhood Youth Center referrin g a gencies . 2. That no more th an five enrollee s be ass i gned to a qualified, informe d, and concerned supervisor for counselling purposes. (New jobs with N.Y.C .. , at level above enrollee) 3. That a re gular weekly group session for all these summer enrollees-plus all of th e pre sent ly e nrolled N.Y.C. workers -- be instituted as an important, int egral, required prog ram ph ase . Groups could visit various City faciliti es by prope r advance planning ; and civic, civil, and social a menities could be the indirect· objective. 4. That Rule 59, Labor Laws of Georgia, 196 3 edition, relating to the liftin g of 30# or more for minors and women be modi fied to allow less r es tricte d e mployr:1ent o f you ths a ge 16 and 17. (Mr . Murray Silve r, State Labor De partment Attorne y, Februar~ 5, 1968 , advised tha t s uch modification was to b e effected.) I have r eques ted ass i stance of the State Commissioner of Labor in securing a libera li za tion of th i s restrictive rule. Exis~~l!.8 Job Vacancies Conside r a tion is be in g give n to ,~1 e the r it is fea s ible or l egal to pos tpone for the duration of the s umme r months the e s tablishment of civil servic e re gisters i n cl ass e s sucl1 as Auditorium Utility Worker I, Au to motive Serviceman I, Clerk, Community Re creation Leade r, Enginee rin g Aide I, In cine r ator Ope rator I, Semi-Skille d Worke r, Trea t ment Plant Ope r a tor , Zoo Attend ant , Labore r, and Was t e Colle ctor so th a t a s many as poss ible of such pos ition s may b e fill e d by unemploye d youth. �III. Other Recommendations It is suggested that certain programs, such as the City's federally funded ABC program be expanded into a variety of community service areas or into existing City service programs ; e . g., nursery service programs or Zoo · staffing subqrdinate assignments. These expanded programs would enable employme nt of female older workers who are family breadwinners. Their employment on a regular basis would begin to establish the necessary stability in the family unit. .,. �tJ.TT) Tr;:'OR TTTM F1f:/c{7 1 • J--t___, ,V....,T....._rt.~ 1' T....,O,..N,_ _ _ _ _ _ ____t:;;; S~m.:..:.'f--n~ f £{!cl9, 2,- ,_


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l1. . _____ t Jo f-:9!(1s //)f.<:1f!E.~pl t / i 11 ! -!.!~/____,_ i JJ I i ! ·I i I ! . __ i -7 • i . ' PTTR r.H AS TNG AGENT .I ,I ., I I I I .i ~ . I ! I �CITY FINANCED SUMMER JOBS'., FOR DISADVANTAGED YOUTHS 1 6°21 Using the round fi gure $ lOODOOOp the F~de~al 1ini rnum of ( ppr,mimate) openings i s d erived., Time h~s not permitted an exh~ustive survey of all Ci ty d epa..1:tm~rats, d · visions i s e ct i on.j 9 and sites o The openings belc:.H'I indicate that the locating 0£ 100 j cbs is not ~€ally difficult = sc reening, placem nt D c o uns ialing and t Ea i.ing being rnuch more 0 dema nding ., Every effort would be ,ade to m~ke into p ermanent employees all who b e come eligible ., Hope t ·or success in this should be rea listic ( 10""25% ) and p zov i s i on made for. program cont inua nce fo!: those still i neligible at the end 0£ t he summer ., Placing a 5 a ll number of hard c ore u nemployables 16=22 i n eac11 City De p a rtmen t o r d ivision i c not t he most efficient wa), e Due to va c a tions i ndividua l work f orces tend t o be sma l l i~ summer stretching c '..\'tper i e 11ced h elp even f urt e r to ke ep up ·ivi th wot.'k demands o Consequentl y even l ess tha n usua l t ime (a nd i nclina tion ) i s available £or any sort 0£ on=th-2°job t1:~lining and n eces sary cou nsel ing ., Too, i f t he wo.r k unit adj u s ts p a ce and p roccdul'e to .fit t h..:! n e ~ employee ( s )

Of the 589 s uzilmer p -aople e mploye d l as t (' 61 ) s umme rJ 4l6 we :re Ci ty .fina nced and inc lude d !>u ch as 31 lifegt..\ards , 59 locker 0 attendant s ~ 27 swi mm ing pool L'm.nage rs and 50 o.r so recrea tion l ead e r s ., The Pa rks Dep.".\rt, en t pVrns approx ' mat'<?ly the s an~ n uuner of placements this yca. r in s i.milar pt"o9ra1,is .. �2 anothr:~r adj us t ment becomes necessary nt t he end of t he s ummer .. ~ ore efficient way is to put all or as many as possible A temporary ( summer. ) employees in seasonal j obs o r to work with auxilia ry City operations . Examples of these are "Camp Wilderne ss" and the Atlanta Beautification Corps , bot h d escribed b elcw . By departments : a.. Par ks lo Plans have b een s ubDitted fo r the empl oyment of 300 youths as recreat ion assistant s ( youth l eaders ) e 2. Camp Wil derness : A p r-ogra.:m which v,m.tld utilize f.rorn 25 to 100 y outhsomal c o r temG1l e = i n g ii:ound cleaning~ building r epair t ate . at a site on La k~ Allat oona, . Employees c ould b e t ransp orted back a.nd for th e ...ch d EJ.y or, as f ac ilities b e come availa.ble , every fiv e da y s . Pa rt of the time c ould be spent in recreati on o 3. Twelve ( minimum ) zoo aides =rnal e or f ema l e= to replace a nd s u pplement p risoners o In s ur,1mer this number could b e i:1creased. Duties to include l ight g rounds mai nt e nance , b tiilding cus todia l work , g uide s2rvice , p rotection and c a re fo r younger children. Successful p erfo.r.r;~.?\nc:c leads t o promot ion to z oo att e n tlz-1nt . �3 4o S everal greenhouse aides a nd 6 =10 custodi a l workers (male or f emale ) at the golf c ourses and parks for. grounds clean up o bo Traffic Engine~~ing : Six males year round t o per£orrn light l abor at th~ S ign_ Shop a nd on the s treet ., 1\'lo ma!!~·· at t he S i gnal Shop t o s erve a s elect rician he.Lp exs a nd perform mode:rate l abor dutiez o Six ma les ( r·; ell screened ) to s m:ve aG t x-a.f.fic checkers o Tv,o .females (weJ.! screened ) to p i'ovi.cte cle rical h eip in the engineeri ng division ., c., Munieipa..l Garage : Four male s t o lea :n1 and p m~f o:r:rn s emi.,ski.Ued worko do Sanita t i on : The Atl.a.,ta Beautific,~ tion Corps ( ABC ) n ~ is divide d i nto three grot,ps wi tn a tota l of about SO workers and f oremen& Bee use 0£ its tight b ut £ le" i blc o r g a ni.:rn.tion its g r~i t h potentia 1 ° allrnving adequate t ime- i s i nfinite~ At present it cou!d absorb 1 8°24 y oung ,1orke:rs who would have th-- bcncf it o f c1t c;~oc i a tion with stable , more ma. tu.re r1orkers., ECA hcts o romoise d an e ,:1,1:ly i ncrease in ABC a.U.otment \'Jhich could a l so inc rease n u..'Ubar ot City finance d wo1·k ers t o 35 Ol" mo.i:'e . 0 t tV.! 1'he a dvent of spring b rings t ne p ossibil ity o t more <l1versified activities by ABCagrass , flowers , shrubs• whicn increases interes t as wel1 as r~sponsiui.1ity • . , �eo S treets : 12° 20 exp ressway shoul der clean°up woir.ke rs ( males or younger t emnles ) to b e t ied in with the p resent operat i on i n tha t fo City Wide ~ 5al0 c ounselo rs to screen p counsel. p t rain anrl g encl'a.lly over ee the wo:cke r:s hi red in this operation and those i n the - Ne ighborho o d Yo.u t h Co r ps expansion ( cf Mr s o Th ompson ' § report ) o I t i s obviou s that if t he mm1e y b e comes avai l able more than enough slots c an be fo·nd to provide meaningful wor.k to ha rd c or.e unempl oyables o Onl y in sev<~ r al in stanc es is any real t a lent or s ophistication requi red, a nd a ll offer l a dde r o r lateral p r omotioftal possibility in a year round p:cog ra.rn o Edward Go Farrow �OFFICE COMPTROLLER STATE OF GENERAL C APITO L ATLANTA, GEORGIA JAMES 30334 L . BENTLEY April 8, 1968 COMPTROLLER GENERAL Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 3 03 03 Dear Ivan: Thanks for your letter and request that I give some attention to Chapter 14 of the Report of the Presiden t's Commiss i on on Civil Disorders which re lates to repair and compensation of damages incurred in riot areas. You are to be commended for moving so vigorous ly and i n such comprehensive thrust to meet the requirements of this Report. This is typical of you, however. I am rather thoroughly familiar with Ch a pter 14 as well as the whole r eport of the Insurance Advisory Panel submitted by Governor Richard Hughes of New Jersey. Several of my fellow Insurance Commissioners and I worked rather closely and pleasantly with both Governor Hugh e s and his executive assistant, Stanford Ross , in research and hearings prior to the drafting of the report. The proposed changes in th e Federal Disaste r Act mentioned in Chapter 14 are already under way in the Federal Congress where legisl a tion was i n troduced several days ago . The s econd section of Chapter 14 deals with the subject o f insurance , and h ere again l egis l a tion has already b een introduced in th e Fed e ral Congress t o implement the nationwide aspects of the recommendation. Th e s e include the creation of a n a tional insurance development corporation whi ch will provi de a type of reinsura nce for the industry for riot l osses du e to the disturbing withdrawa l of Europea n re i ns urers fro m th e Ameri can market. Legi s l ation h as a l s o b ee n introd u ced in th e Congress by Sena t or Russ e ll Long and Congressman Wilbur Mill s to accompli s h the proposed tax d e fe rra l features of the Panel report . ,. �Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. - 2 - April 8, 1968 I have already held exploratory sessions with local property and casualty insurance executives on the subject of the recommended "voluntary plans" to provide fair access to property insurance for property owners. A joint industry - government group is being formed to deve lop voluntary plans and give the opportunity to the industry to respond without the neces sity of mandatory le gislation creating insurance pools to facilitat e insuring property in urban core areas. It would be helpful to have your personal assistance in this program or the benefit of the expertise of some of your department heads and municipal officials. I will be contacting you about this later in the spring . It appears, therefore, that every flank has been covered from the insurance, compensation and repair aspect of the riot problem. These areas obviously involve state and federal action . I have already testified twice and filed four separate statements with Congressional Committees in Washington on these subjects. I think that the pre sently pending federal legis lation with some quite appropriate amendments will be passed within the next six ty days. Work to be done on the insurance aspect here at the state level is progressing, and I will continue to report to you on it. Incidentally , a recent state-wide survey of insurance agents and brokers indicates virtually no di scrimination against property owners in Georgia due to race and color. There are the implications of race and geographical discriminations which themselves are minimum in Georgia. They will nevertheless be significantly studied as we begin applying these proposed solutions. Finally, l et me thank you for your good and patient l eaders hip at the municipal leve l. We must pray fervently and regularly that our City and our entire State will continue to be spare d this humiliating destruction. Understanding and patient l eadership is a part of the solution. JLB:d s �,. !; u r= r- p IF' - DST., S . E . a Ap ·1 968 C. H. H : LDEBRAND, JR. Ch ief e Ivan Allen, Mayor t anta City o City Ha At anta, Georgia 30303 De r 1r . ·, - .. ayor: In response to your instructions to evaluate t _ e r commen ations outlined in the Report of the a tional Advisory Com ittee on Civil Disorders, the key officers o f this De p a rtment were given copies of the report and i ns truc ted to consider every aspect as relates to the Fi re Department and submit there recommendat ions on the i plementation of the cor rective a ction called for . Enclosed herewith is a copy of t heir report as submitted to me on March 26, 1968, and ·steps are being taken to put each recommendation into effect with the least possible del ay. Yours ver y truly, Co Ho HILDEBRAND, JR., CHIEF Atlanta Fire Department CHH :pa "HELP SAVE LIFE AND PROPERTY BY PREVENTING FIRES" �CHIE ..., C. H. HILDEBRAND SUBJECT: Suggested acti on on the report of the National Ad- . visory Committee on Civil Disorders A meeting o f the f ollowing Divis i on Head s wa s held at Fire De..; partment Headqu arter s, Tuesday, March 26, 1968, at 10 a.m. for the purpose o f submitting recommendations on implementatio,n of the corrective action called for by the Mayor as outlined 1n the "Report of the National Advi sory Committee on Civil Disorders". The fol l owing Division Heads were in attendan ce: 1st Deputy Chief C. T . Ragsdale , Chairman Dep uty Chief P.O . Wil l iams Ba t t alion Chief J. I. Gibson F ire Marshal J . F. Se agraves Sup erintend ent of Alarms T . H. Cobb Supe rintendent of Maintenance J. R. Cochran, and T r a ining Chief R. W. McGill Chief Rags dal e cal le d for a r eport from each individual and t he followin g appe a red to be t he consensu s of opinion of all i n attendance. 1. On l y o ne area a dd ress ed it sel f.to t he activities of the Fire Depa rtme nt and that wa s to provide more effective communic ations in the areas c o n cerned or i n other words project the F ire Department and it s activities to the residents in order to improve the i mage t ha t now e x ists. 2. In order to effe ctive l y accomp l i sh No. 1 above the fo llowing recommendat i o ns are made: A. Prepare a b r ochu re t hat wo uld proj ect t h e Fire Depar t me nt such as: Outlining the responsibi li t i e s o f eac h Div ision explaining the fu nctions o f all c o nce rne d and t o e mpha s i s upon the c itizens of t hese areas that the Fire Departme n t exists for only one purpose and that is for the prote ction of life and property in all areas, to all citizens . This booklet would contain such information as the requirements for employment, the training, and benefits derived from being e mp l oyed by the City of Atlanta Fire Department, an '- �7 I Page 2 open i vi t ation to all personnel - to v i s i t t h eir Fir e De pa rt me n t, how to r epo rt a f i re, h ow to ob t ain e me rge n c y resp o ns es, t h e nee d for prot ect ing fir e apparatu sg many fir e p _evention steps t o b e t ake1 by eac h c it i zen , a n d an e xp la .a ion that t: _e F ire Pr evention Bureau is av a i l to as sis t any group by ma king F ire Pre v ent i o n ta l ks, ab l de onstrations, and sho ~ing of f i l 3. n t itu t e a progr a o f visit at i o n · nto v arious c ommuni t i es for the purpose of distr"bution of Fi r e P revention L i ter ature , De . o n stratio ns of Fire Equip ent , and providing for:' Dwell i n g _ nspe c tions o n request. During t he inspection exte nd an invitation to residents t o visit their co unity Fire Station. 4. Ha ve Me r it Badges purchased and maintained at each Fire . Station in sufficient quantities to give to all c hildr~ii visi ting t h e Fi re Station along with an impr es s i v e c omme nt that in receiving this badge they are a s s u ming a h e lpful c itizen's role in assisting the Fire Department in pre v e nt. ng fir es . 5. Co ord inate with the Water Department in prov iding stre et showers for child ren i n these areas utilizing the fire hydrants . 6. Cooperate fu ll y with "Little City Hall" in answering c omplain t s and griev a nces that come u n d er the jurisdiction of this Depa~ t. nt . 7. Have t he F ire Department Personne l , especially Chief Officers, show t heir interest and con cern for citizens in these areas in respond ing to alarms . In reference to Fire Departments and Civil Disorde rs (Page 493) wherein specific recommendations are set forth for fire service during civil disorders we make the foilowing observations: 1. The F ire Department has a d ocumented plan which is based on the above stated recommendations. 2. This plan was c o ord inated with the Department of Civil Defense, Departme nt of Po lice, Georgia National Guard, Water Departme nt, and Public Wo rks Department. ? ! ! ! : : / ~ubmitted, Co To AAG~ E , JRo 1st Deputy Ch ief ' �_ ·~·... ,, .; .- . -- r.~ ...,..., t.. .,..,_. .:!c-.·:~ . ---~-:·: (;:·:.': ,: ......_.~.::.·. :~:::.=- ~~ -_._1,,:,:-.:_.~-:.~ . ,:. ::.:~-~:--.. (., .~ ~~ : _, '! "L(~ _-_:..... ' --:,

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If an area need tne s e rvic es o i t he Sanit ary ilep a rtment , Housing enf orc eme nt or a ny oti1e r, our me n are be ing instruc ted to ass i s t in every way. The y a lso work with scnool couns e lo rs on absent students a nd drop-outs, ass ist adu lts and youti1s with emp l oyme nt, hardsti. i p c .s ses , sic kness_., e tc., comp l aints on police s e rvices, missing pe rsons, co~munity civic and recrea tiona l a ctivitie s , a nd inv e stiga te rumors. Cr i me Pre v e ntion o ff ic e rs a re as s i g ne d to wa lking be ats in slum areas to kee p in touch with r es ide n ts. We underst a nd t he r e will be 62 schoo l s , 40 pa rks and 20 pl a y lo t s a v a il ab l e this s um~~ ra To police a ll of the s e p roJects , tn e 85 com~u n i ty s e r vi c e o ff icers r e co rnmended by tne c o::11.1n i ssio n will be need ed whe n tt,e.se proje ct s o pe n. We ha v e a Tas k Forc e of L~O of i: ice r s co'TI .-:1Emded by a ne.gro c a pt a in. Tne.y a r e a ss i g ned to t l1ese s ame. a r eas to g ive the l aw abiding citi ze ns a g ood t oug h polic e s e r v Lce . The y work f ro'TI L, : ::l O ? . "-1. to 1 2 :3J i~ aM. ', Th is f orce O i : me n know til e c o•n-riun i t y , tne ir l a nc'S ua:;e a nd~ h E, bi ts . Tne y wi 11 know whe n t e n s ions r u n h i g h in t, te ir arec1 0 Th2se me n a re se l ected fo ;..' t his type cJu ty and ;nu s t ha ve g o od r e pu t a tions i n t oe n e 1g hborh oods a 1 �-·:Ma rc h 26, 1 968 Page 2 In t ne e v e n i o f any t e n se s i tu a tion, we p l a n to move t he en ti r e Crime P r e.vent 10n Bc2.r2au into ti1e a r e a . We hope with t;1e k n Dw l eC:1ge tt1e. y c10. v e. o r tt1e area a nd b1e. p e o p le t r1e y k n ow , t ney w.1.. ll be a c le t o r e l i e ve t he s 1 tua tio n. If n o ti ti 1e. Ta sk Fo r c e wi ll fo ll ow . I t t tese :r:· al. l, t r1e R.-1ot S q uad w i ll b e broug nt i n. �C ~TY O F A T LAN T A DEPARTMENT of POLICE Atlanta 3, Georgia March 27p 1968 HERBERT T . JENKINS Chief Mayor Ivan Allen 9 Jrot a nd Advisor y Con~nittee on Civil Dis or de r s City Hnll Atlantaf Ge orgia De ar Sirs: In a cco r da nce with you r reques t of Ma rch 19t 1968t I submit he rewith~ my comme nts and _r e.commendations . for action in Atlant ao Yo~s - very truly, ~' ~?k~.J oya p -\_ Super intencfu nt Ge ~ o GAR :b �. The Commi s sion's coverage on police co nduct ha s long - be en impleme nte d in the Atlanta Police De partmento The rules and regulations of this depar t me nt cover every phase mentioned From time to time p I am sure the re are minor in the reporto violations of this rulee I have i nstructe d the Distr ict Supersio vis or to give c ars in the slum areas of the City closer super vision to see tha t these regulations are c arr ied out o Select ing the right officer for ghe tto duty was put in effect when our Cr ime Prevention Bureau and our Ta s k Force wGls implemented o It ha s be en a practice of this depar t men t to re - assign and r e-t ra in officers when poor judgement ha s be en us e d and to c redit officers doing a good jobo our finest officers in slum areas 0 We. have not a lways put We have always t r ied to give negro areas as goodf i f not better, police protection tha n white areas since mos t of these areas are where our high crime rates areo The Commission reported one city re.port showed it took fou r times as long for police to respond to a negro area than a white area o We have instructed a ll of our officers to answe r all calls i mme d iate l yo The Commission reco~~ende d th~t grieva nce s by citiz~ns should have some externa l r e viewo We have a n Internal Se cur ity Squad tha t inves tiga t e s a ll compla ints aga ins t police and repor t s dire ctly to the Chie f of Police and the Police Committe eo A city a tto r ne y also is as signe d to ffip k e inve stiga tions within the Ci ty governmen t o The Grand Jur y and Soli citor Gene r a l has the ... �author ity to look into a ny pol ice misconduct o cha r ge d with th i s respons ibi lit y o The FBI is a l s o I bel i e ve tha t any cit i zen c a n get j ustice from one or all of the ~bove inv estigative bod i e s o The Commi s sion r e.commended wr itten depar t ment al poli cy fo r dis c re tion and j ud ge me nt in g he t t o a r e a s o tha t a rises in the s e are a s ~re diffe r e n t o Every s i tua t i on A lot of the s e ma t te r s ha ve to be l e ft up to the j u dgeme nt of the pa t r olm n or his superior office r o Ea ch of fic e r is i nstr u cte d whe n he ha s a situa tion tha t is in question to not i fy his superior officer i mmedia telyo This pra ctice has wor ked suc ces sfully in the. pa sto The Commi ss i on re comme nde d t ha t we i nc reas e. ne g r o off icers within our de par t ment a nd r e=ass i gn mor e negro of fice r s in slum , are aso Thi s h a s be e n done o This d e partment ha s hir e d a ll= qua lifie d a pplica nts for ye ar.s withou t r e gard to r ac e , c reed or color o The y a lso r e comme nded the c rea t ion of c ommun ity s e rvice officers from ghe tto ~re as a nd tha t t he se officers be hired on a r a tio of one fo r e v ery t e n police off ice rse We are now cove r i ng t en EOA Ce nte rs and we unde rs t a nd there wil l be 62 s choo l s i 40 pa rks and 20 p l a y lo t s made ava i l a b l e this summe re To po lice t hese. pla ce s p i t would be ne c e ssary f or u s to have our allot ted 85 communi t y s erv i c e off i.cers by s u.mmero Our Cr i me Preven t i on Bureau and these communi t y s ervice of f icers c ou ld work hand i n hand and ass i s t the neig hb or hoods in a ll Ci ty s ervic es o The y are now working with s choo l G.ounse l ors pn a bsentee i sm and s chool d rop ., outs, assisting yout h and adul t s i n employmentp meeting with civic neighborhood g roups and hear i ng and el i minating compltiints on �police service and working with our youth in recreational activitieso We might go one step f urther and also explain to the people the Pol.ice. Department's enfo r cement prog ram in an effort to show them that we are trying to better their co!!llllunityo The Commission has stated that preserving civi l peace is the first responsibility of the governmento doo This we plan to They point outp howeye.rj we must not mistake a peaceful or l awful demonstration as a rioto Maintaining civil orde r is the responsibility of the entire communityo The. initial incident in most cases started fro m routine arresto How the police. and community respond to and deal with suchp may well determine whether they remain a minor police p roblem or escalate into a major diso rder o If a situation arises th at h as racial overtonesp our office rs are instructe d to notify their superior office r i mmedia telyo They are also instructed to notify tne commanding officer of the Crime Prevention Bureau to move his entire sqund into the. are a and attempt to settle the disordero We feel that these men have been working in these areas d a y in and day out and tney know their grievances and cornplaintso If this fails~ we then plan to move. in our Task Force who have been giving these areas good, tough police service o The y too~ have be en in and out of these areas each day and know the pr oblems that e xist therec -, The Commission has recommended that the police., when sent in the areas, should know the underlying tensions and �grievances and we believe tna t these two squa ds doe Na turally 1 if these two prevention squads fail~ the riot squa d will followo The Commission speaks of b a sic factors and causes and mentions crowded ghe tto living 9 wors en by summer heat and a large amount of young people on the stre eto The y do not think these b , :,o problems could be reme died by the policeo They also mentione d hostility to police which we feel that we are t r ying to remedy the Cr i me P rev e ntion Squa do They also me ntio ned delay i n pol'ce response in ne gro areas and I believe tha t with the covera g e we have in these a r eas now p this is not the problem he.reo an Rumors i nadequa t e infor ma tion in a r e a s of this type alwa ys hur ts the police o We pla n to us e Crime Preve n t ion me n$ loud speake rs a nd ask the n ews media io r their assistance o The Committee asksp ttwhat are your control c a p a bilities?n A surve y by the m showed tha t only 13% of the unifo rm pa t r ol are on duty fro m 4:00 PoMo to 12:00 PoMo disor d ers occurredo This is when 86% of all the Again, we. have. tried to look .ah eado Plus our Eve ning Watch Uni f o rm and Eve ning Watch Tra f f ic, we h a v e our Crime P rev ent ion Bureau a nd our Ta s k Fo r c e working these h ours 0 We pla c e a hig h p remi um on preve ntion of disorders 0 On t r a ining 1 the Commiss io n s u rvey s hows tha t most p olice d e par t ments on l y give r io t tr a i n ing to t he ir recruits 0 The ave r a ge hou r t r a i n ing f o r thes e d e partme nts were 18 h ours p er ma n o The Nat i ona l Gu a r d r e quire s 3J fo r the ir commanding l e v e l of fi cers o h our s per ma n a nd 16 h our s We h a v e. c overed rio t t ra i n i ng in r e c ruit s c hool on a limited b as is and give n ou r old er officers �Training Keys on riot trainingo The FBI has published riot and mob control in their bulletinso Our district supe rvisors have discus sed with their men what action shou ld be taken in c a se of a disordero Discipline and co mmand on the scene is one of our most important factorso You lose radio co ntac t with your officers and they mus t be disciplined to stay within your comm.and and c arry out your orders o Rocks and bottles being thrown can provoke. an officer into unilateral actiono Of the distur bances that we have had in Atlantap the same t a ctics were not used at each disordero Depending on t a ctics used decisions must be de termined by the command ing office r on the sceneo The Commission asked when should and how much force should be used? Should a looter be shot? is already covered by State Law~ This is something that The commanding officer and sometimes the pa t ro l man would h ave to determine thiso The Commissi on does recomme.wl however~ that the use of gas should be us ed fir s t in an effo rt to stop disturbance, looting, etco Most departments ha ve used what is regularly called "CNuo Comm ission highly recommended 11 The csn gas as do other riot manuals 0 What assistance. can we ex pect from the community? We believe tha t good l m-1 abiding citizens do not want riots and diso r derso They usually pass informa tion tha t the y hear along to the police de partmento We have trained intelligence officers that keep us informed on tensed situationso Our Crime Prevention ., Bureau and our Task Force are in these areas daily and nightly and gather a lot of information fr om citize.nso Community leaders �in th~ past have helpe d us considerably i h minor disorders and we welcome their helpo The Commissi on spoke of the police. withdrawing from an area and letting community leaders try to quieten a diso r de rG officer on the sceneo This should be determined by the commanding �Chie f He To Jenkins has recommended tha t Community . . Service Officers b e p a id $15005 per dayo 85 Office rs or a ratio of one to ten would amount to $lp279o25 per dayo If the Federal Governme nt assumes 90% of this cost 9 our tota l cost would be $127093 per d a yo �l 68 M l (C:-l;:::LL STREET , S . W . 10:2 C i ty l-.ai! J>'.CKSON S-8341 P.:-.uL ','i El K WE .JDf.: LL R. CA f.',?O EL L CE:'lC:1./...L ~.:.\iJ,',G ~ ;:;- \',' !:....LI.;•.• T . c3tJSrl \'I . CURT I S H;':ST:cR COl?Y ~\SST . Ge ;. ::: :=- .... :.... :.'. .:...:-.~'.GSq A !.JDITC ~ April 2 , 1968 Alderman G. Eve r e tt Millican, Chairman Adviso1·y Committee on Civil Disorde rs 500 Bishop Street , N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 Survey of Water Facilities in the Six Specia l City Services Areas Dear Mr. Millican: It i s a ple asu re to advise you that the Water Department ha s carefully survey e d the six sections designated as Spec i a l 1968 City Services Are as . We have determined the ad e quacy or need for water service in these sections' of town . The water main ins tallation programs cont a ine d in our 1968 Bud ~et will me e t the fire protection and water service requireme nts. We are i mmediate ly instituting steps to carry out our 1968 pr ogram which is det a iled as follo ws: AREA NO. l - SUHMEC This area is bound on the nor th by Int erstate I-20, on ~he east by Gran t Park , on th e south by Lakewood He ights, and on th ~ wes t by Adair Park. We found th at domes tic water service was a va il a ble in this entire are a . Seven water ma in in s tall a tion projects were ap p r ove d for this area in t he 1968 budg et . Th es e pro j ec t s will i~prove fire prot ect i on in the Surunec area. The des cription of these seven p ro j ects are : PROJECT NO. SE 3 LOCATION Leathea Street and Oak Koo 11 Circl e LENGTH SI ZE 1, 800 ' 600' 6 II 8" SE 4 Thirkield Avenue and Cap itol 1\ve nue 350' 400' 8" 6" SE 5 Tuskegee S 1: r ee t 550 1 8" 450' 6" SE 6 ~. .Ami Street �April -? , 1968 Pa ge Two Hr. Mil lic:Jn LOCATION LENGTH SI ZE SE 7 Crumley Street 1 ,800 ' 6" SW 6 Beryl Street 600 ' 611 SW 7 F l <2tcher Street 800 1 6" PROJECT NO . Heavy demolition is in prog ress i n th is area which will require additional trunk ma ins and distribution mains as the wo rk progresses . Numerous streets in this area are being served by 6 11 and smaller water mains which will need to be replaced with larger water m~ins as t he transition of the land use develops. AREA NO . 2 - EDGEWOOD This area is bound on the north by DeKa lb Avenue, on the east by the Atl anta City Limits, on the south by Heinori n l Drive , and on the west by Moreland Avenue . We found that domes tic wa ter service wa s available in the entire area . wat er main installation projects we re approved for this area in the 1968 budge t . The s e pr ojects will improve fire protection for the Edgewood area . The descr iption of these t wo proj ec t s are : Two LOCATION PROJECT NO . SE 9 LENSTII SIZE Dunwoody Street 500 ' 6 II Les lie Stre e t 700' 8" No demo li tion work wa s ob se rved in this are a . W1en work begins in the near fu t ure , we wil l make the ne cessary adjustments and additions to our di str ibution system as r equired. Sever a l street s in thi s area are being serve d by 6" and sma ller wat e r ma ins whi ch will nee d to be r e placed with l arge r wa t e r ma ins as the transition of the l and u se deve lops. AREA NO. 3 - EAST CENTRDL This a r ea i s bound on the north by No~· th Avenu e , on the east by :t-1orel and Ave nu e , on the south by Inter state I-20, and on the west by Interst a t e 1-75. We found th a t domes tic wate r service was ava il able i n thi s entir e area . ... , �April 2, 1%8 Page Three Mr. Hillican Two wa ter main in s tall a tion projects were approved for th is area in the 1968 budget. These pro j ects wil l i mprove fir e protection for the East Central area . The description of these two projects are : PROJECT NO. LOCATION

LENGTH SIZE "NE 5 Ang i e!" Avenue 500 1 12 II SE 8 Hilbur Avenue 200' 8" eavy demoliti cn i s in progre ss in this area Hhich will require additiona l trunk main s and d i stribut i on mains as the Hork progress es . This area cont ains numerous water several stree ts are supp li ed wi t h 6 11 and smaller ma ir1s will nee d to as the transition of the l and u se fe e der mains , 3 6 11 and sma ller, and 6" and smaller wa t er mains. These be r eplaced with larger wate r ma ins deve l ops . AREA NO . '..'.i. - NASH-i·!ASHIN"GTON This area i s bound on the north by J efferson Avenue , on "t he eas t by Elliott Stree t, on the south by I nterstate I-20, and on the west by L f:, N Railroa d. We found th a t dome stic wat er service was ava il ab l e in this e n tire area . Three wa t er main insta ll ation projec t s were approved for this area in t he 1968 budge t. These proj ects will i raprove f i re prot ection in the Nash-Was hing ton area . The descr i ptlon of these pro j ects are : PROJECT NO . LOCATION LENGTH SIZE NW 11 Ellio t t Stree t 4 ,000 1 12" NW 12 Ta zor Street 1,100 1 8" Sl-J 10 Baldw in Stree t 800 ' 6 II Numerous n ew apartme nt pr oj ec t s h ave b een complet e d r ecent ly and th ere has been a genera l upgrading o f the area . ~!edif i ca tion and ad ju s t ments of water fa c ilities h ave be en ma de b y t he At lanta l.,Ta ter De pa rtr.ien t i n conj unc tion with th is work . This area contains numerous water s evera l st re e ts are supp l i e d with 6" and small e r mains wil l n ee d to as the tran sit ion of th e ] and u se f eeder iiiains , 48 11 and sma ll er , and 6 11 and s m3 ller uater mains. The se b e r ep l ace d wi th l arger wa ter mains deve l ops . �April 2, 1968 Page Four Mr. Millican AREA NO. 5 - WEST CENTRAL This area is bound on the north by Proctor Creek, Gun Club Road, and . Hollywood Road; on the e ast by the L & N Railroad; on the south by the A. C .L . Ra ilro ad , Hightower Road, and Bankhead Highway; and on the west by the Chattahooche e River . We found that domest ic water service was available in this entire area . Seven water ma in in sta llation projects were approved for this area in the 1968 budget . These projE,cts will impr ove fire protection in the West Centr a l area. The des cription of these seven proj ec ts are: PROJECT NO . LOCATION LENGTH SIZE 2,200 1 8" NW 2 Comme rcial Avenue NH 3 Ryne Street 800' 8" NW lf Bellview Avenue 400 1 6. NW 5 North Grand Avenue 1,000 1 8" NW 6 St. Joseph Avenue 1,900' 8" NW 7 Spring Street 900' 8" NW 9 Washington Hei gh ts Terrace 700 1 6" No demolition work was observed in this are a . When work be gins in the near future, we will make the ne cess ary adjustments and additions to our distribution system as required. Several streets in this area are being served by 6" and smaller water mains which will ne ed to be repl a ced with la rger water ma i ns as the transition of the l and us e develops. AREA NO. 6 - NORTHWES T-PSRRY Rm-m s This area is bound on the north by Marietta Boulevard; on the east by the W & A Railroad; on the south by Bankhead llighway , Gun Club Drive , and Proctor Cr eek ; and on the west by the Chattahoochee River. We found that dome stic water service ~as available in tl1is entire area. One water main installation project was approved for this area in the 1968 budget. This project wi ll improve fir e protection in the Northwest-Perry Homes area. The description of this project is: "· �.,--. . , .. April 2, 1968 Page Five }lr . Ni llican PROJECT NO. NW 8 LOCATION Givens Stre et LENGTH 650 ' SIZE 6" Heavy demo liti on is in progr e s s in thi s are a which wi ll require additiona l trunk ma in s and d ist ributio n ma ins as the wor k progres s es . Se veral stree t s in this area a r e being s e rved by 6 11 and sma ll er water mains wh ich wi l l n eed to be replac e d with l arger wa ter ma ins as the transition o f th e l and u s e deve lops . All of the s i x areas s ur veye d h ave fir e hydr ants distribute d throu ghout the en tire area , . Ho s t a ll of the fi r e hyd r an ts c an be u sed for p l ay sprink l e r hydran t s as ne igl borhood conditi ons wa rr a nt . He wil l wor k wi th t he Parks De p2rtme nt and Pol i e Dep a rtment on th i s progr am . Th,~ Wa ter Depar t men t is int eres t e d in making th ese proj e cts a suc c ess . eff I· rt pos s ibl e will be made to i n~ure n 0cded wat e r facilitie s . FW / a p c c : Dan Swea t Eve ry �--~--f• ( ll 1 "'-- . -~--'• ~~ ··_A- ,... - / OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 800 CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 WILLIAM R . WOFFORD, P.E., R.A. April 1, 1968 INSPECTOR OF BUILD I NGS ELMER H. MOON, E . E ., P,E. ASST, INS PECTOR OF B UILDINGS MEMORANDUM s;:~:~ TO FROM Dan E. Jr._ . ) W.R.Wo~ RE Atlanta's 1968 Services Program. Several specific questions were posed in the Mayor's letter of March 19, 1968 on suggested action for the City's 1968 services program. These refer specifically to immediate City-wide action with regard to implementing proposals suggested in Chapter 10 of the National Advisory Commission Report. The two Coordinators requested by the Mayor's office will be furnished and the end result, of course, will be a loss of two Inspectors I from the Housing Division Staff. Specific questions and answers follow: 1. In your opinion, what are the advantages and dis:dvantages of each recommendation? The major items mentioned in Chapter 10 are already.·in effect. By using an experienced Housing Cod e enforcement officer in each ha lf of the City as coordinator, many questions or grievances could b e answered and channel ed to the prop er operating de partments without delay . These coordinators could be stra t eg ica lly placed in the Sum-Mee and Nash-Bans Areas (#1 and #4 c ent ers on map furnish ed ). They could attend citizens' meetings to describ e what municipal actions are authorized, and could make r eferral s to the proper d epartments . For instance , these men would be extremely h e lpful in d es cribing Housing enforcement policy in areas delineated for futur e governmental action as des crib ed in our workable program. 2. In your judgement, how would it affect your de partment? The Housing Division will sustain ··a los s in anticipated housing unit compliance , since it will reduce the number of field inspec to rs currently assigned to housing inspection . Outline the st e ps involved in implementing each recommenda tion as it would affect you_r; de partment or agency. �Dan E. Sweat, Jr. April 1, 1968 Page 2: Steps have been taken already to assign 2 inspectors to Mr. Sweat's office. 4. Estimate the probable costs involved in No. 3. No cost involved. I am enclosing materials you gave me regarding the Mayor's Program. I would to have one of these "kits" for our reference if you can arrange it. �i TA 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 30 3 C IT Y HA L L Atlanta Georgia, 30303 RICHARD W. RESPESS DEPUTY DIRECTOR RAY A. NIXON DIRECTOR March 27, 1968 Honorable Ivan Allen, J r ., Mayor, City of Atl anta Dear Mayor Allen : In comp liance with you r request for a report stating what we pr opose to do in the various-slum areas , I am enclosing herewith a list of the stree ts uhich we plan to resurface in these areas this year, both by City forces and by contract. In addition, we plan to pave from one to three streets in each a:cea ( that are now unpaved) and we wi ll continue to pass up sidewalk to be paved all during t his season. Yours truly, -· · / . /' --<7 c{,,/ :;:;;-.-2-?-/,_.--,::;.-.-::.-.._......- ~~ ~. • Ray A. Nixon, .,,/" ., r DIRECTOR OF PU BLIC WOR.l<S DEPT 0 / ·--- RAN:hj enc. ATLANTA Tl-IE /,,./' / DOG W OOD CITY �March 26, 1968 STREET MAI NTENANCE DIVISION AREA I . Summer Hi ll, Gra nt Park, Hechanic svil l e , Peoplestown, Ad air Park , Pittsburgh, Chosewood Par k, Highpoint & Joyland, South Atlanta, . and Lakewood Heights Boulevard s.E. Confederate Ave. to Memorial Dr. Pr yor St. s.w. Georgia Ave. to Ridge Ave. Meldon Av e. S.W. Capitol Ave . to Pryor Rd. Middleton St. S.W. - Meldon Ave. to Bullock St. Stillman St. S.E. - Lakewood Ave. to Lakewood Ter . Buena Vi s ta St. S.W. - Pr yor St. to For t re ss St. P;ir.k Ave. S.E. - Memorial Dr. to I - 20 s.E . Park Ave. Ba ss St. s. E. Sydney St . s.E. Ber ne St. to Glenwood Ave. McDanie l St. t o Cooper St . Cherokee Ave. to Park Ave . Taft St . S. W. Thor nt on Pl. East to End of St. Hipp St . S.W. 250' Aiken St. s.w. Thornton St. S.W. Up sh aw St. s.w. East o f Aiken St . - 1,000' Wes t Thornton St , to Hipp St. Thornton Pl ace East t o End of Pavement E. Aiken St. - 1,000 ' West �. Mar ch 26, 1968 STREET 1-.!AINTENANCE DIVISION AfIBA II Edgewood & Kir kwood Arizona Ave. N.E. DeKalb Ave. South to End of St. Hallman St. N.E. - Saunder s St. N.E. - Boulevar d Dr. to Hallman St. Caroline St. N.E. - Moreland Ave. to Marion Pl. Mortimer St. S.E. - Arkwright Pl. to Wylie St. Merlin Ave. S.E. Warren St. to Howard St. Moreland Ave. to Battlefield Ave. Wrenwood Pl. N.E. Hardee St, to Wrenwood Dr. Screven St. N.E. Boulevard Dr. to Hardee St. Locust St. N.E. College Ave. to Trotti St • ... \ . �1· March 26, 1968 STJ,IBET MAINTENANCE DIVISION AREA III Glen Iris, Ba ss Community, Cabbageto;m-Reynoldstown Peachtree St. to Hurt St. Edgewood Ave. N.E. Angier Ave. N.E. - 'Pine St. to North Ave. Sampson St. N.E. Irwin St. to East Ave. Auburn Ave. N.E. Randolph St. to Irwin St. Harralson Ave. N.E. DeKalb Ave. to Alta Ave. ,., �: March 26, 1968 STREET MAINTENA."'lCE DIVISION AKEA IV Engli,sh Ave. & Vine City Jones Ave. N.W. - Neal St. N.W. Ashby St, to Griffin St. Western Ave, N.W. · Johns St. N. W. - Raynes St. S.W./N.W. Northside Dr. to Elliott St. - Peters St. to S{mpson St. Chestnut St. N.W. Mitchell St. S.W. Lena St. N.W. Vine St. to Gray St. - Nor-thside Dr. to Gray St. Simpson St. N.W. Beckwith St. Marietta St, to Northside Dr. Bankhead Ave. to Jefferson St. - s.w. Ashby St. to Jeptha St. Ashby St. to Walnut St. - Ashby St. to Ollie St. \ �March 26·, 1968 STREET KA.INTENANCE DIVISION AREA V Watts Rd., Carey & Almond Park, Center Hill, Dixie Hills, Grove Park & Hunter Hills & Western Ave. Hightower Rd. N.W. - ·Jackson Parkway to Hollywood Rd.· Hollywood Rd. N.W. - Johnson Rd. to Hightower Rd. �. :, March 26, 1968 STREET MAINTENANCE DIVISION AFJ!.A VI Rivers:!.de, Chattahoochee, Lincoln Homes, Scotts Crossing, Bolton, Hills Park & Perry Homes - Rockdale Main St. N.W. Hollywood Rd. South 1, 791' Church St. N.W. Main St. West to End of St. Burtz St. N.W. Hollywood Rd. West to End of St. Spad Ave. N.•W. - Whittier Ave. N.W. - Maco St. to Wales Ave. Macaw St. N.W. - Whittier Ave. West to End of St. Maco St, N.W. - Whittier Ave. to Bolton Rd. Butler Way, N.W. - Parrott Ave. to Wales Ave. Layton Ave. N.W. - Butler Way to Spad Ave. Wales Ave. N.W. Whittier Ave. to Spad Ave. .Wales Ave, to Parrott Ave • �....r:--_ " PUBLIC WORKS DEPART MEN T SANITARY 102 CITY HALL AN NEX - DIVISION 2 60 CENTRAL AVENUE, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Apri l 1, 1968 RAY A. NI X ON ROBERT D. SPEER DIRECTO R SUPER I N TE ND ENT OF SA N ITATt ON RICHA R D \'I. RESPESS ORMAN A . POWER D EP U .TY DIR ECTO R AS ST . SUPER I N TENDENT O F SANITATI ON Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr. ~ayor of the City of Atlinta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Attached h e r eto you wi ll fin d outline for the surmnert ime program of 1968 plus 2.. pl a n called 11 o peratio n scrub 11 a nd our comments rega rding Chapt e r 1 0 of the r eport o f the Na tional Advisory Committ ee on Civil Disorder. Trusting this meets with your approv a l, I r emain Re spectfully, Q. [: /._ ""'__ R. E. Hulsey, Supe rint e nde nt of Sanit .tion REH: j d a cc: Mr. Ray Ni x on Enclo s ure ATLANTA THE DOGWOOD C I TY �OUTLD·1E OF SlTM"MERTIME PROGRM.1 1968 lo Assign Arvell Crowe as our representive on the task force, his job will be to coordinate this progrs.m with the neighborhood coordin ator or his representive. He will supervise the efforts of the Sanit nuy Division in the 6 areas involvedo Must be auailable at all times. 2o Arrange for a trash pickup twice weekly in these areas, or whenever it is needed~ 3o Arrange for garbage pickup twice weekly, plus arrangeme~ts for emergency pickupso 4 o Arrange for brooms to sweep the streets at least once a week,· more often if neededo Make use of water wagon to wash the streetso Cooperate with the f3olice L·epartment in removing ab andonded cars from the streets o 5o Remove abandonded autos whe~ever we c an locate the owner and secure a release from him, this is per instructions of the City Attorneyo 60 Cooperate with E0A to coordinate cleanup of vacant lots and private property. Intensi~y the ABC & :NYC progr ams o 7o Cooperate with the Atlanta Children & Youth Service Council in the Rodent Control program i n these areaso We wi ll train 5 of their people to act as sanitary supervisors and these will supervise crews of 8 persons ea ch to clean up vacant lots and private reside~ces. 8 o Make an effort to put into operation Opera ti on Scrubv1hi c h will be an extra effort in these lire as, ~ t Y!i.11 supp lement the summe r p1°ogra r.1 ~me, eventua.lly be made a permen ent program in these areas ., �DUTIES OF THE COORGDT/\ 'l'OR IN THE srn.,:~'.ER 1rH:E CL!•~A1'T UP PROGRAM lo Devote .hi~ full time to this program. 2o Meke yourself available . to the 6 City Services Coordinators at ell times, giving them your ro.dio r..umber, home telephone number, etco 3. You will be u:r.der the supervision of the special services division of ,the Sanitary Department •. 4o K~ep the special services division informed of your activities, records must be kept so that we may evaul'ate our program from time to .t i:-:ie to de te mine i f '.Ve are ge tt i:r.g t _h e maxir-,um effort e 5. 2.nd the trash supervisoro 6. Coo , erate with the police departme::Lt in rer.1.oving abandonded auto:.::obiles fror the public streets. 7. Coopera te with EOA, /\BC, and .NYC in ~he ir eff O::'.' tE: to cl~o.r.. up the arc2s invo 1 vcd., ICnow wt.e~e the rubb~ s~1 nill be and have trucks available to remove same on time o 8. Cooper::i. te with the At1i. n ta Children & Youth Service Council in the Rod en t Control program that vJill begin this summer nnd last tl:.roush March 19690 Mr. Sp~er will head up t his program for us, it is rug ; ested that you talk wi "tl~ bim in order to e li mir..a te e.ny overlap. g. Be G.va:.lsble for con:plaintso 10. In cooperation with dist~ict inspectors, remove all abandonded cRrs from private property po ssi bloo · Sp ecia l i;ot'3: You are the key to. this program, everything you might be expected to do can.not be spelled out for you. Be assured th.?.t you will get all the ~acl<:ing necess~ry to do a good jobo 02 r. l________ R. E. Hulsey Supt. of San i t a tiono �?:. 0 !7 ( \,. J -,:_.'--, - r.: ,:, '\ ... _""" . '- .A'l'LANTA PUBLIC \\'ORKS DEPT. SANITARY LIVIS!ON 11 0PERA'l'ION SCRUB 11 PLAN Secure one truck from each station with a ~CD~ two WC I~ total of 3 trucks and 3 ~CD and 6 ~C lp l eq~~pment operator, total of 10 meno .: :, Borro·.v a front end lo~d.cr from the· Constructior. Division, our EO to operate sameo


This s ecial ere\'/ w:lll operate unoer the supervision of the Speci2,l Servic - s unit of the Sanitary Divisiono They will assign a coordinator vrho wif l determine areas to be v10rkede This man \'till work independen'c of the district !nppectors, but in cooperation with them. This crew is intended to be used in 8.11 8.rcas of the city, espocial:!.y in urban rene~18.l and slum areas. · - It is intended for this crew to go into yards of private ,roperty, with the owners consent a!!c1 picxup old stoves, refrigerators, ·washers, etco and h a ul same awayo The coordinator ~ould have his crew to ~eet him at a prearranged loc at ion e2ch day and give out work assien~cnts for the day. He will keep a record of his activity and report sarne to the supervisor of special services who ·,Jill keep the Supt. of Sanitation in.:'or::1e cl 2.s to proble~s and progr'3SS e The coordinator s~all solicit the cooperation of the district inspec t ors in loc at ing property owners and informing that they must assu.'Tie tho responsibility of keepin~ their property clean. Extrerr.e ca'...l.tion must be t ake n not to dar.:age e.ny private property or remove anyth i !1g v1ithout sec .1.ring approv2.l. 'l'he conduct of the ere•:: ::r.."'J.st be oxan~plc1. tory. 1 The coordina tor rr.'J.st plan his activity v:ell in adv9.nce in order to spenc: some ti me in each area involted. EXP/\t:SIO?,T O;? PHO GRAM If this program. is R success it is reco:x11ended th2. t we set up a cr e':r at Maddox Park, Liddell, and Hill Sto and ~place them U...""lder the supervi:::~on of th::: f.ss t. Area Supt. This ·would ::nean we vJOuld need three front e!1d loaders ar.d three equipment o pera tors., t he o ther parts of the ere·:, ,_._,0 1.1.lc. be dra ,n 1 fro m t!oe exis ti :g force. 0. r 11Y- Re E. Eulsey ~ Supt. of Sani t at i on \ �REPORT ON USE O? RECOMl',1EI':DA'l1 IONS IN CHAPTER 10, REPORT OF NATIONAL ADVISORY CO11;r.GTTEE ON CIVIL I;ISORDERSo 1. Neighborhood Task Force 1'.he establishment of Buch :o.n or 6 anization would be of great edvantage to th9se poople living in low income areas who feel left out of the systemo It would give them the opportunity to talk directly with the various department heads in solvins their problems. Tl~ough this type of meeting we could explnir-i 01.'.l' oper2 t ion ar,d r0cei ve valuable su.gge sti ons that would help us in providing sanitary services to all citizens on an equgl baciso Certainly this force would baa gtlide to us in detormir..ing if we are p:coviding the necess8.ry service o 2o Grievance respo~se mechanisms. In my opinion this committee should be composed of interested. citizens from the vnrious communities ,·,ho would ~ir grievances and pass them on to the various depPrtments for actiono / 3o Le gel service to the poor.

The i:-e are t.he people vrno need t:us service tho most. Mftny of them do not urld(erstand the due process of law and the many complex routines demanded by (this process. It might be well to provide a public defender for those unable to afford legal representRtioh. 4. /\lsistance for Ma ors o.nd CJt, Cou:r.cils. Tis sugg es ion needs to e p e rsued strongly, urging the State & Federa l governments to provide funds for such Hssistance e . 5. Heari~g on Ghetto problems and enactment of a p ronr iate islation , These types of nearin~s wou~ oe very ,eip u in inaing sourc e of their compl aints and give us the opportunity to revi:l.m;> or include sorr.e addi tio:nal services :i.n these ar•eas. 6. EstabJ~.sment of nei ghborhood city halls. To me this is an excellent id ea , of course the persor, in the neighborh0o d city halls should be someone the com.c.i.uni ty hns respect for and feel that he is interested in improving conditions in their cor.ununity. 7o Deve lo t':.1.e nt of !11. l~lti-s ervic e c ente:-s . By o s ta I is h ing t h e se centers in the ghe tto areas it brings t he various services to the com.rnuni ty, it prov ides a place where the resident of such a community can tAke his problems and discuss them and perhaps arrive at a solution to them. 8. Imuroved pili l itical r epresent~~i on. Perhaps more reprosentotion on the Beard of Ald ermen , appoi ntme nt of these people to various civic projects, boards, etc. uould give them a sonso of belonging. I think thRt Atbnta has made grea t strides in this areao t -f'f e c t.J.ve comnmn. it pa r ti c1. p8.L, ,.._ J... on. 9 • ,, ,.,ore e ..... This type of pror;r ~m wit tho .DEilp of the multi-service c ent ers could help t hese ci ti zenc to de v e l op p:::1 id e iP- t:1.e ir comm;Jr. i ties. The y sho uid .be included in plans that eff ect tr.cir cor.:rr..nnity, ev er. though thes e people live in such areas there are a g ood many helpful su~a estions or reco m~end a tions they c a n supply.. u u �-Bo These recon@endations certainly would h e lp us in providing the necessary sanitary services- to these areaso They would provide these citizens an ave11ue -·to voice their co-mplaints and suggestions o c. 1. The neighborhood t ask force c o-...~ld be of great assistance to us in organizing clean up progrRms, providing the necessary garbage collection$ the collection of rub bish , remova l of abandoned cars on private property .ri cleaning of streets, etco I 7. T4e multi-service c enter could b e very helpful in securin6 labor to ~i1~ ~acant positions in the Sanit ary Division through their employment ai V lS 10~• . It might b e advisea~la to sot up a sp e ciil crew at e 6ch sub station who would devote 100% of tr~8ir tini8 to these areas o 1'iy 1Elea ·of such crews would be as follows. 1 Inspector to ov ersee th e en}ire proGram,. cost $7,046.00 4 Truck drivers, C5,265.00-, i 2l,060ou0 83 Waste collectors, t3~ ,Il2o00. 4 Equipment operatorsJ $23,868.00 4 Front end load e rs, ~1-9 ,'~OQ ;Q0 4 Open body trucks, C7;Q00;QOJ ! Total estima ted cost . $ 109,886~00 Note; · Of course if we can reduc e ab~ en~ee!sm it mi$ht be possible to supply some of the man power fro m existina f orces . Also other mecha nizatio n pro grams might release the driv e rs ·2..fid waste co lle ctors o 0 ~· Respectfully, CK ~ . I~~ R. E. Hulsey Supto of Sanitation -I �C-~7-Y OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office o f General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 March 29, 1968 JACK C. DELIUS G ENERA L MANAGER TO: I FR M: 1 MEMORANDUM Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders Jack C. Delius, Gene ral Manager of Parks and Recreations ,/J,_ I accordance with your instructions of March 29, 1968, entitled · equested Action To Be Taken By City Departme nts And Public Apencies," I ·w ish to advise you of the following • 11 .Je are in continuou s meetings with EOA, priv ate a ge ncies in the field of r ecreation and soci a l and cultural enrichment , a nd the Atlanta School Department, preparing a detailed proposal to be submitted to Economic Opportunity Atlanta probably by April 4 , .1 968 and c ertainly b y April 19, 1968 , which will in fact comply with the most recently available guide lines from th e Office o f Economic Opportunity in Washington. Our p roposal is to, b e ginning June 1, 1968 and running through September 1, 1968 to operate approx imately 134 cente rs, schools, playg round s and p arks. Heavy emphasis will be placed on t eenage activiti es , such as so cial dances, civic coun cil ~ , field trips to our Lake Altoona pro perty , and wo rk expe r iences . Every neighborhood h as b een c are fully inventoried from the viewpoint o f the availabi lity o f eith e r a s chool or a park and r e crea tion facility. It i s ant icipat e d th a t not a ll o f the current ly existing forty odd playlots wi ll b e staffed ; however, those not staffed will be adjacent to o p e ratio na l schools. Heavy empha sis will b e place d on emp loyment using in-schoo l and out-of-s chool n eighborhood Youth Corps e nroll ees , as we ll a s additiona l young p e ople who come from disadv a ntage d areas. Tentative plans were d eve lop e d as to what we woul d do in t erms of prog rams in dis advantaged areas if we r eceived no fed e ral funds. The staff h a d e s tima ted that upwards of forty-four p e rmanent employees coul d be diverte d from a ff luent areas o f our community to the l ess fort unate ar eas . The p l a n was vo ted down b y the Aldermanic Parks Committee on March 1 2 , 19 68. Howe ver , the Cornmitte planned to contact th e Mayor and arrange a meeting to �Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. - March 29, 1968 2 - discuss in depth what additional City funds might be available in the event the City did not receive OEO financingc A master map has bee n prepared showing all school and park locations which will be ope rational. The Director of the Atlanta Youth Council has had emphasized to him the importance of the City of Atlanta Park/School Program receiving the substantial amount of any EOA funds this summer. The matter has also been mentioned briefly to Mayor Allen, as well as to the Members of the Park Committee, and has been discussed at some length with the Director of EOAc A central headquarters will be established at Central Junior High School adjacent to the City Hall Annex and not too far distant from City Hall. A director will be hired at the earliest possible time (immediately if funds are available from the $30,000 HUD Grant sent to the City for Youth Coordination) The Director will assume the technical responsibility of coordinating all recreation in the Metro area where EOA funds are involved since we understand . that the Vice President's $30,000 grant to the City was to provide Metro-wide coordination and was not limited to the confines of our City limits. c We would like to have available and on the staff no later than May 1st a director, associate director, accountant, secretary, telephones, desks, mimeographing machines, etc. in order to establish our base of ope rations and to begin in-service training. The central office, like our entire program, will remain open at least six days a week from 9:00 o'clock in the morning until approx imately 10:00 o'clock ~t night. Possibly, the central office will remain open on Sunday to receive inquiries and give out information on activities, etc. The entire summer program will be heavily publicized, using all news media and, if necessary, paid advertisements in the press. We are calling upon people in the theater, art world, etc. to participate and to add to the diversification of the program this summer. In summary, we will attempt to have a comprehens ive program going some twelve hours a day, six days a week that wi ll provide recreation and cultura l enrichme nt, as we ll as education in every identi fiab le neighborhood within the hard-core target areas established by EOA. JCD:jw �DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 March 29, 1968 JACK C. DELIUS MEMORANDUM GENERAL MANAGER TO: Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders FROM: Jack c. Delius, General Manager of Parks and Recreation~ In response to your request of March 19, 1968 we wish to supply the following information. I have carefully read Chapter 10, "The Community Response," contained in the Report of The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders and have compared the cont ents with your recommended 1968 City Services Program. I believe that the Administrative Organization, responsibilities, and recommended direct action, carefully reflects what the City of Atlanta should do in responding to the suggestions and conclusions on Civil Disorders. I certainly hope that we can obtain this swnmer City Services Coordinators. Last year I urged they be reconsidered for 1968 and they served a real purpose by taking a load off the operating departments in regards to screening certain complaints, some of which were unf0nnded , and passing on with proper emphasis those compla:i.nts which were fully justified. I am quite impressed with the staffing suggested for the Neighborhood Task Force. I am concerned and somewhat in a quandary about recomme ndations for bhe City-Wide Resources Task Force. On Page 3, Paragraph f., it is stated that each City d epartment will make themselves available to each of the six Neighborhood Task Forces on a "a s needed" basis. However , · the second and following paragraph states that each representatj ve wi ll be s erving . full time , etc. I don't believe the Parks Department has enough administrative people to loan out and staff si x Neighborhood Task Forces. We might use our six Recreation Superv i sors , but one of them h as been lo aned to Model City, and each of th e other five is responsible for a Recreation District as wel l as supervision of this summer's School/Park Recreation Program. Last summe r it was a pleasure working with the City Services Coordinator in that many unfounded complaints never reached our office but were analyzed and handled at the City Services Coordinator l evel. Those complaints that did get to this office were legitimate in nature and we att empted to handle them e xpe ditiously. If the City Services ·... �2 - Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Advisory Committee On Civil Disorders March 29, 1968 Coordinator is not familiar with City Government he could in fact put an undue strain on the operating departments by agreeing with the neighbors to make certain requests and see that they were in fact complied with when, in truth, the department would be unable to comply. JCD:jw �REQUESmD ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY CITY DEPARTHE'.NTS AND PUBLIC AGm~CIF~S REPORT - PUBLIC LIBR!i.RY April 1, 1968 Ie Present Library Services to Disadvantaged Areas The library bran ch es or bookmobile is currently ser ving the following commmu ties 1·li th.i.n the EOA poverty· areas: Cormnuni. ty Branch Li bra:ry Bookmobile Stop West Central Almond and Carey Park Grove Park Bowon Homes Doguood Branch frix:l.e Hills Shoppine Center Su.rmnec Humphrey Street Pittsburgh Peoplesto11n South Branch South Atlant a Carver Homes High Pt. and J oyl and Carver Homes High Pt. and Joyl and Nor t hwest -Perry Homes Perry Homes Perry Homes East Central Glen Iris Bass Communi ty Capitol Homes Inman Park Edgewood Kirkwood Kirhrood Branch Nash- ~fashi.ngton West Hunt e r Brancl1 i s lo cated on ed6 e of area �- 2 - IL, Illo The Libr ary will continue to act as resource for other agencies in the area, supplying books, films, records, etc., to any a gency requesting themo Proposed Pr ogram Ao . Children's Programs A workshop in the II art of storytellingn sponsored by the E1nory University Division of Librarianship and Atlanta University School of Library Service in coop eration with the ll.tla nt?. Public Library, the DeKalb Library Syst em and the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council is currently in progresso At the t ermination of the 8--week course qualified stor ytellers who, in retur n for the free training program wlll volunteer their time to tell stories to children on the book nobiles, at the branch libraries, in the community school p r ogra::n or EOA Centers. Storytellers 1-r lll · be schedule d as need ed 1,rl th particular empha sis on placement in disa dvantaged com.r:nmi tieso The entii~e program is still dependent on t.he number of volunteers who will be available at the conclusion of the course in stor-ytelli.ng. Approxi.m-~tely 125 p e ople have registered to date in the 13 loca tions where the course is presently being conducted. Bo Adult Programs A bookmobile program labeled 11 The Ind.i. a n Gi ver:1 will be in operation by this summer to distribute books on a 11 rea dum- •n-swapwn" ba siso The unit will remain in an area from 6:00 po :!:llo to 9:00 p . m. in orde r to better serve adu lt 11 ..rorki.ng people ' s"needs, During this period a film prog r a 'll will b e sho1m in a n earby n eighb or h ood c enter. EOA pover ty areas already designat e d for t hi s pr ogr am ar e : Me chanicsville, Summerhill, Grant Par-1: and Bedfor d Place. Two full-time staff members have already been assigned to this progr a m but at l east 40 additional hours are n eede d to effectively expand the program in additiona l area s. c. Future Programs F unds were mad e ava ilable s om~ time ago for a touring t heat re or cinemamobi l e to p resent f i L-11s and story hours to chi l dren in areas -too f ar fro.:n branches or at b ranches wi t hout s uitabl e f a ci li t i es . Manufacturing of t his custom-made vehi cle h as r endered it i mpossible to ha ve it in operat i on befo re early n ext y ear. Inve stiga t i ons hav e reveal e d t ha t a simi l ar vehicle uhi ch could b e easily a dap t e d for our u se i s available fo r pur chase at a co s t i n excess of our p resen t budget o If a l arger grant was avai l able t o make up the dif fer en ce be tween funds al l ocat e d and t hose needed the cinemamob1 l e coul d be in ope ration by J une t o serve a l arge number of additional connnuni t ies. Forty (Lo) add.i. tiona l hours would be needed to effectively ope rate f or t he summer. As an alternative, i f an Atlanta Transi t Bus and driv:er were pr0vided to meet this much needed v ehiql.e problem any number of addi tion,'3.l programs could be conductedo �- 3 - D. Inne r Ci t:y Public Libra rj" Service An exper:i.ment in using Ubrary school students in bra.nch libraries has resulted in a proposal for a long-ra.nge program to service the im1er city disadvantaged area. Appli ca t i on ba s been made for funding through Title III, I nterlibrary Cooperation of the Librar y Services and Construction ii.ct. The branch libraries in disadvantaged areas will r emain essenti ally as study c enters at the clo se of the school day for children 1-1ho have severe lim:i. tations in such facilities at home. Li bra rs school students f rom Atlan t a University cm d Dnory University will make it possible to provide adcli t iona l hou.r s open in branch li brari cs and study centers in the neighborhoods for this purpos e . School libraries in. the a r ea wilJ1assi st p er scnnel fror.1 pub1ic libra ry to info:tm students of these centers and provi.de coordination bet ween school and public libra ry in programs and colle ctions. Ee p eposi t.s of Books Investigation is unden-my as to the f easibility of depositing paperba ck books in Hei ehborhood Center s , Recreation a r eas, etc. Space for and circulation of, thes e ma t eri a l s mu st b e planned 1,rl. th the cooperating agenci es . IV. Func:ti ons at Hain Library The Ha in Library will continue to a ct as an agency through wb.i ch progran;s can b e planned. Groups may be brought t o the library for 11 Honday Morni ng Movies,n group t our::~ as well as prov.i.clJng t he norma l services of supplying films , art p rints and refer ence; t;~i·vice s to i ndividuals. Our Child1·en I s Department will continue to encourage children to earn a c ertificate for r eac1ing 12 books rnder our Read-Al l-Year Programo We u:i..11 continue also to encourage 11 Head Start 11 to bring groups t o the Hain Library for picture book hour , storyte J.ling , whl.ch is nm1 a very popular se:::-vice . In adcli ti.on t he Vagabond tfarione t tes ,.r.i.11 be s en t to S branch libraries in di s a dvantat;;ed areas. Our t ravelinc; storytell er will also continue. rota tion of storyhours at Decatur Stree t, Vine City, Georgia Avenue , Hunt Street and Simpson Streete �PROPOSED ADDI'rIONIJ. DlJDGET FOR LIBRARY SERVICE TO DIS.A.DVANTAGI.<J) AREAS $ 3, 000 oOO lo Equipment (additional cost fo r cinemarnobile) 2o Personnel ( adoi tional hours for 11 The Indian Giver:: and · cinema.mobile - 80 hr s. a week at $lo50 an hro for 12 wee ks ) 1,440 .00 3. Materials 2 , 000 .,00 (books, films, etc . fo r deposit in E0A Cent ers, etc.) $ .,. 6,h4o.oo �,,_,.,r-· • ,, '·-- r - :;.- ... I '..: J. l ti .~ --\ t ,;- - - - TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT At lanta, Georg ia 30303 April 1, 1968 KARL A. BEVINS Traffic Engin ee r The Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta Atlanta , Georgia Dear Mayor Al len: ~n reply to paragraph #2 of your instruction sheet da ted March 19, 1968, and entiped 11 Requ es ted Action to b e taken by City Depa rtments and Public Agencies 11 , we ~bmit the following report. We be lieve that the Neighborhood Task Force concept is th e most effective way now known to "communicate" with the residents of the six areas . Residents of other areas usually write lett ers , felephon e , and/or work throu gh civic clubs, I PT A groups or similar means of communication. However , we recogni ze the very grave danger involved in opening this channel of communication without providing the means of quick response with action that will be reco gniz.ed by ·the individual citizen as relief. The l a ck of civic clubs and similar organizations makes "reasoning" with the per son filin g the request or complaint very dif ficu lt, if not impossibl e . The r e fore, we see an ur gent nee d for add itiona l personne l a nd op erating funds to provide (1) th e field investigation service, (2) the additional traff ic studies needed to determine proper corrective action and (3) the work crews to inst all and maintain the needed signs , markings , signals and.stree t li ghts, These ne eds are listed below . Signs and "Ma rkings 1 Si gn Crew ( 2 me n and truck ) Traffic Enginee ring Servic ema n $4,446.00 Semi-Skill ed Worker 4,264.00 Truck 3,500.00 Se rvic e for Truck 400,00 Sign a nd Marking Materials TOT AL ( Signs and Marki~ngs ) $12,610.00 10,000.00 $ 22,610.00 _j �= 2 = April 1, 1968 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Stree t Light Ni gh ttime Insp ection 1 Tra ffic Enginee ring Assist ant II @$5,720.00 Auto Allowa nc e ($70/mo nth) 840.00 Desk and Cha ir 335.00 TOT AL (Stree t Light Nighttime Ins pection) $ 6,895000 Traffic Sign a ls Equipme nt for 62 new inst a ll a tions @$6 ,000) 1 Electrica l Construction Crew Electrician Foreman 6,487.00 2 Electricia ns( @$ 5,9 67) 11,934.00 2 Semi-Skilled Wor. ( @4 , 264) 8,528.00 13,000.00 Aerial Truck Se rvic e for Truck 400 . 00 S u b T o t a 1 $ 372,000.00 ' 40,349.00 $ 412,349.00 Eng i nee rin g , Sp e cifica tio ns , Timing , e tc. 1 Traffic Enginee r I Auto Allowa nce ($.55/Month) De sk and Cha ir 8,671.00 660.00 335.00 1 Jr. Tra f f i c Engin eer 7,345.00 660 . 00 335.00 Auto Allowa nc e ($55/Month) De sk and Cha ir s u b T o t a 1 $18,006 . 00 Fie ld Tra ffi c St udies t o docume n t nee ds f or tra ffic signa ls if Fe de r a l or St a t e fun ds a re obt a i ne d to purc has e t he equi pment 1 Tra f f ic Engi nee r ing Ass t. II Au to Allowance ( $55/Mont h) Desk and Cha i r 2 TE As si st a nt I ( @$5 ,265) 2 Auto Al l owa nce ( $5 5/Month ) 2 De sk and Cha i r ( @$ 335 ) s u b T o t a 1 5,720.00 660 . 00 335 . 00 10 , 530 . 00 1,320 . 00 670 .00 $ 19 , 235. 00 �= 3 = April 1, 1968 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. The above liste d perso nne l, equipment and mat e rial needs are summarized as follows: Si gns and Ma rkings Personnel Equipment Materia ls T OT AL 8, 710.00 3,900.00 10,000.00 $ $ 22,610.00 Street Light Night Inspection Personne l Equipme nt T O TA L $ . 6,895.00 Traffic Si gnals Personn e l (ConstructioD) Personnel (hngine er ing) Personne l (Documenta tion) Equipmen t (for Personne l) Traffic Signa l Equipme nt TO TA L 26,949.00 17,336.00 18,230~00 15,075.00 372,000.00 $ 449,590.00 This listing shows an estima t ed grand tot a l of $479,095.00 which includ e s $77,7 85.00 for Personne l, $19,310.00 for Equipme nt and $3 82,000. 00 for Ma terials. Th e nee ds for sign and marking materials are not great ($10,000) as outline d above. Howeve r, the nee d for prompt s e rvice is ur gent. The best our "norma l" s ervice can do is 10 days to 2 weeks after th e fi e ld inve stigation is compl e te and th e work ord e rs are wr itt e n. 11Norma l 11 time for fi e ld inves ti ga tion is also 10 days t o 2 week s. Experience has shown t hat this is not fast e nou gh for th e needs of th e six sp e ci a l areas. Fi e ld invest i gation must b e done within 48 hours and work cr ews must be in t he a r ea within 3 or 4 days of th e time th a t th e request or complaint is filed , This time t a bl e r equir es th e additiona l pe rsonn e l outlined abov e . �4 = April 1, 1968 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Experience during 1966 and 1967 clearly shows that regular night inspections are necessary to loc a te lamp outages, street light fixtures broken by rocks and/or rifle shots and report these items to the Georgia Power Company for immediate repairs. Normal maintenance by the Georgia Power Company calls for cleaning and re-lamping only every 2 to 3 years. In other sections of th e city, residents usually notify us of lamps that burn out ahea d of schedul e or of physical damage that occurs. During 1966 and 1967, we found that (in the six areas) most of these items went unreported until we made a night inspection. There is a "backlog" of traffic signal nee ds (city wide) consisting of about 150 locations where signals have been requested and where signals would be helpful and are warrant e d. Approximately 62 of these locations are in the six areas. Most of these are the 11Merrill and Oakland" type of situations and there is no way of acc urately predicting when or if a sudden pressing need will occur. New Federal Safety St a nda rds will probably require certain additiona l equipment over and above our pr e sent standards. Accordingly, our estimate of the cost of th ese install a tions is slightly higher than in the past. Also, if Feder i l Funds are obtained to he lp purchase signal equipment, a substantial amount of field work and data ga th e ring will be neces sary to satisfy Fed e r ~ l and State docum entation requireme nts. Estimated needs to develop this docume ntation are also listed above. In closing , we assure you tha t we r e cogniz e the importance and the urg e ncy of this segment of our s ervice to the city. We believe tha t the"N e ighborhood Ta sk Force" type of communication should b e op e ne d. We urge th a t_.this improved communic a tion b e back e d by improving . th e City's ability to r es pond with "des ira ble" as well as urg e ntly nee ded s e rvices . In our field of endeavor, it is fr e qu e ntly difficult to de fine ( explain) the diff e r e nce betwee n a "d es irabl e " servic e or traffic control device and one that is urg e ntly neede d. Sinc erely, ~ _-~ 7 1, ~._Q _ / -A---~<---1...., L ~ I J Karl A. Bev ins KAB / fd cc: Ald e rma n G. Everett Millican, Cha irma n ., Advisory Comm ittee on Civil Disorders Ald e rman Richard C. Fr eeman, Cha irma n Traffic, Pa rking and Transit Commit t ee ·I..._..-, �., .f"


b 1 f1 -f./_,flA1 .... l~· . \ U "' • ~ TRAFFIC ENGINEE R ING DEPARTMENT Atl an t a , Geo rg ia 30303 March 26, 1968 K A RL A . B EV I N S Traffic Eng in e e r Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Nayor of t he City of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgi a . De a.r Mayor Allen: · In r eply to par agr agh No. 1 of your i ns t r uction shee t entitle d 11 Requested Action to be Taken by City Departments and Public Agenciesn and dat ed 1--farch 19, 1968, ue r e commend .the followin g : (1) Reques t the Ge orgi a Power Company to pr ovi de ir:1rnediate cleaning and re-lamping and r epair of 2.11 stree t l i ght s needing such maintenance. (2) Provide the As sis t ant Tr aff i c Enginee r I (stree t li ght engineer) with a Traffic ~nginee ri ng Assis t ant II to ass ist him by maki ng ni ghttime inspe ctions of the stree ts in t he six 2.r eas on a r egul ar be.sis (at l east twic e per week ) and r eporting l .:i.mp outage s and physical damage to the Georgi a Pmrer Company for i mmedi a t e r epairs . Inspe cting t hese six a r eas at ni ght would be almost a full t i me job but any ext r a time could be well utilized by the Stree t Li ghting Enginee r who has no hel pe r now. (3) Have t he t 1-rn me n now available for the fi e ld investiga.-tion of r equests and compla.ints do 2.s they did during t he SLlmmer of 1967and give all i t erns from t he six areas top priority and handle all othe r ··r e que sts for service as time is available. · (4) Add one Traf f ic Enginee ri ng Assistant II to t he staff fo r trai ning and assi gn him f ull time to t he s i x are as as s oon as he i s capable of handling t he work . ( On - the - j ob trci.ini ng fo r thi s wo r k r equir es t hr ee to four mont hs of work experience. ) (5) Re - che ck all s i x are as to s uppl y any nee ded tt spee d control " si gns t o bring the s i gni ng up t o t he s t and ards fo l l oi:-1ed in othe r are as of the ci ty. (This will not r equire m.? ny new s i gns. ) ( 6 ) Have both sign and marking cr ews gi ve top priority t o work i n t he s i x areas and handl e all other work as r apid l y as possible with the t i me l eft avai l able. (Same as 1967 . ) The steps outline d above are ve ry simil ar t o the steps t aken during 1966 ~. - 1- �I' Page No. 2 Hayor Ivan Allen, Jr., l'·Iarch 26, 1968 and 1967. The area to be covered t his smnmer, (1968), is much larger and the complaints · and reque sts for service will probably be la.r ger. Our s e rv-ice to othe r areas in t he city suffered noticeably duri?.'Ig 1967 a s the r esult of these steps. · For this r eason, we are recommending additi onal pe rsonne l to prope rly handle all of t he work. We will be glad to .promptly supply any 2.dditio~al information tha t you ma y de sire. S)cerely, .St\c., ,_Qc _ __ ~ --L--c.L- _--(,.__.-KARL A. BSVINS Alderman G. Evere tt Eillican, Chairman, Advisory Cormnittee on Civil Disorde rs Alde r man Richa.rd C. Freeman �CITY H A LL ATLAN TA, G A . 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DE PARD! E i'\T OF PL.-\i'\;-..Ii'\G COLLI ER B . G L _A DI N, D i r ec ro r _ Apr il 2, 1968 Planning Staf f Report : The Report of t he National Advisor y Commi s sion on Civil Disor ders, Chapter 17, 11 Hous i ng 1t . In r esponse t o t he Hayor ' s r equest , we are s ubmitt ing fo r your cons i deration our t hi nki ng and r eco~ endation r e l ative to the Housing s e ction , Chapter 17 of t he report of the Nat iona l Advisory Committ ee on Civil Disorders . Basically, this se ct ion contai ns recom:nendations fo r nationa l act ion. At the heart of t he s ection i s a recommendation fo r t he enact ment of a comprehensive and enforceable fed e ral open~hous i ng l aw to cover. t he s al e or r ent a l of all housing , i ncluding sing l e -family homes . The Planning Department would s upport s uch a nat iona l l aw , however , we would not s uppo r t l ocal l egis l at ion i n t hi s· regard unti l after nationa l po li.cy ha s been est ab lished . Many of t he followi ng reconrnendations for national act ion we have endorsed previous l y , name l y: -u Expansion and modification of t he r ent supp l ement programs to pe rmit use of supplements f or exis ting hous i ng. Expans ion and od ification of the belowcmarket i nterest r a te program to enl arge the i nterest subsidy to all sponsors and provide i nterest- free loans t o non- profit sponsors to cover pre- const ruct ion costs , and permit s a le of proj e cts to non• profit corpora tions, coop eratives , or condomi ni ums. Exp ans ion of t he public hous i ng program with emphasis on small units on scattered sites, and l easing and "turnkey" programs. We have reservat i ons about the f ol lowi ng recommendations . infon ~ation and / or time is needed i n order to assess them. More �Planning Staff Report Page 2 _April 2, 1968 _.,. Creat ion of an owne rship s upp lement pr ogram simi l ar to present rent s upplements, to make home ownership possible for l ow-income f amilies. Ques tion - How wou ld it wor k? _... Hhat are its r amifications? Costs ? Federal wr i te-do,m of int erest r ates on loans to private builders constructing moderate rent housing . Quest ion ~ How would it work? What are its r amif ications? Costs ? Expans ion of Hodel Cities Program . To da te the theory of this progr am has been most appealing. Howeve r , its mu ch to early to t alk of expansion without more exper ience in execution . _.. Exp ans ion and reorlent a tion of the ur ban rcne->1al program to give priority to pr oj e cts directly as sist i ng loW""' i ncome households to obt ain adequate housing . While we support t he expansion , we are uncertai n as to what: is meant and the i ntent of reorientation of the urban renewal pr ogram. If t he i nte nt i s to return the progLam to its earlier days when housing \·ms pr ovided to the mut ual exclusion of new commercial and i ndustr:tal p l.ant s and jobs , then we woul d oppo s e such ureorientation . 11 As to spec if:i. c recommendations fo r loca l action and public policy , we refer your attention to a rc143.215.248.55t r endered in October , 19 67. This r eport wa s ttA Review of Atlanta 's Housing Program .. Its Problems and Prospe cts ,n a joint s taff report of the City Planning Department and the Hous i ng Resources Committee. There has been no action t aken on this repor t and its r ecommendations . Attached is a copy of that report. �TH E ATLANTA METROPOL !TJ- f A PEA OF CIVIL D EFENS E MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM TELEPHONE 30 COURTLAND STREET, S. E . 688-3834 _ ATLANTA, GEO R GIA 30303 1 April 1968 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jro Mayor, City o f Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: Referen c e is made to the r~quirement that your Plan £or Civil Distur b ance s be updated by 1 April 19680 In this connection, I have checked wi th Superintendent Moseley 0£ the Police ·De partrnent, who states the Police Plan is effective and no important cha nge s are ne ededo Chief Hildebrand has t wo ass istants improving his plan in coordination with t he Georg ia Nat ional Guardo Based on the experiences from riots in other cities last summer, Chief Hildebrand and I recommend the fireme n not be used for traffic controlo The pl an £or Disaster Medica l Care has been published , b u t is not yet · approved by the Fulton, DeKalb and Cobb County authoritieso The important thing is that Grady Hospita l is n oN b etter p repared to coordinate medical services. A copy 0£ this Plan is attached f o r your approval (TAB A)o I recommend approval. We have also prepare d an overall "Atlanta Pl,:'.n f or Cont rol o:f Civil Disturbances" in dra.ft form o Copy attached ( T;iB B) • This Plan cannot be fina l ized until it is fu lly coordinated with the local Departments and the National Guard. I do·· not recoIDID.end approval except for planning pur poses. On 19 April 1968, Frida y afternoon , (1: 3 0 p.m. ) at the Civil Defense Emerge ncy Operations Center , we will b rief Police, Fire , Medical and CD personnel £or participation in the Na tional Guard CPEX to be held Saturda y and Sunda y, 20-21 Apri l, in which I h ave b een a sked to repres ent you, unle ss you would like to be presento My main job will be to d efine , £or the Nationa l Gua rd, their area o f responsibilit y and mission as r e quire d by the Memorandum o f Understa nding b etween y ou and Genera l Hearn o Of course I will get recommendations from the police playing the p roblerno I h ave obt ained a dr a£t c opy of the l ates t plan p rep ared by the Georgia National Guard , copy not attache do For planning purpos es Task Force North is to u s e Cha stain Me mor ial Park and Ta s k Force Southwe st - Lakewood Parko Obviously other sites must be �The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jro ?· ? -2- l April 1968 considered, depending upon the situation at the time. This plan provides for the City Auditorium, 30 Courtland Street, to be used as an alternate Comma nd Posto For many obvious reasons, I believe it b e st £or the National Guard Headquarters group to be here rather than in City Hall, o r the Police Headquarters buildingo I believe City Hall should be the symbol for impleme nting the h umanitarian recommendations of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders and not ·the combat Hea dquarters for control of civil disturbances that !ring hatred and strife. recommend you approve our planning to use selected parts of the Auditorium :for the advanced Command Post, if and when the National Guard is called to active duty in Atlanta. I have also enclosed (TAB _C) a tentative seating arrangement for activation of our Civil Defense EOC room. You will note that all important departments and agencies are represented in order that central coordination may be practiced. · Failure to have central coo rdination will create many unnecessary problems. Attached is a draft reply to my recommendations (TAB D). Sincerely, t ),l--'fU-.--:.__. ~~ tvl½ -rlw---c , A William R. Wood,vard, Director w \ Brigadier General, Uo s. Army (Ret.) WRW: mc �Ap1·il 3 , 1968 Mr . Michael D. P adnos Dire ctor Atla n ta L e ga l Aid Society, In c , 501 Fulton Coun ty Cou r thou s e Atlanta , Geo rg i a Dea i· }..fr . Padnos : M a y I ackn o w ledg e r e c e i.pt of you1· l e t ter of Ma rch 29 t h 1·ega r din g your pla ns and acc e l era t e d p r o gram f or Atla n ta . May I con gra tula t e you fo r t his unclertamng and assu i e you of ou r co o p ec]a ti on. Sinc erely, Ivan Allen , Jr. IAJr:am �OFFICERS James VI. Dorsey President David H. Gambrell 1st Vice Preside nt Sarah Frances McDona ld 2nd Vice Pre sid ent Clifford Oxford Secretary McChesney H. Jeffries Treasurer ATLANTA LEGAL AHO SOCIETY, IN C . TELEPHONES: (404) 524-5811 (404 J 577-23 63 501 FULTON COUNTY COU RT HOUSE ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 March 29, 1968 STAFF Michae l o. Padn os Director Nancy S. Ch eves Genera l Counsel L. Ros se r Shelton Assistant Gen eral Counse l Virgin ia A. Bips William L. S~inn er Bettye H. Kehrer Mary 0. Pall otta Evelyn S. Fab ian Colquitt McGee Robert B. Newman Howard 0. Simmons Eugene S. Taylor The Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Ge orgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: As you may know, the Atlanta Legal Aid Society has recently embarked upon a significant expansion of its servic·e s, raising the number of its offices from three to six and the size of its legal staff from ten to twenty-two. This expansion has been made possible not only by the generosity of the city, the county and the United Appeal, but also by the hundreds of individual citizens who have volunteered their time, and money, for the benefit of the Society and its clients. Perhaps most important of all, our grant from OEO has now been increased to approximately $355,000.00 per ~ear, making out total budget for 1968 almost $525,000.00. The Legal Aid Society is dedicated to representing and providing advocacy for the thousands of indigents who mme through its doors each year. But as an OEO funded program, we have a larger responsibility than merely providing servic es to large numbers of people. We must, as a matter of poljcy and wisdom, remain in touch with the grievances of our client population, and we must provide a legitimate, constructive and controlled outlet for those grievanc e s. Simply put, because we oppose riots, we must utilize out talents and facilities to prevent them. The purpose of this letter is to acquaint you with these views, and to place at your disposal the entire resources of the Atlanta Legal Aid Society for the resolution of any grievances known to you or your administration that affects our client population. The Lega l Aid Society has a long record of service to the poor people of Fulton County. In past years, it has repres e nted tens of thou sands of indigents , and in recent weeks it has recorded some e x citing new triumphs, including its succ2ssful attack on the Stat e 's substitute father rule. According to Dire ctor Burson, that one l awsuit gave immediate b enef its to some 1,500 persons who would otherwise have be e n d en i ed welfare . SPON SORED BY U N I TED APPE A L AND ECONO M I C O PPORT UN I TY A T LANTA, I NC. �The Mayor of the City of Atlanta -2- March 29, 1968 I think it can fairly be said that we have begun to establish our credentials with the poor of our city, and I hope our reputation with our client population will grow as time goes on. But it is equally important that we make clear our respect for and dedication to the welfare of the city of Atlanta. Specifically, I have enclosed for your interest a copy of a resolution enacted by the OEO Project Directors Advisory Committee indicating some of the ways in which legal services programs can be useful to cities in riot prevention. I would like to take this opportunity to urge you or your staff to call upon me or any member of my staff to assist you in implementing these suggestions, or for any other reason you may deem appropriate. As you know, our obligations to our clients may require us at some time to disagree with the city on certain matters. We may even find ourselves on opposite sides of an issue in a court of law . I can assure you that I will be at pains to avoid any such disagreements with the city, and should a disagreement ever arise between us, it will be handled by this office in a ITa\nner consistent with the spirit of this letter: a spirit of respect for the city and dedication to the . interests of our clients. I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Sincerely, %w{{l1 . ~Le~ Michael Do Padnos Director MDP : lw Encls . �Telephone: 296-2980 FOR RELEASE: AMs MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1968 PROJECT ADVISORY GROUP OF LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAf.f Recommendations on Legal Services and the "Long Hot Surrnner" The Advisory Group, having the benefit of the advice of Legal Services Projects that played a positive role in cities that experienced civil disturbances in the summers of 1966 and 1967, and believing that most civil disorders in recent years have arisen in communities where serious legitimate grievances of alienated people have not been met; b elieving furth er that mass ive disord er has often resulted in such conrrnunities from seemingly minor incidents because responsible public officials failed quickly to redress the grievance complained of, and being deeply concerne d because our system of laws has largely failed to correct the just grievances of tho se who experience poverty and discrimination, makes the following recommendations: 1. National Policy Statement - the Advisory Group ~trongl y ur ges that the Presiden t of the United States, the Attorney General of the United States, anG th e Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity issue a national policy statement that federally f unded OEO Legal Services projects are a primary organ for assisting indigent people to express their grievances and to obtain redre ss through existing l egitimate avenue s ; and seek to create new ways of p:;.:otecting their rights and effectively redres s ing their wrongs. Legal Services projects should be involved i~ alt national and local planning pro~edures concerned with the avoidance of civ i l distu rbances and with minimizing the scope and durat ion of such disturb a nces should they occur. This policy statement should be sent to the Governo rs of the respective states, the mayors of the cities, local police officials, appropriate membe rs of the Judiciary, and all others concerned with this problem. ( More) �- 2 - 2. National Task Force - The Legal Services Program of the OEO should promptly establish a National Task Force composed of Legal Service attorney s who have had experience in the indigent community during the course of civil disturban~e, to consult, across the country, with Legal Services project directors in urban corrnnunities and with elected officials, law enforcement administrators , members of the judiciary, and leaders of local bar associations concerning the most effective ways to prevent civil disturbances and to minimize the effects should civil disturbances occur. 3. Legal Services Staff - In order for a Legal Services Prog ram to effectively articulate the grievances.of the indigent population it must have on its staff at least one p~rson who has the respect and confidence of people representing the most disadvantaged areas of the community. The OEO should mak~ maximum effort to assure that at least one such person can be employed as a part of every urban Legal Services Program. 4. Responsible Staff Member - That Legal Services project directors should promptly designate one member of their staff to be re s ponsible for developing plans and implementing a program for the prevention of civil disturbance and further to insur e the maint enance of basic legal rights in the event that civil disturbances should occur, 5. Preventing Civil Disturbances - That as a part ·of any program for preventing civil disturbances, Legal Services projects should: (a) vigorously articulat e the grievances of the members of the community and seek r edress through existing legitimate channe ls; and seek to create new ways of protecting the rights and effectivAly redressing their wrongs; (b) endeavor to make ·1aw enforcement officials aware of the kinds of polic e conduct which can provoke the indigents out of which civil disturb a nces can arise ; (c) establish ch anne ls of communication with law enforcement and othe r public officials and develop methods th rough wh i .::h grievances arising out of provocative incidents can be r eso lve d. �PU0l£C AFFAIRS OFFICE OF ECON.OMIC []~JJ~JJ[]~~ ~l]~J~JW WASHii\lGTON, D . C . 205 08 Telephone: 296-2980 FOR RELEASE: A.Ms MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1968 LEGAL SERVICES SHOULD BE MAIN VEHICLE FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES OF POOR, ADVISORY GROUP SAYS An advisory group of 24 directors of OEO-funded 'Legal Services Programs (LSP) acro s s the c ountry ha s rec ormnended that the President estab-lish as a national policy that LSP projects are "a primary organ" for aiding poor peopl e to express ani obtain redre ss of their grievances. The corrnnitt ee also r ecormnended that Legal Services projects be involved in all national and local planning aimed at avoiding civil disturbances or at minimizing the scope and duration of such disturbances if they occur. The Proj e ct Advisory Group. of the Legal Services Program also rec ommended the establishment of a national t ask force c omposed of Lega l Services lawyers who have had experience in the s lum cormnuniti es du~ing civil disorders t o consult with elected officials, law enforcemen t officials, members of the judiciary , LSP directors and bar associations in urban c ommunities on ways to prevent distu rbances and to minimize the ir effe cts if they occur. The new advisory group drafted the recorrnnendations as a r esu lt of its discussions March 1 about what Legal Services projects could do to prevent or to calm civil disorders. The group met with officials of the OEO Leg a l Se rvices Program. (A copy of the recoITlffiendations is attach e d.) The subcommittee that drafted the r ecommendations was chaire d by Ol iver Lofton, d irector of the Newa rk Legal Services Pro j ect , and included dir ec tors of LSPs in Detroit, Cl eve land, Mi a,-ni , Los Angeles and Dallas. The relevanc e of the work of Legal Services Programs in the prevention and the calming of civil disorders is discu ssed on Page 1022, Chapter 10, of the report of the National Advisory Corrnnission on Civil Disorders. Some 250 l ocal Legal Services projects in 48 states, and in 45 of the 50 largest cities , provide counse l and representation in civil matters to poor clients and to groups of poor people seeking to obtain their rights and redress of their grieva~c es . Legal Serv ices Projects played an important ro l e in preventing and calming disorde rs l ast surrnner . - 30 - Att achment 68-22 �- 3 - 6. Insuring Basic Ri ghts - That as a part of any program for insuring the maintenance of basic legal rights in the event that a civil disturbance does occur, Legal Services Programs should, with other members of the local conmmnity, take the initiative for developing plans for: (a) the maximum use of the release on recognizance procedure rather than the posting of money bail and particularly in the case of curfew violations; (b) assuring that arrested persons are promptly admitted to reasonable bail; (c) assuring that arrested persons have lega l counsel at the earliest possible moment; (d) assurin g that bail will not be used for purposes of containment, but solely to insure that an arrestee will appear at the time of trial. - 30 - �