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\ .. . . ...·\ R JL ITY f, ..r-" - January 30, 1967 cf/, • • CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522·4463 Arca Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison MEMORANDUM To: Mr. William R. Wofford ., ., From: Ivan Allen', Jr. Subject: Housing Code Enforcement - Boulevard As you recall, last September the shooting of two Negro youths by a white man on Boulevard touched off several days of serious disorders in that area from Forrest Avenue to Ponce de Leon Avenue. Although the disorders were proj"ected by the shootin,g incident, conditions in the area were such that the possibility of such an explosion occurring had been pres e nt for some time. The m in probl ms pointed out b y r sidents of the area w :re pr ima r i ly centered around hous ing conditions includin g over crow dedness, high rents, roaches and rats, and other sanitation factors. S_ince t he S e pte mber incide nt we have made some pro g ress toward b e tter garb age and trash collection, enforcement of h ealth m ea sures, and e limination of major criticisms in the area of t raffic safety. There has also been much planning in the area of providing for recreational pro grams. Howe v er, the major problem still existing is one whi h can only b e solved b y s t r ict enforcement of the H ousing Code. Therefore, �Mr. Wofford P age T'\VO January 30, 1967 I am r e questin g that your departme nt immediately initiate compreh e nsive Housing Codes.inspectio ns a lon g both sides of Boulevard fro1n Forrest Avenue to Ponc e d e Leon and that property owners by required to comply with the City's codes. You may be assured of full coope ration of my' office, the Housing Authority, EOA and other agencies concerned y,ith elimination of unfit housing conditions and r e location of residents into standard dwellings. Please inform 1ne as to how soon you can initiate inspections along this street and the anticipated l eng th of time which will be required to complete such code enforcement. IAJr:fy �