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HORNE-WILSON, INC. DISTRIBUTORS PLUMBING METALS - HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING ROOFING - APPLIANCES ATLANTA, GA. CHARLOTTE, N. C. TALLAHASSEE, FLA. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ORLANDO, FLA . ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. TAMPA, FLA. MIAMI, FLA. 163 PETERS STREET, S. W . ATLANTA, GA. 30313 January 10, 1967 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georg ia 30303 Dear Ivan: During the period that I have served on the Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal I have come to admire Bob Sommerville, Bill Howland and the contribution which the Committee is making to t h e welfare of the City. I am pleased that you have aske d me to continue to serve as a member of the Committee a n d I am deli ghted to accept . The attached photographs were taken by Charlie Horton on the occasion o f our selection as Wh olesaler of the Year. We thought that you might like to have these for your records. Warmest regards and best wishes for a most successful year. Sincerely, JCW :tc Attachment /( GA. ALBANY, �