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) 1 D EP A RTM EN T 1201-t. l O F / B U 11 D I N G S Supervisor of Inspection fervicf s C ITY H AL L - - F l oor A TLA N T A 3, GEORG IA D A TE - April 24, 1267 f ME M O RANDU M T O: a or Allen -v +--_.,_--~ - -- - - - -- ecil A. Al exander The attache d report containi ng 71 pr opos als ref l e ct s the current status (6 mont hs operat i on ) of t he acce l erat ed low and me dium cost housing pr ogram i n At l anta. Special attention i s invite d to t he Summar y (las t page of t he report) and to at t ached suppl emental r eport on Probl em Are as . I sugge st that t he contents of the re l e ase d t o t he Press. Enclosures: cc: 11 Surnmary 11 only be Repor t dat ed April 20, 196 7. Suppl emental Report on Pr obl em Areas. Mr . R. Earl Lande rs Mr. Dan E. Sweat , J r. �