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r ---~ 1s I I DEPARTMENT OF BU IL DIN CITY HALL - 8th Floor Supervisor of Inspection Serv i ces ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA DATE Feb. 22, 1 96 7 MEMORANDUM TO: _ _ M_a~y_o_r_A_l_l_e_n________ Information in the attached .repojt has been obtained from discussions with FHA, Promoters, Sponsers and Builders, plus ~eports from the Housing Authority and Building Dept. Thi s report contains a total of 59 separate proposals. New proposals and known c hanges since previous report ( Jan. 18) are reflected in this report , In order for t he report to be meaningfu l, proposals (numbered it ems ) have been classified as f ollows : F - Reasonabl y Firm P - Probable C - Be ing Considered D - Doubtful and a tabulated s ummary has been added (s ee last page of report ). A brief propos ed release to the Press is attached. Enclosures : CC: Report Proposed Release Supervis or Mr . Cecil A. Alexander, Mr. R. Earl Landers and Mr. Dan E. Sweat , Jr. FORM4-H - 11 �