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HOUSING RESOURCES CO:MMITT!IB September 27, 1967 Proposed Procedures to Assist the Low-income Housing ..Pro grain 1. (Which Can Be Initiated Now) The Mayor, assisted by the Chairman, Housing Resources Committee, to explain to the members of the Board of Aldermen the seriousness of the current situation and the need for the accelerated program, together with the principal problems involved, and to urge their cooperation and assistance in carrying out the program. 2. Until such time as Public Housing facilities can be obtained and operated by the Housine Authority in adjacent unincorporated areas, request the Housing Authority to adopt the policy that applicants not be assigned to Public Housing until after they have established legal residence within the City Limits of Atlanta for at least one year. .··"., J. A Non-profit Housing Development Corporation be formed as soon as possible and provided with ample revolving funds (suggest at least $100,000 public funds and $900,000 to be obtained through private loans) with which to acquire and ba.rL1<: land, for ultimate dispositi on without prof it, f or development of low-income housing and to otherwise participate in the low-income housing program. 4. The Planning Department to effect as soon as possible a comprehensive revision of Zonin~ whereby amounts and locations of land zoned or qualified f or rezoning for multi-family low-income housing will more adequat ely meet the City's needs fo~ such housing . 5. rhe City to expedite applications for its future proposed Urban Renewal Proj ects in order t o make additional l and availabl e for low-income housing, but to execute redevelopment of such project areas on a section-by-section basis only ; in order to minimize displacement at any one time. Plunkettown and East Atlanta would provide excel l ent lo cati ons , although Plunkettmm has previ ous l y been considered primarily for industrial development. Effort should be ·made to pro~ide f or extension of low-income housing development .in Plunkettown, southwar-d into Clayton County wher e th~ ma jor porti on of }he ~ea needi ng r ene1~al already _lies . ._ 6. · Est ablish poli cy that det er mined effort be made to. l ocat e some 1011-i ncome housing i n each Ward of the City, _recognizing that the bulk of such housing will of necessity have to go i n areas where l and i s avail able at pri ces whi ch make l o.,i- income housing devel opment economicall y feasible . Aldermen i n r esp ective Wards to be ur:;ed to work ~~th Plannin~ Depart ment, Housir.g Authority and Housini Resources Committee . i n det ermining lo cati ons and numb er of , uni t s consi der ed appropriat e f or their '.-Tar d, �2 . . . . - ·- '· - - - ----- 7. The Hous ing Authority be reques ted to adopt a policy of trying to loca~e a si zable porti on of i ts f uture Public Housing, Turnkey or otherwise, on small and medium size d scattered tract s, rangeing from 4 to 200 units each, within general ar eas of the City to be s el ected, in coordination between the Housing Authority, Planning Department and Housing Resources Committee. 8. Establish a centrally located Housing Referral Service (to be operated perhaps under E0A) to assist people in finding dwellings within their means, particularly those people not displaced by government al acti on ai1d those who cannot qualify, or will have difficulty in qualifying, for Public Housing. Such service to utilize private enterprise housing to the fullest extent and to have under its control a limited number of housing units which can be used for emergency housing for not to exceed a 90 day period for any one family. 9. To encourage in any way possible greater interest by developers in constructi ~n of s i ngle family sales housing for those in the medium income bracket; and r ehabili t ation by private .enterprise of existing housin~, under 221 (h) or otherwise, for rental purposes. 10. The City Building, Plumbing and Electrical Codes to be revised to permit installation in certain designated areas of well designed prefabricated dwelling units, using proven and gener ally accepted materials, as assemble d in the fact ories; to be installed on minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet. 11. Provide tax incentives (if necessary through legislative action) substantially as follows to builders and developers of low-income housing units which will rent or sell in the privat e market in t he $45 to $65 per month range: utilities not included. No. Bedrooms Reri tal.·.or Purchase Ran·::;e 1 Bedroom or Ef f iciency $45.oo-s s.oo .i Tax Abatement % No. Years I 100 75 50 25 10 None 2 Bedrooms 12. 1st yrear 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Thereafter Same as above $55.00-65.00 Establish a positive and j.ntensive program (cla:5ses), through E0A or .other source, in depres s ed areas of the City for education of low-income tenants in proper. conservation (care and maintenanc~) of dwellings aJ?.d premises which they occupy. 13. The City to continue to acti vely work for reins t atement_ of the Rent Supplement Procram, in substanti ally the same form as previ ously authorized • ..

- - -------,--- - -- - ------ --- . ---,. �·'j 14. -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - The Hous ing Author ~ty to take an active roll, both in the neighborhO:jas ' involved and politically, in sele ction of sites for Public Housin3 and in supyort of rezoning petitions on sites considered suitable for Public Housing under the Turnk ey program. 15. Sponsors of sites proposed for rezoning for the low-income housing program to be encouraged by the Land-Use Control (Zoning) Division of the Planning Department and t he Housing Resour ces Committee to seek and actively try to obtain general neighborhoo d concurrence at least two weeks bef ore the rezoning signs are placed on the property involved. 16. On all sites proposed for low-income housing, the Planning Department to promptly determine t he adequacy of Community Facilities for the proposed development, and prior to presentation to the Pla.l'liling Board; if inadequate, to coordinate with Departments or Agencies involved with view to arranging for their adequacy by the time the development is completed and occupied. In the event such facilities cannot be provided, to notify the Housing Resources Committ ee before the Planning Board considers the proposal. 17.. In order to assist the Planning Board and the Zoning Commit t ee, the Housing Authority to submit to them writt en recom endati ons on all sites on agendas proposed for r ezoni ng for Public HousinG; and the Housing Resources Cor.unittee to submit recommenciations on all sites on agendas proposed for rezoning for lowincome housing under either the Turn.1<ey or 221 d ( 3) programs. is. The Housing Authority be requested to expand its Public HousinG progr a111, parti cularly leasing and purchase, into the adj acent unincorporated areas.

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