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HOUSING RESOURCES COHI1ITTEE October 30, 1967 SUl1HARY JY STATUS OF' ACCELERATED LOH- INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM ( Coimnenced Nov. 15, 196 7) 2 yr. Program, 1967-8 9, 800 59% ( 5586) Public Housin~ 1967-8 Goals No. Units Status Completed (new const .) Under Constr uction In Planning Total In Sight 1 ,254 13% (1274 ) FHA 221 30% (2940 ) Pvt. Development (Conventional) (373) (881 ) {O) El der l;E -:~3,176 (790) (393) (1993 ) 6,190 (2010) (3836) (48 ) (296) -*":u o, 620 -lh'l-( 2800) (4602) (2922) (296 ) +3328 - 18 +2-96 Deficit - 2786 Being Consi der ed 5, 210 Did Not Materialize 7,166 , Of 1-rhich 5,806 uni ts proposed, were sh01-m in the previous report and 1,060 acidi tional uni ts are accounted for in this report, as Lost. (The majority of these loss es are due to disapprovals on lo cat ions and zoning.) Of which (2,167) are doubtful . FHA i s currently considering 1,125 of these. -:::Host of these, should be availabile by end of 1968. 1,140 units of P.H. bein~ developed by the Hous i ng Authority+ 1,660 units on 4 sites pro?osed under Turnkey for P.H. In addition, 162 units have been leas ed for P.H. and leasing of 451 additional units for P. H. is being nes otiated. In addition, 6,315 units have been rehabilitated through the Housing Code Division, 212 unit s by t he H.A. in the West End U.R. Project and JO units voluntar;i.ly by private enterprise. FHA has recei ved applications for rehabilitation of 167 housine units. Note: Encls: Includes only units finance d under Federal assisted low and medium income housing prosrams; and units constructed under conventional financing as follows: Multi-famil y units costing not more than $10,000, exclusive of land Duplex uni ts II II II II $12,000, II 11 II Sin,:.;le famil y uni t s II II II II $15' 000 J II II II . See NOTES (last page). 1. 2. 3. Su.rnma.ry of Public Housing in Atlanta Inventory of P-.coj ects and Living Units ( Private and Public) (w;Jh dftic~Jda~~) Notes r Respectfully Submitted, '7-:J-;,o-lJc . . < : £ ) ~ c....~ V Malcolm D. J-o~e; Supervisor of Inspe ction Services �October JO, 1967 HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE SU11M.ARY OF PU BLIC HOUSING IN ATLANTA 8874 Existing Units in operation - filled. 1140 ( 650) ( 350) 4200 ( 500) JOO ( 162)


0 (402) ~ d ~. 1 68 Units under construction in Perry Homes Extension - South of ?rocter Creek. (78) 3 Bedroom Bids opened March 7, 1967. Permit issued Hay (Li6) 4 Bedroom Estimate 18 months to construct. (16) 5 Bedroom 1 67. . Units planned for Thomasville u. R. Project ( 40) 1 Bedroom (16 for elderly) In hands of architect. To advertise in Fall. (120) 2 Bedroom 2-½--3 months additional before construction can start. 12 months, at least, additional for construction. ( 80) 3 Bedroom Will try to have part delivered before final. ( 80) 4 Bedroom ( JO) 5 Bedroom Units allocated - Proposed Turnkey; (1660) tentatively pledged on (Only 1010 of these units are firm). · (Of this allocation are approved for leasing pro~ram). 4 sites approved by HUD. Units all?cated for Jeasin6 program. (Leasing is only possibility for additional Public Housing units in occupancy during 1967: can only be turned over for Public Housing occupancy as become vacant). Units under lease (65 units, Hurphy Apts.; 48 units, Tenne s s ean Commons; 31 units, Sims Maddox's Apts. at Capitol and Vinara, require r ehabilitat ion; 18 units on Dar gan Pla ce .) Negotiations under way for leas_ing 451 additional uni ts. ' 5640 Total Potential 21cl . #1 I Uni ts under constructi on off McDaniel St., in Rawson-Washington U. R. Project ( scheduled for completion in 168) (248) ,i.§aJx:d..y 1 68 · ( 11.10) .! Units in Development stage, as follows: !, ·, �H0USTITG RJ~SOU.:tCES COMM ITTEE October 30, 1967 NOTES A. Uni -s tructure - Daniel W. Gaskin; Magnolia Corporations - David S. Wolff; and Hod (Knox Mobile Homes), W. F. Gilmore, are all ver y much interested in installing prefab mobile homes in Atlanta as manufactured. They have thus far been prevented f rom doini so because of local Code r equirements. TJ:ese still app ear t o be t he best possibility for getting low-cost sinele family homes in Atl ant a . No- inter es t in this field has been sho-,,m by pri vate enterpris e t hr oush conventional Construction. Southern Stress -Plus, I nc. - John D. Johnson recently exhibited at Lenox Square a p2_t ented panel (assembled on site) prefab house to sell, ins talled on purchasers lot, as follows _: 1 DRrn - ~;5,000 .00; 2 BRm - $5 , 800 . 00; 3 BRm - $6,600. 00. B. Proposed locati ons for low cost housing are being coordinated with the Planning Dept., for adequacy of Communtiy Facil_ities, existing or proposed. Proposals are also reviewed periodically wi.th the School Dept. for adequacy of school facilities. C. The Foundation for Cooperative Housing, which developed Eastwych Villar;e and Cambridge Square (both in DeKalb County), are sponsoring the 200 unit London To1-m House development in Atlanta (Item F-5). D. In view of difficulti es encountered in zoning and getting other a_p:;irovals on sites proposed for large multi...;famil y developments , it is apparent that t he 101-1-income housing progr am will have to l ean heavily on Developers and Builders providing a sub stantial 9orti on of the program on small scattered sit es. Thus far, 555 single family houses (Item F-12) and 2,L.40 units in c1uplexes· and relatively small apartment developm ents, all under conventional f in2.ncing, are in t his category. · I'To proposal has yet been made for construction of units (even e fficiency or 1 bedrocm) to r ent or sell for as 101-1 as $50.00 per month. greatest need is in the $JO. OO - $50.00 per month-rental purchase range. ,, I' . G. /, The City's Attorney Blackwell in Decatur has proposed a concrete 3bedroom, 1 bath, 1,000 sq. ft. house whi ch he claims can s ell for $6,000, plus Jand costs, incl. he ati n8 and air conditioning equipment. !'a t i onal Homes Corp. of Lafayette, Inc. placed on the marke t Feb. 1, 1967, a 800 - 900 S.F. (O.S. dimensions) 3 bedro om, prefabricated, ? rea sse~bled panel, sinele f amil y house plus a 96 S.F . (LS. dimensions ) storage building manufactur ed by Arrow Metal Products Corp, to sell under FR4. 221 d (2). Pri ce includes plumbing , el ectrical , heating units stove & refrigerator. House can._be completely assembled in 85 man hours; 53 of t hese (uith conventi onal plumbine ) are' beine erected (pre-sold) in the Thomasville Urban Renewal Area. Approx . 800 sq. ft. house is priced at $12, 200, 900 s q . ft . house is price d at $12,600. Adri an Homes Corp. has proposed a prefab to retail for about $7, 500 plus l and, foundation, closing and possibly tapping f ee s (See Item C-10 f or others); H. Saul Gr ay is one of fi ve partners in a Corporation which 01ms 280 new uni ts off Bankhead at Elbridge St., which he wants to sell, + a potential development on the site f or 512 additional units. Area is already zoned A-1. I. Rehabilitation by Housing Code Division of Building Department on Boulevard in Bedford-Pine U. R. Proj ect (ap;iroximately 700 units invol ved ) commen ced February 1. The U. R. proj e ct is still in survey and pl anning stage. A list is a vailabl e in Housing Resources Committee _office of 103 uni t s on Boulevard -which the owner s s t a t ed t hey wish to s ell, rather than r ehabilitate. This list has been made ava ilable t o t he H.A. and to a T-!ational , concern interested in developing a Rehabilitation Demons trati on p roject i n t hat cITea. J. Ralph L. Di ckey of Atl anta has proposed a non-profit revolving fund enter prise to acquire subs t andard housing , r enovate it anct· r e s ell, primarily thr ough private ent er pri s e. CACUR recently decided to form a non- profit corporation to r ehabilitate exi s ting units under 221 (h). Morris Brmm College is anot her such sponsor. · I nformati on i s welc omed as to chanees, additions or deletions in mat erial cont ained in this r eport. (Call _522- 4h63, K"'C t. LJO). K. �