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·ouS ING RE SOU CES c o lMITTEE Room 1204 Tel. 522-4463 l . City all Ext. 430 Februa r y 23, 196 7 Cecil A. Alexander, Cha i rman of t he City ' s newl y f orrne ousing Resources Committee, announced t oday t hat 59 s epara te l ow a nd medi um cost projects have been proposed, are in development or recently compl e ted in Atlanta . These include 3372 unit s in t he eas onably f irm category 423 7 unit s , Probable 2489 units, Be ing Cons i dered 1392 unitsf Doubtful Total

11,490 units Proposed

This includes 1140 Public Hous ing un its under construction a nd in pl ann i ng , plus 144 units whic h a re being leas ed as Public Hous i ng . I n a ddition, 1654 exist i ng units ha ve been r e habilitated since Oct ober , 1966.

Of this number,

1322 units are estimat ed t o be a va ilable duri ng 196 7 ( 357 8 sh r t of goal ). and 5133 unit s are estimat ed t o be ava ilable during 1968 (23 3 above 6455 units i n sight (3 345 short of colpb i n <l goals f or both years ). Tota l 2. oa l) The Housing Resources Committee , constituted for the purpose of pr omot ing and ass i sting i n development of low and medium cost housing , held i t s organi z tional meeting at Cit y Hall, on Februa r y 14 and is now fun ctioning with 45 of i ts 48 members assi nod to panel s specializing in the . following fields : Legal Construction and Design Financing Non Profit Funds Public Hou in 3. Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation Social Problems Business P rticipat1on Public Information In addition to Mr. Alexander as Chairman , Dr. Sanford S. Atwood, President of Emory University, and Dr. Benjamin E. Mays. Pre ident of Mor house Colleg, are eo-Chairmen. 4. Mr . Wm. W. Gates, form r Chief Underwriter for FHA in Atlanta, serves as Special Advi r to the Housing Resource Committee and will be available• by appointment• in the Committ e office, Room 1204 City Hall. to advi e and as i t Develop rs and Build rs int r sted in FHA programs. 5. Malcolm D. Jones, Sup rvi or of Inspection Services, Building D part ent, is as City staff with th wh n n progr d d. all prop Ext. 430. ber nd nd Dir- otor of the Co the ittee. rvio acquaints D v lop rs and Builder Ii by coordinating with City D part ents nd othe~ g nci s Mr. Jones would ltke to keep in touch with the et tu of dev lop nt in d projects und r thi • i e nu e~ is 522-4~63, �