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Justice • Ill Atlanta What happened· to Stokely Carmichael in Atlanta on Thursda.y strikes us as about as close to even-handed justice as it's possible to get. Carmichael was arrested ·on a charge of inciting to riot in connection with the hiring of a sound truck that urged Negroes to protest the wounding of a car-theft suspect who tried to escape. In the riot that followed, 15 persons were injured . . Inciting to riot is a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of one year in jail. There may well be places left in the South where the charge would have been insur- rection, a capital offense. But Atlanta is a city of predominantly thoughtful, moderate people. Justice there is a point of pride. Carmichael will be tried and found guilty or innocent. If the finding is guilty he bas avenues of appeal to the highest courts. Carmichael, leader of the Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee, has publicly advocated that if Negroes fail to get what they want they take the law into · their own hands. He can be thankful, we believe, that the people of Atlanta hold the law in higher respect tl.lan that.· �