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~v(~~ Carmichael Is Ordered eld 6A · • ARKANSAS GAZETTE, Sat., Sept. 10, 1966. In Riot Case; Bond Spurned ATLANTA (UPI) - Controversial " bl ack power" leader Stokely Carm ichael was bound over to a Grand Jur y Friday on .a charge of i,ilciting a riot and t hen was returned to his jail cell. Bond for Car michael, 25, was s~t at $10,000. Associates of Carmichael said that he would remain behind bars as a "poJ.itical prisoner ." " Mr. Carm ichael is a political prisoner captured by Atlanta pol ice and chooses to stay in jail ," Ja mes F orman, acting ch ru rm an of the Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee said a,t a news conference. Form an, who came here from Philadelphia to ,t ake command in Carmichael 's absence, and othe r SNCC leaders issued a barra ge of bitter statements ag,ainst Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen , the Police Department - ~=======- - - - , ! and ithe United States war effort in Vietnam . Forman said A,tlanta can count on intepsified de monstrations in the near future but gave no details. The SNCC spokesman charged tha,t Allen is " a pawn in ,a national conspiracy to destroy SNCC ,and a growing militancy in the black community." "Ev,ery white racist ,poliit.ician in ,t his country wollld l.ike to see SNCC crushed for its stand against [President] Jofinson's policies in Vietnam and the , sending of black mercenaries to fi ght an illegal wa r ," SNCC , Progr am Director Cleveland i SeJJ.ers said. P olice arrested Carmichael about mid night Thursday night. He is accused of 1nciting :an outbur~l T uesday In which 1,000 Negrors p e I t e d poli ce with 1 I then his one-time associate J ulian Bond the Negro repret t' l ' t th G · sen a ive-e ec e e <Hg i a House refused to se¥, announced he w:as pulling out of SNCC, and fina11ly he was taken into cus.tody. Original 'Snick' Dead, Publisher McGill Writes . . .. In Friday morml!g ~d1llons of the Atlanta Constitution , Publisher Ralph McGill devoted his - UPI Tel~photo fro nt-pa~~ column ,t o what he te~med" .The Story of the Two Carmichael (right) sits in courtroom with lawyer. Srucks. . " Snick ~ay ," McG~ll wrote, Allen of saying that SNCC bas Court, and the case was trans" is Car michael s aymg th at run out on the black communi- £erred to jur isdiction of Superior

vhen you t~lk of black. P!)Wer ty but declaTed · " We are Court, a state court.

you are t alking abou~ buildmg .a ' , · .. In addition to inciting a riot, movem~nt t hat w1~ . ~m~sh here-here, baby . We w1_ll s~ay he also is char ged with disturbeverytfrung ~estern civ1hza t1on and_ sh~ll k~e p on fi_ght mg ing the peace. has created. racism, mcludmg 1:he _r a~11sm of, ' - - - - - - - - - - - - -JJ " ,1, * • This new Snick ihas Mayor Allen and l us lies. killed off the ori_ginal S~ick-;-t ~e Since l ast J anua~ 6 when one ithat ,attrac ted t he _ide alistic de~ sed SN_CC Cha u-man John college_s~udents of botli r aces to Le~v1s publicly denounced tl~e shlil re Jail, fiear, ,te rror, and to Uruted States war effort. 1D work together. . Vietnam, Car!lli~hael has r1~en "This Snick is no longer a to ,top man wit hm the orgaruz~civil ri ghts organization ., "' • ·" •ti:on. " Black power" became his Carmichael ·a pp ea re d , un- SY_l1!,bol and only th~ most daunted by the turn of events. milita nt ha ve stuck by him. Aske d \Vhat Ca rm ich ael had to Unde r his di rection, the ors ay wlrnn h o wn s led off to foil. go nization tepped \If> a ca m• Howard Moore, Carmichael's paign oI s peaking out agai nst tones a1td bo!U, anti toppled n.Uornev, reported tJrnt Iha nH d ta lc fnrPign pnlir It er vli n N gro l e ad e r ti ged ~is ftHlo w • ha• 11H e nat e d olh 1' ri ii l'i!!hi ll tri d to ren on wit h U1em , crs "to k op fightin~. l" oq~aniz11tions. Mbyo1· A lie n Crofh Ii Denounced by many of his people, <::armlchael ~etu_rncd to the riot-sca rred distr1ct Thursday ~nd w~nt from doo r to door tcll_m g r esidents .he was not_responsible for _the n ot. But his ~roubles contn~ued to ' mount durmg the day. F irst, be denounced on ,tJhe floor of cwas "anaTch"ist"' ongress as ,an own L nto r SNCC called a news Dr. Martin Lulher King 's confe 1-ence at whlch LL handed Soulhc ru Ch rl sllu n Lrodt•rs hit 1 out a bli tering statement in Confo rencr, -the NAACP an~ the Carmichael's na me . It accused Mayor Allen of being a racist, and added : "I van Allen is not a white Icing and we ,are not his black subjects." Th t t t . d th e s a emen c1aune , e riot was a revolt .against the '-=============I mayor "and his corrupt P olice Department. " It also ,accused 1 ational Urban League QU1ckly abandoned any pretex t of sy m pa thy for SNCC. Only the Muslims and the Congress of I Racial E qua 1 i t y remained friendly · On advice of Moore, Carmich ael waived a preliminary hearing Friday in Municipal �