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Neg-roe_s, Hurl Bricks -r in Atla-nta Violence - ~ e g r o e 8 and declared: Mayor Allen is the i op gun in Atlanta." .. 11 Toughs Ignore Leaders, Take to Streets for T~ird Straight Night of r;>isturbances BY JACK ~ ELSON Tim es Staff Writer ATLANTA - Violence , erupted here Monday in a Negro di.strict for the third straight night, despite pleas for nonviolence by civil rights leaders. Young Negro toughs poured out of a church meeting addressed by Dr. Martin Luth.er King's Southern Christian Leadership Oonference and began throwing rocks, bricks and other--Objeots at new-men and whites pa sing in ca1·- . . Large numbers of police rushed into the area and sealed it off. Officials of the SCLC conferred w i t h several member51 of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee earlier, apparently trying to entlist their help in easing tensions. City officials have accused SNCC of provoking violence last Tuesday in one Xegro area and of aggrivating the trouble that has rocked Boulevard, a main thoroughfare, since the fatal shooting of_ a N~ cc:ichairman of the _ tlanta Summit Leadership Conference, a group of civil right leaders, aid Dr. King's SCLC has a policy of not conducting demonstrations unless requested to do so by local egro leaders. Mr. Williams, a member of the SCLC board and president of the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP, aid Tegro leaders "have not requested and do not expect to request" demonstrations. He said the summ it conference is not opposed to dem o nstr a ti o ns , "though we feel they should not be done needlessly." Aide Contradicted Hosea Williams, a King aide who was arrested and charged with creating a disturbance during Saturday night's di orders, had called for ma ·ive demonstration to "turn this town up ide down." The Rev. Sam Williams dismissed the King a ide as "just a hired hancl " wh? J ~ f l I s, "Mayor Allen is nothing but .a George Wallace," Ricks. shouted, "and we've got to stop that cracker before every one of us ii dead ." · '* !Lo~ ilngdeS' ~ iutt~ , TUES., SEPT. 13,tl 966-Pa ri I 25 �Southern Christian Lead- of the SCLC board and ership Conference and be- president of the Atlanta gan throwing rocks, bricks chapter of the XAACP, and ·other--Objects at ncw:,- said Negro leaders "have men and whiles passing in cars. Large numbers of pol ice rusbed into the area and scaled it off. Officials of the SCLC conferred w i th several memberi of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee earlier, apparently trying to entlist their help in casing tensions. City officials have accused SNCC or provoking violence last Tuesday in one Xcgro area and of ag- grivating the trouble that has rocked Boulevard, a main thoroughfare, since ihe fatal shooting of a Ne- fi::. ~:~~ b~ 16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST) Fire Bomb Charge About 100 persons have been arrested since the beginning of the racial disturbances a week ago. One of those arrested Sunday night and charged with throwing a fire bomb w as identified as Wilson N. Brown, 33, a member of SNCC. Six members of SXCC have been arrested since Negro violence Hrst. erupt· ed in Atlanta last Tue,:;day when SKCC members, protesting the 1hooting of a Negro auto theft 6Uspe~t. by white policemen, agitated a Negro mob. . In the initial violence m Summerhill, an area of aubstmdard Negro apart· ment house5, the mob attacked police w ith rocks, not requested and do not expect to request" dcmonstn1tions. He said Lhe summit conference is not opposed to demon s t rat io ns , "though we feel they should not be done need· lcssly." Aide Contradicted Hosea \Villiams, a King aide who was arrested and charged with creating a disturbance during Saturday night's di!iorders, had called for massive demons tra t ion s to "turn this town upside down.~ The Rev. Sam Williams dismissed the King aide as "just a hired handn who "docs not set SCLC poli· cy." At an earlier meeting another King aide, the Rev. Andrew Young, exe. cutive director of SCLC, had urged that Negroes mount nonviolent demonstrations to protest racial injuStices in Atlanta. "It's bad enough that we've got crazy, mixed-up cops in Atlanta," he said, "but if we had a Mayor Yorty or a ~layor Daley we would be that much worse off." W i llie Ricks, one of S N C C' s fiery agitators, told the audience Allen i!I responsible for k i 11i n g Flyi1 ' orM 8 flig~ snac inte~ Bra![ coJI com~ l<e Brazil 01 of the flight! Los A/ Cally, flie bottles and bricks. Fifteen we· t he rioting. Tension subsided In the area by the weekend. but Negro violence flared a new on Boulevard, about 2 miles from Summerhill, Saturday night afrer a white gunman passing in a ear killed a JS-year-old Negr o boy and seriously wounded another as they 1tood on a sidewalk. A police sergeant who went to investigate the ~hooting was hit In the back of the head by a bullet apparently fired from a group of Kegroes..~e is !n satisfactory cond1tJQn m an Atlanta hospital. Soldier Jnjut'ed ).fore than 20 injuries have occurred in the BouI I v a rd disorders, but property damage has been relatively light . your telepn:_ ANSJn /TSE} ~nwhile, the ArmJ reported a white soldier, Ptc. .Terry Davis, 21, Mon~ roe, Ga.. was seriously in· jured la.;t Tuesday night when hit by one of several hrick!. thrown by a group nf Xegroes at his car as he p,1~ed Boule,·ard on U.S. 78 Oavis is in nvery serious ('ondition• at a hospital at Ft. McPherson. Ea r lier last Tuesday, Negroes rioted at Summerhill, but there was little evidence of racial tension on Boulevard. Mayor Ivan Allen J r met with two groups of Negro leaders Jfonday and later called the sessions profitable. He said he is tl·ying to establish helter communications wilh the residents of the riot area. Rioters From Shun Although the violence has centered on a five- This elect complete · and it costs le~ block stretch of Boulevan:I. many of the rioters live in nearby Buttermilk Bottoms. a Negro slum of abject poverty. Negro leaders of Atlanta, ,.,,ho generally have agreed with Mayor Allen1s handling of racial matters, Monday declared they are opposed to plans to staiie protest demonstrations in Atlanta. 'f'he Rev. Sam Williams. CORNS? . . . . Ntief! D,. Scbol.1'1 Super&ft -=::-.-:!!.:t:u'f!,~ !; ~ hf:lp~corm. ..,..-,lino-pods• Call now for a free demonstration e..~~rn 870-4777 TEL. RSVP Sales �