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TNE W ACKENNUT SEC UR~TY REV ~E W / August 1966 Vol. 6, No. 8 COMMUNISM and YOU! "Fronts are things of the past. We don't need them. We've got the ••• DuBois Clubs, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee , and Students for a Democratic Society going for us ••• " Gus Ha 11, Genera I Secretary, Communist Party, USA COMMUNIST ATTACK ON YOUTH - XVII When the Democratic National Convention was being held in Atlantic City, continued attempts to disrupt the convention were made by Negro demonstrators who kept up their demands, despite compromise attempts, that the Mississippi Freedom Democrats be seated. The demonstrators were members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC - pronounced SNICK), often described in the press as one of the largest, most militant and radical organizations of the New Left. In Selma, Alabama, in early March 1965, fiery SNCC leaders wanted to continue their march to lvbntgomery despite a court order forbidding it. Only intervention by Federal Conciliator LeRoy Collins prevented it. A few weeks later, despite a voting rights speech to Congress by President Lyndon B. Johnson, SNCC continued to picket the White House and threatened further demonstrations. This induced the "Washington Post" to say SNCC members appeared to be "driven by folly to demonstrate for the sheer, sterile sake of demonstration." S NCC and its demonstrations go back to 1960 and the first lunch counter sit-ins, when the organization was formed to foster the growth of civil rights agitation. According to the II New York Times , 11 S NCCwas born April 17, 1960, by about 300 people, almost all of them Negro youths, and has since become the inspiration for all the organizations of the new student left. "The Saturday Evening Post" of May 8, 1965, reported that SNCC "is a wonder, perfectly desi gned to fit the anarchic student temper. It has a full-time staff of 230 but no membership . Its broad base is a separate group called Friends of S.N . C.C., which has 150 chapters, two th irds of them on campus ." The arti cle says SNCC leaders travel a far - left dinner circuit, "where they are sometimes lucid, sometimes totally bewildering, 11 and it quotes a government investigator as saying th a t SNCC has been "thoroughly infiltrated by Communists." A report by the Louisiana Joint Legislative Committee concurs , saying SNCC is "substantially under th e influence of the Communist Party. 11 SNCC officials admit no effort has been made to pu rge Commu nists from the membership. "We have no political test fo r membership and we never will have," a SNCC Washington official said. 11 Newsweek" quoted another official as admitting that Communist Party members had gone to Alabama and Mississippi to work with S NCC. SE C URIT Y RE V IE W AWARDS : GEORGE WASHINGTON HO N OR MEDAL . FREEDO M S FOUNDATIO N AT VALLE Y FORGE , 1962 ; VIGILANT PATRIOT AWARDS . ALL-AMERICAN CONFERENCE TO COMBAT COMMUNISM . 1963 AND 1 965 . �The Washington Star 11 revealed that the organization hoped to establish "Friends of SNCC 11 groups in "uncommitted" nations around the world. "Such foreign affiliates of SNCC, 11 reporter Walter Pincus wrote, "could present Communist parties around the world with a ready-made organizational weapon for stirring up anti-American sentiments." lvbny troubled observers have pointed out that it makes little difference whether or not SNCC radicals are Communists: 11 lf they do the same things, it may not make much difference what kind of cards they carry." 11 This emphasizes the interesting transition SNCC has made from the civil rights field, for which it was organized, to its invasion of the field of foreign policy. It was one of the leaders in the Washington demonstrations August 6-9, 1965, when sit-ins were staged at the Capital, the White House gates were blocked and Communist publications, such as "The Worker, 11 were distributed. A SNCC leader was among those arrested by Washington police. SNCC made its position clear in a statement in the March-April 1966 issue of" Insurgent" published by the DuBois Clubs: "The Student Nonviolent Coordiroting Committee has a right and a responsibility to dissent with United States foreign policy on any issue when it sees fit ••• We maintain that our country's cry of 'preserve freedom in the world' is a hypocritical mask behind which it squashes liberation movements which are not bound, and refuse to be bou-na~... by fhe -expedierici es of United States cold war policies . 11 SNCC on the draft: "We are in sympathy with, and support, the men in this country who are unwilling to respond to a military draft which would compel them to contribute their lives to United States aggression in Vietnam in the name of the 'freedom' we find so false in this country. 11 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People immediately disassociated itself from the SNCC position and pointed out that some SNCC workers are becoming disinterested in civil rights and are turning to peace demonstrations. But SNCC's radical approach evidently was not radical enough. United Press International reported from Atlanta May 17, 1966: "Two of the nation's most militant civil rights leaders, John Lewis and James Foreman, have been deposed by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). One source said they were considered 'too moderate.' SNCC ormounced the changesc Stokeley Carmichael, a founder of the all-Negro 'Black Panther Political Party' in Alabama, was named to succeed Lewis as SNCC chairman and he promptly announced the orga'"'ization would ' intensify its efforts in the area of independent politics.'" A "Miami Herald 11 story of July 1 quoted Carmicha e l as saying: "We inte nd to disrupt every pi ec e of (political) machinery in this country. 11 Later in May, Carmichael snubbed President Johnson's invitation to a White House conference on civil rights, announced SNCC will continu e to organi ze all - Negro political parties under the Black Panth er emblem and refused to bar Communists, saying: "We are requiring no loyalty oaths. " During the Meredith Mississippi Norch in June, he espoused a "black power" doctrine and another SNCC spokesman threatened a deputy sheriff in one town that if he didn't behave, the marchers 11will burn that courthouse, baby." On a television program, Carmichael stopped just short of advocating that Negroes resort to any means to achi eve equality: "I've never rejected viol enc e as a means to obtain an end, " he said. Columnist Joseph Alsop summed up th e situation: "In the person of Stoke ley Carmichael extremism has active ly taken over SNCC ••• " Communist Gus Hall, in summing up the records of the DuBois Clubs, Students for a Democratic Society and SNCC, said: "They're just part of the 'respons ibl e left' - that portion of American yo uth that reali z es society is sick." Responsible] Sick? Who ? Th e Wack e nhut Corporation is a national investigative and security organi zation with 26 offices extending from Puerto Rico to Hawaii. It also operates in Venezuefo through a 50% owned subs idiary company . Acutely aware of the threat of Communism, it prese nts this series of articles to its friends a nd employees as an educational servi ce . For additional copies, contact: THE W ACKE N H U T CORPORATO N . 3280 P ON CE DE LEON BOULEV ARD . CORAL GAB L ES. FLOR ID A . TELEPHO N E: H I G HLAND 5 - 148 1 . �