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a. J. A1g~ a"'PO"!f 0 IN DEX TABBING LOOSE LEAF INDEXES FILE GU IDES (AREA 312) 426 South Clinton Street Chicago, Illinois 60607 HArrison 7-7414 September 8th, 1966 Mr. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of A~lanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia It 0 s too bad, Ivan ••. .•• that some of the leadership among our negro communities in large urban cities do not use their heads instead of the imported, irrational stimulation of some o f the people who have been formenting disorder and a n archy. As I read the Tr ibune i n Chicago yesterday and today and saw y our good appeal to reason on TV last night, I was proud of the fine way you have been try ing to handle a very dif f icult situation there in Atlanta . . .. Here i n Ch icago as the President of our Chicago Federation of Settlements I have been in a way, very closely related to our West Side Riots a nd the many other situations that g r ew out f rom t h e ef f orts o f Martin Luther Ki n g and h is cohorts h e r e i n Ch icago . My h eart goes o ut to y ou, Ivan . I k now t h at the situation is o n e t h at r easo n alone could cure. But, with the rebellious dema n ds for immediate r esults it is impossib le to do much to solve t h e situatio n. Und o ub tedly y ou will h ave to go the politic a l r oute a n d u se f ederal money and other wasteful e x pediencies . ... It is a p ity t h at ou r f ri end s i n t h e n e g ro c ommu n ity c o uld n ot realize t h at t h e b iggest p r o b lem lies i n their own inadeq uacy a n d sho rt comin g s of p ers o n al devel opm e nt, wh ich make t h em less us eful as employees, goo d citizen s, a n d go od n eighbo r s. These problems take more than r iots a nd demon stration s to correct. Unfortun ately even ten y ea r s o f cra sh prog r ams will not s o lve a cultural lag, lack of s kill or illit erac y . . .. I h ope t h at o ur t wo Settleme n t Houses i n Atla nta h ave been of s o me use in yo u r s ituatio n. I feel ce r tai n t h at t h e Beth l ehem Commu ni t y Cent er a n d Wes l ey House Cente r s would be of so l i d he lp i f t h e y a r e in t h e l ocatio n wh e r e a ny of yo ur t rouble exis t s. Th e ir t rain e d Social Workers c a n h elp you r p o lic e a l o t . •.. In c l osing, plea se c onsi de r t hi s a wa rm hand shake a nd best wi s hes WORLDS LEADING MANUFACTURER OF INDEXING PRODUCTS �page 2. Mayor Allen, 9-8-66 from all of your friends here at Aigner Company. speak for all of your friends in NSOEA. Al G. ACA/pe Enclosure I am sure I �