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STA NCIL K ING M I LT CI N WILLIAMS SALES • LEASES • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RESIOEN,IAL - 903 W . DOTHAN, COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL MAIN ST. PHONE: ALABAM A September 792 · 5103 14, 1966 The Honorable Mayor, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor: No one can synpathize ·with you more than the people of the great State of Alabama (more common'.cy' known as L. B. J 1 s whipping boy). We know, better than aey one else, what you are up against w.i.th these race riots. Yes, what you have recent'.cy' experienced, in Atlanta, is an ug'.cy' race riot that no amount of managed publicity can transform into a piecful demonstration. It was an ug'.cy', violent, defiance of the law by an unru]y mob of aggitators and misguided scum, yet, according to the ne,;,rs media you excused it and apologized for them by saying and I quote" That all of this is brought on by cities not growing properly. I guess we've got to build better cities. We've got to impr ove opportunites and education far all of our people". Even though you was insulted physically and verbally abused you assured this mob that the law was present to protect them not the innocent law abiding citizens who need and are entitled to protection from that mob of scum, dope addicts, beatniks and u ~ comlllUnist. As long as you and other elected officials, tbrou.ghout this Great Land, don't have what it takes to stand up and be counted and stamp out the Stokley Carmichael' s and the_ like, this mob violence is bound to get worse. So, why don't you quit appeasing, apologizing and making excuses and take an honorable stand for your GREAT STATE and your GREAT CITY. Let it be known that these L.B. Jc sanction punks cannot come into your city and insight a riot and get away with it. Let it be known, by action, not by words that they will be dealt with very quickly and very firmly. Have you got what it takes to stand up and be counted? Once your city heads down that road of lawliness and violence you will find it to be four ti.ms as far back up as it was dm-m. Action is the answer. SK:wj �