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w, n:-- - - --Jimmy Ward ongressman James D. Martin of Alabama has in/ . serted in the Congressional .,. Record an interesting col• umn written oy Don MacLean of the Washington D a i 1y News on a timely subject. It is the newspaperman's reaction to .Pxesident Johnson's pointed warning that riots might erupt in Washington. if Congress doesn't approv,e the President's plan to provide political h om e

rule fo.r the District of Coh1mbia.

Mr. MacLean wrote: By now, the Presidenj doesn't need the likes of me to tell him how poorl:>j conceived were his re marks about the possibili~ of a r i o • here. The edi torialists and, I'm sure, his advisers. hav,e a 1r e a d }I d o n e that. My persona view is that what the President said was the greates flame - fanning act since Nero and his fiddle at Rome. What I want to do today is (1) tell the Presiden.t what it is like to live in the mouth of a cannon and (2) thank him for making it more likely that some nut will pull the trigger. I live about 30 blocks from the White House, in a neighborhood ailed Mount Pleasant. (In contrast to many of L. B. J.'s leading Jiberals, who live safely ed awa · Marylal'ld or Virginia.) There's no ghetto of any k i n d in Mount Pleas t, not even a white one. I have never had a n t h i n g but the friendliest relations with my neighbors, be they Negro or white. In short, we are a happy mixture of people who get along just swell. The riots in Los Angeles made all of us nervous, because, in truth, none of us wants any trou1ble. HERE'S HOW IT IS Jf~ here is a serious rate of V vi;lent crime in our area. But it affects e v e r y o n e eqpafiy. The crimes have caused many of us to take precautions. After several attempts were made to break into my house, I surrounded it as best I could with a 6-foot fence. After a girl running from an attacker pounded on my d o o r one night seeking safety, I called the police and the next week bought a ~un. I figure that something worse may happen ano1her night, and I want a gun if he has one. My wife suggested watchdogs, and I got two Gennan shepherds. You don't know it is? Well, on Saturday night in Mount Pleasant, it is worth your life to walk to the tore. An elderly man was killed for 2 in the bright unlight. while washin~ his car. A man was shot out by my mailbox. Manv a night we've watched ·from a econd floor window as gangs of men have battled n the alley with board and pipe·. Ever hear the •·thunk ' a p i p e makes when H 111 a tiuman ead'.' The sound carric qu a di t~nc . What is .it 1 �