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SNCC's.-Revolutionary Purposes . - - With growing frequenc;y the mis-named Student Non-Violent Coordinating Comrnittee has been appearing at the center of racial disturbances in the cities of the nation. This week it was in Atlanta where SNCC members a2.®f.entlY set out,JlllT~ I!..,OSefully_to provoke cdisorders by sprea.ding false tale's of "police _brutality." Just what SNCC is up to has been an- · swered in the statements· of its leaders, most notably chairman Stokely Carmichael. SNCC is seeking nothing less than a revolutionary confrontation, what it calls a "liberation" movement, that will pit blacks against whites. SNCC wants to divide the country irrevocably along Tacia.I lihes. Its first need is to discredit the moderate Negro leadership and the concept of non-violence. It has already rejected what is really the only viable route to racial progress, cooperation among whites and Negroes. It moves to exploit, with violence if necessary, the grievances which responsible persons of both races have long 1been working to eliminate. "Black power," the SNCC battle cry, llas become a label of convenience readily npplied to any exploitable situation. In the t mouths of SNCC's leaders it means what [ they want it to mean, from "bringing this country to its knees;" as Carmichael said l last month, to total racial separation. Regrettably, there seems to be a growing m1mber of whites ready to accept SNCC's hate-inspired extremism as representative of ALL Negroes, to cite demonstrated excesses as convenient proof that the races cannot get along, that steps to improve Negro life are futile. The irony of this is that the philosophical basis of SNCC's dogma rests precisely on the same argument. The bigotry, the exploitation, the outrages demonstrated over the years by some whites are, in SNCC's view, representative of the attitudes of ALL whites. SNCC, too, says the races can never get along. In one sense SNCC's radical outlook is perhaps understandable, as the logical product of frustrations and discontent. But this doesn't make it any more acceptable. SNCC, like the white extremists who both bolster SNCC's existence and draw strength from it, is doing not only the Negro cause but the national cause a monstrous disservice. The sowing of hatred, the fostering_ of divisions, are intolerable whatever their source. ~ We are one nation. All who work against unity and understanding-white or black - deserve the condemnation of those aware of our moral heritage. ·IIBLE THOUGHT-Woe unta them that call evil good, and good evil. laaiah. JI, :D. ~ ~ · ~ 9- 9-66 �