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I See Sports HE WEATH ER Bay Area: Fair except for an 1 rantasro (C roniclt overcast extending inland night and early morning. High Wednesday, 62 to 74; low, 48 to 53. Westerly wind JO to 20 m.p.h. See P age 34. 102nd Year No. 250 CCCCAAA 1 I Marin Cop THE /.v e..))e:-0 /-.?IC:::.C f f . f 2-<- Quiz Marine In Killing Of THE WEST WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1966 A,1a;;..;~'~,. .s;iol ~rt::2,µV,C VOICE ~/-;,.,?.


..... , I Spears' Long Assassination frip Back fo School erwoerd lain By Maitland l a,, p A ·oung l\larine who a friend of Everett ~ as and .Margaret Zimmerman and an odd-Job worker on their Marin county ranch wa questioned yesterd.iy ah ut the couplfi's murdrr a week ago. HP , ·a<; iden11fied a~ , 13-yPal' old Robert D. Sidbeck, ho as on leave aft<'l' boo1 C'amp t, aining at d \ 1 111g his family's an An!-. l O hoin0 rtt tho tin ( t th l 1l1111g 1 J)l". Harold Spears, Sau Francisco's retiring s uperi11tenclent of schools, 1 5,,ept loC'al J)roblems llJl· I der the rug yesterday in I a back-to-srhool address to mol'e th an 3000 public 1 scl1ool teachers. so ,_llP 100.000 San l f 1·,1nciseo PUblir school c:111Jdl'en. Plus parochial higl1 school stiidents. go 1 h~1cK to S<'hool toda . "ith I • so111e P1 n ate school :stu , ~1rnts heginnin,g th tall i ,c,,·1 tom01 l'O\V.- uth Africa Fanatic White Man Knifes Prirn At Parli e •I r ,ipp1o H. South fn · �T Yo mspectors dispatched b~ Marin Sheriff Louis Mount an o s arrived in Memphis lact Sunday and have since been questioning the y outh on the base . Meanwhile. Mountanos and l;ndersherifr' Sidney Stinson conferred with Distriet Attorney B r u c e Bales for three hours yesterday afternoon on uew " evidence" about the crime. The sheriff said a decision in the case will be made after State criminal laboratory .,xperts finish inspecting the 1 car used by the murderer to / leave the scene. · S1dbeck's 9-year-old sister, 1 Elsie Kay , was a house guest of t he Zimmermans the night the murderer entered, the sec 1u d e d ranch house and bludgeoned the sleeping couple to death in bed. The Sidbeck and Zimmer- I I· Spears. 64, who retires June 30. did not men- I tion , in his Teachers ' lnsti- I tute speech at Masonic Auditorium s u c h festering disI putes as d e -I act o racial segregation or the choice of , his successor. i f • IS ea n Issues a eform Plan The assassilfation t o o k place in full view of members of Parliament as the bells rang for lhe start of the session. I As blood spurted onto the Instead, be cracked a joke ·1 carpet, members fell on the or two about his own small- Los Angeles assailant and p inned him. town Indiana schooldays and The top of the Republican state ticket. Ronald struggling. to the floor. He then launched into a long descripti n of his recent world Reagan and Robert Finch, issued a campaign state- \ ci. then taken into custody • ment yesterday outlining their plans to change proptour. AS~ASSIN Atl,rnta police fired tear gas into a Negro home from which bottler. were th rown -then a policema n dashed in to rescue the chi ldren i11side. Ne roMob Knock u. . Action M 0 0 ff Ca rto P Again t Big ·1 ... ,.~ p• - L? .'-%., -~ • ,o;--c.,-,f, ~ Drug f ,rm Mrs. Sanger, Atlant7? r/1/?//r./' r r-r:-.fT )'~'-' -(, r ~.,n;~ Rioting Negl'oes fought 110lice. with bricks and yesterday and toppled the city's niayor from Birth Control abottles car top onto the street when be attempted to calm I Washington 1 The Go\'ernment • themp·IOneer DleS I ' Jr-r-7 / '


.r- " 11 PI v k 1 ,m· ..,., _,, 1me " 1 /~ C _,,-, v / /JJ. - ...,.... 8 . 'irnc s- flos1 Sprrire lJr,,t£<I Pre3s His policy-apartheid I next t;C I The 64-year-old Prime l\Iinister died soon after a parliamentary rrie~senger walked up to him and , p l u n g e d a knife four times into his neck and chest. HENDRIK VERWOERD JOKES 1· See Page 17, Col. 2 b. r a white man. ion Day,'"i! legal holiday celebrating California·s a dmis- · ion to the union. Here points : t ere a fe v of Spears' The United States is a sort of benevolent colonial power, he said. and this is how it shti? Uld be. " We tend other na ons' crops and double as scarecr6ws to scare off those \\·ho Would come in and plunde·· these fields.· , Eve1-., child has the r.ight J to be treated as an individual. You protect that right. But this right is not protected in 1ndia. The Hi nd u can kill a Moslein but not a cow or a rat Which eats up their limithas ed store of Cfl·ain." o., Istarted criminal ·proceed· " India is an exceedingly ings again:-it the Upjohn exciting and puzzling coun- Police brought the violence under control tossrng tear gas canisters and repeatedly firing pi stol~ and riot guns above the heads of the rioters.

1 Co. , a giant pbarmace~tiI c~l manufac~U1·e1:,. which I 0 • try." erty ta: ·es if elected governor and lieutenant gorThe assassin was D1m1tn ernor. St a fend a s, a 45-year-old They also urged that the State Board of Equalization be expanded from four members to six, with the additional members to come from Southern California. Governor Cultivates Farm Vote B Ellrl C. Behrens Political Editor· South African of Greek and Portuguese origin. He reportedly had complained to co\\ orkers Uiat the government \ ·as do i n g too much for non-whites an d not enough for poor whites. I I Reagan, the GOP gubernaVerwoerd slumped at his tonal candidate. and Finch. desk with his head down. his running m a t e, released l<"' 0 U r medical members of parliament r us he d to help the seven-point statement. him and one, Dr. C. V. Van The even proposals : Der Merwe, gave him • " Abolish personal prop- mouth-to-mouth resuscitation erty tax 00 household fur- in an attempt to revive him. nishings. Stretcher bearers pushed • '·Eliminate double taxa- through the crowd of legislaGo,·ei·nor Edmund G. tion on ubsidiarv di\'ictends tor and officials and carried Brown tramped tJuough of corporations. · See Page 12, Col 1 Bakersfield Tucson. Ariz. . TAJ IAHAL the hostile farmlands of , a t s h sniper opened fire from ~ I a1 <' based m pat L on a 'l the San Joaquin Valley • ." E stabli~h . a syS t em of \ 1\1 aroare anger. "" 0 . . 1a rlS r,· . Ir J • 'wo great problems struck t ·d k' '1 • cred1ts pernntting a parhal . ' risked jail and scorn to pro- a bwlding m the not-torn .a,luie to pu1_1~1 a \lalll- him during his tour of South yes e1 ay, pac llli, a PIO· write-off of inventorv tax I mg mote the birth control move- di stnct horUy af~er dark. I to J)h3•s1c1ans rou- Ea st sla, the " ,vretched- gram designed to win payments against State franI ceming the safetJ of a uess and abject poverty" and him the agricultural vote. chise taxes and eliminating ! ment throughout the \'Orld . but police rus~ed m before of hardening anyone was Jut. I pl·escnp · t·ton drug if use d ti1e " threat of Chinese power m· ventor" died "vesterday . t tak Seven · t s.us., taxes as rap1"dly a<.., of the artenes. She was R~ . pee s were en m O cus-1 b . . d "The fact that I have possible. Death came to the mother tody . , y ptegnant rnmen. un ermining the integrity of not been able to get ' of planned parenthood at the Twelve persons, including I The drug - Upjoh,n's developing nations. across to the farmer of • " Assessment of State and biggest seller-ts Ormase, Spears talked about the Federal land holdings in CalValley House Convalescent four policemen, were in· I ' an oral a n t I d i a b et e s Taj Mahal _ " Its beauty is the State has di st urbed ifornia with an in lieu payCenter. A family spokesman jured

-aid s~e had been ill for the

Arrests mounted to 53 m •fooczated Pre 66 j agent. blenushed by its price, the me more than anything ment returned to the counpast five years. the area. Topeka, Kansas . _ _ . gap between the r u 1 er and else," the shirt-sleeved ties . fwice married and a moth. . . Marketed In 19a7. it 1s said f thr h A policeman was cut on the Dr. William C Menninger, by the company to have been See Page 17, Col. 3 See Page 7, Col. 4 • " Conform State income 1 f Mr O esr . e0e. elrds eth ' 1 bs. , face and had a possible jaw president of the Menrunger u s e d by more than 750 000 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - tax laws to those of the Feda n g e t ave e e go e f t d li d t F d . . . li . ' G t d t campaigning for birth con- ~-ac w·e. an a po ce e e~- oun at_ion psy~luatnc c me I patients . lt has been reported eral overnmen an suppor She d . ...... t tive and at lea t seven others and an internationally known that in tests on an i ma 1 s, the ballot measure this year t 1 I ma e to mne ulpSand O I pel.sons ~~re tr ea t e d f or t ear. psyc hi a t. . ht ma:,si ve d O s es of the drug C 00 tO accomp Ii sh th IS " en d . .Jroa p an, three India rlS t ' d"1e d 1as t rug many to England. gas effects . of cancer. can kill or deform the fetus I I • ··create a State Tax ffER MOTHER D.\.\IAGE 'f he 66-year-old physician The charges in..,oh·e the enI Cow"t to hear the tax appeals '· To take a subject like \\ indows were smashed in had been confined to bed for try about Orin a e that • • from the rulings of the State I rontraception and m a"ke it t\t\'O ptat~ol cars parkeddoedn a mor of tthet summedr.tThle l,'pjohn .~upplied fo1d .Pt~blicaBo ard of Equalization and understood: t O :eparate it s ree . egroes hombar a ma 1gnan umor was e et t10n in the 1965 e 1 1011 of

State Franchise Tax Board

from an abortion and have white motorist"s car with ed in his chest last December Physician ·s De~k Reference. Front Out lorrespondcnr the masses of people agree to rocks . L\ not her police car during exploratory surgery the sing IP most important Some 'Sar, Siskiyou county ought a teachmg post m the " Ad d two members to 'fh h'ldi· . th · 1 _ c O m mun it y • s two-room the State Board of Equaliza11 is q II it f' an accomplish- was turned on its side, with at the _Mayo Clinic ln Roches- I sour(·P of pre~cription lnforment. .. Mrs Sanger said m a all its window. shattered , ter. Mmn . I mat10n for more than 200,000 . ge 130 cl 1t enulidn 't isrto~t school tion, so that a truly repre"'D "' · 11 ,, 11 phvs1·ci·~ns gm iam e co n ,, a1 . t t d G 1963 interview. overnor Carl E . San ers r n , . as e \\ a. -· " I classes on schedule ye. ter· The "hildren .1us aren sentath e state\\ide board is 1red still by he1 r·a11se ordered 5 ta 1 e troopers into kn n w fl wherP,·er psychia- 1 'rhe maximum penalty the daY. going to school, and there's aclueved" psyc h t t 8 I Men·n~ 1nger I IS Bridge . . .. I Chess ... . . . . . Dead I I Q n Town s e crlsls •• I Sh I NO T eac her I Sec P!lge 8, Col 1 ~ee Pa e 17, Col 6 , Sre P ge , Col. I Not a single applicant has l ce Page 17. Col, ' ' ' 40 40 ' S6 Comics .. ' Crossword ..... 39, 56 Datebook . . . . . . . . 41 Deaths , . . . . . . . . JS Editorials . . . . . . . . 38 Entertainment . . 41-43 ' .. Finance . , ..... , Sl-55 Food ........ 10, 11F Jumble . . . . . . . .. 24 Movies . . . . . . 42, 4 Obituaries ... 35, 40, 45 Shipping . . . . I Sports I ',"« Pag 17 Cof, 1 The Index . . 35 . . . . . . . 45-S 1 TV-Radio . . . . . . . . 4 Vital S ati t,cs . . . 34 Want ds . . . . . .. 26 Weatl r 34 W n,en' World . 18-23 4 1ocia1e,I Pre& .- �PAG E 8 SAN FRANCISCO CHRON ICLE, Wed., S_ept. 7, 1966 \ <.,,/'/C-.1 ~ ~, , /-it r/4/


c:~_,,Yfi~/2.-/c // r ;:.,·/c_. 7c /--e~ ~l.c--<./C ~ ,--..1).f ~ FHE** Plutonium Sale Goes To Congress At anta egroes Fell Mayor· 1otin From Page 1 . the city on r e q u e s t of the mayor, but they were held in reserve. Police began pulling out of the area about 9 p.m. The riot started in midafternoon after police shot and seriously wounded a Negro whom they suspected of car theft. Within three hours of the s h o o ti n g more than 400 Negroes, including several members of the S tu dent Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, were ru s h in g through the streets shouting, Black power-police brutality." When Mayor Ivan Allen ,Jr. r us he d to the scene and climbed upon a police car to talk to the ri ote rs, they sur ged to w a rd him and ro ck e d the car again and again until the mayor twn· bled to the street, shaken but uninjured. PLEAS The 55-y ear -o 1 d mayor scrambled to his f e e t and then raced about the riot area, w hi c b is only two blocks from the city's new $18 million Atlanta Stadium. " Go home, he p 1 e ad e d "please go home." "Don't go - stay here and protest police brutality," said members of SNCC who walked behind the mayor. The police said S to k e l y Car m i ch a e I, SNCC's 25· year-old chairman, came to the scene on tree-lined Capitol avenue soon after the 1:30 L'Pl TeleDhotr, p.m. shooting and told Mother cradled child, one of four resc ued by policeNegroes that "we're going to man from tear-ga ssed home be back at 4 p.m . and tear - - -this place up ." Two other SNCC members, Willie (Bill) Ware and Bob Walton, were taken into custody by Atlanta police while t o u r i n g the area in a sound tntck. urging Negroes j !o gather to protest the shoot- I mg. ACCUSATIONS complete information was re" They were bringing difquired. ferent people into the area:· Last September.- Jt'DA said sergeant D. J . Pen-y, a e- Drug Firm: U.. Files Action / ·De Gaulle Visits the New Hebrides Syria Foils Coup Plot by · Ex-Premier 1Vila, New Hebrides Washiugton · President de Gaulle touch- 1Beir ut, Lebanon To promote American • Eu- ed down yesterd~y in this The left-wing Syrian rer op e an cooperation in the sun-drench~d capital of the gime has f O i 1 e d a lot b peace f u I development of New Hebrides, the world's p Y atomic energy, the Adminis- anly territorial condominium. ?u sted moderates of the rult r at ion has asked for F lying 300 miles north mg Baa.th party to regain congressional approval of a from New Caledonia, he paid control and sweep the nation record sale of plutonium to a relaxed five-hour visit to with a '-'-wave of terrorism the European Atomic Energy ~h~ colonial ter.r itory rul~d violence, murder and destruc: Community. Jomtly by France and Bnt- tion,, Radio Da id Under the proposed trans- ain. A condominium is• a ' mascus sa action , the United St ate s jointly administered pro tee- yeS t erd ay · would sell the six -n at i on tor ate. A government statement His brief stop here was the said supporters of the Baath community, known as Euratom, 1000 kilograms of pluton- second he has made in Pa- p arty international comium. or about $43 mi 11 i on cific in the course of a world worth. tour. He returned to New mand, toppled by strongman Caledonia late in the day. Salah Jedid $ix months ago, .\ PAUSE Today he will fly to French joined with "imperialists and Plutonium once used exclu- Polynesia, where he will in- reactionary forces" in the atsively in atomic weapons spect France's new Paci.fie tempt to overthrow the Dawould be used by the Eura- n~clear test inst~ations and mascus regime. tom members, particularly witness an experunental nu, .. France and West Germany, clear explosion. 'I he b1·oadcast. morutored to develop an advanced New l"orlc Times j here, named former Premier ,1Pu;,.,,ho10 atomic power reactor. This - - - - - - - - - - !Salah Bitar, former Par+reactor, lrnown as the breed.., M oments before he wa s knocked off car, Mayor er. produces more fissionable Secretary Michel Aflak and Ivan Allen tried to disperse mob fuelthanitconsumes . 1 a r g e 1y because of inter- Dr. Mounif Razzaz, interna. The size of the transaction agency differences over what tional command secretar}said Davis. a egro . '·And launched by SNCC. Atlanta and the potential use of it for safeguards should be re- genera I. as leaders of the they statted rocking the has heard few of the ·'police the manufacture of atomic quired to assure that the abortive coup. An~ ~' got the hell out of brutalit~" compl~ts that weapons, gave the Adminis- material, sufficient ~o make It said the plotters were art_her.e. Both Davis and . WSB hav~ he1~htened police-Negro tration considerable pause. more than 100 aton:11c weap- rested and had confessed and radio ne:vsm31:1 ~ndy Still es- 1tension_~n many of the NaIFFERENCES on_s! would not be diverted to would be tried without mere caped withou t mJury. tion 's cities . D military purposes. b a , ecial na . - · The city has been widely Eura.tom, which purchased The agreement finally Y1 B ti . tional tr~Yesterday violence caught the mayor. one of the few Praised as a model for the 500 kilograms of plutonium in reached was that , as in the na ·. u leie was n? co • Southern officials w h o has South in its peaceful accept- 1964, originally requested the case of past transfers of fis- mation. th at th e ~a_J_o.r lead• advocated civil rights legisla- ance of school desegregation, additional plutonium I a st sionable materials to Eura- er wei e actually m Jail. tion, by surprise. . and its two daily news pa- s pr i n g to meet its breeder tom, the controls against mil- !J1e pl~tters also masterExcept for tension in re- Pers - th.e Constitution and reactor research needs over itary diversion should be ex- mmded Bitar's recent escape cent weeks between the po· the Journal- are among the the next five years. ercised by the Eur atom from a Damascus jail, th Ii c e and advocates . of the It1ost liberal in the region in The Administration de- agency. government broadcast said . , layed in approving the sale, ew York Times " black power' philosophY l'acial matters . I car.1 si I I �e orma on was qUie ·- en 'Y ~ app~ar ~ e 96fr ly filed on August 22 in Fed- PDR without melus10n of eereral Court in Grand Rapids, t ain information that had Mich. The ease is being han- been omitted. Upjohn comdled by United States Attor- plied and added the following ney Harold Beaton, who, said information: yesterday that the date for " The safety and the usefularraignment has not been ness of Orinase during pregset. n a n c y have not been esIn Kalamazoo, Mich., a tablished at this fu?e, either k an f • u ·ohn said from the standpomt of the tpo hes; 16:38, 29 December 2017 (EST)t on the mother or the fetus ." In ani~ 0 be entered by mal ~tudies,.. the entry said, ~ eafir a ; .d O r in as e tolbutamide in massive doses to about has been shown to kill or deale 1mt e sai s es as year ea~e , form the fetus. 1~ perce;t 0; :e fir~ ;~t~ "It is n(?t known whether 1 2 t · or not this finding is applicau.s PJO~shn,0s 1965 n~taft . er- ax ble to human s ti.b j e ct s," mcome w:as_ $37 ~ 0 n. -. · Upjohn said:- "CJ.imcal studTh 8 crumnal . informa~on ies thus far are quite limited which .· t a1. Therefore , charges b th that Ormase, . t lb and. expenmen as. e generic_ name o bu- the use of Orinase is not rectannde, was nns~abeled e- ~mmended for the managecaus~ _th~ entry Ill the 1965 ment of diabetes when ·comg cy ,, Phys1c1an s Desk reference li t db - th~ same entr! as that P ca e y pre nan · used m some pr 1 or years - "was not, as required by regulations, substantially the , same as the labeling autbor- 1 ized" by the Food and Drug t Administration. The charge is based on FDA's long-standing rule that Last month's 24-day airline entries ib. PDR-.:...which are strike cost an e st i m ate d prepared, edited, approved $250,000 in- lost income at San and paid for by drug manu- Francisco International Airfacturers-are legally label- port, George F. Hansen, airmg. Under the 1962 amend- port general manag·e r, said ments to the drug law the ,esterday. -gency also requires drug ads Hansen told the Public to contain a true statement Utilities Commission· that the in brief summary of the FDA- Ju 1 y traffic passenger volapproved brochure enclosed ume was 820 973 down nearin each package of a drug ly 5 percent' frdm the July product. ' 1965, figure of 852 ,515 _ L'P JOHN Ju n e 's pre-strike traffic . , ~he U P_J oh n . s_pokesman volume of 1.~61,279 was t~e sa~d. that _m a difference_ of ~st month m ~h~ airport s opin~on with FDA the firm history to top a ~illion. considered the PDR entry to / Hanson estimated that, be paid advertising, and that,:-Vithout the strike, July trafunder that interpretation less fie would have been 1,130,000. f r :I.i i5 Air Strike Cost City $250,000 · men, ~'and they were saying that the man had been shot while h~ndeuffed and that he was murdered by white police." The police denied the accu.sations: The wounded man, Harold Louis Prather, was reported by a spokesman at ~rady MeJ??ri8!; Hospital in poor condition. "This is an explosive area, and they (the police) come down here and shoot a Negro - good God Almighty." said Cleveland Se 11 er s, SNCC's project and program d~ector. "People here are Just reacting to police brutality." 0th er SNCC officials on c a p it o l avenue during the rioting were Ruby Doris .Robinson, executive secretary of the Committee, and Ivanhoe Donaldson, head of. the organization's New York office In the beginning, the mis:· sile-throwing was sporadic. But after the police used tear gas to rout a group of bottle thowers Negroes hurled volley after volley of bricks and bottles. At one point, the police thre w tear gas into a home, which they said had been the center of some bottie-throwing, and a mother, her five small children and the ir grandmother were forced into ~he street. The farmly Was taken to Grady Memorial hospital in an ambulance. Heavy_ police de ta i_ 1 s rushed mto _a Negro section about one mil~ from the trou- 1 b~e spot last ~ght after a ra- 1 dio newsman s car was overturned by Ne gr o e s near a church. Reporter Mike Davis of the Atlanta Constitution said one of the Neg r O es pulled a pistol and fired "I heard glass bre~g " ' NEW Medically Approved l\lethod STOPSFALLINGBAIR ·Chances Fading for Grand Canyon Dams Washington The Colorado river Project b i l l with its controversial Grand Canyon dams appears headed for the legislative graveyard this year. Arizona Congressmen Morris K. Udall, a Democrat, and Jon J. Rhodes, a Republican , are expected to issue a tuint statement on the subject today. Their statement was understood to paint a pessi- mistic picture of the $1.7, billion measure's chances. lf the measure is indeed buried, it would be a major victory for the Sierra Club and other nature-lovers who have attacked, in particular, the two proposed Colorado river dams above and below Grand Canyon National Park. They claim the dams would damage the c·anyon's natural beauty. 1 imCJi·Po.st Service I Regrows Hair Eveninl\lale • Panern_Baldne.M · Now you can back up the balance in your checking account with some of UCB's balance. Then, when you need extra money, you get it-simply by writi ng a check. That's the beauty of a Balance Plus check ing account at United Cal ifornia Bank. · dom from financial worry you never knew before. And, as an extra convenience, the check ca~hing card you get automatically with your Balance Plus account will make your personal UCB check good as gold in any UCB office in California. With some of UCB's money stan ding behind your checkbook balance, you'll be able to handle any emergency without wondering where you'll get the money. You'll be able to take advantage of special sales without worrying about ~eing overdrawn. Once your application is approved your Balance Plus account will give you a free- Providing instant cash the instan t you need it, making an overdraft a thing of the past and helping you cash personal checks are only three ways a Balance Plus account will serve you. Stop by ... or call your nearest UCB office today and find out all about this newest way UCB does a littl.e more for you ... with a Balance Plus account. Without I J . Ginsburg ~calp 'Specialist Harvard Gra.duot• Home . I Treatment BALANCEf PLUS In 5 Treatments or less? Money Back Guarantee FREE scolp examination in private for men and women. Results guaranteed ii traatmcnt is undertaken soon enough. ANGROSHAIR J. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK The bank that does a little ~ for ,-eu �