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PRICES : Trinidad & T obcigo: ATHER m Radio Guardian ) JAY re: Barbados, Grenada, §t. Lucia and St. Vincent: 12¢, Other West Indian Islands and Guyana : 141 PORT-OF-SPAIN !\fax. 89• !\fin. 75<> l\I ax 90% l\Iin . 55% J 'O,C'oday's '1y fair TIDES


with Be. scattered JC__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 50th Year Port-of-Spain, Trinidad _and Tobago_ __ _ _ __ __ __!:,__ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ High: 1.22 p.m. Lo w : 6.59 a.m. 6.52 p.m, Sunrise : 5.55 a.m. Sunset : 6.12 p.m. Sa tur day, Septernb er 10, 1966 No. 15038 _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___::__ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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RABS FOUR ORE SCHOLS Guardian News Desk FOR THE fifth consecutive ear, Presentation College, 1n Fernando, ha s won two f the O;pen National Scholarhips awarded by the Trinidad lovernment, according to result• i.<sued last night. The South college won th is year's Jerningham Gold Med·al for the most outstanding ~tudent, who is ROY A. CHONG KIT, the youngest person to win an Open (Island) National Srholarship. Chong Kit. who won the Scienre Scholarship. was only 14½ ,rean old when he sat the examination . He will &PP. ,1 twn more years at the colle;!e unlil he can qualify to enter university, because of his aJ?e Pres<?ntation student Reginalrl Kon won the Open Mllthematirs Scholarship. Of the three oth"r Open Schrilarship~ Quel'n's Royal Collcec ( Modern Sturlies), St. Ma1~··.s Collete <Lanauage Sturlies l and Rishop Anstey HiJUJ School <Girls' Scholarghip) 1ook one rach. Jn addition to two Open Srholarship.s the South college won t-1,0 of the five rwmer~-up schnlar~t>ips. m Language Studies and Science. 'BLACK/ POWER' LEADER 1 IN JAIL 1 Cabinet makes announcement alter m eting ierre, Sinanan, Stollmeyer on Caroni's Board - SIR HENRY PIERRE ROY CHONG KIT Science Open Schol (Presenta tion) By EVANS K. GRE ENE PUBLIC HOLIDAYS fo r the Hindu and Muslim feast days known as Divoli and Eid-ul• Fitr will be celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago, the Cabinet announced last night. The decision was praised by the Muslim and Hindu comm unity as well as members of the Roman Catholic and An glican clergy. l\lR. ASHFORD SINANAN Sinanan sees it as a challenge " In ad dition to himself and Mr. W. A. ·coupland and Mr. J. A. Fairrie , who ha ve been m e mb ers of t he Boa rd , and to Mr . F. H. B. Blackbu r n, whose appointme nt as M anagin g Director was an noun ced MR . ASHFOR D SINANAN, on M ay 14, th e foll owing ge ntle men ha ve a ccep ted in- n ewly a nnou n ced director of vitations to join t he Board Caroni Ltd ., said Yesterday wi1 h effect fr om October 1, that the oays of ho tilily a nd distru st in the sugar hl'it must J 9fi6 : Si r Henry Pierre Mr. Ashford Sinanan , a nd· Mr. be a thing of lhe pa~t. In an interview he ,c;[ated : .Teffrey Stollmeyer. Mr. A. n. 'khell. w~I{)~ a ·nt Gen eral .Manager recen tly . announ ced . has as

he I

as 11 ked s -rve c,n the Bonrd I made it clea.r that this ,, as cenainlv a challenliing opportunity · and Thre e mon ths a go Mr. Bh ada e Sa g an l\1ara.i . President• Gen eral of the Sana tan Dha,:ma Ma ha Sabh a led a dele" ation to th_e ~ri me Minis ter at While Hall r equesting recognition of D1 va ll-Hindu Festival of Ligh ts-and th at it be decl ared a public holiday. Mr. Simb oonath Capild eo . r epre sentative for Couva while in P arliament al o advocated the qua rter centurv ple a s that the se two Fea st Da ys be declared pu blic holid ays. The " Hi ndu Times ", offi ci al org an of the Hindu Church in Trinidad . also sought the gran ling of public h olidays to mark impor tan t Hindu and Musli m fest ivals . "Christians alone enjoy the righ t to celebra te th eir important r eligious fest ival.5 as public holida ys , the "Times" noted . · The People' s National Movement also suIXporled the plea when, in Septe mb er 1964, it p assed a resolution asking for the h olidays. Howe ver, t he Hindus have struck a first in that their Divali holida y is due on Novt>mber 10. The mo vable feast of Eid m a rks t he successful ending of the month of fasting called Ramadan . . Christi art holidays in Trin idad a nd Tobago include Good F n da y, Corpu s Cbris ti and Ch ristmas D ay. Praise for Government Co m menting on Cabinet's rlecision last ni1,;hl, Ir. Snaffirk R ah am an , President-General of the Anjuman Sunnat ul Jamaat sa id. "We a re exceedi ngly happy ahout this, becau~e for many ye ars, we were looking forward for an announcement like this." Mr. Rouff Ali, Pre iclenl of the Port-of-Spain Bt·anc·h of the A.S.J.A.. :;aid that while a public holiday was wl'lcomecl, he wo uld h!l\'e prrfcrred in<teact 11 holidav on the anni ·ersarv of the birthda_ of the Holy Pro-phrt \ luhRmmacl as it wa'. d fficult to predict the date or Bid's falling. Mr Bhadase Sagan Marai, former Prt>f•it'lll G, · ~ th \an Dh ma Maha Saoh, also · 110nted (1 ernmc>nt on its deeision . "This is t•ertainly a n<l !<>lier ,l.n- to both tho Hindu, and lu~lims of this t·ount~y ." h..- aid. . ldlt �