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Stuart Fla. 33494 P.O.Box 155 Sept. 8y;h 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Honorable Sir, Having just seen on T.V. how you were so shamefully treated and the dis-respect shown you and your offi c_e, when one considers the way you have 'leaned over backward' to improve the Nwgro's plight •••• makes my blood boil.,being a former Georgia boy,from Moultrie. As you well know by now,if you didn't before, you are dealing with a highly organized minority ••• and according to our peculiar laws,they rule. The negros are not afraid of shots fired into the air •••• all that will ever impress them is to see a few of them laying on the ground,kicking,with the death rattle in thier black throats. Had I been in your position,I'd have not had the Folioe to fire over thier heads, but to aim low •••• gut shoot them,then leave them to die in the streets.When they commence to stink up the neighborhood,then have the street cleaners load them in the garbage trucks and hawled to the C1t1 incenerator.Do not even bother to ~o thro thier pockets for identificatiQn, dump em in.That is the only way you orr,ny other official will control the Negros on the prod. You only have to recall the recent disorders in Africa,how the leaders reverted to canibalism •••• fortunatly,the U.N. parachutists arrived in time to prevent a greater slaughter. Another thing, forbid so called "Freedom" marches.If they march without a permit,draw a line on the street and gut shoot every black chicken thief that crosses it •••• and leave them lay. Unless the City County and State makes a profit,from fines for allowing these marchers on the 1prod',w~y permit it.Look at the extra cost for over time police,extra police and even National Guard that is sometimes called out. · Nip it in the 1 bud',forbid marches.They do not march except one thing : to rile up psychos,and some otherwize decent Negros. ~ o allow this to happen,points the finger at YOU as instigator of what follows,indirectly,of course. Please accept this in the spirit it is meant,but you know,or should by now. that one can't handle Negros with kid gloves.Give one an inch,and he'll take a mile. Respectfully, ~ l{r. ~lu �