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THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE SOUTH LOUISVILLE·, KENTUCKY CORRESPONDENT BANK DIVISION THOMAS W . GAINES JAMES S. M c KENZ I E CHARLE S L . MOOR E ASSI STA N T WILLIAM M . RUE ASSISTANT HENRY D . ORMSBY, Ill VIC E·PRESIOENT VI CE-P R ES ID E NT September 8, 1966 VI CE-PRES ID ENT VICE·PRESI 0ENT Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of .Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: This letterhead is for identification purposes only, and is not intended to reflect the opinion of this Bank or any of it ' s Officer s or employees - only that of the writer. You are to be commended on the manner in which you pr opose to handle any r iots or unlawful disorders within your City, as reported in our local papers. We seem t o be plagued wi th a very small minor i ty who insist on causing as much violence and dis t urbances as possible. They disregard the fac t t hat they interfere with t he rights of others - that any organized s ociety must have law and order. I consider i t a disgrace am. an affront to constituted law, for five or six police offi cers to have to carry off a limp demonstrator when he lies down and refuses to move when ordered to do so. I would approve of t he use of electric cattle prods, police dogs or fire hose to clear an area of sit-in demonstrators who refuse to obey other orders. I doubt seriously if any Officer of the law in your City can rightly be accused of one-tenth the brutality which some of your officers have suffered at the hands of the lawless element. It is the beginning of the breakdown of all law and order when a police officer is afraid to make an arrest for fear he will be mobbed. This condition must not be allowed to prevail. Congratulations upon the • y71z·~ c. L. Moore �