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Donaa.i. L. Jackse:a -!9-! Masten ATenue Buffalo, Aucust l t , New Yo1•k 1-4:209 1966 Haneraile !Tan Allen Jr. Jr.ayer •f tke City ef Atlanta eity Hall 18 Mitdiell Street s. w. Atlanta., Geer,ia AND OPm LETTER TO NEGROES CF ATLANTA.., GEORGIA. Dear Fellow Citizens. My i.ear •rothers and sisters I am greatly ,rieTed at the tisplay of ignorance by •ambers of '1II:f race in Atlanta. There are 1reblE111s in eTery Tillage, te'W.ll ana city ef this ,reat Repualic. These problems ca.n only ae solved by Negre ani White people expoundin' ,ood cOll!man sense. I am a Negro, I attenaed colleie in Mississippi, Ala.ae.ma and Kentucq., I spent consie.erable length of 1ll'.f mlite.ry training at Fort Bennings. I had. the opportunity to traTel through most of Georiia. CiTil righters ccy is for first class citiaenship, however alca, with first olass citizenship goes responsibility., which never is mentioned.. Viewing the con~uct on television Netroee throwing rooks ani. bottles at your police, whiob -.s showing disrespect :for law and ore.er. Cheering an hoodlum that d.isplayeci contempt and. disrespect for your auly elected Chief Executive of Atlanta, :Mayor ITan Allen Jr •• is acre than any intelli,ent people can stomach. Your conduct is clear., unless the Nepo people coae forwari. and d.enounee these hoodlums it will •e consitered. the.t you all are in the same boat. not responsi\le citizens. Throwing rocks and. bottles at your police must not ae tolerated. Daonstraters NII singing Co:munists songs. shoutini "black powern is hurtint the Negro masses not helping. The money spent on foolish_aemonstre.tions. )~il bonds and other agitation., it would he.ve been ietter if this J110I1ey hai been investei in the Negro econom;y wh_ereby it would make jo'hs for Ne&roes. The CiTil Rights Law can help the Ne,roe8 proTici.ini they apply them.selTes lawfully ani intelliiently. Negroes that want ttBle.ck Power 0 these are sc,me of the thin,s that must lte i.one now. 1. Graduate from Highschool and oollege. 2. Stop gettin& arunk. 3 Save your :11.oney. 4:. Ind.ivii.uals join toiether e.nd forms corporations ancl. enter Tarious usinesses 5. Stop breakinc class in the street. 6. Clean up your home 6e Be a:.dmuobidct to the laws. 7. Have respect and pride for your home•-*· school ant community. a. Youn, a • stop having •abies out of wea.lcck (Unwed mothers). 9. Learn the true wen, of the Lora. 10. If you have a false preacher in your church oot him Qt. 11. A preacher sent )y the I.Drd. will preach God' a woni -that is love, e. preacher sent •Y the i.evil will preach civil rights. 1:2. Denounce those self appoilltei. oiTil rl.€,b.ts lea.a.ers f r -they are fraudulently claiming that you ha.Te ,1Ten the the right to represent~ u. This is tha same as iivin& somoone a blank oheck to si~ your naae. These civil rit.,ts erganiz&tions have a Tery few members. 13. Reporl to your place of e11ployment ready willing auil a"ble to work, ane. •e ro pt. en you have & ne all these things you then 1'111 have •Black Power"• ~ I really 11ishe Co11111unists not -well l I D1181ld t tea q\lick ,in, tlmt I had. the •PP rtullity to converse with yQU all n the t pi N poes. The a.sees ef Ner;roe reu Tery little therefore th l'tllS(e fixle j b that the Atlanta police r:fo.rme ci.e I en yor ITan Allen Jr., ffJr aking immeaie.te action gainst uspeote( ineiT:i.auals for attempting to ineit a ri t. Alleri can i without su ...,. p eple as kely CarmichAwle �, Cont'i. Honorable ITan Allen Jr, August 11, 1966 Pac;e 2 OPEN LETTER TO NEGROES CF ATLANTA., GEORGIA. Unjustifieicritism has •een made apimt the masses of Ne,roes all oTer America fer the irresponsible action of Stokely Carmichael, Williams ana King and ther• p:refessional treuile makers that are Qsing the Ne,ro people tor publioity-aaa- to ,et

aoney fer thenselTes. ETen if s·ome named were absence f'rom Atl8Zl.ta., their agitation

ci0otrine reference was made to it ancl these people are re spcrnsible fe>r the lest of life anfl for those persons that were injured. Stokely Carmichael Wi'.B a f reipier and aecame an American citizen on April 17, 1958. I am carte.in all will airee that The Immic;ration ana. Nat'Qralization S•nice aai.e an error in irantil'lg this agitator American citizenship. James ::ForJBan, Stokely Carmichael and Dr. Martin ~ther Kil'l& Jr., SNCC, NAACP, SCLC ana CORE. tb:lse or,anizations atlA iniiTiiue.ls io not speak for the Nei:ro masses.. 1 t is eTiient that they d.o not eTen speak for -the bane.fl\l of members wi thintt their or,anization. Sinoe the liberal press giTe these ind.iTiauals ana or,anization unoessary news coverage and igoore those Ne~roes that appose these a,itators Tiaws. Thia ,ives the impression that the Negro co:nmrunities haTe no o\jections to these self appointet agitators. These professional e.~itatcrs tmt t-r&vel all iirt ef any oamnunity neTer finding e.nythinr; Negroes. Take for example Ne,N teachers in Carolinas are paU. aore than Yfhi te teachers. in industry throughout the South. ever this Republic looking fer the prG,ressiTe about aoy er all of the IIEUlY cases in Alaaama., Tennessee ani. tm Neiroes who are qualifiec. are employed. There are approximately 22 •illicm Ne,roes in America while there are about 307 :aillien Ne,roes in tm rest of tlle Worl•• The Amerioan Nee;re staniar-. of liTin' IQ.6... 7<:IJ, hi'11•r than Negroes in other parts •f the worli. Tm American Negro life expetancy is allllost twice that of Ne,rees all oTer the worl4i.. Reports show that the American Na,roes had. a total incam.e around $21 ltilli«i in l9e0 which is an averaie of $1, 100 per year for eTery Nec;ro :aan woaan anQ ohili, while Negroes liTin, outsiie of Uni tea States income is aarley 2o% of the Amirioan Negro IncOllee American Negroes awn •ore than -i half aillion autoJ110biles this f igures to about 1 autcmobile to every 4: u ·e groese Negroes 1n other parts cf the ,v0rli have none. In Russia there is one oar te every 345 people. Negroes HID. their own home. In 1960 ana. li61 there were 33 Ne,ro saTings and loan@ association in United States nlued at The 1960 Census shows a'~out 2 :m.lliOD Ter $10, millien 53 Negre cnmecl life insure.ne e oompaoies worth about $230 :million and 15 Ne,ro \lanks with a total worth of 4:0 llillion. ·r here are 26 Negro :millionaires in Unite<b:it-u..\.aa: States. There are .4:00 Ne11;roee earning between $50,000 an• $100,000 per year and 10,000 Negroes making between 10.000 and $50,000. What ,roup or 1tu.ck veo~le onLthe face of ±he aa:ri:h have aohi.aved suoh...aa~§lllml6ntt RemE111bere~thefo iii 1lions "ttlffli cJoe ouis, ~u,ar Ray .Kooinson, 1 m-'lli.LJ.J.ams, -.t·J.oyu. •ai;i;erson earn • 7ie. ra

they were 35 years ola.

· VUr society is not perfect however progress is not measu.rei by color•, put pro,ress aepenas upon the individual cesires e:nci ability will aeasure his aucoess in •~siness anti intlustry. No Black Nation on this earth oan offer alack people the 1sae opportunity to -achieve "Black Power" as this ,roup has worlc hari. an• btaineie if ~ ~ These fro,ressiTe Ne,roes that haTe earned their success ay aem, intellipnt ani hard work i&nore these simple simons thits aemonstratien iuianain, treeio11 now. These aupes implant the iteal .c;a that tbs masses et White people shoo.la CiTe them speoial laws ani oonsiaaration an that they want White people to ,ive them FreeaOJll on a silTer platter. Tbase successful Negro ausinessm.en were nbt ooncem with the coler f one skin they hirea Negroes as well as White workers. These aelf appointeli. irll ri. pi.ts leaders feel whateTer a Negro pzocluces is inferi r to what the White people procluees, they expoun the U.eals that eve rythin, must 'be interracial er its taboo. ?t is uiaant these p oallea civil righters haTe beaD lo:mmunists oriente to the point that a Ne~n> ....._·= •le aust have his a:nns arum• H e white prcistitute, ana enter white 11nea "beTere.ge store to purohe. e a • ttle of wine er e servei at a white clu• r restaurant wher wbi~e pr stit\ltes 6D.& aope adai ts ai.Ilcle fr ely ith Ne,rees t e oonsiaerea. first las• oitizene «iTooatin nning ncm f ur ow s~ii e.n i'Til ri hter lte ownin&: :nothin an econOJIY, why ae use it :makes Co:mmunia look 'It d.. :fer Ne1ro to aeoeiae succes ful fact that eiNes have eqo ea in siness. '.l:he Commuuists want or pu~J.ieing t elieTe that ll N agrees N p r ani own troaa 11 the pualic t �; . · Cont'i Honorable ITan Allen Jr. Au~ust ll, 1966. OPEN LETTER TO NEGROES OF ATLANTA, GECRGIA. Pa,e 3 He:r1e in Buffe.lo, New York, CORE, has less than 20 Nee;ro members. MosJG all of the J18.le me:mliers are either :married to white girls or ae.te white i;irls. Now pick up on this a ciTil rights .,..ittHa~ie&-- or,aniza~ion that claims they are fie;htin, for Negroes rights and they don't think enou,h of those people they claim they are &i,htin, for to associate with. The Ne,;roes have a. Deautiful erown skin woman, also a beautif~l oooth fe.oe black womaia, and. a ligi t brawn woman and. a woman se light she could pass for white, and these so callecl phoney oiTil righters feel our lovely women arent go enough for them. Give a ciTil righter a. decesent job if he is --~~ ll!8.1Tied. to a Ne,ro woman he will iiToree her for a white girl and move into tl:E white neighborhood. The worst thin, that can happen to him then he thinks for the Yihite people to move away and another Ne,ro family moTes next d.oor. This is i91-orance. Mayor A11en, ciTil turmoil the Communist want it to increase to a point that rioting will occur and that local and State-aw- law enforcement will not be alrle to aaintain law and ON.er so thep the cry will be to brini in Feder~l troops aria ieclare Martial law. StlCh I 8.ll tbe editor of a J110nthly magazine named (WIRE MAGAZINE) I am also Presid.ent of the D. L. "ackson Foundation. ~r foundation doesn't have any money in it at this time however I do contributions will lte comming in Last month I filed for our tax exemption certificate with u. s. Internal Revenue ~ervice. Xhe purpose of my foundation is to have speakers as well as nyself to go into areas where racial agitation is takin, place -.e by inTitation onl) to ei.uce.te the -.sses of Negroes of the Communists conspiracy to use the Ne~ro to create unrest and violeaie including looting of stores and to weaken a given ooimnunity ••• at a given signal whereas this will occur in mac.y cities with hopes to create panic where!Jy if possible the communist ~ mi~h be abie to seize authority, since they cannot ,et thaselves elected.. soon. Mayor Allen, I hope your courage will stand. and th.a t you wi 11 continue to use you. r gooa judpient in dea ling with thes e agitators. I p r ay that the Feteral courts will n ot interfere with enforcement of local laws. An ec.ucation pro gram should. be instituted to show tha of law abiiin, citizens . ETery community DNst police are the f r i end s ani every oommuni ty shouli s upport thei r police department. S no:;::;..;z;,:• r onald L. a.ckso Ecii to r , . Au -f.b.or and. ~ i re Magazine ~r e siient of D. L. Jackson Foundation. Mgr of Buffalo Let Freed.om Ring Station. P. s. Our foun4ation will gre.nt eee•& schol rships a l a, • We have nuaber of mElllbers of Boe. rti f D1rect0rs that has not been appointed. as yet • ... nolosed are some copies of ~ WIRE MAGAZINE. 8


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