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S sp t. 7, 1966 De ar S ir: I am sure y ou a re as s ick and disgusted, as many of we Ame ric ans are, over the violence in your fine city this week . I t is shameful and frightening to r eal i z e what the le ade rs of the civil rie;hts movement are d o ing to our beautiful country, all unde r the g ui se of civil rights , whi ch has u lt imat e ly, proven nothing more than civil di obedienc e. It is time f or t he decent and l aw abid in g ci t izens of thi ~ country, to h ave some guts, and let it b e known and understood, that we are no longer g oine; to tol erate any more of thi~ n onsense; which tends to st ir emotion~ to the boiling ro int. I am appal led at the treatment to wards you; the Mayor; ,ius t a few , shor t yearP ago , this wou l d have c onstituted a major offense, a nd a ction woul d have b een t ake n, a ccording ly. I truly fear ~or th~ safety of our citizens , for thi s thing iR far fr om over, and if the Raby ' s, King ' s and Carmicheals h av e the ir way, they won 1 t be satisf i ed until they have destroyed our country. It i s time f or the pseudo-int e lle c tuals a nd the do - gooder s , to wake up to the fa ct, that they a re part of a ctivities, tha t are not aimed a t honorable g oals. It is v e r y important to remember, tha t thi s l and has more successful negr os than anywhere else on this earth. I keep he a ring volc es chan ting; "e quality ". What does this mean? I was a l way s of t he belief th a t G-od g ives us our lives , and what we do with it , is for us to de ci de. How does one judge equality , when each of us is an indivi du a l, with tndiv idual likes and dislikes, with individual abilities , and thank the Goo d Lord he made life in this manner. How bor i ng and unchalJen g ing if sameness were a way of li fe . A man hag to s t and on his merits , an~~ this God bless l and , he is allowed to go to any height, but it does ta~e sheer determination and goals. Man, no matter the col or of the skin , does not survive by having things handed to him; much to the contrary; those who do the most and get the mo~t out of lif'e; are those who work the hardef't. Government cRnnot "force" individuals to live together, thi h as to evolve; if it is meant to be; out of the intent of those involved. We are all aware of the fact, that mariy negros havA sho1,m them selv eR responf'ible and respectible, but it is the others, that are c~using many quegti~ns to be asked. The~e, are the ones, who to my way of thinking, are playing a. very dangerous " game", a game that may well p~ove disa~trous to both races, if' aJ lowed to continue. The news-media(all forms ) have an obliBation to print the truth about how many com~unists are d efinitely behind the civil rights movemen t. It has been proven again and again, and I fear , too many people, still are not well informed of this fact. If our nation is not restored to law and order , I, for one, shudder to think of what the immediate future has in store for us. God blessed this nation beyond any other nation in recorded history, and it appears , we have turned our backs on all we had going for us. If this be true, and we cont1nue to follow the present couree, He may well turn his wrath upon this nation ••• then it will be too late to turn back and rectify our mistakes. Everything our foref'athers did was in a Godly manner, and nearly everything we do, is directly in opposition, so is it any wonder we are finding more problems than we are eqqip p ed to handle ! �Surely, I am in no position to suggest how you shoul d run your cit y , but I c an onl y hope and pray that you and al l the l eaders of tlanta, will be tough, and not succumb to the co ercion and harassment that is all too familiar with the · so-ealled l eaders of civil ri ghts . They are diseased i n their t hin k ing , and t hey come into the communities a lien to them, and a re content to l eave on ly when , they have the seeds of d iscontent , wel l p l anted . I had hoped by now, that the President woul d have seen fit; f or t he g ood of the country ; to cal l a hal t to the marches, riots, sit - ins and al l ore a n iz ed attempts to d isrupt the natural events , in communities throughou t the U.S . A. It is more and mo re evident to those of us watching closely, what a man will allo,v, .for the sake of vote - ge tting. Our Pres. coul d stop what iR now be c c,Pling a way of' lifA, for the trouble makers, but su ch i s not the case, so it se e ms to me , and to many, many o thers , that locAl officials mu st take the initiative to ~rotect all the innocent citiz ens of their townR and citi es. We ca~not and mu st not allow any more civil d i sobedience, as omething the decent and l aw- abidin g people must Ji ve i n fea r about . Pl ease, p l ease do not l et the nuts put you into a posi tion of they d ic tating to y ou and the other city officials: what has taken p l a ce i n Chicag o, re g arding the fina l outcome from Gity Ha l l , h as made s o many of u s s ick a t hear t . I am married to a Rea ltor, so I fe e l it is unn e ce ssary to say how I feel about the lo s s of a v ery , precious freedom; that of Propert y Rights. God ble s Ev Dirksen, they n ever tire of tr ; ing to make a fool out of his convictions, but I c annot think of anothe r p olitician, who can come up to his waist! God i s t estin a this nation in s o many ways , th a t it tak es someone much shr ewder than I, to keep up with it. The Fo rces of Evi l attack only when they see weakening cracks that t hey are able to split wide open. I hope and pray , that this f ation of Sheep, wi ll wake up, before it is too l a te. Go od luc k and Uod bless you; I sincerely hope you h a ve se e n the last of chaos and confusion. /J11~Z/)7;; /kdd. Mrs Anne MacDonald Ll-467 Brae burn S. E. Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506 �