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SELBY V . LOVE, M. D . J@ilL&.XiU#§tt &AV'<t)O.mlC 511 Club Lane LOUISV ILLE, 40207 KE N TUC KY tfL&8 iM4-«' September 11, 1966 The Honorable Ivd.n. Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Atlanta, Ga. Sir: This ie to congratulate you most heartily for taking a firm stand against the infamous Westtfi~ian, Stokely Carmichael. The freedom that such as/are being al.lowed to wreck our nation is beyond comprehension. However, I am shocked that you favor "even a stronger open housing bill II than it is in its present form. This is unquestionably a measure that will eliminate freedom of choice for all, even you. This also, will NOT stop riots such as have just had. Neither integration, open housing, nor any of the things this movement ostensibly pursues is the real goal behind it all. You IIIllSt know that they are asking for the IMPOSSIBLE, and they are aJ.l intelligent enough to know this. The real goal is REVOLUTION. This should be clear for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Hundreds of thousands of people, white people, live in the same squalor that thousands of Negroes live in. But it has never entered their minds that riots and destra.ction of property was the way to obtain better living conditional After all, PEOPLE MA.XE THEIR OWN ENVIRONMENT. These living conditions did NOT come already equipped with filth, vermin and squalor. PEOPLE MAKE SLUM:;. You have made a courageous stand for which people across the nation will admire and applaud you. Please do not now fall into the "liberal" cliches, that after, they really DID have an excuse for their a.narceyl There is NO excuse for this conduct. I know you are a busy mn, but I beg of you to take time to read the enclosed. It will be of help to you. ~ r~ .L Mrs. Selby V. Love �