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•. Somo time ago at the requeot cf Mr.. Willia~ P.. Woffordp the Building Official of t he c·ty of Atla.~tal) you roview~d the draft of the DOC.A B~~lc Housi.."1.!I Codo ond submitted so.mo comments. Under separate cov r D at Mr. 'offord 0o requoot, we M.VG zent to you t hrco C0'7.pliraenta?'7J copies of this code as it w--as £1.n.nlly publ ohed., We are enclosing a copy of our ?ublication and Price List _or your information in the event you havo occt1sion to refer to this Gnd the DOCA. ~odes in the areas ~hich you Dervo. Wo vory muoh appraciato your t3k:ing the time to commant on the early dr.nrt of thin code ~d :r.ust apolo; iza £or not earlier communic~t1nc with you roearuing this~ In the vol1.1(7.e of wor' i nvolv d it u~o in~ozsible for ue to col'llmun1cdte our appracinti o~ to everyone. Pl e3se forgive this oversight. Your comrr..onts b--ere e~:..""Ofully J.-Ovim-rod by- he Cor.rrirl.t ·tea and you tW.Y find that eo:::c cf the~ ·"'Oro incorporo.U!d in tho code. Other~ may not have baon used oinco in the O\"arall concept or tho Codtlt t he cor~.J. ..tc~ rnA.., h~ve felt it u."ldcs1rablo to uee them at this ti.moo t-le ar.tici;,ate .modifications of the code as experionco indient co ucccsoory and thia may l ez.i to the adoption of so~:a of t,t-._ tninga previoual:, B1U3gcst.ed but not accepted by tl:>..3 Com.niittoa. Th BOCA Dasie Hou~in3 Code io prop:ired t o. ba ueed in conjunction with the., BOCA. D~aie Building Codeo Tocethar they pro·.ride oll tlw nccozaarf authoritie3 for the administration or r~gulnt1ons govornin~ both old and nm-r buildinge1e '!'hoya.ro based on the poli~7 th.at ~11 activiti~s deuin~ with t he buildinz in com.-nunity ahoul.d c ~::i under tho dir~ct super- vision ot tbs buildin~ o£fic1alo Housing authoritioa or a1milar local public D.£.'Onciee, pl&nnini bo rd and oth r �branches of loc al eovez:nment concer nod with buildings and their use should h ve the full c oop0ratlon of t he building depart.~ent in determining t he p ysical con ·tin of the buildings and in such ot,her matters as may be nee Swai".Y• Violation not,ices and correction orders rsgarciing buildings should bo issued by one aeency only t ' e building d~!)al"'trnen't-:-=altho ur;,. t he f .:.re prevent.ion official may properly issue notic~s nnd orders r gardine fizae haz~rds resulting from th.0 processos of ha11.dl-nr.; of fl ~"1m.?.bl0 ma· erials ovsr which h . has ju:d.~diction g and t ha ho~lt offieia may iasuo ord rs reg rding sanitation - 11':i!)roper use of s ani.tary f.:;'lcilities or unsa.l'litary practices ~ \;hich are under hi s jurisdi,f·iono We believe that these assumptions quite well take Cal'I of all necessary conditions and that they are s ound and practical. ~ •. Under thia arrangement ~ppeals from ed.~inistr ative orders are provided u ithin pro. 0r 11.mita.tions throc.~h pro"Jisions of the building code. Such ap erJ.s would apply equally to ordors issued in connection i;n.th · corrections under the Housing ·Code se to those issued under the Buil ding Code. I We . . ould .relcon:.e any further eont":!ents you may hav... in connection with this and the nsults of y~ur experience or the experience of communities with b"hich you may come in contact in its use. .,,-, . ' .. psb/ f Paul E. Baseler . Executive Director ,· 1 - �