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-AP Wi rephoto Youngster Joins The Chant "black power" call inflames group at Atlanta church Riot Indictment Nallles Carmichael ATLANTA (UPI) - A grand jury Tuesday indicted "black power" advocate Stokely Carmichael and 14 other Negroes on riot charges in connection with Atlanta's worst racial outburst in modem times. The indictments were returned by the Fulton county grand jury, which got the case several days ago. Mr. Carmichael is head or lanta Saturday night fanned the controversial Student the racial fires again. Nonviolent co - Ordinating Police Tuesday .charged a Committee. He was taken 42-year-old wl'lite man With into custody last Thursday, that slaying. two d a y s folloWing last The suspect was identiTuesday's riot. fied as William Haywood Mr. Carmichael had hired James. His wife was held a sound truck to cruise as a material witness. through a Negro section and James insisted he was ingive r esiden~s what authoroce �-AP Wirephoto Youngster Joins The Chant .. . "black power" call Inflames group at Atlanta church Riot lndictIUent Names Carmichael ATLANTA CUPn - A grand jury Tuesday indicted "black power" advocate Stokely Carmichael and 14 other Negroes on riot charges in connection with Atlanta's worst racial outburst in modem times. The indictments were returned by the Fulton County grand jury, which got the case several days ago. Mr. Carmichael is head of Ian ta Saturday night fann ed the controversial s tudent the racial fires again. Nonviolent Co - Ordinatin~ Police Tuesday .charged a Committee. He was taken 42-year-old white man With into custody last Thursday, that slaying. two d a y s followmg last The suspect was identiTuesday's rtot. fied as William Haywood Mr. Carmichael had hired James. His wife was held a sound truck to cruise as a material witness. James insisted he was innocent. �Riot -Indictment Na1Des Carlllichael ATLANTA (UPI) - A grand jury Tuesday indicted "black power" advocate Stokely Carmichael and 14 other Negroes o~ riot charges in connection with Atlanta's worst racial outburst in modem times. The indictments were returned by the Fulton County grand jury, which got the case several days ago. Mr. Carmichael is head of lanta Saturday night fanned the controversial Student the racial fires again. Nonviolent Co - Ordinating Police Tuesday .charged a committee. He was taken 42-year-old white man with into custody last Thursday, that slaying. two d a y s following last The suspect was identiTuesday's riot. fied as William Haywood Mr. Carmichael had hired James. His wife was held a sound truck to cruise as a material witness·. through a Negro section and James insisted he was ingive residents what au hor- nocent. ities said was a distorted report on an incident in which p o 1i c e shot and wounded a Negro car theft suspect. About 1000 Negroes poured into the streets, alltacked officers with rocks and bottles, tipped over a police cruiser and attacked white motorists. Mr. Carmichael has been held under $10,000 bond since his arrest, but his bond was lowered to $1000 Tuesday. He said he would remain behind bars as a "political prisoner." The riot charge is a misdemeanor under state law, punishable by one year in prison and a $1000 fine. Following the riot, Atlanta's racial troubles appeared to ease, but the fatal shooting of a Negro youth in another section of At- �