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~ ~ V ,g +> ro :: . +:> C'• U) U) I) 546 Vine Street Shreveport , La . Set 16, 1966 s +'


(I) (; +> I-;) 0 S.. 1. ayor Allen r-1 0 ,.. City Hall 0 ., CJ +> ..c: • , .. v l_anta, +:> H UJ ,--l S-, u V c;! !§ V s::: -M r-i Dear l a;yor _ llen: This is to congratvlate you and the cit izens of Geor gia upon the fine co- o ~ration bet ·een the rac es hic h has exis t~d in the ast due t understanding and c onsider a t ion of Ci vil Rights on the part of these citizens. ~ • 0 {I] cm V I> Z i;: N 0 0 -r-i H +' Gfl'orgia C I •n fl .g o,..:i M 1> It is reeeet ab e that artin Luther King and his rioters -~ -~ have not recognized this att itude; however, ~mat they e ~~ . are doing now is roving ' thout a doubt that i t is not .3 ~ ~ Ci v i l Ri~hts they want, but aqitation and hatred as a egro for their " POWER" 00 ~ 'd ~ means of gaining sunport from the ~ ~ ~~ idea. ~ t N •n3~ V ~ ..... ';;j~I believe t~is intent on the part of these Co 0 ~ unist in- CJ:-:: spired agit1.tors should be constantly exposed and pro- ~

f1i v nounced by white city offici :1,ls as ell as the thinking

i c, CJ!

an- peace-loving Negros. We have 1' egroes her e in Shrevrc
~ H v port who say i f they could t hey "would ' accidently '

Q ~ ~'@ their car run over fartin Luther King, and then back o.!f

~ ~ ~,fil and say ' excus e me ' and then start the car and run +> 0 ~+> him again and repeat the ' excuse me ' •• • etc. " This ~-';indicates that there are Negroes who believe in and ~ m ...,·G appreciate just ice, and many of th~m realize they .:g ~ro are much fart h•r ahead in An,, rica than they would g -~ g$ have been had t hey stayed in Africa. ov. letf" g--g J.. i: e--, I hope t' at alls eeches made will be man• with DIG rrY instead of loud voice and ounding on aesk, the quiet, strong and determined manner is far nore ive. It was an interesting contrast to see the e~r make his resoonse to your statement. q had . onlt his state ent that the white; mvstn~0 :~ason, no lo~1c, Very truly, / ~ , ( ~ ~ ~----------~----~ �