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1 - ----~\- -,--------~·-··-------~===========-=-=---, A~l_ anta Mayor Says SNCC Provoked Riot By Jack Nelson Los Angeles Times ATLANTA, Sep,t. 7 - Mayor riot that injured 15 persons Ivan AUen Jr. today accused here Tuesday rught. members of t~e ~tudent No~- The Mayor , who pel"sonally violent Coordmattng Commit- . . . . tee of deliberately provoking a directed police m restormg order aTter a mob of Negroes b==-===·=======,: attacked them with rocks and bottles, said, "Hundreds of norma.Uy good citizens were inflamed out of thek normal good senses. They were victims of those who sought to incite violence." . Meanwhile, two SNCC members who harangued the Negro throng from a "Black Power" sound truck before the disturbainces weve charged with inciting to riot and held in lieu of $5000 bonds. They were identified as William Ware, head! of the local SNCC chapter, and Bobby Vance Walton, 20. They were among 73 persons arrested during Tuesday's disorders. The fil"St of those arrested were sentenced to terms of is to 27 days in the City Stockade today. Police Chief Herbert Jenkins also blamed the SNCC for the riot. He said the organization "is now the nonstudent violent committee - and we must and will deal with it accordingly." He said that the group had fallen into the hands of "irresponsible . . . leaders." [Stokely Carmichael, chairman of S CC, today denied that his organization began Tuesday's riot, United Press International reported. ["The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee cannot start a rebellion just like that," Carmichael said in a See ATLANTA, A4, Col. 1 �A4 T hur5day, Se pt. 8, 1966 , , • Rl . THE WASHING TON POST ATLANTA-Fron, Page Al SNCC Is Accused Of Provoking Riot t aped inter ~iew with radio j having a national meeting station WAOK. here befo re Tuesday's out["It is started by conditions break. of oppression," he said.] A city police source said Mayor Allen, pledging that SNCC members from New the d oters and their instiga- York, Philadelphia and the t ors will faee criminal charges, Watts community in Los Ansingled out Carmichael for geles were believed to be at criticism and said if he causes the meeting and in the vicinfur ther trouble he "will b,e ity of Tuesday's riot. met wherever ~ ~ comes under Th Atlanta summit leadwhatever conditions he seeks e to impose." ership conference, made up Police continued to patrol I of leaders of the city's top the r iot area just south of the 1civil rig hts organizations, isnew Atlanta Stad ium today. 1 sued a statement declaring Duri ng the afternoon they , that while Atlanta is not perarrested 10 more egroes in fe et " It is too good t o be putting down another brief destroyed by simpleminded distur bance .attributed to two bigots." SNCC m e mbers. To night. I The conference declared cgi;o police and moderate that t he wounding of a Negro Negro leaders r ushed into au O theft suspect b,v. a white Vine City, one of the city's Ipoliceman was "unfortunate, e- 1 but not sufficient grounds for wors t slums, when 400 groes c r o wded in~o !he 1 anyone or any organization to streets. Some were fighting I go in to a co mmunity and ineach other. About 10 police- cite the people." men restored order. The shooting of the suspect, SNCC's Increasin g involve- Robert Prather, triggered the ment in violence and _its bel- SNCC-inspired demonstrations ligerence toward poh ~e. _au- l:lgainst "police brutality." thority have drawn cnt1c1sm The summit conference, from civil rights leaders, but which discussed but decided most of them still refrain against naming SNCC in its from direct attacks or un- statement noted that Prather equivocal breaks with t he or- was shot by "an officer in the ganizati~n. . . . pursuit of his du ty." The six-year-old civil rights Prather shot in t he hip an_d organizat!~n has pursue~ a side, was' reported in sati smore . m1htant course sm~e factory condition at Grady Carmichael was elected chair- Memorial Hospital today. Beman last May to r eplace John fore Tue s da y's outbreaks, Lewis. Carmichael recently SNCC members told Negro h :s made statements about demonstrators Prather h a d "tearing ,up the country," been "murdered while hand" bl.lr ning down courtho uses," cuffed." Actually he was shot and fighting violence with while fleeing police. violence. Top leaders of SNCC, which has purged most of its wh ite members and lost most of its white supporters si nce emb ar king on belligerent pol1c r b-y " la~ OW· er slogans, repor tedly wer e I I 0 r �