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2115 Sherman Ave Evanston Ill 60201 12 Sept 66 Dear Mr Allen You won't remsmber me but about eight years ago I was a guest in your office for a day. For ten years I had been advertis- ing manager of Herders and my superiots thought it would be educational for me to see how you handled your advertising, and it was. Sometime after that Cort Horr showed me some data about your then plan to try for the governorship and I fuink I recall your statement that as of then you were quite dim about integration. These things come back to me as I read about your racial prob- lems and I mnk it in order to write to commend you on the statesmanlike attitiude you have taken in handling them. courage is also noteworthy. Your personal The state of Georgia has much to do to catch up with the procession but the mayor of Atlanta has shown outstanding leadership. Mayor Ivan Allen Jr Atlanta Georgia �