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LEONARD J. KERPEl.MAl'\l ATTORNEY A, LAW CHAMBERS A T 500 EQUITABLE BUILDING CALVERT AND FAYETTE STS. BALTIMORE 2 , MARYLAND TELEPHONE SA 7-8700 RESIDENCE NO 9 - 2112 September 13, 1966 CABLE: BOLTLEX REGI S T E RED PATENT ATTORN EY Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor City Hal l Atlant a, Ge orgia Dear Mayor All en, As a Democratic candidate for Mayor of Baltimore City in next year ' s primary elec tion, please allow me to congratulate you , and express my broad admiration, for the great social p ro gress whi ch has been made under your leadership by Atlanta whites and Negroes; and for your excellent handling of the exp losive situation brought upon you from outside by those like Stokel y Carmi chael who are too ful l of hostility and too empty of patience, and who, unlike any trul y forward-look ing citizen, have no stake in the future of your progressive communit y . In short , those who , in the memorable phrase of the elder Rev. Martin Luther King , were referred to by him when he said 11 Seems like nobody here wants to understand anybody". I hope tha t before many months have passed, th e Negro community of Atlanta, as well as Negro community of Baltimore and of Jl..merica will realize that racial progress for Ne groes and the protection of the liberti es of both whi te·s an Ne groes requires a studious increase in the measure of civic responsibility which is exercised not only b y whites, but by Ne groes. As it was said in Lu¥'.e Chapt er 12, 11 Unt o whomsoever much has been e;iven, of him will much be required 11 • �If you 1 11 pardon a present l y unpopular pronouncement , muc h has been given to whites and much has been g iv en to Ne~roes . Very sincerely yours , Leonard J e K erpe lman LJK : ah Enclosure cc: Local ( Baltimore ) press �