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FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA~ IN GEORGIA Mrs . Jeanne 1. G~e g Route 2 Timber Ridge Road Marietta, Geor -ia r . Charle Decatur, Georgia 4r. and Mrs , Louis R. Fruecht, Jr. 3510 Indian Lane Doraville, Geor ia FAVORA LE - OUTSIDE GEORGIA trs . W. H . Br ach 103 orth Street lselin, New J ersey r . Roy L . organ 08830 ( Roy ) 3900 Watson Pl ., N. w. Apartment 2A Tower B ashin _ton, D. C. Mrs . 1aude Cool ey Barnes 437 we~t Sixth Street San Bernardino, California 92401 Orvi lle w. Johnston~ Chaplin The We 1 Foundation The Methodist Church at the Colle e Campu" Alfred, tew York 14802 Mr. Richard K. De enberdt ( Dick } !secutiv Vic Pr sid nt A hev lle Chanber of Comt::1erce, Inc . P. o. Box 1011 Asheville , North Carolina Mr. Lo S. B ley 1668 Juanita Avenue San Joe, C 11 ornia P. . 2898 Lynda Place 28802 a l ker �